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Ell’Hakan received the report as he was on the move, and after scanning it briefly, he nodded, satisfied with the results so far. A second Prima Guardian had been slain without his personal involvement, helping speed things up and further cementing trust in the Prima Guardian Alliance. They now had two confirmed teams capable of handling Prima Guardians, though the report did state they lost two fighters, so they would need replacements before engaging the next one.

Naturally, that didn’t mean Ell’Hakan was lazing about. He was currently on his way to yet another Prima Vessel, the local World Leader and a party of fighters already waiting at it and ready for his arrival. The Prima Guardian he’d faced on his own planet had been far more difficult than any of these other ones and was something he could easily handle on his lonesome. Such personal displays of strength were always useful to the alliance, too, and he wasn’t going to complain about the improved system reward at the end of the event either.

Despite things going well so far, he was far from without worries… and the Malefic Viper’s Chosen wasn’t even the only cause of it.

This ”I” character who’d seemingly performed as well as himself and the Viper’s Chosen was still a complete mystery, and with him cut off from Yip of Yore, he couldn’t get any divine information on who it may be either. What’s more… he had his suspicions that this person or creature was no longer on its homeworld anymore. He did not need this chaotic element.

While considering this, he got another message sent to him.

He scanned the new message briefly. The Prima Guardian Alliance had managed to sneak in a group of mercenaries to the planet of this Great Bright One – a world Ell’Hakan was very much interested in due to its extremely high population and homogeneity – and that message briefly outlined that a certain Chosen had made a visit.

The mercenaries sent only knew that the Chosen had gone to meet with the elf who called himself the ”Voice of the One” and nothing more, but that in itself was already… concerning.

Ell’Hakan wasn’t just interested in the planet due to its properties, but due to this Voice of the One and his abilities. Few World Leaders had impressed him, and he’d met quite a few of them during the Prima Alliance talk, and out of everyone, the elf was the one Ell’Hakan regarded the highest. It was someone Ell’Hakan had very much wanted in his inner circle, and before this message arrived, he’d still believed it would be possible.

There was no way the mercenaries they’d gathered could take down the Prima Guardian, and Ell’Hakan believed that after their failure, the Voice of the One would be a lot more receptive to further negotiations. Ell’Hakan could respect that the elf didn’t like him and was wary, but he still believed that should he face the choice between facing annihilation at the hands of the Prima Guardian and joining hands with the Prima Guardian Alliance, the Voice of the One would make the right choice and come to Ell’Hakan for help.

However… now that didn’t seem like it would happen. Not to say this was necessarily a bad outcome. Ell’Hakan saw it very likely that this would all result in the Chosen of the Malefic Viper slaying the Voice of the One due to his personal disagreement with how the planet was ruled or because the World Leader refused to release the Prima Guardian.

If that happened, the Chosen would be forced to engage in quite the slaughter, not just slowing him down during this system event but even giving Ell’Hakan plenty of ammunition to work with and back up the story that the Chosen was a danger to the Prima Guardian Alliance and in no way someone they could even attempt to talk to.

As for the Voice of the One and the Chosen of the Malefic Viper striking some kind of deal or working together, Ell’Hakan considered the chances of that happening pretty low. Now, should it happen, that would undoubtedly end up being a little annoying, but it shouldn’t really impact things that much, right?


”Congratulations, you are now one of the premiere owners of real estate in this entire universe,” Jake said with a smile as Kindroth claimed ownership of the Planetary Pylon, thus fully taking the planet as his own.

They were naturally within the core chamber of the planet, having teleported there using the Prima Vessel after the Guardian had died.

”One of the first things I did was abolish private land ownership and claimed that everything the light touched belonged to the Great Bright One, as one of the primary causes of discord before the system was territorial disputes,” the elven World Leader answered in a deadpan voice.

”In other words, you fully monopolized the real estate market, truly a genius business move,” Jake joked with the guy. ”I do wonder how you plan on getting out of all the bullshit you filled the populace with, though. This delusional level of belief in the Great Bright One can’t continue forever.”

”I’m well aware,” Kindroth sighed. ”And I can’t see an immediate solution either. I do have a plan in mind, though. Scrubbing the planet of the influence of the Great Bright One isn’t possible, nor something I want, as I am still a follower of my Patron, and my job is to gather faith for him, but I will begin to address the more extreme beliefs. It will be a subtle process that will take many years, at least decades if not centuries, but I hope I can bring it to a healthy level eventually. May have to push a few people off the levitator in the process, and some political figures may die as I blame them for having twisted my words and the Words of the Great Bright One, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

Jake looked at the elf for a moment before just shaking his head. When joking around and being casual, he sometimes forgot this was a man who had somehow managed to unite over a hundred billion elves by getting all of the different country leaders in the same room together and somehow walked out with every single one loyal to him. Jake sucked at politics, something that certainly couldn’t be said about Kindroth.

”Like it or not, the planet belongs to you now. At least according to the system it does, and is there really a higher authority?” Jake commented.

