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Hello, space-dwelling patrons!

We've been hard at work receiving Kickstarter items and running logistics, but thank goodness we've had some time to animate again as well. Let's tell you all about it!

- ROT: Please enjoy the above preview of our in-progress 3D environment! We're very excited to collaborate with an artist and friend on this, and think it really helps set this series' mood. It's definitely not Angel Hare but we anticipate it'll be a lot of fun! The first two episodes are ready to animate, with all the rigs set up and voice lines collected.

- General Timelines: We're really hoping to kick off ROT at the end of the month (it's coming up fast, oh dear) and have the Whiskered music video storyboarded if not completed by the end of the summer. Between those we'll be working on FRRP and the Kind World game alongside traveling to some possible events in Salt Lake City and upstate South Carolina for some in-person shenanigans!

- The Kickstarter Vlog: As soon as we're done with an upcoming last step we'd really like to edit together a vlog of our manic 20 days following the Kickstarter just for y'all's eyes only! We hope it'll be ready soon, but please look forward to that token of appreciation for your support.

With that, we'll get back to work! Thanks for everything y'all make possible - this year has truly been unreal with the new possibilities and collaborations opened up to us.

Until next time!



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