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Question of the day: what happens when a Planetary Core breaks?

Nothing good would be the short answer. For a more detailed answer, it was all a bit more complicated, with many factors in play. One of the main factors was the method by which the core had been broken.

Breaking it through pure power wasn’t something a C-grade was capable of. Not even a B-grade would be able to accomplish it, which quickly made Jake write off that the dead planet had its core outright destroyed. Instead, it was likely a method of more subtle means that had been deployed.

Jake knew annoyingly much about planet-wide sacrificial rituals due to Villy and his constant semi-joking, and one of the primary methods of doing such a ritual was using the core. The Planetary Core functioned as the wellspring of mana and energy for the entire planet, and it was what held the entire thing together. Corrupting it would thus lead to the corruption of the whole planet, and using the core as the catalyst for a massive ritual to kill every living being on a planet was truly the best method.

When the Planetary Core was transformed into a Planetary Pylon, things got even more complicated still. From Jake’s talks with Kindroth and Miranda, he learned that it was entirely possible to use their influence and control over the Pylon to mess with it. Miranda even mentioned that one could likely rig the entire planet to blow only using the control granted by the Planetary Pylon.

This wouldn’t be something that could happen in a day, though. Not a few months, either. This was why Jake was so confused about what had happened to the planet now turned black on the map. It was especially confusing why this creature known as “I” had done it. It had been the only living creature on the planet… why would it have to go out of its way to seemingly spend the last three months also destroying the core?

All that would accomplish was to make sure the planet would never recover. That no new life would appear. It would effectively just turn it into a giant dead rock, susceptible to the destructive forces floating in the universe, as one of the primary functions of the core was to maintain and regulate the atmosphere, and with that gone, it was open season for all kinds of meteorites and whatnot.

Jake was wracking his brain as to why anyone would bother with that, as the Sword Saint did offer some potential explanations.

“Is it possible the core was absorbed or transformed in some way? Perhaps this “I” was capable of devouring it?” the old man proposed.

“That isn’t possible,” Jake shook his head. “While there are creatures that can consume Planetary Cores out there, we would be utterly fucked if we were dealing with one here, as the power required to do something like that is ridiculous. If some kind of ritual had been used to absorb the core’s energy it would also have taken way longer than a few months. No, the core must have been corrupted somehow.”

“Would a C-grade truly be capable of such levels of magical corruption?” the Sword Saint questioned.

“I would be capable of doing it,” Jake just answered in a dry tone, earning him a judging glance.

“What? I didn’t say I would do it,” Jake muttered. If he remembered the work he’d done alongside Temlat and his study of planetary rituals the Viper made him do for funsies, he believed that if he used Eternal Hunger as a catalyst of corruption along with-

“Naturally, you would never do anything so crass,” the old man cut off Jake’s thoughts. “The question still remains, though. Why would someone who’d already taken control of their planet choose to destroy it?”

“The only explanation I can find is that it’s part of this creature’s Path. Clearly, it isn’t some unintelligent beast, as it requires more than just raw power to corrupt a core, especially when one considers that it must have entered the Prima Vessel after killing the Guardian, teleported to the core, and then done whatever it did there… in fact, the mere fact it was capable of doing that must mean this creature was the World Leader,” Jake frowned.

“Doesn’t that mean it’s enlightened?” the Sword Saint raised an eyebrow.

“I would assume so unless there are system rules we are not yet aware of,” Jake sighed. It was entirely possible there were rules or exceptions, especially on planets with so few people on them. Either way, this entire situation was one they had to watch closely.

“Definitely make sure Miranda doesn’t accept any applications from this creature to visit,” the Sword Saint said in a semi-joking tone, shaking his head.

“If I really had to tell her something like that, we would have even bigger problems to deal with.”

The two of them stayed there a bit longer, talking about the latest planets they had visited. No one else came to the Prima Vessel during this time, which was to be expected. Only people from Earth who had gone to help other planets used the Vessel, and they didn’t even have to do that anymore if they didn’t want to.

Originally, they didn’t have any plans of making a Prima Guardian Alliance teleportation circle to allow people to visit Earth from other planets in the Prima Guardian Alliance, but after some further deliberation, they made one anyway. In their first plan, Miranda wanted to send people to the planets they “saved” in order to not expose Earth to potential bad actors or to give away too much about their homeworld and its peculiarities. After the entire Ell’Hakan fiasco, people also weren’t that keen on the potential of people affiliated with the enemy Chosen sneaking in.