”Let’s just be honest with ourselves… is it really mine?” the elf raised an eyebrow. ”There is no way Ell’Hakan would ever allow our continued existence, even if I do try and improve things, and despite your words or intentions, should you win out, we will be considered under the influence of the Order merely by existing within the same galaxy as the home planet of the Malefic Viper’s Chosen.”

”What others think and the actual truth is far from always the same,” Jake shook his head. ”I truly, genuinely, have no interest in ruling the galaxy. Shit, I don’t have any interest in ruling my own damn planet. You are right that it will probably still end up being considered my territory, but there’s really nothing I can do about that. All I can say is that I have no plans of controlling what others do, as long as they don’t do anything too fucked up.”

”Oh, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t complaining,” Kindroth grinned. ”You know, the Great Bright One did brief me on his intensions when I was first blessed, and back then, before he or barely anyone knew about you and Ell’Hakan, the plan was to co-exist with the Holy Church, as assumptions were they would end up ruling the galaxy in the end. Based on what I heard about the Church, I’m not sure being under the thumb of the Order of the Malefic Viper is that much worse.”

”How exactly would your way of leading this planet have worked out with the Holy Church?” Jake questioned.

”By now, I hope it’s pretty clear I was spitballing most of what I did to unite the planet, with little forethought or long-term planning in the mix during those early days,” Kindroth shook his head and sighed. ”So you ask how it would work? It fucking wouldn’t, but just as I’m willing to sacrifice a few politicians, so the Bright One would also have been willing to sacrifice me by branding me a false prophet. If I got lucky, exile would have been a good outcome from that… but even if I died, it wouldn’t really have been that bad. I did what I thought I had to do to save my planet, it worked out, and if my death could secure a better future for everyone, that wouldn’t be the worst way to go. We all have to die one day; may as well make it a good death.”

”Surprisingly altruistic,” Jake said in genuine surprise. Especially because he felt like those weren’t empty words, and when he remembered that Kindroth had been willing to fight Jake even after feeling his aura… yeah, Jake believed him. He didn’t agree with the ”everyone dies one day” part, but it wasn’t something worth really discussing.

”You do strike me as the kind of person that if you had the choice between burning down your own planet or dying, you’d start throwing fireballs… or shooting burning arrows in your case, I guess,” the elf smiled. ”Anyway, let’s get out of here and back to talk to those mercenaries.”

Jake followed the elf back to the Prima Vessel to teleport back topside, looking confused at the elf. ”Why would we need to talk to them?”

”Huh, I guess no one told you… one of the reasons why we gathered a lot of mercenaries and why the mercenaries even came here was to see if a team that couldn’t help just us but several planets out there could be assembled. Think of it as a worse version of the Prima Guardian Alliance that Ell’Hakan has formed, filled with a lot more naivety and delusion,” Kindroth explained as he shook his head. ”Having seen the Prima Guardian… pretty sure if we all those mercenaries had engaged it, the lot of them would have died. Which is great for you because that means the planets all these people come from definitely need help.”

”You’re saying there’s a bunch of people openly looking for help just sitting around waiting for us to return? That’s… convenient,” Jake said, surprised.

”Almost suspiciously so,” the elf smiled. ”But, in truth, you just happened to get incredibly lucky that a plan thought up by the council happened to be highly ill-advised. Oh, and I’m more than happy to be your wingman in this scenario, giving you a glowing recommendation that you are indeed the top Prima Guardian hunter in the galaxy, nay, the universe.”

The two of them kept talking as they teleported back to the surface and headed out to return to the nearest teleportation circle.

”As I assume you’re not coming along to all these other planets, won’t it ruin your story of us being equal contributors if I head off and kill a bunch of Prima Guardians alone, proving you are full of shit?” Jake questioned.

”It’ll be fine, and let’s not act like any efforts of mine could keep your level of power hidden. Everyone, even those on this planet, will learn of you and just how capable you truly are whether I want them to or not,” Kindroth said. ”When it comes to how much they will learn and how everything is framed… I believe you said her name was Miranda? The de-facto leader of your planet? Yeah, I think I’ll go have a discussion with her. Going by how she’s managed to put up with you as the official World Leader, and your planet hasn’t been the victim of a planetary sacrificial ritual yet, she must be quite capable.”

”You’re awfully casual when it comes to insulting the Chosen of the Malefic Viper and his court witch,” Jake commented, trying to sound serious.

”First of all, I was praising her, and secondly, nothing I said was untrue,” Kindroth chuckled. ”Now, let’s pick up the pace and get back quickly. See if you can keep up.”

The cheeky bastard picked up speed, flying even faster than before as he turned his body into light form. On the way to the Prima Vessel, they had to deal with Primas a few times, so saving their resources at least a little was advised, but that wasn’t an issue on the way back. With the regular Primas also weakened due to the death of the Guardian, Kindroth wasn’t worried about the forces of the planet either. While he did recognize that they didn’t have many outstanding fighters, they did have a stupidly big army.

