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”You two had a lot of fun with this one, huh?” the Viper commented as he watched Jake perform Courier Job after Courier Job. Despite it not being outright confirmed yet, he had the strong impression that both Minaga and the Wyrmgod had been heavily involved with this particular Challenge Dungeon.

”Fun? Do you have any idea how much work it was?” Minaga said with a sigh. ”Out of every Challenge Dungeon, this one took by far the longest. Well, besides the Test of Character, but I wasn’t much involved with that, so it doesn’t count.”

”I take it Nevermore itself also got quite involved with the balancing?” Vilastromoz further inquired.

”The sheer complexity of having so many starting points, all the quest paths, and keeping it all dynamic and adapting to the Nevermore Attendee required far more work than initially estimated. The original plan was to have this Challenge Dungeon ready last era, but we had to delay it primarily due to Nevermore and the system not accepting the balancing,” the Wyrmgod explained; many gods who were capable of listening in very interested in getting some insights into the World Wonder.

”Not certain I would call this balanced,” the Blightfather decided to chime in. ”Seeing Azal also doing the Challenge Dungeon pretty much confirmed the lack of critical thinking from many of the characters. They are too trusting and, in certain cases, either too easily fooled, while in other instances, getting any kind of advantage is borderline impossible.”

”We are well aware,” the Wyrmgod sighed. ”However, it was necessary to do it like this. If we tried to adhere to realism too much, the time required to unlock any high-level quest path would simply take far too long, so we had to tweak the logic of the world quite a lot. With the aim of the Challenge Dungeon taking around two years on average for the high-performers, this is the solution we settled on.

”Also, you cannot argue that some individuals aren’t simply this trusting, even among the higher grades. People can get blinded by their goals and consider what they do so important and justified that they automatically assume everyone else will share their opinion, thus seeing no need to be critical. Having the ability to identify these people and distinguish them from the less fanatical is most definitely a skill worth learning,”

”Even so, it teaches many unrealistic lessons along with the healthy ones,” the Blightfather insisted. ”Additionally, it makes little sense to remove all status from everyone. As a variant Risen of the highest echelon, Azal should have been recognized, yet the denizens of the Challenge Dungeon seem incapable of doing so, even daring to treat him like a lesser. It goes against their very Records to act like that.”

”Race isn’t something that should give an advantage in this dungeon, same as Blessings, and even the status as a Bloodline Patriarch or Transcendant also won’t offer any notable advantages,” the Wyrmgod argued back.

”Such a fundamental change to social dynamics for certain races shouldn’t be taken that lightly. How would you view it if…”

Vilastromoz remained quiet, not really having much to add as the two Primordials discussed openly for all to hear. It was rare for such a lively discussion to appear, and while both of them went at each other, the Viper also knew both enjoyed it. As sad as it sounds, it was rare to find people even willing to argue back who wouldn’t just take anything you said as gospel, so to get pushback was almost novel.

The Viper considered getting involved just for the fun of it but decided against it as the topic didn’t overly interest him. The only thing he really cared about was the information that the Challenge Dungeon was new, and it being new meant one thing:

It was exploitable.

All the Challenge Dungeons had obvious exploits that got fixed with every new iteration. Minaga’s Labyrinth and how he improved his special mist was a prime example of this, with every one of the Challenge Dungeons having similar improvements and ”nerfs” to certain Paths every new era. Seeing as this was the first, it meant many things had yet to be fully ironed out, as it was simply impossible to account for every Path without some live testing. The only reason the system accepted it despite the flaws that would be revealed was that every attendant who competed had the same circumstances and the same opportunities to take advantage.

As for what specific exploits were to be found… well, Vilastromoz already had one minor oversight in mind. One he was certain Jake would be able to take full advantage of, even if he did so unknowingly. In fact, he had already been exploiting it despite not realizing it yet.

No one else seemed to have really noticed either, making the Viper smile to himself. This should be a good one…


Time quickly passed as Jake was back on the job, on that grindset. The Courier Jobs were similar to the ones he had done before, but there was a slight twist. After Jake had done exactly twenty, he was contacted by the Infernal Baron, who informed him that an important job was upcoming and that Jake would need to upgrade his Medallion within three months to be able to accept it. So, he had some more pressure on him to get promoted in time… alright, not really. Jake had plenty of time.

He completed the jobs incredibly quickly and efficiently, and he never once really ran into any problems. It was to the level where Jake questioned what was actually being tested, as the scams he was exposed to all seemed way too obvious to Jake.

