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Hello chilly Patrons!

If you saw our recent video casting a short called Far Harvest and were wondering 'why didn't we know about this first??', the answer is.. we didn't know either! December was looking pretty wide open with just the Snowy Graves music video, so we wanted to see if we could get something cozy done in just a couple of weeks! We do have a peace offering for the lack of warning, though, so do read on~

- Far Harvest: is a one-off short about a scarecrow, Scare, and a crow, Crow, who try and sometimes fail to co-exist. It's going to be very vibey, but hopefully have some character punch to it. You can see some of our slapdash design efforts in the attached concept art!

- Snowy Graves: is planned to be released on or before Christmas! It's a lovely, solemn thing to embrace the beauty in the season's cold.

- Merch news: The plushy demand is back with a vengeance! We're completely humbled and also very blind-sided! We replaced the order form with an interest form, and interest is HIGH. Like, too high for our old process of manually emailing invoices without it becoming our full-time jobs. So right now the plan is to sell them at the same price, but through Kickstarter. There will be optional tiers to get additional treats with a plush, but the base cost will still be $35 + shipping to get a guardian angel flying to your door! If you want to be added to the interest list and be emailed when this becomes available in January, you can fill out this form if you haven't already: https://forms.gle/s1fidyWW2scuuafR8

IF YOU ALREADY ordered from the first two batches, they are still in the process of being produced (it takes a while for a factory to put together 200 Gabbies!) and shipped to us. We'll let EVERYONE who ordered one know as soon as we've got them, and you'll get a tracking number as soon as they're turned around and flying to their new homes on little golden wings. 

Speaking of the Kickstarter, though...

- Zag plushie??: We've started the prototype process to add Zag's Angel Hare form to the plushy line-up! The concept art can be seen attached to this post, and ordering a batch of him will be one of the kickstarter's first stretch goals.

- Whiskered: We have been INUNDATED with support this last month to the point where the plushy kickstarter has a decent chance at funding the Whiskered movie without having to give it its own crowdfunding. This is insane to think about - that we could make the money to give our actors real rates, to get professional post-processing, and to just really make something as polished as possible. Having Angel Hare help fund something so big is magical, and the love all of you have given the show is literally creating new possibilities for us. The Whiskered script is going to get worked on over this month and January, during animation of the two December shorts, and the pre-production of: 

- R.O.T.: Our audience-vote-based mini-series is shaping up, but we're going to need a test run! It's about the audience deciding the fate of criminals aboard a space-station that the audience lives on. Expect a discord-only truncated version of a R.O.T. arc to be presented in the near future! We'll need help testing if 1) the premise is introduced effectively, 2) voting is set up in a functional way, and 3) no other unexpected hitches come up.

That's about it! We're so looking forward to charging forward into all our future plans with our new support and resources. It's been an incredibly blessed experience and we're so thrilled to be able to share it with all of you! 

Till next time!




This is all incredible and very exciting news.


I'm so excited for the Zag plush! I missed out on Gabby so I'll pick up both of them at once! c: "Frequently bought together, do not separate" as the meme goes!