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"I'm back! Let's see, go onto Patreon... Hopefully the site hasn't made a bunch of weird changes or anything, and... oh."

So, Patreon made some weird changes and stuff. I'll have to take a longer look before I do a more detailed post, but basically Patreon is changing the fee structure in a way that will increase Patron fees by about three percent, plus a $40 cent base charge. (That's off the top of my head, I could be getting the numbers wrong.) That means you could be charged anywhere from 40 cents to $1.50, or more, depending on your pledge. (There's no way for me to stop any of these changes on my end.)

There's a rationale behind the site making the changes, but nobody likes having fees go up. I'll go more into the alterations soon. There's also one other change, but it won't affect returning subscribers (at least not directly,) so I won't go into it right now.

And yes, I plan on making a return to Overly Attached Girlfriend! It's not set in stone, but unless I say otherwise, you can probably plan on seeing another installment in just under a month!







When will be Bullies part 2? :)


Oh goody! OAG continues!