Then again, maybe it was just because Jake had grown up on Earth where one could – for some inexplicable reason – sell through social media with little oversight or regulation, with every second seller just being a straight-up scammer. From that, Jake learned some basic lessons about making deals like this and was taught some damn common sense.

His number one rule was to always stick to the agreement, almost to a fault. Oh, did the client want to change the delivery location last minute? Nope, Jake would go to the original place. Someone else was sent to pick up the delivery? Not gonna happen; only the client would get it. While this did make people mad, Jake wasn’t going to risk things needlessly. Sticking to just a few basic principles like this seemed to serve Jake very well, and in the instances where he did have to show some flexibility, he believed he managed well and showed proper caution.

In the end, the time limit indeed didn’t prove an issue, as he, well ahead of time, got his Medallion upgraded along with yet another promotion at work.

[Courier Medallion (Rare)] – A Courier Medallion belonging to an experienced Courier who is beginning to build up quite the renown. This Medallion will hold information related to jobs and can give general directions to your destination if those are provided (may not be entirely reliable). Will automatically upgrade as Courier Jobs are completed and your reputation grows.
Requirements: Soulbound

With his promotion, Jake could finally get Special Courier Job 3. As for this one… well, things just liked to get more complicated, as the Duke of Flames was the first to give Jake a task.

”There is a political conference taking place in the Phoenix Wing Empire. We of the Human Kingdom will naturally send a delegation. I need you to deliver something to someone I have working in an outpost in the Empire before the delegation arrives and work with my subordinate there to uncover any potential people related to this organization who may attend the conference. But for now, go to the organization and see if you can discover more and report to my subordinate once you arrive in the city of the conference. We will post an official job tomorrow morning for a Courier to deliver a package of important documents to the outpost, so make sure to accept it.”

Right after Jake had gotten this task, he naturally went straight to the elemental rights organization, which Jake had decided to rename the People for the Ethical Treatment of Elementals organization for no particular reason. PETE, for short. Yes, it was a very original name that Jake had thought up entirely on his own without any inspiration whatsoever.

Anyway, Jake naturally informed PETE of what the Duke wanted him to do, and they, of course, also had a task for him.

”Some of our core members will also attend this conference, just as he suspects, and we will need you to ensure they are not discovered by the Duke of Flames. Go to the Phoenix Wing Empire as the Duke wants, and once there, make contact with one of the members and work with them to keep them safe, and while you’re there, attempt to discover if the Duke has any allies within the Phoenix Wing Empire. Also, we believe the Duke may be suspecting some of the plants within his dukedom working with us. Try to find out who he suspects so we can extract them in time.”

It was two tasks that weren’t mutually exclusive, and Jake naturally decided to kind of do both.

He kept up his act as an infinite loop agent as he made executive decisions as to what information he would share, giving just enough to keep both sides happy. PETE wanted Jake to help extract those the Duke suspected? Alright, Jake would help the majority of them get away, not telling them that the way the Duke located them in the first place was due to Jake.

By the way, the city Jake had gone to for this conference was another mid-sized city, but one slightly larger than the one the infernal Baron had been at, showing Jake was truly moving up in the world. For this entire conference, only C-grades were present, likely because no country wanted a bunch of B-grades and above to be in their lands due to how big of a security risk it was. They would still communicate using projections, but all of the powerful people worked from home.

This second mid-sized city in the Phoenix Wing Empire differed vastly from what could be found in the Human Kingdom. The architecture was much more vertical, with large hollowed-out trees sometimes serving as buildings, with the general architecture taking heavy inspiration from nature. Population-wise, it was still a mix, but it was clear this Empire had a lot more beasts and beastfolk compared to the Human Kingdom.

What they also had were elementals in human form, all of which were more than antagonistic toward the Duke’s people. They were oddly fine with Jake, even when he was with the Duke’s people, showing how overpowered the status of a Courier was.

When it came to the job at hand, the entire conference was a bit of a mess, if Jake was being honest, but he did discover many exciting things he disclosed to both PETE and the dukedom, making them trust him even more than before. During the conference, he even completed four entire Side Jobs by sneaking around and discovering stuff others wanted to keep hidden… oh, and one job where he had to convince a noblewoman not to get married by finding evidence that some guy was only after her because of her family. It had fuck-all to do with anything else he was doing, but Jake had done it for some bloody reason anyway.