However, it quickly became clear Jake and the others were just too damn efficient in their work, and there was no way Miranda or those she trusted could keep up. When they established this new teleportation circle, they wanted it far away from the Prima Vessel. Making the circle had been incredibly easy as the system had made it to be, and they placed it in a secluded small city with teleporters capable of taking the visitors elsewhere on Earth while not taking them straight to Haven or another major city from the get-go.

As an added bonus, Arnold commented this process of making the magic circle had been beneficial for his research. So definitely worth it.

“I should head out again,” the Sword Saint said after they spoke a bit more. “Can’t fall behind Ell’Hakan and his alliance.”

“True, true,” Jake nodded, also preparing to go help out another world. The thing about keeping up with Ell’Hakan also wasn’t a joke. His alliance was clearing planets fast, and while Jake honestly didn’t have a complete overview of who had done more, he had a feeling the other Chosen wasn’t that far behind if he was behind at all.

So, nothing to do but get back in the saddle and kill some more would-be word-ending bosses as if they were some annoying chore that had to be dealt with.

One thing did definitely suck. As was already touched upon, the Prima Guardians had just gotten easier and easier with time. Not only did this mean Ell’Hakan’s alliance could clear planets more easily with their elite teams, but it also meant that Jake’s experience gain had flatlined.

Maybe he shouldn’t complain too much, though… 3 levels – or 4 if he counted the first one on Olliandra’s planet – wasn’t bad progress at all in only three months.

’DING!’ Class: [Arcane Hunter of Horizon’s Edge] has reached level 294 - Stat points allocated, +50 Free Points

’DING!’ Class: [Arcane Hunter of Horizon’s Edge] has reached level 296 - Stat points allocated, +50 Free Points

’DING!’ Race: [Human (C)] has reached level 286 - Stat points allocated, +45 Free Points

’DING!’ Race: [Human (C)] has reached level 287 - Stat points allocated, +45 Free Points

System events were well-known for having what were effectively hidden experience amplifiers, primarily due to the many Records associated with any event. Knowing this, Jake wasn’t sure if he should be happy or sad about his level gain, though he was fairly certain he wouldn’t really get more than one, maybe two, more, even if he killed hundreds more Guardians.

While there certainly were extra Records associated with the event, Jake was still killing monsters he could pretty effortlessly slay, and their levels were only dropping the further the event went on. The uniqueness of the Records gained also reduced with every Prima Guardian kill, as while every Guardian was different, they still had many of their Records in common.

Killing one Prima Guardian was impressive… ten was incredible… but a hundred and it just turned into a regular unnoteworthy hunting trip. Jake effectively felt like a hunter regulating population numbers, with the desired population number of Prima Guardians equalling zero across the galaxy.

Jake saw the Sword Saint walk off as he quickly referred to the updated list of planets looking for help made by Kindroth and the associated code he was meant to put in the application description. With it mentally noted, he went toward the teleporter, ready to kill yet another Guardian and save yet another world. Truly not too dissimilar to a regular day job.


Kindroth smiled as he looked at the city called Haven, admiring its simplicity. The touch of magic was surprisingly light compared to his own world, but that did have its own charm. What was also very charming were the people of the planet. They were indeed an interesting bunch, from the monsters to the enlightened, who were quite frankly also rather monstrous in their own rights.

Miranda, the Court Witch, was also something of an interesting figure. He would readily admit she was more powerful than he was, and while she still had much room for growth in her role as the de facto leader of the planet, she was adequate, if still lacking. Unsurprising, considering her young age as a human. They only lived for a few decades before the system, after all. As an elf with quite a few centuries under his belt before the integration even arrived, he had relied on the wisdom of age during much of his Path.

Because of the value he put on wisdom, Kindroth did find it confusing why the Court Witch was the leader in the first place. While their interaction had been brief, Kindroth had met the swordsman people called the Sword Saint – a title nearly as arrogant as his own. Never had he thought he would meet a human from this new universe who made him feel like a young man once more, nor to meet someone so wise from age. This Sword Saint was a frightening existence in the eyes of Kindroth, possessing not only power but extreme political prowess and insight. If he had been the leader, it would have been fully understandable.