Jake responded to the elf’s speed in kind as he also began pushing his One Step further, the two of them shooting into the horizon. This planet, despite its far higher population, was still quite a bit smaller than Earth in size. In fact, Jake hadn’t heard of anyone with larger planets than Earth in the galaxy yet, with William also reporting that Ell’Hakan’s planet was smaller. It was honestly kind of nice because if some of them were larger, Jake could definitely need to drag Sandy along so he wouldn’t have to potentially end up running for weeks to reach the Prima Vessels, dragging along some weak World Leader.

There wasn’t much banter for the rest of the way back, as the two of them soon reached the teleportation circle where they were received by an entire goddamn army who had been awaiting the return of the Voice of the One and his ”helper,” the Chosen of the Malefic Viper.

Once more, Kindroth put on his persona as he masterfully – and swiftly – handled the crowd and allowed Jake and him to pass and return to the capital. Once back, they made a brief visit to the Council Estate to report their success and were also told that the general had already sent a message that the Primas had all gotten significantly weaker.

A bit more stupid politicking later, Jake and the Voice of the One managed to gather the mercenaries representing different planets. Very few people traveled alone like Jake had, but instead went around in parties or even small companies. Some were sent there alone, acting more like envoys or ambassadors rather than mercenaries, which was also why these mercenaries were stationed in the Council Estate in the first place – something Jake hadn’t really questioned but really should have in retrospect.

Jake and Kindroth only needed one person from each other planet, who hopefully held some level of influence back home. These people were all considered within the stronger echelon of their planets, and none of them had engaged the Prima Guardians on their worlds yet. Some of them were still struggling, though, not even able to handle the regular Primas. These mercenaries had pretty much given up on their homeworlds, believing it was doomed. They were helpless and had tried to run to this planet as an escape, perhaps only holding a faint hope deep in their heart that someone would help them.

That was awesome, right?

Because these people took no convincing or wing-manning from the Voice of the One at all. In fact, the moment they heard that all Jake cared about was hunting down Prima Guardians and how killing the Guardian would weaken all the regular Primas and even allow the native monster population to turn and fight the Primas, they were fully on board.

Jake had believed finding a bunch of planets to hunt Prima Guardians on would be difficult. However, as Kindroth said, he’d ended up seriously lucking out by going to this particular elven planet. Jake, a whole bunch of mercenaries, as well as the Voice of the One – who announced he’d been given a quest to confer with the ”Witch of Verdant Origins” – all headed toward the large metal dome allowing people to teleport to and from the planet.

The near future was really looking bright for Jake, and when all was said and done, he had a list of at least a dozen planets who were more than happy to have a hunter endorsed by the Voice of the One come to kill their Prima Guardian for them. Even those who knew he was the Chosen of the Malefic Viper were convinced by Kindroth, the elf taking advantage of the fact that most mortals really had fuck-all idea about how gods worked and just knew that Jake was some big-shot from the Order of some evil snake god… but if someone named the Voice of the One, representing a god of light said it was fine, it had to be fine, right? He was also a big-shot, after all.

One thing was for sure… due to Kindroth, Jake had a lot of Prima Guardian to kill, and Miranda had quite an interesting meeting ahead of her.


Michael Jewell

Tyftc! Oh dang that was a good chapie, I absolutely feel the other comments about Kindroth, dude is great. I am sure Jake appreciates someone being able to be so casual with him and joke with him in a teasing way.


Tftc again zog


Thanks for the chapter! :) Gotta relisten to the audiobooks.. travis baldree's voice reading the new chapters out loud in my mind is fading :(

Mr. Truthly

Miranda the President of whatever the hell Jake gets his hands on. He gets the system wonder and guess who automatically gets to deal with it xD.


Mmmm, daily dose of cr*ck.... Love it. Tftc

Zack Leach

I love the chapter but in the 14th paragraph you wrote "White" instead of "Bright" unless im missing some context.

Andrew Neino

I do wonder how many PGs jake will defeat, and if he'll get close to B Grade by the end of this event. I assume his level will catch up with his records unless killing Primas gives alot of records


So Jake,in Ell Hakans Story with Kindroth, is the Guy he told himself not to worry about, huh? Bad news they are already exchanging Presents, one gift wrapped planetary Pylons and a Bunch of Primas coming right up :-)


Kindroth is a cool dude, it’s rare to see people willing to banter with Jake, hope we get to see more of him after the prima event.


Fantastic outcome! Kindroth really helped Jake with his resume problem for Prima hunting! Jobs are simply easier to get with internal recommendations. Here’s to a bright future! Thank you for a very fun read!!




Oooooh the Orange Fuck didn't anticipate that haha. Nice. I hope he starts to panic and that slight weakness shown end's up being the first step to his downfall !

DeAngelo Wilson

Thanks for the chapter! I’m looking forward to Miranda and The Voice’s meeting, I’m sure he will appreciate another conversation partner


So the Alliance has 2 kills and Earth has 4 confirmed kills with the sword saint probably making the total count at least 5. Am I missing anything?

