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"Wait a sec," Hector said, "I know those two, the little blonde girl, and the guy with the dorky haircut! They were in my shop class junior year!  That's fucking John Harmon and, umm, Susan whatever?"

"Aww," the giant blonde said, "they're still together? I almost hate to eat 'em, they're kind of a cute little couple!"

"Cute? I asked her out back when I was that size, and the bitch turned me down!"

"Well," the giant blonde said, "that wasn't very nice of her, was it? You really shouldn't have turned my friend down. You want to eat her or something?" 

"I've got a better idea. Let's fucking squish the bitch between your tits!"

The giant blonde burst into laughter. "Oh my God, you're such a perv, Hector! But sure, I guess I'm game. Wait, the little guy is trying to say something. What's that now, little guy? You want me to let her go? Aww, sorry sug', but it's not my fault you and your little girlfriend stayed small! Tell you what, my friends here are are going to push my boobs together, but if you can push back hard enough then maybe they won't be able to squish your widdle girlfriend, okay? Alright guys, on the count of three... go!"


So I had a weirdly vivid dream last night... Like, super vivid, and really sensual. I never have dreams like that! As soon as I woke up I did my best to recreate everything before the memories faded. This is one scene from the dream, pretty much exactly as I remember, including the lighting, the blonde girl's face, and even some of the dialogue. The only real difference is that in the dream this part took place inside a barn.

The giants and giantesses are a bunch of drunk 20-something country guy and gals, having a little party with some normal-sized people they found when they razed the town.  They're all vorers and voresses, people with a new mutation that activates when people are 18-19, giving them an insatiable appetites! They grow by eating, and to get this big, each of them must have eaten tens of thousands of people...

I'm thinking about expanding this into a little mini-comic, I've already got a few images rendered. So, what do you think? Is this something you'd like to see more of?

Also, you can get an uncropped and uncensored version on my Twitter!



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