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For a while me and JoB have mostly been using GoddessTina's Destroy! crowd models for crowd shots. Destroy! is extremely useful, but the crowds have one big downside... They look like shit up close, and pretty bad even from medium distance. You can AI upscale them, but that's a pain, and doesn't always work well. Also, it's inefficient with big crowds, and takes a long time to render.

Unfortunately, though, there really isn't much out there when it comes to DAZ-ready low poly people props. And so I stuck with them... until now.

I got tired of Destroy!, so I made my own. Not from scratch, but from some posable Blender people. I couldn't get the posed models to import to DAZ, so what I have are basically a bunch of statues I can move around in DAZ. Still, that's good enough for most crowd shots, and I think I'll start using these more. So far I have 6 people, but for the low, low price of $120 I can buy 12 more, rounding it out enough that I can have decent-sized crowds. What do you think, is it worth it? $120 might sound like a lot but it's really nothing, if these become something that me and JoB use one a regular basis.




I can't say for the economic side of this. I'm always in favor of any improvement in the art. Go for it.


Left is really really good🔥