Gavin Wayne Pitcher

You know how bloodlines can sometimes be net negative for the user? I wonder if this is setting up The Voice of The Light as an antagonist to El Hakan in this way, where the difference between the two being that El Hakan is drinking his own cool aid and not making rational decisions due to thinking himself actually a god. Meanwhile The Voice of The Light is just some dude trying to do his best in a shitty position, who also legit cares for his people.

Arieh Sochaczevski

Thanks for the chapter! “[…] they don’t do too fucked up shit.” —> “[…] they don’t do anything too fucked up.” “[…]the Great Bright One did brief me on his *intentions* when[…]” “[…]most mortals really had fuck-all idea about how gods worked[…]” —> “[…]most mortals really knew fuck-all about how gods worked[…]”


Just a few minor potential updates. Loved this chapter and can't wait to see the Kindroth / Miranda convo. "that everything the light touched belonged to the Great White One.." -> White should be Bright "The Great Bright One did brief me on his attentions..." -> attentions should be intentions "...if a team that couldn’t help just us but several planets out could be assembled." -> "out" isn't really needed here. Don't know if it's wrong, just makes the sentence a bit awkward.

Arrogant Savant

Kindroth has been a massive surprise. I like how Ell' Hakan' expected them to violent but the a worst case scenario then he could've imagined happened the two gelled together


Oh the Orange F*ck is so clueless, TFTC!

Michael Jewell

I do wonder if he will start getting less xp and records each new kill as his path rewards new more challenging hunts quite a bit.


Yeah that sounds right to me. And considering Casper went to help a planet of Risens, Caleb went to help some Court of shadows planets and Carmen went with some people from Valhall, Earth might have quite a few more under their belts.

Michael Jewell

I was not even thinking about this! Earth as whole is gonna stack up a mad amount of prima bodies. I was wondering if Jake could alone out compete the Alliance, but it's early Earth vs the Alliance.


Who needs NPC Questgivers when you have Kindroth. The guy knows how to get in Jake's very good graces xD


Thank you for the chapter! Looking forward to what comes of this... alliance? Friendship?

Borbino the great

He had too easy of a time bantering he’s 100% evil he’s gonna try and take over earth or something😂

michael pigott

Can't wait to see how inadvertently screwed EH's plans regarding this entire mess get when Jake comes out of this as "the savior of the doomed worlds" because he's hunting for the "fun challenges" while EH tries for political advantages.


Will those kills count for Jake, though? Caleb and Carmen are with factions that haven't really allied with him.


It feels like earth vs the alliance. Carmen and Caleb helping out others still adds another notch to earth’s count

Michael Jewell

I think he may have only been able to adapt plans so well due to Yip constantly helping and contacting him. While all the help Jake has gotten he has made into his own power, even his blessing lol. So I could see EH having trouble without Yip and Jake just being Jake since the Viper is more of a rich friend he mooches off of.


Love it. Good to see another World leader who can deal with Jake! I bet he and Miranda get on splendidly.

austin kutz

He's stuck in his own bubble of delusion and self reinforced misperceptions. Just like his master. It's kinda funny how bad that path is at staying in touch with reality. I guess "reality is whatever I convince people it is" is a path not conducive to logic and reason. Like looking at the internal monolog of a narcissistic demagogue

Michael Jewell

Eh I don't think they count for Jake but more like earth is trying to make a statement of power anyways and they are not working with the EH part of the Alliance.


That’s why I hate the two, no link to reality just delusional belief in their own power

Ty Cooper

I love Jake's ability to f*ck sh*t up for EH by just being a Lone Hunter and chill with other leaders. Plus Jake just landed himself a hype man. I don't think it will be part of Jake's path at all, but he is going to have a lot of faith energy to counteract EH's faith boosts.

michael pigott

EH and Jake are also playing VERY different games TBF. EH is playing a 4X, Jake is playing a souls like. EH is trying to outplay an opposing manipulator while Jake is just embodying "letmesoloher" .... you cannot mindgame the mindless, and Jake has yet to make a deliberate political move in the world

Alex Salamanca

Tftc, I hope you aren't setting up this friendship just to hurt us later down the line with it


That is not the full picture. Alliance have 2 outside of EH involvement and we don’t how many he has killed. Earth confirmed are 3 involving Jake, the one by Sylphie and team took at least 11 days after earth’s prima death and we have no idea how longer did Sword Saint took for his. The latest one Jake has killed if not mistake is before the 11 days after earth primas death. From this I don’t think we can establish who is leading between alliance and earth.


With Jake’s intuition, a power shot would have already blown his body

Micah Molina

Great chapter! I know it's my bias talking, but I wonder if this going to lead to World Leaders making councils on their home worlds and moving to Earth after they see the awesomeness that is Haven and Earth? Leading Earth to be a like Capitol of the Galaxy. Kindroth already phones in his commands and on earth he could be more himself lol.


