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Jake had never been a massive fan of fully committing to something, especially not if that decision would have permanent consequences. At least, he wasn’t when it came to defining his Path. He still felt as if he was barely getting started exploring the system and his Path despite having spent well over a century with the system, if one counted time dilation.

He did commit sometimes. Arcane Supremacy had been a big commitment and ”locked” him into his arcane affinity for good. There was no going back from that one, with his body permanently altered to better fit his affinity while making any other weaker in combat. However, that one didn’t feel like that big of a commitment. Jake’s arcane affinity was his affinity, so it was just confirming it did indeed belong to him and was optimal for his Path.

This entire skill selection felt different, though. Outside of the two first skills – Disruptive Arrow of Arcane Shadows and Stealth Attack of the Unseen Arcane Hunter – the other three were very much permanent decisions. Even the Gluttunous Fangs skill was a very permanent decision.

Passive skills tended to be, and the curse skill had a whole bunch of passive effects. It would link Jake far more closely with the Sin Curse that made up Eternal Hunger, and while it wasn’t quite an attunement skill, it would tie Eternal Hunger and the Path of curses even more closely to Jake… and he still wasn’t completely certain he wanted that.

Sure, Jake did want to use curses, but he didn’t want it to be too big of a part of his Path. He still wanted to primarily be an arcane hunter first and foremost. There was also the fact that Gluttunous Fangs of Eternal Hunger only worked on melee weapons and melee attacks.

Jake had made considerations about integrating Eternal Hunger into ranged combat for a while. More accurately, he had considered if he could use the mythical weapon in conjunction with Protean Arrow. If he could design an arrow using Eternal Hunger as its base, shooting it more like a spear. Seeing as he could always retrieve the weapon as it was bound to his soul, this idea was quite appealing, even if there were still a few snags.

Nothing said the skill would mess up that plan. In fact, it was even possible that Gluttunous Fangs would make this idea even better, but Jake was still a bit doubtful. Honestly, a lot of what made Jake apprehensive about this skill was pure speculation… and the fact that he kind of liked Lone Hunter and Huntmaster more simply because of the future potential he saw in both of them.

Also, both had ”hunter” in the name… alright, one had Huntmaster, but a Huntmaster was also a kind of hunter, so it counted. They were also both related to his class, so that was an extra bonus point, once more due to the future potential. He could see this choice unlocking another greater one once he reached level 320, where he would get the final skill selection of C-grade… and the final skill selections tended to have an extra good skill. For reference, E-grade he got Arrow of the Ambitious Hunter – now Protean Arrow - and in D-grade, he got Relentless Hunt and the entire concept of Hunting Momentum.

Who knows, chances are it would even help define his B-grade class evolution, making him lean further into either the Path of a Huntmaster or a Lone Hunter.

The big question was… which one fit Jake better? Going by recent happenings, Huntmaster probably did. It also had a lot of pros. As mentioned, Jake believed it was a slightly higher rarity skill than Lone Hunter, thus making it closer to mythical. In a fight like the Prima Guardian he had just gone through, it would definitely have been great with no real downsides. All it would have done was make everyone else a little bit stronger and help Jake build up some Hunting Momentum for a few more big arrows.

Not to say Lone Hunter wouldn’t have been helpful. Here, in the final parts of the fight in space, it would probably have worked, right? Seeing as he was alone, that is. This also raised some questions about when Jake was truly ”alone” or fighting with others, but knowing the system, it tended to be pretty smart about things like that, such as how Big Game Hunter worked even before Jake technically entered a fight with a more powerful foe, simply due to his intent to attack. So there was a good chance Lone Hunter would work as long as Jake ”felt” as if he was fighting alone.

That was actually one of the big differences between the two: Jake getting stronger. Huntmaster didn’t buff Jake at all; it only made everyone else stronger. Meanwhile, Lone Hunter only worked on Jake… and Jake guessed it would work quite well.

