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I know, I know, the top needs some photoshopping

So I figured out a solution for a problem I was having with The Empress/Punkgod/tentative title. 

The world that the Empress lives in is mostly ruined and unrecognizable because of her actions, but I wanted to be able to have some good, old-fashioned city destruction with the character. I also wanted to have her be able to change her size... but I want her to be a mostly stable size, and only grow very slowly over time. That's on obvious contradiction, right? Or is it?

My idea involves potential spoilers, so stop here if you don't want them, stop scrolling... 


Okay, spoilers:

So TLDR, she can create a sort of inception-style shared dream universe... that might also be real, in some sense. The inspiration for this actually came from Bloodborne, where (okay, Bloodborne spoilers too now) the Eldrich gods can create very real universes with their thoughts. That way she can invite her friend to take part in epic destruction of a "normal" 21st century city, in a world that might be just as real as theirs, without watering down the overall dark aesthetic and ruined world that they live in. So, what do you think?




Sounds like an interesting concept. Be interesting to see the execution of it though. Would the effect in the "dream world" have any impact on her growth or her in the main reality?


It definitely opens up nice possibilities. I would also like the idea that she can change between normal and giantess size. You could also have cities still be there, and have her destroy the ones that disregard orders..


I get what you're saying but I think I like the idea of her being unable (or unwilling) to change her size in the "real" world, as well as too lazy to leave her "bedroom."

rel isys

It could be a virtual world. Maybe she's uploaded the minds of everyone she's killed to a simulation where she gets to squish, eat, and torture them forever and ever.