Thanks for this chapter, still loving this arc. Glad to see the pace picking up


Will definitely starting slowing down on levels gain and considering the event is at most an 8 years long, I doubt will even reach race level 300. Also I don’t see much opportunity for professional levels.


from what I've seen of their path, you pretty much have to be a narcissist for it to even be successful. You have to bullshit your way into power pretty much lol

Poison Drinker

Great chapter! Orange fuck will lose his political capitol to Jake who isn’t even a politician. Love it! Hope Jake can kill more guardians in a jiffy and make more friends across the universe before ell’hakan can! Also looking forward to Miranda’s meeting with Jake 2.0–aka the voice


No new ring for Jake on the Prima Guardian vessel? He's a hunter, he should have a collection of trophies.


It could go either way, but I think that if EH's alliance killing Primas counts for him, then Earth killing Primas should count for Jake.

Ctrl Alt Dust

I'm am really enjoying this arc so far. Love ya Zogarth! No really, I love you.

Noah Jackson

Tyftc! Another great one eith our boy kindroth!

Andromeda Adams

Ooo it’s starting to get even more interesting! How screwed is EH now? Loving the fact that Jake and Kindroth get along so well! Jake can sure use another politician friend. Doesn’t that make the score. Jake = 5 Eh = 2 or 3? TYFTC!

John Looney

I think Miranda has found a great business partner going forward

Seen Death

Thats just one of the joys of life, enjoying stuff while they last Although in a fantasy setting there could be a higher chance of things being convienent


It's been about 3 days since the event started, so Earth only has 2 confirmed kills (3 if we count Earth's PG). Maybe SS already killed one too, but we don't know it yet. EH has 2 kills made by other teams + at least 1 kill by himself ("yet another Prima vessel" and his thoughts about other PGs strength makes me think he already killed at least one solo, probably more). It's already 3 (4 if we count his planet's PG) But it's not surprising EH is ahead, since he didn't need convincing or preparations. The planets he went to were already ready to accept him and release PG

Seen Death

Those numbers seem correct, but the proper picture might be a bit different They might only have 2 actual guardian kills, but with such a large alliance, theres probably dozens+ of groups whittling down normal primas to eventualy fight the guardian (unlike the truely powerful's option of boss rushing the event) Lets say jake is 100 on the speed to kill guardians, and each alliance party only has 10%, just their massive numbers + time could outpreform him potentially (im using fake numbers obviously)


Ell’Hakan is starting to drink his own Kool-Aid

Klown Keidra

I want to say it was in a Pratchett book, but something like "Nothing ruins well laid plans more, then a person who doesn't know the rules" Jake is really good at just not knowing the rules and ways of the multiverse, so he just really good at fucking up their plans.


Ell'Cunt dun fucked up by losing the wrong ally. Guess his bloodline is pretty double-edged after all


Yeah man! He hooked me into many different worlds and universes :) And then one day Primal Hunter 1 came out and single handedly ruined my enjoyment in the litrpg genre because it set the bar way to high 🥲

Seen Death

Tyfc! I wonder how resistant these planets who were working with jake, would be against EH's bloodline... jake says they dont need to actually ally with him, but if they dont theyd basically be easy targets for EH to manipulate later These planetary leaders so far have seemed pretty competent, so they should notice this fact though (although many had no resistance or ability to resist EH already)


All his PG kills are to upgrade his current ring. Besides, he couldn't use other rings together with his own, they are too similar. And there's no loot while the ordinary Primas are still alive, so even if there was some loot for him, no one has access to it yet

Stuart Thwaites

Nah, the voice is more like Miranda if she found herself as leader without a Jake shaped stick to wave at people.

Stuart Thwaites

Travis was definitely the right choice. The only other narrator I can think of that MIGHT be able to read Primal Hunter is Nick Podehl. But even then, I'm not sure Nick's style would fit.

William WIlson

Faith is probably not part of Jake's path however to use faith to get more hunts in does seem path adjacent if not part of the path. Shoot it maybe similar to how Minaga and faith works. Minaga does want praise for himself but he does for his Dungeons for Jake it would be his hunts.

William WIlson

I think Jake and Ell’Hakan playing different games is only true from Ell’Hakans perspective. Jake may not be playing the politics game but he knows Ell’Hakan is and that by simply helping the other worlds with no demands will fuck up Ell’Hakans game. So Jake might not be actively playing the politics game he is aware of the game and is unintentionally countering it. Ell’Hakan on the other hand has a fundamental misunderstanding of what game Jake is actually playing. Jake is playing kill as many prima guardians as possible while also fucking with Ell’Hakan. Jake's game is really simple and it's like him playing checkers, yet Ell’Hakan thinks it's complex and is trying to play chess.

Poison Drinker

Miranda was never willing to kill people to accomplish her goals tho—that is before Jake taught her the errors of her ways hehe


It part of it is that once you know about the bloodline his pitch doesn’t land as easily as when you are unaware. The other part is I think they still need permission to travel to the planet during the event and now that they don’t need help with the PG they have no reason to allow him to travel there. And given how his path has been explained it may also weaken him as his influence over the galaxy weakens by Jake simply revealing the scam.

