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Hey, I was just wondering what people thought of Kaylee 20 and Gigantocracy. Let me know in the comments!




Gigantocracy easily new favorite character design and Kaylee 20 im enjoying but am eager to see how it ends. Supurb job on both as always!!


I still have yet to read Gigantocracy but as always, Kaylee never fails to disappoint! The entire time I was reading, I kept thinking "Oh Kaylee is going to be the one who ends up swallowing Anna" but nope! Expectations subverted and a grateful one at that! One thing I would've loved to see is Krystal somehow becoming the biggest out of all 3 of them, but if the next chapter is meant to be the final chapter, then that may not happen, which is unfortunate but something I can live with.


It was nice to see Kayla grow and finally really fight Kaylee (or so she semi-tried) but felt like we ran into the same dialog situations again. Kayla trying to appeal to Kaylee for sympathy and humanity. How can Kayla still have any remorse for Kaylee? Feels like the story didn't move much in my opinion. Yes, she is huge, powerful, beautiful, and dangerous...but where is it all going? This story just needs to end. The artwork is exceptional and your renderings are fantastic as always though. Gigantocracy was interesting and fun to see the family squabble with the sisters. Could have lots of potential but it would be nice to see the giantess fairy story more first.

Brendon Marcelin

Gigantocracy and Kaylee were both fire my man. I loved the shots of the tiny jet's constantly flying around them to give scale.Can't wait to see how Kaylee ends and how GIGANTOCRACY CONTINUES!


Kaylee- it's good...I think it needed more shots from a distance during the growth sequences to give more aspect to how much they were outgrowing each other. So say they're growing in downtown LA, get a shot from say the shoreline or the airport while they're growing. Still very well done. Just seemed like the growth was missing something.


Kaylee was very good, I can't wait to see if anything happens with the special energy that triggered everything. Gigantocracy, I think of it was wonderful, there is so much potential for power play in the story so I hope it goes in those and we find out who is truly fit to wear the crowns.

Hew Draper

Kaylee 20 was interesting. I enjoyed a lot of it and the ending was a solid cliff hanger, but I think a lot now hangs in the balance regarding the series next step given the character development this issue? The dynamic between the sisters was brilliant, for the most part. The dialogue and fight scenes were on point and I throughly enjoyed Anna’s sacrifice as it was extremely poignant gesture! That said, I’m not a huge fan of the last couple of panels as they humanised Kaylee, who is otherwise a completely unforgivable character. The whole “I love you sis” angle, I think if felt out of place and given Kayla’s lies about Anna and Krystal would Kaylee not be far less forgiving? Personally I would have much preferred she became utterly enraged by the nuke having destroyed the city, as it was Kaylee's ambition to have flattened it under one foot this whole time? Maybe have it end with her absorbing the brunt of the nuke as Kayla cowers behind her could have been more in line with her character? Next to that, I like the idea of the Kali crystal, but again I wasn't a fan of the conversation on the plane in which it was purposed that it is the reason for Kaylees personality development as she grew? I found this to take away from the potency of her actions to date if she wasn’t necessarily in control of her emotions. I think she’s a more compelling character as a straight-laced psychopath who has just happened to become an unstoppable behemoth. Finally, I would have loved to see Anna’s and Kaylee’s night of love making! I think that could have had a lot of potential as a one way dialogue scene in which Kaylee completely ignores Anna’s plea’s for her to stop as Kaylee both self aggrandises herself and continues to get off. Could have been super hot! Aside from that the chapters was pretty solid and you nailed the night time lighting and contrast RFD. All the renders were gorgeous start to finish. Now, I’m aware that my nitpicks may be set-ups for the next chapter, but some things were just a bit odd to me is all. On the topic of panels my favourites were; 7 - Really cool Mexican stand-off shot, plus the profile of Kaylee is looking thicc! 119 - Just how sex crazed she looks here with that one eye opened, plus the focus perspective with Kayla in the foreground. 143 - Just the look on Kaylee’s face as she thinks she’s ensnared Kayla into being her toy once again. 229-233 - Kaylee’s rant as she grows gave me the chills. 250 - Although not a fan of the whole, “I love you sis” angle, the nuke in the background as they embrace one another is a pretty badass shot!


You make some fair criticisms. There's a reason for why I made some of those decisions, though, I think it will make more sense next chapter

Brendon Marcelin

I personally like the interactions and discourse between Kaylee and Kayla, because throughout the run of the story, you never get the sense that they despise each other, they just have issues built up. What I really like is that it subverts the classic mean girls catfighting trope which isn't even necessary for the story in any case. I think what's going to happen is that Kayla will accept Kaylee's dominance due to them never being able to have regular lives after this especially after LA was nuked and will be uninhabitable for everyone except for them. Realizing how far humanity will go to end them and themselves with such destruction, Kayla might come to understand that the world needs to be reset for things to be better. Kayla won't kill Kaylee and vice versa that is the current state of affairs for them, all that's left is to see what Krystal and this mysterious government entity does.