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Kaylee's too big to walk in a single lane, so she's going to try and straddle two blocks at once. It's going to be a bit tricky... much like how difficult it's going to be for me to render the insanely complicated scene I'm planning on going for!

Made some more improvements to the set. The distant buildings didn't feel distant enough, so I stole a trick from GTA 5 and put in some simple semi-transparent objects to fake low-lying smog. It's a subtle change but it looks way more realistic now IMO. Made it so most of the bigger and more distinctive buildings don't repeat. The crowds are 2D cut-outs for the distant shots, like they generally were in the other chapters, but this time I can swap them out with big 3D crowds for the close-ups! I'm aiming to have way more destruction than I've ever done before. And I'm also going to try and render everything in 4K, too!




Looks like another fun chapter for Kaylee 😎😍

Hew Draper

Well straddling to streets and having those building in between her legs isn't such a bad thing. Besides those buildings are almost the right size to go somewhere, if you get what I mean? 😏

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Absolutely cannot wait for this next chapter of Kaylee, with such more detail! And she looks so tan and amazing!!