All the effects of Lone Hunter were great. It buffed his stealth skills passively, made his Relentless Hunter better, and even gave him more stats from Big Game Hunter. It was just a straight-up buff when fighting alone.

Huntmaster relied on other people and only ever worked when he was with others. The buffs it gave them were great and numerous, but, in general, Jake wasn’t a huge fan of relying on other people, even if he had a lot of reliable ones around him.

But… could Jake guarantee they would actually fight alongside him? The only reason everyone had been here for the Prima Guardian was because of the system event. What would happen after the event was over? Could he seriously expect a full party to just stick around and level with him? And level with him when he wanted to go hunting? There would definitely have to go a whole lot of scheduling and planning into making it work…

Everyone simply had their own things to deal with and their own Paths.

Finally… Jake couldn’t help but remember a conversation he had with the Viper a long time ago. He had always described the Path to godhood as a lonely one. Even if Jake could assume others were willing to walk alongside him for Huntmaster, would they be able to? Right now, they were still only C-grade, and while he didn’t doubt most of the people on Earth he usually fought alongside could reach B-grade, he wasn’t really that certain how long they could keep going.

Nor how fast they would be.

One of the reasons they had all kind of kept pace for now was due to the peculiar circumstances of a new universe getting integrated. The sheer flood of Records allowed everyone to level a fair deal, but as the system events slowed down and everyone began to do their own things, it wasn’t hard to imagine their leveling paces would also start to differentiate significantly.

Not to mention that they all had their own matters to deal with. The Fallen King had to manage those who served him, and Jake didn’t doubt he wanted to expand his influence. Caleb was a Judge in the Court of Shadows and had their family to take care of, while Carmen was a Runemaiden of Valhal. Even if she decided to fight in a group, it wouldn’t be with him but with others from Valhal.

Casper was the same, belonging to the Risen. All the humans he knew belonged somewhere, except maybe the Sword Saint, but Jake was fully aware he and the old man couldn’t be attached to the hip all of their lives. He had his own Path to travel as he pursued the peak of swordsmanship.

So… who could Jake even have in this Huntin Party on a consistent basis? Sylphie, perhaps? Sandy wasn’t a fighter and didn’t count, and Vesperia would definitely not be out running after Jake and hunting. She was a True Royal Hive Queen, and even participating directly in a fight against the Prima Guardian was a big deal.

Finally… there was one big reason why Huntmaster made him hesitate: Jake genuinely preferred to fight alone.

Not just because he was a selfish asshole who didn’t want other people around him but because he didn’t like the loss of control when other people got involved. Jake felt like he could ensure his own safety and the flow of the battle for the most part. When others got involved… not so much.

He always had to split a part of his focus to watch out for his allies. When Jake saw Vesperia nearly have her entire head crushed by the Prima Guardian, his heart skipped a beat. When Sylphie was about to get crushed by the Twinhead Emperor, Jake couldn’t even think clearly. He knew that they were both strong in their own right, but he also knew that he was stronger than both of them… and if Jake wanted to truly push himself, he would have to fight more challenging and formidable foes in the future. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to drag Sylphie or Vesperia around for things like that if it was an option.

Because… no matter how reliable others could be, they would never be able to measure up Jake’s trust in his own abilities. He could always rely on himself, no matter the situation. He was the only person Jake could one-hundred percent always rely on and the only person who never had any scheduling conflicts for when hunting would be a good time.

Jake also couldn’t be forced into a situation where he couldn’t rely on himself either, while it was more than possible someone like Ell’Hakan could isolate Jake from his allies. If that happened and he had Huntmaster… yeah, that would suck. Not to mention, Jake doubted Ell’Hakan or anyone like that would even try to fight Jake unless they could ensure they would fight him alone under favorable circumstances.

As Jake was still wracking his brain, he got a message through the Golden Mark.

”The cosmic worm will be arriving at your location in around fifteen minutes,” the Fallen King informed him.

