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From my three stories, what made you decide to be my patreon?



Honestly I didn't start DM so I can't judge if it is good or not XD


Webnovel offer me a contract for Dark Moon. If I sign it, I won't be able to post it on patreon anymore. I can leave the beginning of my chapter on other platforms but the rest will be become unlocked chapter in webnovel. So I kinda want to know I need to take it or not.


Be careful with the contract of Webnovel, from what I heard, they are not that advantageous. I think there is a threat on SH forum about that


Yes I know that. They will take my copyright( I can't post anywhere besides their site and if my novel good enough for make it to another form they will take 50 : 50 share profit. I need to post a chapter every day for first 4 months in 1,5k words. That's why I'm in doubt to take it. But this is not the first time. Before it a China editor PM me in SH and offer me a contract also for Dark Moon. I just neglect it since I thought its a spam. I still don't understand why Chinese people focusing on my Dark Moon while I get so many rant in that novel from westerner?


who knows. to much sex in the others maybe


Er... They didn't make a contract with smut novel tho. So DLS and Incubus System is safe 😂


that was my point but at least your fantasies are safe from monetization XD


Oh ya. I will open my discord next week.

I like books

Am i the only one who joined because of DM o.O


Wow, you seriously joined because of DM? I'm quite shocked here. Ahhh--- I'm so happy my first mc has a fan even though he's cold as ice ☺️. I will reject their contract then.


Nice for the discord. DW, I won't bully you too much ^^


Why so ?


I'm not that kind of guy


Pfftt! I know you're not a king of guy 😂


why the flying fuck do I mistype this word every time ?


Oh please, mind your words. I'm a lady. *Sipping lavender tea*


*press X for doubt*