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The Incubus System Chapter 228. A Demon with Two Identities

"Camila..." I said in a gentle voice, very different from my previous voice. My gaze shifted from Camila, Olivia and Pearl who were looking at me with the same gaze. My guilt and fear gripped my heart. Even though my fear wasn't as bad as when Celia discovered my identity. That didn't mean I wasn't afraid of losing them. Each one of them had a special place in my heart and had already taken a role in my life, all of them were important to me. Moreover, I had to explain to three of my partners at once now and I didn't know if it would be as smooth as before or not. Still... I knew I had to do it, I didn't want to lie to them anymore and sooner or later I had to tell them.

Secretly, I took a deep breath and exhaled to calm myself down before moving my feet towards them. One of my hands pressed against the wound on my shoulder to prevent my blood from coming out of it. At the same time, I checked my remaining DP.
[DP: 66/500]

Just what I predicted, I didn't have much DP left, but it was still enough for me to heal myself without triggering my Incubus Rage. As I stepped, I used my Dark Healing.

I lowered my hand that was covering my wound as my dark aura accompanied by hissing sound healed it. Meanwhile, they gasped in shock and I could see the fear on their faces as the wound on my shoulder suddenly disappeared without a trace. Even Olivia didn't hesitate to point her white lance at me with a shaking hand.

My steps stopped. Even though I knew I could dodge her white lance easily, somehow seeing someone who had been crying in my arms raised her weapon at me, made me sad.

Immediately, Emma grabbed Olivia's hand and tried to lower it, but Olivia still pointed her lance at me.
"He's not our enemy. He has protected us," said Emma, trying to remind her.

Unfortunately, her fear made Olivia unable to accept Emma's words.
"But he's a demon! What if he also wants to hurt us?!" said Olivia. Her eyes remained fixed on me. Her fear was evident in her tone of voice. Emma's hand tried to lower Olivia's again but Olivia kept raising her hand and pointed her lance at me. I was speechless. But they had just gone through a horrific incident that they would never forget for the rest of their lives, so I could understand their fear and worry.

Still, I was determined to tell them everything. I clenched my hands and moved my feet again. My horns, wings and tail disappeared as I deactivated my Demonic Form. This way I hoped their fear would lessen. Unfortunately no, Olivia didn't lower her lance.

"Olivia, please stop it," pleaded Emma. Her hand tried to lower Olivia's hand once again, but Olivia didn't budge. I could see the sadness in her eyes. Of course... Who wouldn't be sad to see her best friend try to kill her lover? Moreover, she knew that Olivia also loved me, it was just... Olivia didn't recognize me since I was Damian now.

Olivia answered Emma's plea with other things.
"Demon Shield," muttered Olivia. The blue transparent wall surrounded her like a dome. I glanced at her MP and realized there wasn't much left but she used that skill because she was so scared of me.

Still, that barrier couldn't stop me. I was able to cross it easily and it scared her even more.

In frustration and sadness, Emma yelled again.
"He is your lover, Olivia! He is---" Her words stopped and were replaced by panting breaths since she almost told Olivia about my other identity.

I stopped an inch before the tip of Olivia's lance touched me. My eyes fell on Olivia.
"It's okay, Emma... She has to know everything."

"Know about what?" said Olivia in a trembling voice. Her fear was very clear from the tone of her voice and her hand that was holding her lance was shaking even more.

I deactivated my Incubus form. As my form returned to my human form, Olivia's eyes widened in shock. So did Pearl and Camila.
"That Damian Lucio and Ethan Strongheart are the same person," I admitted in a grim tone. My eyes trembled in emotions and my mixed feelings. It was not easy for me to admit this since this was the same as admitting that mother and daughter had fallen in love with the same person. No, this was even worse, this was the same as admitting that they had sex with the same demon. Likewise with Pearl, since she already knew my relationship with Diamond.

- Clang!

A clashing sound answered my words as Olivia's white lance fell from her hand. Her expression was enough to tell me how shocked she was. Unconsciously, her feet stepped backwards and her body almost fell, showing how much this truth hit her.

"Olivia." Reflexively, I caught her hand and pulled her to prevent her from falling. Despite her previous fierce attitude, I could feel her limp body when I grabbed her hand. Her body fell into my arms even though I didn't pull her that hard.

After that, not a single word came out of their mouths nor a movement from Olivia. She didn't release my grip or struggle to get away from me and only cancelled her Demon Shield since she had realized that barrier was useless against me. Neither did Emma and I. We didn't move or make a sound since we didn't know what to do, as if the room froze and time stopped there. I wanted to explain everything, but I didn't know if they would accept my explanation or not. My relationship with Olivia and Camila was more complicated than my relationship with my other partners. As for Pearl... She and Diamond were twins and their relationship was very close. If Pearl couldn't accept my identity, I would not only lose her but also lose Diamond.

"Ethan... Is this really you?" Olivia's voice broke our silence.

"Yes..." I said in a soft voice.

"So you are a demon who lives among humans?" she said again. Her disappointment and sadness were evident in her tone of voice. Her head was bent down, avoiding my gaze.

"Yes... But I was a human before," I said.

She slowly turned her head to face me, revealing her eyes that were red from holding back her tears.
"You were a human?" she repeated my words in disbelief.

"Please let me explain everything. About me, about my dual identity---" I shifted my gaze to Camila and Pearl who could only be silent in shock.
"---and about this tangled relationship." Then I returned my gaze to Olivia.
"Could you give me a chance to explain it?"

She was silent again, I could only hear her panting breath. After a while, she released her hand from me.
"Tell me," she said.

I was just about to open my mouth, but Pearl stopped me.
"Wait!" Her voice turned my gaze to her. Pearl stood up with difficulty, her hand holding on to the wall behind her to help her get back on her feet, proving what I said also hit her hard. Unlike before, she looked at me with determination, though her fear was clear from her gaze.
"Since you want to tell us everything. Do you mind if I use my tentacles to make sure you tell the truth?"

"I don't mind," I replied. I could understand her request since with what they had just been through, of course, she was sceptical of anything that related to the demon.

After my answer, she approached me. While Olivia backed away to make a way for her. Pearl stopped not far from me and her legs turned into tentacles. Those tentacles started to approach me, but in contrast to her usual tentacles' movement, this time her tentacles moved slower and filled with clear doubts. As her tentacles started to stick onto my skin and slowly slithered like a bunch of snakes crawling on my body, I opened my arms slightly, giving her more access to touch my body. My eyes fixed at her. I knew she was afraid of me. Strangely, although she was so hesitant to touch me, she forced herself to do it.
"Pearl... If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it since the first time we met," I said.

"I know..." said Pearl with her eyes quivering in fear, yet her tentacles kept creeping up my body and covering it, especially my wrists, my neck and my chest.
"Your heart beat and your blood flow have told me that you have never meant anything bad to me or anyone. And I know my tentacles are never wrong. Therefore... Please tell us everything," she added. Her voice sounded like a plea.

"I will."



Oh the dreaded conversation is happening but with 3 at once instead of 1 on 1. How will the lady’s take it? Having Pearl there will help to verify that he isn’t lying. However I suspect that one or more of the girls will need space to mull things over.


I like that he is having this well need heart to heart talk right now but is it really alright to have it there with other witnesses and what if the opening of the demon gate attracted demon hunters or police due to the guards fighting upstairs


Good chapter!! Time to come out with it at least for 3 of them.. still more to go and Diamond should be next if this goes well so since Pearl already knows.


The moment of truth