Hearing the King gave Jake an idea, as he asked. ”Alright, thanks. Say, what do you plan on doing after dealing with all of the Prima Guardians and the event concludes?”

”That is an odd question that came out of nowhere… but if you wish to know, then I shall seek a way to separate myself from you in earnest. My soul remains tethered to yours, but I have been researching methods to sever that connection for good to fully reclaim my life as my own,” the Fallen King answered honestly.

”A good goal,” Jake genuinely agreed. He kind of forgot they were connected most of the time, and he didn’t want to lose his cool mask… but he also didn’t want to keep the Fallen King tied to him against the Unique Lifeform’s will. ”Let’s assume you succeed. Would you ever be interested in going hunting together?”

”Knowing you and what hunting entails, no. I do not see the purpose in taking tremendous risks and facing more powerful foes than myself repeatedly,” the King answered, seemingly not even taking his question that seriously.

”Alright,” Jake said, as he decided to quickly reach out to some of the others. Before he made his decision he at least wanted to probe what kind of response he would get if he did end up with Huntmaster. The message he sent didn’t explain what kind of skill he had been offered but just asked in general if people wanted to form a hypothetical ”hunting party” with him, and the responses were kind of predictable.

”Not gonna say no to a bit of adventuring once in a while if I got the time, but to make an entire thing out of it? Nah, no thanks,” Carmen answered casually.

”Go hunting with you on a consistent basis? My boss and my wife would both kill me. Even if they don’t, the paperwork when I return from an adventurer definitely would,” Caleb shut the idea down.

”While I would love the occasional excursion with Sire, I would find it difficult to commit to anything… and do be aware that should we go hunting outside of the ninety-third universe, or should the universe open up, I do have protectors assigned to me while outside the Heartlands,” Vesperia also made it clear she wouldn’t be able to hunt much and would be a sucky hunting partner as Jake didn’t want a bunch of hidden gods keeping watch at all times. It would ruin the experience and the Records of it all.

”I don’t need you to be a third wheel during my leveling… it’s pretty much the only time me and Lyra can just be the two of us,” Casper also shut Jake down, preferring dates with his ghost girlfriend.

”Ree, ree, ree,” Sylphie explained, being the most agreeable of everyone… though even she had the ”sometimes” part. Apparently, Stormild had actually been a useful Patron and given Sylphie some advice to strike out on her own more and explore herself and not be shackled down. That, as a part-elemental of the wind affinity, her Path was one of freedom and impulsivity, and she should take the time to just be her flighty self and let the wind take her wherever it blows. Doing anything else could hurt her Records… something Jake definitely didn’t want to risk doing.

However, out of everyone, the one who seemed to understand the most what Jake was asking and what he meant with his question was the Sword Saint, who also gave the longest answer.

”Rather than merely giving you a yes or a no, let me explain a bit about my own approach to this topic. Hunting with others isn’t something I do out of personal preference but out of necessity or when it’s proven the superior option. If given the choice, I would face all fights on my lonesome. This is not because i dislike fighting with you, but because of the Path I walk. Fighting alongside others makes you adopt certain habits, and I fear that I may develop a form of swordsmanship reliant on others… which could prove fatal when I find myself alone. Also, I initially picked up the sword for sport and to duel with others. I prefer a good bout against a single foe to see who is superior, not who can overwhelm the other with numbers first.”

Jake listened as the old man shared his thought process on the matter quite in-depth, likely seeing the true reason why Jake asked what he asked.