William WIlson

Completely clueless. Shit I can see Jake doing something similar to his confrontation in Nevermore with Ell’Hakan at a potential galaxy congress. Exposing the truth to everyone in thier galaxy. You said this yet here's olliandra, you said this yet here is kindroth, your nothing but a liar whose path is built on those lies you spin and while you claimed in nevertheless to not want to kill me you still seem to be trying.


All that the light touches is your kingdom. - Who are you? Mufasa? :)

Andromeda Adams

Jake’s numbers as well as Eh’s for that matter include the others. So per team. The Sword Saint got 1, Vesper got 1, Jake has got 3 now so 5 total. Eh said they got two that he didn’t have to directly involve himself in. That counting the one from his own planet is three.


El Cheetorito is in for a surprise. Why would he think Jake would just kill him. When has Jake done that before? He’s projecting way too much and without Yo-Yo he’s left to his own devices. My favorite pairing now is Miranda and Kindroth. The shenanigans these two are about to unleash is going to all the way wreck the Cheetorito. Between 2 savvy individuals and one that has no fucks to give you have the ability to mess up almost any plan. Villy won’t even have to lift a claw I have a feeling that when this event is all said and done there’s going to be a lot more people that distrust Cheetorito and Yo-Yo causing them to lose a lot of steam

Poison Drinker

Plus delegating his governing power to a council—and then hermiting away on is own—is a total Jake move by the voice. And then talking so casually with Jake, after learning Jake is the chosen of Villy—also very Jake like defiance I wanna see what the Voice will do after meeting Sylphie who’s got the true blessing of Stormild—since the Bright One is a light elemental god and Stormild is a primordial elemental god. Would be an interesting interaction

William WIlson

I think your right. Zogarth does funny time jumps where we see and hear of what a few people do in one chapter that is say 11 days then we see what Jake does over these 11 days. That being said I think the Ell’Hakan update in this chapter is basically Zogarths way of saying hey this is happened at the same time. So as far as we know Jake has 3 Primas and Ell’Hakan himself has 2 and headed for his third. While another party in the alliance has slain 1. However we haven't yet reached the 11 day mark set by Sylphie and the king. As to where the Sword Saint sits I imagine that we get his update tomorrow with a definite cou t on how many days have passed. The Sword Saint works slightly different that Ell’Hakan and Sylphie because he is low key super important to the story. Personally I think the Sword Saint Jake and Arnold will all make it to God hood in the series if not also sandy Sylphie and Vesperia. Plus some other 6. Personally I'd love to see an entire Pantheon come to power on earth lead by Jake. I also think that's what's Eversmile is actually experimenting on. He is getting an answer to what does a world look like if 12 gods rise from one planet.


See? The power of friendship and great displays of violence is the way. Let's not forget Jake isn't the only one making big ripples against Ell'Hakan. There is the Saint, the King, and Sylphie out there one shoting Primas. Ell'Hakan may have planned for Jake, but not his friends. An that will bite him. Individual power and friends.

William WIlson

I'm of the opinion that he will basically because more like Jake and become more secluded. He will set up a teleportation circle to earth in his private room and basically live on earth while everyone on his planet thinks he's in his light filled room.


So the Holy Church and Valhalla I’m guessing count to towards EHs total and Jake, the Sword Saint, and Vespy Inc count towards Jakes total. But EHs are more Alliance wins that EH may not have direct influence on. Where as Team Jake are more about an Earth Alliance, also Jake can probably count the Undead in his camp


Oh does Miranda finally get a title? I like the sound off it

Luke Wells

Tbh I think the first and third one are grammatically correct, just more casual language

Andromeda Adams

Miranda and Kindroth are going to be epic!! Between those two the whole narrative will be turned around on Eh and Yip of Yore at least in the 93rd universe. Excited to see what they do to Yip of Yore later.

Kenneth Dennis

Yeah Travis is key to the audiobooks. His voice for villy is just perfect. I have several books that he narrates for(won't namedrop here it's rude) and I can't imagine someone else reading Primal for us

Andromeda Adams

Eh I’m not sure on.. but for Jake that seems how it might work since he is the leader of Earth. There for any kill made by someone from earth counts for Jake.

Kyle Hunt

I get the feeling EH is going to be one of those geniuses that Duskleaf talked about, the ones that fail to go further because they've never met substantial resistance before.

Kyle Hunt

It would be entirely different, but I think Podehl could have pulled it off. Jeff Hays or Vikas Adams could have as well, though again, would be entirely different.


That was his biggest lesson from invading earth and I doubt he will underestimate them. Most likely the alliance will cover more ground on planets that chose to join them. His oversight this time might be on planets that wanted to solo the guardian but earthlings end up teleporting to them.


I think it may have come up a long time ago (pre nevermore at least). However, it may have only spread to a select few in the Order.


