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First of all, I'm going to be releasing Titania Part 12 next month, that part is already decided! I'll post previews of that soon enough.

For the other comic... No, it won't be Kaylee 23. I want to take a break before finishing the final chapter(s). So here's what is on the table, in order of what I'm feeling like doing the most...

Bianca Part 7. It's been a couple of years since the last chapter, and I want to finish it with a bang! It might take more than one chapter to complete, I don't want to rush it, but I'm planning on the next chapter being the last one. Final chapter is going to have a whole lot of rapidly escalating growth!

Grudge Match Part 4. This one is going to wrap up the grudge match storyline, and either wrap up the Squash Match storyline too, or leave that for a future chapter.

Big Booty Bully 3. The next chapter will wrap up the story, and be planned as the final chapter, although it will leave things open for more chapters possibly happening. 

What do you think? Does Bianca sound good? Let me know in the comments!



Sounds good


I vote Bianca, excited to see what happens with the smaller gts; was a good cliffhanger.


Do what's best for the business, which includes finance, not burning out, and doing something you enjoy. Really been loving the audio (no one else really does that) Kaylee series is S plus tier. I joined just for that comic and im staying to support it :). Been a fan since sugar pills, thank you for everything you do!

Mr. Me

I'd like to see Grudge Match, but it will be bittersweet to see Anna's story end.

Ren Andronico

I'd prefer Grudge Match 4 or Big Booty Bully 3.


Where is Titania and Size-punk story? It's been a while didn't see the new story come out


I'm not sure if Bianca needs to go to get to planet size, if that's what you mean by rapidly escalating growth. But I'm still looking forward to more. My ideal ending for Bianca would be dominating the planet with her Lust/Horny-ness aura instead of pure size as a way to differentiate her from Kaylee/Vixen/Sheryl.


Bianca sounds great! so does BBB

Dr. Whoopass

Bianca 7!!!!!! I cant believe im saying this but grudge match doesnt interest me any more 😭


Bianca of course. Has it already been a few years. You're aging me doggy.