”I have been on the battlefield many times, but before and after the system arrived. Having comrades you can trust fully is a beautiful thing… but I also know the pain of losing those comrades. Even if you trust them, that doesn’t make them fully reliable, and should they fall, you are back to relying on yourself once more. What I’m saying is I wouldn’t make any decisions that rely on the whims or abilities of others. I have skipped skills that would have helped us fight as a group for more selfish options, as, ultimately, I’m selfish. And I know that so are you. A certain egotistical mindset is required to try and reach the lofty goals we both aspire toward, and I’m not even going into how big egos tend to clash. Let me finish rambling and just say I would recommend that you embrace your selfishness… assuming it doesn’t mean you are no longer able to fight alongside others when the preferred option. Limiting yourself also doesn’t sound like a smart choice, but choosing your own Path is naturally entirely up to you. I just shared my own selfish desire to not lose a valuable – occasional – comrade in arms.”

Much of what the Sword Saint said echoed Jake’s own thoughts, and while he didn’t say it directly, he also made it pretty clear he wouldn’t be a member of Jake’s hunting party. It did validate quite a few of Jake’s thoughts and confirm his doubt if being a Huntmaster was even a viable Path for him.

Jake could see it work way better for weaker people. The problem was all the peers of Jake were supremely talented individuals themselves. Would they even be willing to effectively work under a Huntmaster? Jake knew he wouldn’t…

If Jake was weaker, he could more easily find people to join his Hunting Party. Jake didn’t think that this Hunting Party was a permanent thing, but one where he could switch out members or even the entire party for every hunt. If it was possible to recruit just ten regular elites for this, it would be far more valuable, but for Jake, it would just end up being him effectively running a boosting service.

Yeah… it wasn’t that Huntmaster was bad, but that it didn’t really work properly. To put it simply, Jake was too strong to try and assemble a proper Hunting Party:

Better to just become a one-man hunting party instead.

He didn’t ask Arnold about his opinion as the scientist didn’t have a Golden Mark, but Jake also knew there was no reason to. Even if he had the choice, Jake didn’t want to go hunting with Arnold. The dude would probably turn everything into an experiment or never actually go himself, but just send different test robots or some shit. No, best to keep him as Jake’s favorite crafter buddy.

Maria also wasn’t asked, simply because Jake didn’t really want to form a hunting party with her either. Firstly, they were both archers and secondly, because of what Jake had just gone over: She just wasn’t strong enough. Oh, and third, he didn’t really know or trust her that much. Eron was also in the camp of people he didn’t really know and trust well enough to be a hunting partner. Jake was also sure he would say no.

Sighing, Jake kept staring at the five skill option in front of him. This was definitely the most excruciating skill selection he ever had, and he low-key wanted all of them. The thought of not picking Lone Hunter or Huntmaster also struck him, as it was possible to wait and see if he could get a ”merged” version of the two down the line… but that would cut him off from any potential skills picking it now could unlock when he reached level 320.

Also, nothing said he couldn’t upgrade Lone Hunter to still have some effect while fighting in a group. The fact that it didn’t have any drawbacks meant that it likely wouldn’t develop any either… and if it did, he could just choose not to go down that Path.

Jake had always been strongest when alone… and in the end, he ended up doubling down on that to become even stronger as a Lone Hunter. He genuinely believed it was the best choice for him.

Besides, he doubted it would have been easy to find anyone willing to go on a hunting spree for gods while still a mortal.

Right as he felt Sandy approach, Jake finally made the most challenging skill choice he had to so far as he picked Lone Hunter.

Skill Gained: [Lone Hunter of Horizon’s Edge (Legendary)] – Hunting is a lonely endeavor, yet one best enjoyed alone, as there is only the hunter and his prey. As a Lone Hunter, you prefer the solitude found in a good hunt, and you specialize in facing your prey alone. Allows the hunter to gain certain benefits when hunting alone, but will have no effect if you work alongside others. Significantly increases all bonuses granted by your Big Game Hunter skill when hunting alone. When Lone Hunter of Horizon’s Edge is active, all stealth-related skills are more effective. When hunting alone, Hunting Momentum is accumulated from Relentless Hunt of the Avaricious Arcane Hunter far faster, and less is lost when the hunter takes damage. As you walk down the Path of a Lone Hunter, more benefits may follow. Increases all experience gained from successful lone hunts. May you strike fear into the hearts of all who find themselves marked as the prey of the Lone Hunter of Horizon’s Edge.



