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I like this one because you can really see how detailed her face is.




That looks incredible!


Dude I love that you have a new software and can do more with it but I have to agree with what another poster said - please don’t change the model mid way through the comic…


Kaylee is my favorite giantess comic and while it looks like her it’s not exactly her, and I think she’s like the hottest giantess model made. I just really hope something I’m saying resonated with you and you don’t change the model for this comic. I think it’s great for a new comic and obviously you’ll be able to do way more with the new software I just don’t think you should change the model in the middle / end of the comic


Haha, I'm sorry dude but the chapter is mostly rendered, there's absolutely no way I'm just going to go back and redo it all from scratch in another program with another model. I'm sorry but I think you're just about the only fan who isn't on board with the new model at this point.