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A new giantess appears...




Oh, this will be interesting...

rel isys

Ever since you introduced this world I've been thinking of other giantesses and how they would react to Briana's obsession with a tiny or how Briana would react to a potential competitor to her man. Can't wait! Also trying to figure out from this picture if she is bigger than Briana :-P

rel isys

I just thought of something. Does this story take place in the same world as your Roman Nights story? Is this a world that has been ruled by giantesses for millenia? I was thinking about the number you revealed, 1 in 5 million women are a giantess, and came up with around 700 giantesses worldwide. A large number but not enough to take over the world unless a good number of them were much larger than Briana, maybe even giga sized. Then I was thinking that if the giantesses have been around for some time, at least a century, they wouldn't need to be as large, especially if they were all a part of elite families that already controlled the world through normal means of wealth and power. That's when I thought about your Roman Nights stories and wondered if this could be the modern time of that setting. Regardless it makes a wonderful world where you can tell multiple stories without having to worry about some new reason for a woman to grow into a giantess.


It's a similar concept for the world, to be sure, but I didn't mean to imply this is literally the same world as in Pax Romana. If you read my Celebrity Crush stories from years ago, you might remember that the early chapters of that make some references to being the same universe as Pax Romana, but I abandoned that conceit pretty quickly because they were too different tonally. This isn't the same universe as Celebrity Crush, and while it could be the same universe as Pax Romana, I didn't intent that when I wrote it!