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This is a test of a character I was thinking about using for a comic. It's inspired by the Voress world, which is created by cruel vore writer JackNoName. (His work is incredible by the way, although some of it's definitely on the extreme side. The School Assignment series is his best work; you can google the name to find his Eka's page, and some of it's on dA as well.)

Some women mutate into Voresses, monstrous Amazonian women with bottomless appetites, who callously devour people alive without sympathy. They're granted a great deal of leeway to do whatever they want, and normal people can't do anything but run away or hope for the best. Some are cruel, and some try to be nice, but all of them are either indifferent or oblivious to the impact their actions have on normal people. They feel unbearable hunger if they go long without eating, and their constantly-churning guts are usually filled with their victims. Of course, if I turned it into a comic, it would probably include unbirth along with the oral vore.




I have jacknoname's work and I think that would be cool


YES. You should definitely turn this into a comic. I’m pretty sure you’d do wonders with it!


Any news about the second part of Bullies 8?