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Chapter 67. Sex Duel

Sarael and Andrew's eyes were still fixed on each other but their hands were moving to the lower part of Kitty and Tania.

"Ahhh... !" Tania gasped when Sarael rubbed her entrance for a few seconds with his thumb before plunged his fingers in it, tickled her inside, and felt her warm inner walls.

Meanwhile, Andrew's tentacles moved and plugged into Kitty's heat without warning. "Nyaaa!" Kitty screamed in surprise, but Andrew paid no heed with her scream, instead, his tentacles crept deeper and moved even wilder, stimulating the deepest part of her warm walls, tickling her sweet spot, making her lose control of herself.

Sarael's hand squeezed Tania's breast, felt her soft bosom in his hand, his fingers twisted her tip and played with it.
"Ahh ... Hahh ... Sarael --- stop it ..." Tania begged. But even with her words, she enjoyed his touch and she wanted it more. This was the first time Sarael had behaved like this, but somehow she liked it. Her desire to mate controlled her mind, her heart pounding and her body felt hot.

While Andrew's tentacles slithered to tie between Kitty's breasts and squeeze them. Some of his tentacles slithered to her peaks, pinched and twisted it out of excitement.
"Ahhh ... Octo --- pus... Nnngh ..." Kitty yelped. Even though Kitty was used to Andrew's tentacle play, this time, his tentacle movements were wilder than usual. Although she did not want to do it in front of people she just met like Sarael and Tania, but her body could not withstand all the stimulations that Andrew gave her.

"Hahh ... hah ... ahh ..." The sound of their heavy breathing filled the room, their heat was already dripping with their liquid expecting something bigger to bring them up for higher pleasure.

Andrew and Sarael's eyes remained fixed on each other. Their bodies are hot and their sticks are fully awake. They have reached their patience limit.

Unable to contain himself anymore, Andrew pushed his way through Kitty's inner walls along with his tentacles. Her leg was perched upon his iliac bone, giving him more access.
"Anghhh ..." he moaned deeply as he inserted all of him inside all at once, his tentacles sucking force getting stronger. He had endured long enough, he lost control of himself. He began to move back and forth harshly, her body swayed at his gesture. Her twin peaks shook up and down, Andrew took his eyes off Sarael and swallowed Kitty's breast.
"Ohhh --- ahhh ... hahhh ... ahhh ... Andrew ... Andrew ....!" Kitty moaned as pain mixed with pleasure spread throughout her body.

Not wanting to lose, Sarael also pushed his stick into Tania's wet heat.
"Haaa ...!" A moan came out of Sarael's mouth when he felt her warm, soft inner wall. His waist moves back and forth impatiently, grinding her. While Tania surrendered herself to him, enjoying all his movements.
"Oh ... Oh ... ah ... Sarael ... ahhh .... ahhh ..." Tania continued to call his name repeatedly as her mind sank into pleasure.

The prickly sensation of scratching their inner walls. Their loud moan was heard throughout the room.

After a while, Andrew and Sarael's stick throbbing a lot and ready to fire their load.

Suddenly, Lilieth and Arcania entered the room. Their steps stopped as they looked at the scene.
"What happened?" Lilieth asked in confusion. She did ask them to gather in the living room, while she and Arcania took a quick stroll to check the traps around the mansion but she didn't know why they suddenly could do this here. 

Sarael pointed at Lilieth with his index finger without taking his eyes off Tania.
"Shut up - Hah-hah - don't disturb my morning exercise - hah - ... I'm almost done - ah ... Hah ..." His waist movements were getting rougher and rougher.

Lilieth sighed at them.
'I was the only succubus here, but they did something crazier than me.'
"Alright, we'll talk after you're done," she said calmly as she moved towards a smaller sofa nonchalantly since the two long sofas there were already occupied by them. She turned to Arcania.
"Ask the servant to bring my tea."

"Okay." Then Arcania carried out her orders.