After the conference was done, Jake remained in the Phoenix Wing Empire, with the Duke thinking he had successfully infiltrated PETE further, while PETE believed Jake was working with foreign agents of the dukedom to get them more information, both of which were one hundred percent true.

Seeing as Guilds were in every major city and that both sides said he should await the next time they needed him, Jake returned to doing regular Courier Jobs. Weeks turned to months as Jake kept completing jobs before the next Special Courier Job came in, which he also promptly completed, and through it, he finally met one of the higher-ups in PETE for the first time. It was the shadowy figure he had spoken to many times, and she turned out to be a B-grade Marquise from the Phoenix Wing Empire.

More and more snippets of information were revealed as Jake got further ammunition to use on either side, only letting a bit spill here and there to keep both happy with his work. Jake still wasn’t certain what his endgame would be, but the more he learned about both sides, the less and less he liked them.

After about two months in this mid-sized city, Jake had done about one hundred jobs there, and with it came yet another promotion.

[Courier Medallion (Epic)] – A Courier Medallion belonging to a highly experienced Courier with a strong reputation. This Medallion will hold information related to jobs and can give general directions to your destination if those are provided (may not be entirely reliable). Will automatically upgrade as Courier Jobs are completed and your reputation grows.
Requirements: Soulbound

Jake had now worked for several months, and even if he was rapidly getting promoted, he had yet to see a single payslip. He was definitely being exploited, even if things were a bit… weird. PETE kept talking about rewarding Jake handsomely for his help, and the Duke of Flames said the same thing, but nothing ever came of it. This was despite even the Guild attendants sometimes noting how some jobs ”gave quite a lot!” but when Jake turned in a completed job… nothing.

So, yeah, Dungeon-fuckery galore. He sure as hell hoped the final reward would set things right, or he would have to sue for unpaid wages.

When Jake was done in the mid-sized city, he got a Special Courier Job to go to a large-sized one in yet another country. This job wasn’t directly linked with the Duke of Flames or even PETE, but when he got to this new city, Jake discovered both had a presence there, primarily because PETE just followed the dukedom wherever they had any people.

More Courier Jobs followed as Jake worked his ass off, not even taking lunch breaks or accounting for unpaid overtime. He was definitely also breaking a lot of work safety rules with the way he did the Courier Jobs, but so far, he had luckily avoided a fine.

A few more Special Courier Jobs came in while Jake had an epic rarity Medallion, each Courier promotion taking longer than the last. Jake also kept learning more about his two biggest clients until he finally discovered a very juicy piece of information that also kind of answered something he had been wondering about.

The Sealed Elemental Jake was meant to deliver had an elemental inside that PETE already knew about, despite Jake thinking they shouldn’t be able to. This elemental was meant to be delivered to the Infernal Baron who would then send it back to his little sister to assist her in her Path. What Jake didn’t know was that the one who had requested this specific elemental was the daughter of the Duke and that she had made the request at the behest of PETE.

In this large-sized city, Jake even came to meet with the girl, where she spilled her heart out about how she hated her family’s Legacy and didn’t want to consume elementals to progress, which was also why she was still only in early C-grade despite not even being that much younger than the Infernal Baron. Quite the plot twist that she was working with PETE, and definitely not something her family knew about.

Except, it turned out she wasn’t really working with them but was just being taken advantage of. Despite her assisting them, PETE still hated her guts just because of her family and wanted her dead alongside everyone else in the dukedom. So she was pretty much just an idiot being fooled.

But wait! That wasn’t actually true either! She had figured out they were trying to take advantage of her a long time ago and was now working with a third party, which was where Jake came into play as she also began to offer him jobs to destroy both the dukedom and PETE.

In another huge plot twist, the daughter of the Duke was the one who had gotten another dukedom of the Human Kingdom involved to take down the Dukedom of Flames as they called it. In the process, they also wanted to eliminate PETE using the Duke of Flames to do so, weakening the Duke of Flames in the process.

The mess had turned even messier, and Jake was smack in the middle, now effectively working for three factions at once. Was he still an infinite loop agent? Jake wasn’t sure at this point… in fact, he even considered if perhaps a fourth party should get involved.

Nevertheless, Jake kept chugging along, and soon, over nine months had passed since Jake entered the Challenge Dungeon. Hundreds of regular Courier Jobs had been completed, along with eleven total Special Courier Jobs, and who even knows how many Side Jobs and Special Side Jobs. The plot was also thicker than ever, with even more intrigue, Jake finally beginning to get a clear picture of everything. With all these jobs done, the Guild naturally also recognized his efforts.

