The Big Life With Krystal Kloss announcement! (Patreon)
So these are some character test renders for a collaboration I'm working on with Butre! It's going to be a bit like Amazon Mom but with Kaylee characters. It's a project that I'd been thinking about doing for a long time, but never got around to starting... and then Butre showed up and told me he was interested in doing a comic with Kaylee characters! It's probably going to come out at the end of the month. The first chapter will center on Krystal, who's the only one in the family to grow in the first chapter... but Kaylee will follow in her footsteps in part 2!
Note that the first three renders are using the (more-or-less) final versions of the characters, and the last couple are using an older version, with a different skin tone and some changed features. If you look at the first image, we're going with something closer to the version on the left, as opposed to the version on the right, which is how she looks in Kaylee 21. It's a very different take on the character. Instead of being surprisingly smart and tough like in the Kaylee comics, in this she's basically just a big, greedy monster with an insatiable libido.
Butre originally came to me wanting to remake the earlier chapters of Kaylee with more detailed models and rendering... an idea that I originally was unsure about, but he did a test render of a scene from Kaylee 8 that changed my mind. I'll share that image before too long! So that could also very well happen, although it would be probably at least a couple of months before it started. (I feel like it should probably wait until chapter 22 of Kaylee is out!)