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Hello there. Now this one is a bit different. With the book launch and all that I got talking with my publisher and another author (Actus) who also signed with them and has done some cool merch in the past. So we talked about me making some myself.

Not wanting to do some boring shirt or something (not ruling it out for the future, but seemed a bit boring to just do that), and I have seen the coins that Actus did and liked them quite a bit. Look below for an example of how it looks:

Actus' page for reference: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1166005129/steamforged-sorcery-soft-enamel-embossed - Including video and pictures of a finished product.

Now, of course my coin will not be with his designs. We have been working with an artist and below is the current work on progress.

Heads (UPDATE: Will change heads design based on feedback. More to come soonish):


This poll is to gauge interest on the subject. Pretty much we need to know how many to actually order before we begin anything and this poll is to do just that and also get general feedback on the subject.

Now, a few disclaimers. No matter what the coin will be shipped from the US as this is a small operation primarily run from there, so that means shipping will be kind of shit for a lot of EU/AU/Anywhere not US. Some places are still fine like Germany, but overall it isn't ideal.

The overall price of the coin will be around 30 dollars (excluding shipping), but the final pricing is still subject to change. But let me make it clear, this is not to earn any money. The price will be set as low as possible while still covering costs.

Anyway, that is about that. Any feedback is appreciated and the look and design of the coins are still work in progress if you guys and gals have any feedback or suggested changes.

Thanks in advance.

- Zogarth



Pewter or some blackish Grey metal would be awesome


I want a Sylphie shirt.