Hope you had a good birthday weekend


TFTC! When considering the hunt master class, all I could think of is the Monty Python skit about the group of witless “hunters” wandering about!

Arrogant Savant

I knew Lone Hunter would be the choice but it was a question because Huntmaster was a compelling choice.

James mMcClellan

Huntmaster relied on other people and only ever worked when he was in others-> Huntmaster relied on other people and only ever worked when he was with others

Bob Burns

Hope you had a great birthday z

Invictus Red

Commenters from last week and folks on Discord are punching the air rn 😂 good choice, Jake

An Open Book

Hope your birthday went well



Rick Delallata

Such a powerful group of skills. No wonder true elites are so far above others around their level


Thanks for the chapter. I enjoy the whole point of view of the Sword Saint about this particuliar topic. Shows how wise he is, not only sharing his thoughts but giving few pointers about what he understood of the situation. Truly one of the best characters of the novel... With Sylphie's wise words too, of course

Elinar Godly

TFTC, also... I f*ing predicted it 😄. In chapter 939 when skill selection appeared I did the Jake thing and listened to my gut "all unique skills and he picks #4". Best choice for our overpowered MC. Question is do you agree that there were 5 unique skills or do you think some are more of an upgrade?

Tyler S.

In hindsight the most obvious choice for Jake. His goal is to overtake the (reputed) most powerful of Primordials, Villy. The others may achieve a standing equal to the Primordials with the assistance of some Jake Juice but Jake is going to become his own Class of god closer to the System. Anyway thanks for closure on the skills, now to get some alchemy and hopefully see some snippets of a Sage... Not to mention killing a butload of Primas...


Thanks for the chapter!

Tyler S.

It was slightly disheartening to find Travis doesnt record the Ree's in the later books

Scott Nagle

It would of been cool if his bloodline gliched the system to make a merged class



Andromeda Adams

I knew it! TYFTC! I hope your birthday went well.


Indeed, sad news. Because it's the actual best running gag I've had the chance to read, all fiction included.


Good skill for him, but a sad moment of personal realization that his path will be a lonely one. And the death of one vision of the Primal Hunter hunting voidbeasts with his trusty sylphian hawk, two primal-origin-infused hounds, and his trusty wyvern steed…


I wanted huntsmaster but lone hunter makes sense and i figured it get picked

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


This whole "I cant trust anybody but me" reasoning is just so ... sad rly. This boy still has some serious emo issues.

Matthew Paulin

He needs a pet dog. For sniffing out prey. It's a magical universe, so maybe something like a displacer beast would be more appropriate.


Super well reasoned and lays out the path without him being an edge lord. I love this series because of that, skill choices and upgrades feel thought out in a way that's really logical and practical


Thank you for the chapter, hope you had a good birthday! 🎂


This was a big decision, but I'm not a big fan of long introspective discussions. Hopefully we will get to the outcome of the prima guardian event, rewards for earth, and rules for joining the prima alliance tomorrow. Also, I'm a little disappointed in the skill selection. Big game hunter felt like an upgrade to hunters mark and lone hunter feels like an upgrade to big game hunter. It doesn't sound like anything new. Hopefully I am wrong and it really is a powerful skill.

James mMcClellan

They may do the huntmaster in the weebtoon that introduced an odd character in the villy dungeon and seemed to be tied to his necklace and thus will alway be there, hard to say on 30ish chapters out on webtoon


Ah yes that’s zogarth for you, loves saying screw you all it’s my choice and I don’t give a damn what you think I like lone hunter so he’s getting lone hunter


It said they get the rewards after every Prima is dead not when they kill there Prima

Ty Cooper

Hope you had a great weekend/birthday! So glad he didn't pick Huntmaster. I was worried with this whole prima alliance coming up. Was so worried he would think of his future prima battles. I do wish he would stop chickening out anytime a skill pops up for Eternal Hunger. That skill could make all his poisons harder to eliminate. Like with the monarch of blood. Caper's curses made his poisons work better. I really wish he would come back to gluttonous fang but know he won't. Was also hoping he skipped the hunmaster/lone hunter to get a combined version later.