[Courier Medallion (Ancient)] – A Courier Medallion belonging to an extremely experienced Courier with an excellent reputation. This Medallion will hold information related to jobs and can give general directions to your destination if those are provided (may not be entirely reliable). Will automatically upgrade as Courier Jobs are completed and your reputation grows.
Requirements: Soulbound

With another upgrade under his belt, Jake got a Special Courier Mission to return to the capital of the Human Kingdom. He knew the leader of PETE – an early A-grade – would also be there, along with every other dukedom in the country along with the royal family. Powerful people from other factions had also snuck in, and Jake felt a final showdown would soon occur.

As for Jake’s role in this final showdown… well, that was yet to be decided, but considering he hated every faction he had met so far, he reckoned things were about to get even messier, and Jake would gladly be there to take advantage.



Nice! Btw, Also, you cannot also... I think there is too much 'also' in that sentence 😃

Karim Saadi

Go with the daughter and screw with them all! Also WHAT IS THE EXPLOIT HE IS ALREADY DOING


As funny as it is, the grind set terminology kind of doesn't work in my eyes, since those terms became popular way after the world ended in this universe

Strato Junon

This is going to be a grand finale. Tyfc!

martin smith

I was using "grind" over 20 years ago while playing mmorpgs like lineage


Yeah but grindset referring to doing a lot of work and jobs is a new term. I'm aware that grinding itself isn't new


My guess is, as long as you stick to the mission requirements, the others can never realize that you might actually be a traitor.


Oh no, his fatal flaw! Politics! I'm surprised he hasn't used his over powered skill called delegation...

Stevean Bozek

Hopefully he can pick up 5 or 6 more factions to fuck with on his way back. He really needs this storyline to get as convoluted as possible to break the dungeon


Thank you for the God TV and the quick pace, Zogarth! So, how is Jake gonna manipulate everything so that the one person he thinks is okay (Duke's daughter) somehow ends up benefitting from all this? Is he going to meet up with one of the Courier higher ups?


i really hope it turns hout he would just need to ask for his payment, but because he doesn't he will get a ridiculous amount of interest on his payment, which turns into lots of nevermore pointies


Bloody good chapter mate! I’m loving the Nevermore arch!


I think the cheat is that none of the side quests were mutually exclusive, so he can do them all. It seems if you can discover them, then you can do them. The high performers are supposed to take an average of 2 years and Jake is going to the main event at 9 months. That is quite the outlier. This is not taking into account yip's champion with his bloodline. He may be able to do it even faster depending on how he uses his bloodline. I doubt he would get as good of a score as Jake, but he could get to the end faster. It would be interesting to see how people from earth do against everyone else. It would be funny if they caused this challenge dungeon to be closed for a couple more eras because of how bad they exploited it.


Congrats Govir Drauka, you were 100% correct about it being PETE!


There's too much foreshadowing. There's no way the "exploit" doesn't have something to do with Jake not getting paid yet


"Also, you cannot argue that some individuals aren’t simply this trusting" Do you mean that some people 'are' this trusting?

Grond (James)

He hates the daughters faction? That's weird. I don't see why

Grond (James)

Following the instructions to the letter is the best guess I have. People are getting a little mad but it seems to be serving him well. I don't know if that qualifies as an exploit though


Very ready to be done with this. All of Nevermore after the Colosseum (aside from the god chapters) was such a terrible drag and now that the Courier story is just turning into a recap, I can't wait for it to be over. Tftc tho!


I think so, that the double negative was intentional this time. I had to read it twice, too.


Holy fence-sitting, batman! Truly the most broken strat, let them trick themselves into mutual destruction. You know, a couple more factions and he could set off a massive war. For someone so bad at politics usually, he has discovered the true secret to political success. Just don't commit to anything, just smile and nod.

Ty Cooper

Lol PETE. That one touched my soul. I couldn't stop chuckling every time i read PETE thinking of elementals making horribly suggestive superbowl commercials.


"Jake Thayne here with another Infinite Agent loop scheme, now for sale for only 900 courier jobs, but wait there's more. Order now and you'll receive 3 more entire factions to work for, thus increasing the value of you infinite loop agent tenfold"


I was wondering if the exploit is working for all sides/factions. A lot of people would pick one side and only get those quests. So far, Jake is completing quests from three sides as well as the regular courier quests

john henderson

Trying to remember if being able to speak all languages is just a new universe thing or a multiverse thing. That may be an exploit.


