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I wanted to do a test of the characters, back a while before Kaylee grew. And yes, Kaylee used to be the short one in the family!

I fixed Krystal, before I had accidentally left on some of Kaylee's morphs that I should had turned off. She looks way better now!




I certainly don't mind that she's nude in the story, but man what I wouldn't give to see Kaylee wearing something like that as her current size!

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Kinda wish Kaylee would’ve kept these proportions, her boobs mainly, when she grew. Still hot either way!


Do you know how tall Krystal was in the beginning? She looks quite tall.


just look at that badonkadonk😋. i am curious about krystal we haven't seen her in a while, however this makes me want to see kaylee pinups with different clothes/toys


She was always tall, it just wasn't super obvious most of the time because she didn't have any scenes where she was standing next to Kaylee or Kayla in the main comic series. The only time they've really been together was in the "Kaylee's Hallucinogenic Halloween" bonus comic.


Yeah I have mixed feelings about that, and about her losing her clothes. But the huge boobs give more opportunity for breast crush stuff, so I lean in that direction.