Sure, he was a member of this World Council and clearly held a lot of influence, but it would just make more sense if he was the dominant voice. From what Kindroth had gathered, though, the swordsman hadn’t sought the position of leader but wished to focus on his blade. An odd sentiment, but likely what was required to reach his level of power.

Speaking of power… the Chosen of the Malefic Viper. Jake Thayne. Kindroth had spent a good while with him but still couldn’t get a full read on the man. He seemed simple. Oddly uncomplicated for someone of his status. If not for his overwhelming power, and the unsettling feeling he gave off when he looked at you, Kindroth could easily have confused him for a regular hunter. Clearly, he was far more than that, though.

The primary reason he was sure of that was due to Ell’Hakan. The Nahoom was the most self-assured and confident person Kindroth had ever met. Yet the elf had felt it when the Chosen of the Malefic Viper was mentioned during their meetings. There was a level of apprehension and doubt when it came to dealing with the hunter.

Then, there was, of course, the title of Harbinger of Primeval Origins. A title not claimed or taken by the hunter but granted and cemented by the system. Kindroth still wasn’t entirely certain what it meant, but he did know it was related to the fact a True Royal and two other monsters of extreme power seemed to have been born or evolved into what they were due to this power.

For the Chosen to hold powers like that and also appear like a simple hunter was… puzzling.

As Kindroth was stuck in thought overlooking the city, he soon got a message that Jake had left the planet and where he’d gone. When Kindroth saw the planet he’d chosen, he couldn’t help but let a small smile creep to his lips. Finally, the time had come, and he muttered to himself as he looked at the setting sun in the distance.

“And thus the impetus takes flight.”


The scalekin lizard World Leader felt excitement in his heart when he heard they were next on the list. He had quickly gone to fetch his queen, a winged beastkin, and her response was equally elated and relieved.

They needed the help, and they needed it badly.

Their planet had, to put it nicely, not been united leading up to this Prima Guardian event at all. They had a mix of so many different races and could never truly get along and form one cohesive society. Before the system arrived, half of the world had been at war with one another, and the fact everyone got stats and power only escalated things. Entire races had already been wiped out or enslaved, and the fighting was far from done.

The only way the lizard man had managed to become the World Leader was because they had to pick one, and at that stage of their conflict, he had been the most influential. Since then, he had lost and gained power, with overall everything a mess.

It was so bad that many on their planet hadn’t taken the entire event seriously, even if the scalekin and a few other leaders had tried to make them. Despite the Primas ravaging the planet, the war hadn’t stopped... in fact, some factions took advantage of the chaos caused by the Primas to try and assassinate influential or powerful figures in other countries.

As things were going, they were headed toward destruction. It wasn’t even certain the Prima Guardian needed to be released before they tore themselves apart. The only slightly positive thing was that some stability had begun to emerge in the last month and a half as factions banded together. The scalekin World Leader managed to leverage his position to gather a coalition of smaller forces, and in response, other factions had also come together to oppose him.

But then… then everything turned to shit. During all the commotion, no one had kept the Prima Guardian Alliance teleportation circles a secret, meaning many different factions had their own. This didn’t seem like a big problem until one day, it suddenly was as the coalition that opposed the scalekin called in help from across the stars. The permission settings had been messed up for sure, as the scalekin had incompetently just not thought about it, which was the cause of his downfall.

In a single week, the scalekin was branded a usurper who had unrightfully claimed the title of World Leader. Two other World Leaders had appeared on the planet, and as things were, things were bleak… until the Voice of the One reached out.

He gave them hope. They had believed that fighting the opposing coalition would be impossible due to who they had allied with, but now the scalekin saw a chance.

For who would be better than the alliance formed by the Chosen of the Malefic One to defend them against those backed by the Celestial Child?





Thanks for the chapter


Thank u



mitchell kaiser

Oh man tomorrow is going to be great


Thanks for the chapter!


YES ! Finally it's not just about Prima's but the two powerhouses clashes a bit. I hope Jake have some fun soon :)


It's gonna be so funny when Ell'Hakan and Yip of Yore's plans are all ruined and Jake will just be there like "It is what it is" while he has done nothing fancy and Villy and Kindroch have done all the scheming and it all just turned out fine for Jake.

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter

Cory Sauls

This should be interesting


I'm hyped for tomorrow! TFTC.