Im sorry but these past two chapters have been so padded out. The decision wasnt even that big, since he already knew he is a solo fighter.

Ty Cooper

Wait the webtoon showed who was tied to the necklace? I stopped reading it when I saw they changed Jacob's name. now even more changes?


Team lone hunter wins! Pretty much highlighted many of the reasoned I mentioned in the previous chapter. Many people wanted huntmaster for more character interaction, but lone hunter doesn't make Jake a hermit.

Ty Cooper

Nothing new just makes him stronger alone. I was really hoping for cursed fang.

Christopher Lee

Thx for another awesome chapter


Would be interesting, but while bloodlines can exist outside the system, they are not above the system so it'll never "glitch" the system. A new class could appear as a result of the bloodline and the system is just rewarding based on records.


A massive decision. He really had to think this one through. And thank you for the feedback from the others, it really helped understanding why Jake came to this one conclusion.


Remember, Jake has trust issues befote highlighted in the earlier books. Secondly, Jake is terrible at managing people. As a huntmaster, Jake would probably spend more time dealing with people rather than hunting. Any group project is like this. Jake has more relationships now due to his status, but in the end, he is a solo kind of guy. That is simply his preference.


Rather than managing a dog for that, he could just upgrade his bestial hunter tracking skill


Honestly zogarth kind of needed to do it. There were a lot of people for huntmaster. Without a good explanation, some people might riot.

De Pisce Episcopi

Not emo really, the reasoning is very solid in his situation. It’s not a matter of him wanting to be edgy but of him just being so much stronger than everyone else.

Aaron Lack

When making tough choices, the question I usually ask is “what do I lose with this choice”? Jake doesn’t lose anything with this, he is still OP with others because of who he is, as proven by this last fight, and how did it end, with him being the only one that could keep up and finish it. He made the only choice that made sense. The other would have had him giving up a lot.

John Durrett

I smelled stuffed toy merchandise the moment I saw the dude inside the necklace


Seems like a pretty obvious decision lol


I kinda agree. Felt like filler to me, as soon as I saw the skill choices it seemed obvious he would pick the lone hunter skill. Little too much debating and asking other peoples opinions. That isn’t really a Jake thing to do I feel like. Though I am not the author and I love this book and he is my fav character in any series. So it is what it is. 2 unliked chapters doesn’t matter when the series is god tier 🫶🏽


Loved the explanation for his choice and I think it's the right one. Now, I hope he upgrades his superior stealth attack skill to the level he was offered, and we see some freeform magic like that disruptive shadow arrow later.

Karim Saadi

I don't think it's quite that dire, it's not about "trust" in general but more that he can 100% predict how he will react in any given situation which is just impossible with other. I actually am quite impressed Jake went so far as to ask and take input from his potential hunting party (all of them actually confirming to him that he should trust himself the most (in a good way!))

Karim Saadi

I thought he might postpone choosing this path defining selection but in hindsight of this chapter this really is the right decision.

Christopher Lee

Also I hope the next arc is just a solo hunting arc, I miss him running around aimlessly trying to kill stuff like an idiot lol


Bear in mind that I even tend to skip skills at times but these two chapters make sense to me and not at all filler. It’s so nice to know it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision and that Jake thought through things. We all have our preferences in what we like. I love PH because of how it balanced slice of life, fights, stats, skills, politics, adventure all with a fabulous dose of humor. At this point I have tremendous respect for Zogarth’s writing skills and he’s not one for fillers.


