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You can read Part 1 here: https://www.deviantart.com/redfired0g/art/Life-at-ten-feet-tall-and-counting-938054682

It's been a few months since my last update, I thought that I'd clue people in on how things were going. I'm amazed by how much attention my post has gotten, and I'm thankful for all the positive and supportive comments that I've gotten. The short answer is... I'm doing pretty good, thankfully! I'm still working at the warehouse, and me and Jake are still happily dating. Jake has continued to be super supportive through all of this. As for everything else... I'll get to that!

First, the question everyone keeps asking: have I grown even bigger? So the good news is, my growth has slowed down... slightly. The bad news is, I'm still growing. I don't know when, or if, I'll ever stop! As big as I am, it's hard to even measure myself... but I think I've grown at least a foot since my last post. Maybe closer to two feet, it's hard to say. Let me just put it this way: I grew enough that most of the clothes I was wearing a few months ago don't fit me anymore. And the ones that do still technically fit... well, they show a lot more skin than I prefer to do. People think I'm a skank, but that's just how clothes fit when you're this big!

I'm not just theorizing about that, by the way. I've heard people at the warehouse talk about me behind my back. You'd think that they could at least try to shut their mouths when I'm around... it's not like I'm exactly sneaky at this size! It's the girls there who say the really mean, catty stuff, but they're probably just jealous of me. It's the guys that get under my skin. I've heard a couple of them being creepy, and joking about weird sex stuff, and not always behind my back. One of them actually said "step on me mommy!" to my face. I mean, he was joking, but... I got the feeling that he actually would have liked that. Gross.

The warehouse job has been getting a little harder. As big as I am, it's getting harder to move around. I have to turn sideways to fit my big butt down some the aisles. Not only that, but all that lifting has been giving me some back pain.

It's probably time to address the elephant in the room (and hey, don't make any jokes about me being the elephant!) I've had back pain on and off for years, long before I grew, and long before I started working in the warehouse. I think it should be pretty obvious what the culprit is... or should I say, what the culprits are. That's right, my big ol' boobs. They got a lot bigger after I grew, but they've been big for a long, long time, and I started having back problems right after they got big. At first the growth actually helped with the back pain, which I'm guessing is because it strengthened my back muscles. Now, though, it's all catching up to me. It's a lot of weight to be hauling on the front of your chest all the time. Together, they probably weigh more than my Jake does!

It's frustrating, because I do everything right! I take stretching breaks, and I bend with my knees, not my back... but that's not enough to make the pain go away. So there's one solution, that I know will make a lot of guys very upset... But I'm seriously considering a breast reduction. The thing that makes me hesitate is Jake. Don't get me wrong, he's been very supportive of me. He told me that my happiness is the most important thing, and he doesn't want to see me in pain, and he'd love me no matter what I do. I know that he means it all, too. But on the other hand... I know how much he loves my boobs, and I know that he'd miss them if they were gone. I know he'd still love me no matter what... But I don't know if I could live with myself if I deprived Jake of his favorite funbags!

There's another potential way I could save my back: quitting my job at the warehouse. I'm crossing my fingers that Jake gets the big promotion he's hoping for, but he just doesn't make enough to support both of us on his current salary. He makes good money, but I'm not exactly a cheap date. I eat more food than most families of four! Not to mention all the money I've spent on massages with my back problems. There's only one massage place in town with a bed that's big enough to fit me, and it takes the masseus hours to massage my whole back!

I've been trying to figure out something else I can do for work, but it's a bit tricky. I can't exactly just go out and get a typical office job. I'm too small to fit in a cubicle, and my big meaty fingers are way too big for any keyboard! (Jake is being super sweet typing this all out for me, by the way.) I said before that I didn't want to go on TV shows or start an Only Fans, and I really don't want to beg on Go Fund Me if I can avoid it... but I don't know if it's worth getting a breast reduction just so I can keep working at the warehouse.

It's not like I exactly love working there, anyway. It's just a question of... what next? So many of the usual doors are closed to me because of my size, but a lot of unconventional ones are open, too. Some of which might be a lot more lucrative than working in a warehouse. I've heard you can make a lot of money going on talk shows, but I get anxiety about travel, so that's out.

That leaves one option, the one that I was too embarrassed to even consider a few months ago: Only Fans. Jake said that he'd support me if I did, it's just that I'm a little shy about sharing that kind of stuff... but I'm getting more used to it. And in the spirit of that, I'll answer the OTHER question everyone keeps asking... I know I said I wouldn’t talk about this stuff before, unless I had a White Claw. Well I just chugged one, so here goes!

How do we make it work, sex-wise? (To be clear, Jake gave me permission to spill the beans! Not to mention that he's also typing this!)

In a word... Carefully. (I didn't make that joke last time, did I? ;) But seriously, it depends. Yes, we do have normal sex sometimes. Usually with Jake on top, although we have tried  VERY CAREFULLY switching that up a bit more often recently.) His big Jakey Snakey still feels good inside of me, even if it's not usually enough to bring me to orgasm anymore.

So how do I get off? Well, let's just say that Jake is VERY good with his tongue, and I don't just mean in the sense that he whispers sweet nothings into my ear. (Although, that too!) I'm even more sensitive on my little button than I was before, and he has no trouble satisfying me there. We did buy a strap-on... a VERY large strap-on, I should say. And while it certainly did the job, and Jake was happy to put it on and give me the business, I could tell Jake felt more than a little emasculated using it. He's totally blushing right now, by the way. (And no I don't use it on him! Why do people keep asking that?!)

What we've found works pretty well, is something I like to call 'arming.' It's like flsting, except he's usually forearm deep inside of me! It feels amazing for me, and for Jake... Well, let's just say that he's getting one hell of an arm workout. His biceps are huge now!

My libido has been getting more and more crazy lately. I've started touching myself more, even when Jake's not around. Jake said that he likes when I do it, but I always feel a little dirty. It's like I'm cheating on him...  with myself!

But I'm really burying the lede, aren't I? A few weeks ago, we met this amazing lesbian poly couple. I don't think they want a million people messaging them looking for a unicorn, so I won't name them. But suffice to say, they're both blonde beauties, and each of them has more energy than Jake and me combined! They both love my body, and one of them is bi, so Jake gets plenty of attention too. It's not just the sex that's great, though, they're both just really nice, caring people. I was more than a little worried opening our relationship up like that... But it hasn't distracted us from each other, like I was worried about. On the contrary, I feel like it's let us see our love in a new way.

I want to say again, I don't think I could do this without Jake, and I don't think I could do it without you. I'm starting to tear up a little bit, so I'm going to call this the end... but you'll hear more from us soon, don't worry!



Dr. Whoopass

Love it! I miss the real life for a mini gts angle of squash match