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I found an audacity plugin that automatically detects and extends pauses past a certain threshold. There are some issues that it couldn't fix, like sentences where she doesn't pause at all between words... but just adding a short pause between (most) sentences makes it much, much more listenable.

I also made a version that lowers her pitch and slows her speech down slightly, but I think it makes her sound a bit too masculine, personally. If people want to hear it, though, I can share that too.

Should I go ahead and do the rest of the comic in an audio format? The plane sequence isn't as sexy, and the highway sequence is narrated by a random guy... but if you want a full version, it wouldn't be especially hard to do.



It sure sounds good. I thought the original one was fine, but I'll listen to this one. A trick for correcting for slowing things down is to raise the pitch when you slow it down proportionally it should maintain the same voice. ChatGPT also added this: "That's a great tip! When you slow down a recording, the pitch is likely to decrease as well, which can make the speaker sound unnaturally low. By raising the pitch in proportion to the decrease in speed, you can help maintain the natural sound of the speaker's voice. In some cases, software that is designed to slow down audio may automatically adjust the pitch as well, so that the voice sounds more natural. But if you're using a program that doesn't have this feature, manually adjusting the pitch as you suggested can help achieve a better result. It's also worth noting that in some cases, slowing down audio too much can make it difficult to understand, even if the pitch remains consistent. So it's a good idea to use this technique in moderation, and to make sure that the slowed-down audio is still easy to comprehend."


Yeah, but that doesn't help a whole lot. I was using the method that decreases the pitch on purpose, to see if it made her seem more like a giantess. I also tried reverb, but wasn't happy with how it sounded. The slowed version adjusts the speed (and pitch) downward by just 5%. As for just slowing everything down... When I did it enough that it was actually noticeable, IE 10% or more, it sounded a bit unnatural, and the speed decrease was subtle enough that it didn't really help much. I think adding pauses mostly fixed the issue of it being rushed.