Thinking skill decisions through is fine. It is the repetition of the same reasoning in different words, and of a reason that jake was already aware of, that gets me. Also, questioning everyone when he already knew the answers, and already knew he was a solo hunter, made no sense and came off as somewhat strange and out of character. The selection could have been done in less than half a chapter. Stretching it across two is egregious. Yeah, he is not one for filler...which makes these last two filler chapters stand out all the more.

Matthew Lemon

Even with the long and well thought out explanation, I've seen some butt hurt people crying in the comments lmao

Gavin Wayne Pitcher

you're just cranky because you wanna get too the loot! Have some sympathy for jake, who is stuck in space and has to wait for loot just like us!




Edit. ", but before and after the system arrived." Should be BOTH, before and after


Was hoping for a mention on the extreme potential for that shadow arrow skill. We haven't really seen jake dive into mixing affinities, at that feels like a huge untapped wellspring of potential. That being said i can also see jake just not wanting to bother with all that nonsense, so whatever.


Hope you had an AMAZING 30th birthday weekend! 🎈🎂🥳 And as always TFTC!!


Thankies for the chapie zogie


I didn't realize it until now when I went to audio for book 3 and book 8 and yup, in book 8, "Ree?" is read as "Sylphie screeched out a question". :) Can anyone tell me the reason for this change?


Happy level up day He made the correct skill choice

Ryan Ulrich

The only down side to Jake being trapped in space is that the rest of the 93rd universe will think it took Earth 1hr to complete the event when in actuality it took maybe 12 minutes.


Honestly a good solid choice with highly sound reasoning. Rock on, muh dude! 🤙


Hunt master really wasn’t that great a skill either. Cursed fang and arcane stealth were both probably better skills. The thing is I would like Jake to be more of a leader. Lone hunter may line up with his path, but I was hoping late C grade and B grade would be about establishing an empire not being a lone hunter. That is why it was frustrating.


@Karim Saadi: I dont think it was about predicting how he or others will react in a fight, but more than anything that he does not have any trust in other peoples abilities, even though he got proven wrong several times.


Always love a skill selection and can’t argue with the choice. Had to take it. Now the true challenge for Jake in the prima event…forced social interaction with people he doesn’t know.

Tucker Longstroth

I’m soooo looking forward to the first time Jake fires off an Eternal Hunger Protean Arrow Sneak Attack Powershot. I anticipate big damage getting bigger hehe

Ty Cooper

Yeah I was hoping he would have postponed and gotten some crazy combination of the two like apex hunter. Alone or as huntmaster you stand at the apex something something.....


Primas are great, hoping for an Artemis side story mixed in with some regularity. If Vespy has minders, and Sylphie needs to be as free as the wind... I'd like some regular Artemis check ins, please.

Peter Smith

Fair. I forgot he doesn't like people normally.


It was a given he’d choose lone hunter. But I wonder if he’ll find himself missing the boosts if he ends up fighting with someone else. That could throw him off especially if we see him go off for a time on his own. He’ll get used to that higher level of power.


I think if we were reading this chapter as part of an entire book where we can keep going it wouldn’t feel quite like this. When it’s the only thing you read, I agree, but I think if this was just one of the chapters I read in whatever book this chapter might be in, I’d enjoy it and appreciate it more since I wouldn’t be left wanting for something more as I’d just keep reading.


I think the main reason he hasn't is because his Arcane doesn't play nice with others if I'm remembering correctly. So it would be a major time sink, similar to when he upgraded his stealth skill. Lots of concepts on top of that too I would assume. I can see him maybe tinkering with it while going between worlds and fighting Primas though.

Josh Florence (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-25 16:40:58 Yay! Fuck everybody! Loners unite! Oh, wait...
2024-06-24 17:08:42 Yay! Fuck everybody! Loners unite! Oh, wait...

Yay! Fuck everybody! Loners unite! Oh, wait...


