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I went over the limit for text in the last post, so I'll put the end of the story below:

I close my eyes, and stretch out my giant arms. The world trembles. And with a few swipes of my giant hand, a continent is cracked open. A moment later, hot, red stuff sprays out. What do you call it, Lava or Magma? That doesn't matter. Pretty soon I'll be the only one who can even speak English, anyway. Or any language. What matters is... it's the very stuff of creation. And destruction. Two sides of the same coin... just like me.

Pretty soon I'll be the only one who remembers what the earth was like. That's weird to think about. I guess I'll carry on that memory, along with so many others. The only thing that will be left of humanity is me. I'll be the only one carrying on those memories of people, culture, cities, everything. All carried on within my perfect godhead... except for one thing. My memory's not that great.

I can barely remember faces now. Like, any faces. I can't even see my own reflection anymore, the ocean shakes too much when I'm around it. There's not a single picture of a face anywhere on the earth that's big enough for me to see. The Statue of Liberty is microscopic to me now, so how could I possibly see a photo? Or a person?

But that doesn't matter. None of them will matter. There's only one thing about humanity that will actually matter, at all, to the cosmos. Me. Humanity made me. Earth made me. But I'm greater than humanity, I'm greater than earth. Pretty soon I'll destroy both. And then I'll destroyed so much more.

I make myself weightless. Just a thought, and it's done. I float off into space. I try to take a breath... and then remember I don't need to breathe anymore. I look down at the earth. It looks so small from up here... but I want it to be even smaller.

I grow. And grow. And grow. A moment later, I'm bigger than the earth. Much bigger. I could destroy it so easily... crushing it between my thighs, or in the palm of my hand. But I don't want to destroy it like that. I have a better use for it.

I grow bigger and bigger, until the planet is just a little blue dot. I can't even see all the destruction I wrought earlier. It looks almost peaceful. It won't for long.

I stick out the tip of my tongue. The planet sticks to me. It's about the size of a pill... And I let it rest on my tongue for a moment, like a tab of acid, before I swallow.

Billions of lives will be snuffed out in my belly, boiling in acid. If they even make it that far. If the earth doesn't smash against the walls of my esophagus. But I can't feel them. I can't hear them. As soon as I swallow, they're beneath my notice.

I don't know what I expected. Some kind of enlightenment? Some kind of divine ecstasy? A burst of energy? An orgasm? I thought that eating the earth would feel like something... but it was a moment, and it passed like everything else. That's that. I ate everyone. There's no going back from that.

And now there's nothing left.

Except for everything else.



How did you manage to overcome 5000 words limit I'm trying to do a similar thing and there's no option


oh no I meant how an earth did you overcome elevenlabs 5000 words you've posted like 2 hours things elevan labs only accept like 5000 characters on the web ui they give.


You just have to input each section manually and paste the audio files together afterwards. It's a pain in the ass but it's the only way as far as I can tell.


Oh wow it must taken you ages to make two hour file then. I think there might be be a way with the API. If I work anything out I'll get back to you.