I just love that Ell'Hakan simply cannot wrap his head around the idea that Jake is just Jake, that his status as Chosen of the Malefic Viper does not dictate his path, but rather it is a part of the greater whole, while Ell'Hakan is simply the chosen of Yip and nothing else beyond that. His own inability to be more than that is what is going to cost him.


Thankies for the chapie zogie! Timeskip soon? There's a lot of primas to slay?


Yeah you're right. I don't think a full day has actually passed since Earth killed thier Prima.

Adrianna Bailey

Honestly, I'm loving the bromance between Jake and Kindroth, Jake needs more friends with his cheeky attitude lol


Or someone EH will kill to set an example for those siding with Jake while taking control of a pylon with massive population. Justification to the planet mass will just be exposing voice of one lies and play freedom fighter


I think the levels will slow down as Jake approaches the average level of the guardians but with this being a system event and with each guardian technically wing a unique monster I would imagine the records will keep coming.


Take aways (not necessarily from this chapter): Jake’s true race is Primal Hunter, Yip and Orange are screwed because they never account for Jake being a heretic and a chosen at the same time, Kindroth gets a blessing upgrade and position on Jake’s I own a galaxy but don’t want to politic it squad, Miranda and Kindroth become friends


For being somebody who even has a Bloodline revolving around manipulating people, Ell'Hakkan is unacceptably bad at reading people.


One Nathan Ford con man acquired ya sure El give Jake a con man who united billions of people & give him desperate people destined to die


His path is one of self fulfilling delusions.


The next fifty chapters will each be a subtly different chimera fight, each killed with a slightly different arrow, after a slightly different run across slightly different planets.


There's like 40 years to this event no? I think we can kill more than 50 in that time :)


Makes sense to me. He has never had to learn how to read people because his bloodline made it irrelevant his entire life.


Jake goes to hunt down some Prima Guardians with his new buddy's endorsement, and Miranda gets a conversation with someone who understands her plight (really hope we get to see that conversation!)

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter

William WIlson

Nah a full day has definitely passed. It took Jake a half a day to deal with olliandra and it took a full day for kindorth so I think it's maybe day 3

Ivo Wißen

I do have a question, miranda has a skill that let's her move to the verdant lagoon in a dream there she can talk to her god's. Is this skill now limited because the system event or does it work like normal and she can work around the system entforst god-block?


Which just shows how shortsighted he actually is. If you have that kind of bloodline, I would expect you to be an expert at reading people so you can exploit your advantage even more.


It’s going to be interesting when EH and Jake have to team up to take down “I”

Jeff McCulley

I was also wondering if Jake would just be able to port back to the Order to talk to Villy. It may just mean that gods can’t observe or advise directly? Actually, this is another reason for him not to let the thing run the full time.


I really really hope El Cunt doesn’t throw a bish fit and slaughter the planet.


Thanks for the chapter!

Lee Dillard

5 years is just the time they have before the guardians will be released automatically

Michael Jewell

100% got the feeling I is someone Jake would be friends with. I don't think we got any real information on I but seems like a good chance he has some sort of bloodline


All god-to-blessed communication is blocked by the system during system event like this. It's so no faction can cheat, and only natives can participate. Because this events is only for the newbie. And teleportation to outside of the newly integrated planets means you give up on the event. So Jake can't just teleport to Order, the others also the same.

Avi Singh

Definitely knew I was going to like the Voice. Does just as much sass talking as our Jake and isn’t pretentious like the Orange Schmuck!

Jeff McCulley

He’s projecting Haje to be in Villy’s image. Because he, after all, is in Yip’s—so why shouldn’t every other Chosen be? To be fair, even Sandy’s path is that of his God.

John Durrett

I was thinking they might have a new drinking buddy to hang out with Villy. Sure hope he has poison resistance. ;)

John Durrett

Hmmm...If the Bright One doesn't have a Chosen assigned already, it would be a great improvement of Records if his association with Jake and becoming friend like got him promoted...man that would send waves. Also padding Miranda on the back in support for all the newcomer worlds she's going to be integrating Earth with. lol

Jeff McCulley

Looked to me like some grand ritual sucked the life out of everything on his planet, to give him the power to beat the Guardian. Which he’d entered the vessel of early. Desperation move. And no wonder he left his planet. Everything was dead there, nothing to eat.


Just curious if anyone got a good idea about a title above mythical rank? I was thinking about «forgotten» but it just dont feel right. Prismatic sounds better but…

Jeff McCulley

Went back and looked it up. The Guardian is released after 1000 days (roughly two years and nine months). Five years after that, the barrier around the Planetary Pylon drops, and anyone can claim it. It only takes two keys to open the barrier early. And afterwards, anyone with a key can claim it—including offworlders.

Avi Singh

And now I want a section of a chapter devoted to this exact scenario. That would be amazing.

