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Ascension is complete, at least for the time being. But LFC and I were interested in getting some feedback on the series.

This is pretty freeform, but here are a few starter questions: What were your favorite parts of the series? Is there any constructive criticism you want to offer? Should there be more growth and mini-giantess content?  What fetish elements do you want to see more of? Leave your answers below!



Luther Little

More growth is always good. Already unstoppable Dr. Lane just keeps getting more powerful. ;)


Guys, Im gonna be honest, this is literally the best series I have read about this fetish in my entire life, literally. I really want Ascension to come out again, I do not care if it's a spin-off or whatever. What I liked the most was the way Diana treated the other humans. I would love the series to continue, being Diana equal or more powerful, but this time would be great for her to win. :)


I enjoyed the setting and activities, I just wish she was more curvasious, I'm not saying you'd have to go extremes with it but it's just not as much a turn on when the models are sub d cups.


Also I know it wasn't part of the question but part of the reason I stopped subscribing for a whole was all the shrunken, mini giantess and flatter models. Just my 2 cents. I love your works.


I love this series. One of the main reasons I'm here. (excited about Bullies, too) Anyway, I'm a sucker for car crush and insertion, so I always like to see more of that. As far as car crush goes, it's a tiny detail but I like to see the car basically flat Size proportions we're perfect. I'm not against seeing more growth, but she's definitely my ideal size. Another thing I personally like, is buildings or bridges of boob or pussy height with an audience. Keep up the awesome work, guys!


Ascension is my favorite of LFC and friends work. Every issue was better than the last. Hope to see more in the future!


I really love the Ascension series; I like very much the idea of a giantess wreaking havoc in a city. I like giantesses of any size, but I think that the bigger they are, the better, which means I'm completely in favor of growth content. As for stuff I'd like to see more of, I'd say insertion and vore; for instance, pages 48 and 59-61 of Part 1 and pages 30-33 of Part 4 were my favorites.


A wonderful series! I loved every page of it.


I Love it also. A mad giantess who kill for fun...


I loved everything about Ascension, Diana's cocky way of strolling around the city knowing she rules and the blatant disregard for the tines she plays with, that being the bridge scene was my favorite and amazing. My personal favorites are foot crush scenes, but that's just my personal thing. There is just something about the right size giantess not too small that can step on and crush a whole crowds is just plain awesome. i'm sure most people would say that's boring but if all you need to do is just step on something or someone to show your dominance then i'm gonna go with your pretty Ascended, so ya chock me up for more crowd crush scenes/ foot crush scenes. I'm not sure about mini giantess (unless say she or her partner can change size at will) but i have read stories were it worked in great, as for more giantess growth its always refreshing in a story at some point to see a giantess who had to walk in-between buildings being able to crush whole city blocks with one step. So ya sorry for writing a book here but as you can tell Ascension was and is one of the best series i have ever seen.


Only part 3 was not so cool for me.


I cant think of any constructive crisis, the series was just too perfect. As for my favorite scenes, the ones with the Army no doubt.


Ascension is one of my favorites. I'd like to see it continue. Her size an destructive power and strength are simply awesome. My favorite frames are when she stuffs several helpless people inside her cavernous twat. I like to see her destroy skyscrapers with an effortless swipe of her hand, crumple vehicles l like tanks or railcars with ease of demolish a bridge with her butt.

rel isys

I loved Diana's take charge attitude and her cockiness when assaulted by tiny police and military. I would have much rather seen her grow larger to overcome her problems rather than just have super strength and other abilities. I definitely would love to see her bigger and curvier for a sequel. Another option to have curvier giantesses is for her to grow curvier women as subordinates or test subjects. Another thing that might be fun to see is Diana developing some sort of psionic abilities. People always delve into how much more powerful a giantesses body is but they rarely deal with the fact that her brain is also much larger than normal and may develop abilities of its own.


i love this series, i want see more blod and death


Due to lack of growth and mini-giantess content, I didn't bother getting parts 3-5


Vore and blood is amazing in this. Amazing series!


Crushing skyscrapers between her thighs, hugging a building and smashing it with her body, using planes as sex toys then crushing them in her superhuman pussy, using her tits to stop an oncoming train then smashing it with her tits, crushing cars, tanks, etc. between her tits and thighs, etc


Ripping and tearing into people? Eating? Just suggestions.


I love the Ascension series. Pleas keep up the good work!


Loved the series, had that attack of the 55ft woman appeal from the 50s it was awesome, wish there was a lil more core, loved the scene with her gulping down a bunch of people and than finishing them off by drinking out of a water tower, that's genius! The ease of destruction and her shoving people up her beaver was great it really depicted the all of the fetishes as a whole and how dominant she was over everyone and everything, believe me I loved it. Please Keep up the amazing work its amazing and also art wise the comics details from the writing to the graphics of each snippet have been getting progressively your work!!!!


The Serie is really cool. Some points what i love to see is when she grow so much then can crush cars and tanks in her breast, also with her pussy crush cars and trucks :P