I feel like the voice of the one is playing the long con

michael pigott

So is Jake gonna get involved in the mess with the other world leaders or just ignore everyone, yell at the scalekin leader to use his permissions better, solo the boss and leave... optionally get ambushed during/after the fight and just accidentally an entire mess of horrific optics for EH


And do it begins. And it’s not even a Friday!

Long Pham

Hell yeh proxy war


Kindroch is fascinating. I am glad he got introduced


Kindroth running his own agenda? Sounds like he actually wants the war between two Chosen to happen rather sooner than later. Here is to hoping he does it for Jake's good, but after The Divine Dungeon I have issues trusting sneaky elves.

Andromeda Adams

Did Kin set this up knowingly? (Since he was smiling when he found out where Jake was heading.) Will Jake face off with EH? Or will those influenced by EH attack Jake? This promises to be fun! TYFTC!

Jim Meyer

Time for galaxy-scale war!!!!


Ahhhh, thank God it's... Wait. It's not Friday yet? What is this lack of cliff?


TFTC, I can already smell a cliffhanger coming on friday

Ty Cooper

Kindroch starting to get extra shady. Was wondering when the two chosen would finally get a chance to Duke it out. I am so tired of EH. I am looking forward to his death. Dought that this would be the planet that EH dies on though.😪 Probably beat back EH and making him flee and spread more rumors. Man I want EH to finally die.


If Jake kills the other world leaders doesn't he get control of their pylons thanks to his ring?

Micah Molina

Lmao Jake stepping in it now. Tbf, all he has to do is head to the Prima Vessel with the WL and kill the Guardian to grant the WL control over all pylons. Ofc, the other side has to try and stop him. I guess it's time again for Jake to beat back an army. Lol


TFTC! Time for a first Long Distance Skirmish?


This sounds about right to me. EH’s time will come eventually, but for now the most important thing is winning the prima guardian event, which means killing the PG, telling the world leader to chat with Miranda, then leaving to fight more PG’s


Kendroch didn’t seem like he was against Jake but shit, if he goes against him, I can’t see Jake cutting him slack. Betrayal sucks and Jake will come down on him like a mega tonne of bricks

Rimantas Podlinevas

So I’m suspicious of the voice buddy. I feel like he might be “I”


This. I think he hopes both die or that he then can be second fiddle to whoever wins. Also he mentioned meetings with EH and I find it highly unlikely that he could resist EH. I suspect this lucky break for Jake on his planet with all those mercs was set up. EH knows he can't save everyone as fast as earth can. So he sets earth up as the saviour and then either creates a trap for Jake on this lizard world or let's this conflict escalate in such a way that all the earned goodwill will be countered.


interesting twist

Sébastien Kingsbury

I don't think he's going against Jake, but he definitely knew that Jake going to that planet was likely to result in casualties for the other side of the alliance

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!

Noah Jackson

Tyftc! Kindroch is pretty cool. This chapter was nice set up for a sick fight. Jake vs EH subordinates here we come!


Ok, that's a great twist


Jake should just take control of the world pylon.


Con man please if ya doing this on purpose at least tell people share with the team or else I gotta think you're with EH at least marginally to save your own ass

Steven Myer

I hope Kindroch doesn't end up a bad guy, I would enjoy him floating around for many a more book!

Andromeda Adams

But he was warned of EH ahead of time so that makes him harder to manipulate. If what he said is true. Maybe Kin just wants to see what happens. As he can’t read Jake. I don’t know either way it’s exciting!

Jack Dawson

The POV from the world of "I" is in the chapter titled "planetary pylon" and it's definitely not the voice guy


Kindroth was the elf's name in his intro chapter. Now it's Kindroch which sounds like the name of the god that ran Jakes tutorial.


I don't think he's a bad guy. He's being a politician simple as that.


Orange homies get rambunctious and Jake looks at them. No more rambunctious homies. Can’t wait for that to play out.


I think we have a retcon here. I think Zog might have changed his name from Kindroth to Kindroch.

Erik Bekke

Is it kindroch or kindroth???

DeAngelo Wilson

Politicians stay politicking! xD I have hope that Kindroch isn’t being malicious, but clearly has his own agenda!

