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First off, the Voress comic (pictured above far left) is probably happening, and probably soon, although I'm waiting to get permission to use my own version of the author's world. It's probably going to focus mostly on UB stuff. More on that below.

I still plan on doing UBPD, although it may be a 1-2 part comic, rather than an ongoing series. The first chapter has been about a third of the way done for a while now.

Vore World/Country Rumpus will probably be made into a short one-off comic about a tiny main character touring a party with giant country 20-somethings. It would be separate from the Trashy Titans stuff, even though I re-used some of the character models from the preview. If TT happens it would probably have a post-apocalyptic frame story but mostly consist of flashbacks to when the event first happened.

I definitely want to do a story with the character from Foreign Exchange Princess, but I realized my plans for the college setting made the story needlessly complicated. I'll probably drop the college setting and instead set it mostly in the Princess's palace/temple/harem. It would be about a bunch of college students who travel to a mysterious country and are taken prisoner by the Princess, and made into her slaves.

Pet part 2 is something I'm definitely going to do, once I get some inspiration again. For that matter, Vixen and OAG have plenty of vore, and future chapters of GotA will as well! Unless I get hit by an asteroid I'll be continuing those for sure.

Back to the BBW Voress comic, the one with the girl in the pink skirt. It's probably going to revolve around a community college student. A new student comes in, who he has a past with, only she has the voress mutation, and now she's gigantic and has an insatiable hunger. She's shy around her crush, and tries her best not to embarrass herself in front of him, but when hunger strikes, everyone starts to look like food.

I also have a work-in-progress snu snu mini-comic about a similarly curvy and busty mini-giantess character... It wasn't originally going to be an UB comic but I decided it was the best way to end it. Maybe I'll bundle it in with one of the others.

So, that's it for now. Keep posted, I'll have more vore stuff coming out in the coming months!



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