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So what do I do to relax?

I squish people. It's just my little hobby. I just go on a walk, to someplace nice and crowded... and I start stepping on people. They just crunch and explode, and it's so satisfying. I love it. Pretty cool, right?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I like to think that I'm a nice person. I mean, I don't go around being mean to people, but I sort of, well, enjoy crushing people. I mean it feels really good. I can't really explain it, but when you're crushing people, sometimes I mean big people, you get a rush of power. I can't really explain it, but it's like, you know, I don't know, it's like your whole body feels like it's tingling, and there's this feeling deep inside you that just makes you feel so good. It's like, you feel so powerful, like you could do anything, you know?

Weird how that works, huh? I know when I started crushing people I was thinking that it was like a compulsion or something. Like I was somehow programmed to do it. But after I started doing it more, I realized that it's more like an addiction. Like I keep doing it because it feels so good to do it. When you crush someone, like if you're crushing a little guy, you're like all tense and nervous before, and when you're crushing them you feel so much better. I guess that's sort of like a release, except better.

I don't know, I'm trying to describe it but it's hard. There's just this feeling that goes through you and there's just this rush of power and it's like everything in the whole world just is you and it's just so amazing. It's like, you know, you feel so good you don't even care if someone's screaming at you or begging you or anything like that. You don't even care what they do to you, it doesn't even matter. It just feels so good that you don't care.

But then I remember that I’m wearing a brand new pair of boots! Do I really want to get them all dirty?




I love this so much already. The look, the personality, the boots especially. I can’t wait.