Their shameless moan filled the room.
"Ohhh ... Ohhh... I can't ---- hold anymore! Aghhhh!" Andrew shouted as his semen was shot inside Kitty, mixed with her warm liquid. Their bodies jerked in pleasure.

Likewise, with Sarael, his stick twitching a lot and before long his unmistakable hot liquid shot inside Tania.
"Ahhh --- Aghhhh!" His head rose high in the air. It was until the last drop of it was released before he removed his stick.

They retreated as they watched their women lying weakly on the sofa. A satisfied smile adorned their faces. Their fresh semen was dripping from their women's heat.

Andrew pulled Kitty's body into his arms gently.
"Am I too rough?"

Kitty shook her head slowly as she caught her breath.
"Kitty likes it, nya."

Andrew's hands, which had been turned back into human hands, embraced Kitty tightly. A soft kiss landed on Kitty's forehead.

"Sarael, you're too rough!" complained Tania.

"Didn't I do it as usual?" Sarael tried to defend himself.

Tania only replied with an annoyed face.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in a soft voice. He did not want anyone to hear it except Tania.

Tania's hand hugged him as her smile grew after seeing Sarael's apologetic face.
"But I like it," she whispered.

Sarael's face brightened.

"Can anyone explain what happened?" Lilieth asked. Her eyes shifted alternately between Andrew and Sarael.

"He said my relationship with Kitty was nothing compared to his so we did this to find out who was better," Andrew replied.

Lilieth frowned in confusion.
"How could you possibly measure your relationship from doing something like this?"

Sarael cleared his throat.
"I told you I only did my morning exercise."

Andrew turned his gaze to Sarael in annoyance.
"Aren't you the one who challenged me in the first place?"

"I'm just sleepy, so I need some morning exercise to wake me up. Is there a problem?" Sarael denied.

Lilieth sighed again.
'Looks like I understand what's happening.'
"Alright, I won't ask about this anymore. Now, put your clothes on, I want to talk about something important to you."



*Disappointed face* She lets the matter go like that ? *sigh*


What do you want? Make Lilieth 'torture' them? Eh should I rename it into sex duel? That's looks... 🤣


lol, the name. she could, or help the girl reverse the role for one as a "surprise" for later XD


Hmm... That's a good idea. I should make that chap later. Gyahahaha *Ehem* I wrote too much sex scene already the ritual - 4 vs 1-Sex Duel so....


your mind is too lewd


Oh please, how could you call me lewd when you are the one who giving me the idea


You are the one fleshing out the scene on paper, well not paper but you got the idea. So yeah, I'm calling you lewd XP


Pfft! But you are the one who give me the idea. So it's just like you invested in my brain then make me to write it.


I'd rather no invade your brain, it is too strange there


it broke quite a few times already. Maybe you have several instead of one


lol. are you a vampire or just insensitive ?


In this case, insensitive is the highest possibility. Too many male friends make me placed myself as one of them. *sigh* But doing too much girly things ain't my taste either.


That suddenly turn very serious. But i don't get the link between plaving yourself as a man and being insensitive. Boys can feel things too you know.


Hmm I think we have different term insensitive definitions here. What I mean is girls usually reacting seriously even for trivial matters when boys usually don't take it into that extent. Example: One of my friends (male) had a problem with a girl just because he said "Hey, where did you buy that item? You should have bought it there, because it was on sale." He just want to give an information for her. The girl suddenly sulked and said my friend was mocking her to buy on sale item and said how could he so insensitive to a girl? I don't get it, my friend also don't get it why she mad. But others girls said the same, my friend is too insensitive by said that. When the others boys said my friend didn't do anything wrong. I'm the only girl who think there's nothing wrong with that instantly classified into an Insensitive girl.


Well yeah, usually girls tend to react more strongly to trivial stuff than men but as long as you are happy with who you are, others opinion on it should't matter.


Good to know.