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What did you think about Kaylee 5? Hopefully you liked it! I really pushed myself with some of the destruction effects, and I'll try to expand on that more in future comics.

Let me know what you thought in the comments! And I know most people don't like to write out actual comments, so I'm also doing a poll this time.



I hope Kaylee is able to overcome her growth block soon~!

John Smith

I like Kaylee because it feels like there's actual direction to it; not just "grow big, smash stuff because I can, done." etc. Which, to be fair, Vixen feels basically like that but I love Vixen too so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But Kaylee seems like there are still limitations to herself, despite the lack of them for tinies like us :p So there is always room for development, and that her character just seems very well thought out and well written. Idk, just my opinion

Donny Man

I loved it. Although I feel it could always do with more vore. Have you ever experimented with internal views? Those would make your art even more perfect :)


You know, I did some experiments a while back that looked pretty good. I don't think I've ever shared them!