I couldn't stop chuckling this whole chapter! Absolutely loving it! WooooHooooo!?!? LeeeeeetsssssssGOOOOOOOOO!?!?


It's a skill from going through the tutorial when being inducted into the multiverse.


Thank you Potential edit: many gods who were capable of listening in very interested in getting some insights into the World Wonder. -> many gods who were capable of listening in [were] very interested in getting some insights into the World Wonder.


I really enjoy this chapter, but I can't help to feel as if it was done this way due to crybabies in the comment section...


Because she is, as her father, willing to have innocent people suffer for her revenge on her father. She is supporting the people actively hunting the farmers and such.


Well Jake was never really depicted as someone preferring brain plots over good fight. Not to say he's stupid but he's very much more of a Valdemar and front facing confrontation than a Vilastromoz and his schemes.


I don't think yip of yor's chosen will be busted here because you need a real bit of skill for the size and speed needed for some of those jobs. Like even if he could influence strong upper grade people to do his jobs he might not be able to complete them in time if he isn't fast enough.

Jonathan Haverlid

Feels like Jake and the daughter mostly agree on things tho, why would he hate this third faction?

Arrogant Savant

Zog apparently writes the chapters days ahead, it feels sus cause in discord someone thought the npcs were intelligent.


Really can't wait for the exploits! Ideas: Multiple faction jobs (detailed in other people comments) Forcing payment from previous jobs before critical job (when no payment at all is planned) S rank detection and interaction? (Not sure but maybe, maybe rank influence the amount of points) Courier's impact on the world? (Not sure but maybe the reward for the dungeon is proportional to the amount of changed you brought to this fictional world through existing? Would advantage bloodlines holders(new concept= more change))


Ha! I had a lot of fun reading this chapter. It had fun info AND it progressed through this Nevermore dungeon faster so that made me happy. Yea, I’m very ready for Nevermore to be done so we can get back to the real plot with real life consequences for Jake (aside from level ups). I understand that weaving together a complex plot takes time and is difficult so the author may have needed the time he’s been writing Nevermore chapters to better compose his main plot line…at least I hope that’s what he’s been doing. Zogarth, if you need to take a couple weeks off writing to wrestle the main plot line into shape, I think that’s entirely reasonable. I prefer quality over quantity. 🙂.


Prediction, the exploit is that Jake is actually just getting paid, he just is moving too fast or something for his payments to arrive. As a result, he's getting compounding bonuses for continuing to progress further without ever accepting a single payment.

Michelle Maurice

Agree. I feel like nevermore has dragged on quite a bit. I love the concept but I’m ready for Jake and company to get back to shenanigans.


I thought he hated all factions involved or did I miss read something?

Kenneth Welever

Counter prediction: they forgot to add in ongoing loot drops so the system calculated everything in at the end and Jake gets something he really really shouldn't.

Ryan Brudnicki

My exploit guess is that the storyline is being run by the dungeon, and since jake doesnt like any of the factions the dungeon keeps trying to introduce new ones to align with jake, so he will have an ever expanding amount of factions getting involved, and they will all have high level jobs


I like the thought, but that would affect everyone, not just Jake. Villy is clear that it’s something Jake in particular is already taking advantage of, no?


It feels like Fallout 4, where a lot of the quests tend to overlap and work with opponents. You can do multiple faction quests all at the same time and not get in trouble, getting way more rewards then actually picking a faction. Top tier 10/10


This gives me the same vibes that I get from watching the end of the clue movie with Tim Curry as he sums up who the killer is lol 😂😂😂

Hodge Wasson

Best chapter in this challenge dungeon so far, IMO. Lots of progress, further intrigue set up, and god banter to further frame this challenge dungeon. Good stuff all around.

Kenneth Welever

Add in Jake doing absurdly well because of the other loopholes and his prize ends up being greater still than predicted.


My guess is the exploit is the these faction quest chains aren't mutually exclusive. The designers forgot to "lock out" the choices you could take once you went down one path, do Jake can essentially do all of them... Likely leading to a big reward and possibly a big 25% modifier.