Sam Rosenberg

Nice chapter, good setup


Jake's Peeps Vs. EH Peeps Red vs Blue, BLooDs Vs Crips! Lets get it oN! LOLOL

Darshar Griffonmane

Round 3 of the Hunter-Cheeto match about to commence now that both sides have cleared most of the board of planets that touch upon each other. Now the question is will Jake attempt to use pure muscle, mix it up, or just let others handle anyone not Cheeto themselves directly. Oh and the being corrupting/consuming planets is totally not an issue. Nope, no worries there! tyftc!


I wouldn't say politicking, it's closer to say I think he's prepping Jake VS EH and making EH look like a the POS he really is.


Bruh, EHs subordinates aren't gonna do shit to Jake. Wait is this the first time he has fights other enlightened in a large scale war?


Annnd ops like that. Jake accidented a War. Jake V. Like 40 of orange boys Elites. The game was truly rigged from the start. All memes aside, it's good for Jake and his people to clash. I don't know the narrative they are trying to right, but the lone righteous hunter protecting the world leader and the planet against numerous hostile factions? Can't twist that into a story about how evil Jake is. Not at all.


As long as this scalekin World Leader has the key, then he's the only one who can enter the Prima Guardian vessel. Jake should just convince him to enter the vessel so that he can off the Prima Guardian and that way the scalekin can claim the Planetary Core/Pylon, showing that the other World Leaders are the actual Usurpers AND that Ell'hakan is doing shady stuff by backing rebellions.


That one is easy to twist using the same narrative EH tried on earth. The Prima Guardian Alliance came to help liberate the planet from an unfit world leader dooming the planet in endless wars only for the ruthless Viper’s chosen to stop them from carrying this righteous act. Give that Jake most like does not give a rats ass about the local politics of this planet, EH will get his first ammunition for this event.


It’s about to get real.


Except Jack now also has his own Political savvy person, and you can bet anything that he gonna be there after Jack done with this planet. Because he is trying to get membership in Jack's inner circle.

ItWasIDIO!! (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-23 17:28:40 Both maybe tru but only the scheming Evil snake god gets to leave Jake in the dark so Kindrock needs to not be jerk "Nathan Ford" leaving the team in the dark
2024-07-23 15:13:36 Both may be tru but only the scheming Evil snake god gets to leave Jake in the dark so Kindrock needs to not be a jerk like "Nathan Ford" leaving the team in the dark

Both may be tru but only the scheming Evil snake god gets to leave Jake in the dark so Kindrock needs to not be a jerk like "Nathan Ford" leaving the team in the dark

Rhett Russell

Yes, unless you count Nevermore with the twin ogres who were fighting each other.


I just hope Jake applies a simple solution using the play nice or F off strategy.


True I can see an annoyed Jake coming back after PG death telling Kindroch to fix that melting pot

Martín Ballesteros Arias

I'd love for Jake to kill those two worlds leaders and on his report back to Miranda be like... "oh and you're now the leader of another 2 planets!"


I think this has cemented Kindroch as a very interesting character. While on the surface I want to say that he’s not dumb enough to work outside of Jake’s interest it was stated explicitly that he would sacrifice himself for the good of the planet. This development makes me believe he’s playing double agent and possibly hedging his bets. There’s two scenarios I can think of: 1. He was looking for a way to deal with Ell’Hakan but was ensure about Jake. Once we met Jake he made his choice. Now he’s using his political acumen and channels with Ell’Hakan to set things up in a way that’s favorable to Jake. 2. He only truely cares about the survival of his planet. By playing both sides he can maximize the odds of his planet being safe. If Jake comes out on top and finds out about his double play there’s still a chance Jake will let him off but at worse he’ll kill him and only him. If Ell’Hakan comes out on top and finds out he still holds the value of his political skill. In this scenario I still think he prefers Jake and thinks Jake has an edge but is basically staying on his planet and acting as induced political prisoner.


Thankies for the chapie zogie

Rahsheem Reid

I mean it’s obvious whose side we are on scale skin or orange fucks.

Ty Cooper

He might be hoping Jake kills EH leaving a power vacuum ol' Kindroch can fill taking over as leader for the event and great wonder.


He's a double agent! Having two names is part of his secret identity.


I think this cemented Kindroch/Kindroth as a double agent. For what other reason is there to go by two different names? Very sneaky.


Time for some targeted mass sacrifices


I’m honestly wondering if it is an intentional change or not. Because in this chapter he is referred to as Kindroch and Kindroth so I wonder if he has some mental skill.