Jeff McCulley

I found myself wondering how Ell’Suckon was going to throw a hissy fit when he gets the news. He probably can’t get any of “his” snuck in mercenaries to attack the Voice or Jake, and I’m assuming no one will let him port there to face the two of them and run his mouth. Come to think of it, I’m wondering if any of “his” mercenaries are thinking, “Wait, this guy won’t make us wait to get our planet cleared?!!”


borbino i think he is just starved for people that treat him casually

John Durrett

Watching an interview with him now, very intelligent and principled guy. Solid

John Durrett

If the XP matches the rewards, then it could be he gets all his bonus's at the end of the event for 93 allowing him to cross into B as a result, not during.


You mean something between mythical and divine?

Owen Kaz

Yeh, there's definitely something, or several somethings, between Mythical and Divine. I'd go as far as 3 whole tiers

Owen Kaz

Oh, absolutely at some point it's gonna happen. A panicking world leader will invite Jake rather than wait for the Orange fuck. And once Jake clears the Guardian and this one Leader reveals to the others what happened... the floodgates fully open.


Fabled is a good guess. Though, if I had been ranking, I would have put Fabled before Mythical. They're pretty similar, but distinct enough. Relic is another option, since we already have an age-based rank in Ancient. Maybe Revered right below Divine?


He's basically a more self-aware version of Jacob; using a sketchy belief system to save as many as he can. The only difference seems to be that this guy hasn't drank his own cool-aid. Jacob has.


I think unique is its own thing similar to unique life forms. Less of a grade and more like there are none others like it. Could be strong or not.


I want to be a fly on the wall during Kindroth's and Miranda's first meeting. Gotta be more interesting than watching the others steamroll all over the Prima's I bet.

Travis Nevins

YES! he has a world leader friend! I also love the fact that Ell’Hakan can feel emotions but can't seem to truly understand them or the person only manipulate them. Guy is going to get one hell of a wakeup call, too bad that will lead to his grave. Much deserved too. That bloodline is to literally the most dangerous thing. The only thing that keeps him in check is that he isn't the strongest. Once he reaches S or demi god level he'll probably be able to effect gods and literally entire galaxies...that is a dooms day level bloodline and should be put down before he spreads minor/major little bloodlines. I be his class is something like: the mythic puppet master

Kevin Watson

who knew this system event’s biggest award was a free PR campaign


I would not be surprised that if he ever even got close to effecting smiles something truly horrible would happen to the orange fuck


I don’t think that you would ever fully develop your own emotions when you can manipulate them in every one you ever meet. Think about it he used his bloodline even before the system and his whole planet basically worships him as a child from the two celestial bodies no one would get frustrated or anger at him all everyone feels is what he wants them to feel so something pleasant How would he ever be able to get a full range of emotional intelligence or even a full range of of emotions themselves?


I mean the floodgate might be already opening. I mean some of the new planets he is going to could be apart of the Alliance and then Jake has many more planets to go to because he is fast and doesn’t charge anything.


Viper wiped his own planet out at C grade if you remember. So I don’t know about the “desperation move” part of that. I do think “I” is a selfish sort of person. But we’ve already seen Jake bro someone like that…. (Dragon boy who has a harem. Can’t remember his name) so friendship could absolutely happen.


Vespa is pretty much 100% to godhood as a true royal (unless she dies) I think Sylphie will make it because “scheeeecchhh” SS will make it because he’s basically an ancestor already… Zoggy fosho going to turn the old man into a God. Now…. How powerful they’ll be as Gods? No idea. But I got no bloody idea how God’s even progress. We know they DO. See the Arty chap with YGS. But the how of it system wise hasn’t been explained.

Jeff McCulley

“Streamrolling” the Guardians isn’t the interesting part. It’s seeing the different and disparate cultures and personalities that Zogarth is creating-/and weaving together.

Josh Hietpas

Anyway, i agree with the floodgates being open. He already has a list of planets to go to and word will travel through the alliance.


I wonder if it really is that dangerous. When he and Jake met right before he entered Nevermore, Jake noticed his Bloodline didn’t upgrade much like his does every grade. It might be influential, and goes along with the church’s way of controlling the masses, but it probably wouldn’t effect the strongest players.


Also Most bloodlines define the person and he couldn't have learned true emotions and reading people unless he could have suppressed his bloodline like Jake.


EH mercenaires could help delay Jake by inviting him to they planet, world leaders plays coy on releasing the guardian but with Jake intuition that won’t end well

Antonio Fazio

Simply jake's route and viper's route are the same "do whatever you want and don't give a fuck"

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!

Adam Birch

El Hakkan: The Viper's Chosen will likely slay the Voice of the One. Jake: *becomes buddies with him.* Orange guy really has no idea what Jake is like.


Wow! This was my favorite chapter in a while, even beating the recent skill selection!! I hope to see lots of Kindroth in the future! His character has so much comedic potential, especially since he treats Jake so casually.

Joshua Kitchen

I mean, Miranda’s gonna need help ruling the galaxy on Jake’s behalf, I see potential


Thx for the chapter


He's awesome. Definitely friend material for Jake :)