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


good chappie


There's a lot of reasons that Jake wouldn't like her but the main one I believe is she's betraying her family


I agree with this comment and that the people are NPCs can tell if you're lying but since he's not lied they can't do anything to accuse him of treachery as long as he's truthful and does his job he can get as many quest lines as possible even if they are against each other making it so that he's literally getting x times rewards for each quest line


It'll be hilarious if the lockout was true and since he completed all that racing the endgame to all has a25%reward earning him 75 to maybe even 100 for doing all the side quests as well. This breaking the system and having to deal with wyrmgod and minaga directly for his rewards.


I hope this is the case because Jake breaking things accidentally is half the fun of this series.

C. Adkins

Well, maybe it’s more of how forgetful Jake is, where anyone else at his level of power and rank would obviously demand or even just question payment, while Jake just never brought it up because he just believes it’s system fuckery?


Friendly Edit: paragraph 4; “many gods who were capable of listening in WERE very interested…”


friendly edit: “As sad as it sounds, it was rare to find people even willing to argue back” - change ‘sounds’ to ‘sounded’ - keeping it all past tense.


Friendly edit: 4th the last paragraph: “ with eleven total Special Courier Jobs, and who even KNEW how many Side Jobs and Special Side Jobs.” Keeping it all past tense.


That’s my guess too but I’m hoping for a little extra twist I haven’t predicted. If it’s there, yay! If not, stiff fun.


The third faction is from a different empire (edit : different Dukedom, still the same empire) and is probably using the girl for their own goals: sowing chaos in the rival empire (edit : Dukedom) (instead of trying to fix the problems plaguing the common people). Jake doesn't like those who abuse their power. He doesn't like PETE for killing simple farmers that support/supply the infernal Baron's family and doesn't like the family for not caring about the death toll of their subjects. The third faction doesn't (probably) care about that either so therefore Jake doesn't care for them either as well.


Jake totally didn't read the comments from a chapter or two ago to come up with PETE.


Yeah but at least for the two major factions they wanted him involved with other. It’s not like he independently went to PETE he was sent by the DoF and then sent back by PETE


@ Johannes H - Are you complaining about BOTH it taking too long (terrible drag) AND that the Courier story is turning into a recap!? What, pray tell, would make you happy?


@ Frederick - Yes, Jake hates all of the factions involved but he also showed some sympathy for the Duke's daughter so I figured that he'd separated his feelings for the third faction from his feelings for her. Partly due to her still being in early C-grade because she doesn't want to use her family's method of consuming elementals. I could be wrong. 🤷 Edit: Turns out I was wrong about the daughter.


He is also completing the same quest multiple times because all factions recognize it as completed

Chaotic Chaos

I love how Jake is just there as a iron tangle of political intrigue unwinds around him. The fact that he’s unfazed by it all is even funnier.

Daniel Hamilton

It would be nice if he got his medallion to divine. He’s been in there for about nine months has a whole year plus a few months left.

Sean Dawson

I can feel it. This was a lot of progress in 1 chapter and it’s almost endgame time and tomorrow is Friday. The cliffhanger is coming.

Thomas Laptain

I don't think that's necessary here, as the first part of that statement is a separate occurrence to the second, so their tenses don't need to be the same. The presently occuring inner monologue of Villy is the part saying 'as sad as it sounds', so it being present tense makes sense.

Thomas Laptain

Same to the other comment I replied to, the 'who even knows' part of this statement is occurring as part of the present tense inner monologue, and not something that has already happened, so it being present tense can make sense.


Every other verb in the paragraph is past tense so this one needs to be too.


Every other verb in the paragraph is past tense so this one needs to be too. Alternately, If it was all present tense inner monologue that would be fine.

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!


I imagine one of the things they didn't account for is that since it's a newly integrated universe, a world like Jake's has lots of jobs like what he's doing now. When you compare it to the current world where something like this just wouldn't happen so they've designed it based on that naivety.

Thomas Laptain

Firstly, that's simply not true. There are various other verbs not in past tense in that paragraph. Secondly, it's not happening on the same timescale as other verbs in the paragraph either, so doesn't need to match them. It's internal monologue referring to a statement that is being made presently, so is fine to be in present tense.


That and the shroud are both cheats the mc is using, along with his bloodline to exploit flaws

Austin G

I gotta admit i skipped this entire courier sub plot and feel i havent missed a thing


Sigh…. I love the story, but I’ve basically just skimmed through the last few courier chapters.

Hunter Thornton

Finally Jake bout to do some serious bitch and hittin em with the reality checks