John Durrett

He was straight up with Jake. I think he’s more curious to see what happens at this new planet. With so many sides at war, it will be a great opportunity for him to learn and study Jake’s nature

Seen Death

Jake was just complaining about not many potential levels left for the event aswell haha. It is a shame that most people would be lower level than him (wont give him exp) but at the very least he should get some good fights + potential skill upgrades

Seen Death

One of jakes greatest skills imo, is he turns bad events into positive ones haha. Sure he might have some close calls or potentially annoying things to deal with But with challenge comes growth As long as he doesnt die hell benefit from it all

Daniel Hamilton

3. He is playing both sides against each other and is making his move while being in a position to influence Miranda. Thinking there has to be a title somewhere for taking out a chosen.

Jeff McCulley

“It had been the only living creature on the planet” How could Jake know this? “Population” was on the list of the stats shown, but I don’t recall anything that would mention a count of plants or microbes. Help me out here?


I think him going after Miranda is very very unlikely. First, he didn't know much about her before coming to Earth. Second, he admitted Miranda was stronger than him. Thirdly, with access to the world core and her witchy magic she's probably the most well defended person on the planet save for the Nevermore Crew + Arnold. It would be a huge risk only to incur Jake's wrath. With the information that we have been given it truly seems like his only motivation is the survival of his people.

Anime Problem

He can literally check because the prima guardian vessels galaxy map provides that information


System event are usually addressed to the denizens

Poison Drinker

Oooooooooh shit! Here we go!!


There doesn’t need to be any malicious intent in his statement. Jake has not made a secret of his thoughts on Ell’Hakan and inside the Prima Alliance which was controlled by Ell’Hakan this scenario was bound to happen eventually. His worst “crime” is simply not laying out which planets may have more contested political landscape. And who knows Jake may very well know what he’s walking into. There’s also the element that a politically savvy individual may want to see how Jake reacts to this situation.


I agree @DasGoat622 And I hope we are not wrong, because I kind of like what's-his-name.

Micah Molina

Kindroth only had one best outcome! That's Jake winning. If EH wins, he's going to make Kindroch and his planet into fuel for his path. If somehow it ends in non competition or draw, the Holy Church will most likely take over his planet and Kindroch has deduced that leads to his sacrifice and death by his own patron.

Micah Molina

Yea I think the imagery of the setting sun is foreshadowing for EH going out. Jake is fine hunting in the dark after all. As to Kindroch, it seems this was an inevitability. Not malicious. Tbf, sounds like Jake winning is his only path to victory. If EH wins, Kindroch and planet become fuel to EHs path. If it ends in a draw, he said the Holy Church would take control of his planet leading to the Great Bright One sacrificing Kindroch to make nice with the Church. So yea, his only out is Jake if it's all true. And EH sees those around him as tools and pawns, so that checks out.


This ritual that made «I» seems a bit OP. So to think that some faction gave that ritual to them is no thst odd. Maybe even Willy spreading some chaos as he is know for. I just hope «I» dont Go directly for Jake & co. It be nice to see the orange f****r have to defend worlds because of «I». ATM there is NO divine help that can guide anyone. So it be nice if Jake can watch a dissaster happen to mr. Orange without it effecting him as not everything needs to Go after Jake like its some universal law. That EVERYTHING is in Orange f****rs plans is just plain boring. Give him som BS to deal with to! Its odd that as his path is conquest of other worlds there seems to be so little problems for him with it.

Micah Molina

I don't think he wants them to kill each other. If EH wins Kindrochs people become fuel/ slaves to EH. If Jake nor EH win, then the that draw leads to his planet falling to the Church, that leads to Kindroch being sacrificed by his own patron to play nice with the church. Seems like Jake winning and making his planet Jake's territory is the only way Kindroch lives long term.

Micah Molina

Jake is his best outcome. EH winning means Kindroch and planet become EHs slaves. If it ends in both dying, the Holy Church takes over Kindrochs planet and that leads to his sacrifice and death by his own patron.


all this talk about planetary sacrifices, the fact Jake mentioned he could do it... foreshadowing what's gonna happen to cheeto boys planet perhaps?


I think its a universal law that the main character has the more interesting path. Other wise why make them the main character?


Thx for the chapter


The fact that elves live so long makes it even more impressive that Jakes newest friend managed to con them all into worshipping him and their God.