The previous chapter was contentious wasn’t it? The comment section was real active. Good to see Jake be his relatable, anti-social self. Thanks for the chapter. Edits: return from an adventurer -> return from an adventure not because i dislike -> not because I dislike fight alongside others when the preferred option. -> fight alongside others when it’s the preferred option. comrade in arms -> comrade-in-arms


I mean, the book is called The Primal Hunter, not The Primal Huntsmaster. Also, character personality-wise, there was no way Jake “shit, I have to socialise?” Thayne would have ever chosen Huntsmaster.


Darn. I was hoping for Huntmaster, BUT it's not my story. It's Zogarth's. AND that's why I continue to read it! Quite frankly, he's the best. I did appreciate Jake asking everyone else's opinion before making the decision and how he came about the decision was quite logical. I'm still sad though, even though I shouldn't be.


Mmm yes 9 out of 10 for technicality and 8 out of 10 for comedy


He needs to meet the Good Boy. (Side Story 8)


Yeah, this is the one that makes the most sense. Still... This is why I like cradle. To be strong is to be lonely, and no book handles that better than cradle

Ty Cooper

Agreed Zog is fantastic and I trust his skills to make the skills work out great for Jake. I was personally wanting him to pick gluttonous fang and for the system making a combination of the lone and huntmaster. Like apex hunter or something. Thinking back on it more I would much rather Jake do free form curse magic skills. I feel it might be added to (I forgot current name) descending dark fang skill or something. I love how Jake free forms his magic, which lead to his arcane affinity. I can only remember once that he used Eternal Hunger that way and it was vs the permits. Been looking forward to him utilizing Eternal Hunger to potential. Lol guess it is like soul flame. Looking forward to it but have no clue as to when it will happen.

Ryan Ulrich

Was hoping for Huntsmatser but the rational against it makes sense. Truly the only skill upgrades I want to see in the future are SS void blade skills

MacMahon Wenzl

After seeing this skills from the other chapter I flashed back to the tutorial when Jake took down the boar. He hasn't a hunts master then, but a lone hunter who was apart of a group.


Hopefully this new skill will even out Jakes EXP penalties. Getting nothing from weak enemies, and getting a larger chunk from much larger. Now Jake can level up like a normal class.


I feel like questioning others was a good call. Jake has the time to not just follow his gut but check his assumptions. This also builds reasoning for choices Jake will make in the future.


I'd love to see an Artemis check-in too.


He already knows he is a solo hunter, and he knows that others wouldnt want or be able to form a permanent party with him. And the way he asked them made him sound desperate in a way. It was extremely out of character. It may have been a good call for another, but for Jake, it was just weird. That said, it is of course my opinion and will differ from how others see it.


Can’t deny the decision did seem weirdly over blown since his path has been a solo one since always, even in nevermore when he was with people he went out of his way to fight alone when he could

Jake Atwood

So ready to see who won between him and EH already the anticipation is killing me also curious what skill upgrades we will be getting in the future cause he hasn’t had much time to do them after nevermore I’m hoping to see his awakening skill upgrade towards the end of C grade also curious how steady aim will upgrade also curious what the final skill will be will it be another thing like hunting momentum or maybe like bestial instinct(moment of the primal hunter) cause he hasn’t had one like that since

Kyle Hunt

I question that... I have a theory that the system has made the First Sage taboo for everyone, and it is just that Villy and Jake's bloodlines allow them to remember what they are suppose to forget, against the will of the system. Of course there is nothing to back up this theory, aside from Villy stating that he believed the First Sage's bloodline allowed the First Sage to remember things the system intended him to not remember.

Kyle Hunt

I completely agree with the decision, in fact there really was no decision to be made, which made the chapter feel a bit redundant. However, as pointed out above, perhaps necessary to the people who needed to hear the "Jake is strong, all others are not quite as strong" explanation... The issue that I struggled with most this entire chapter is constantly remembering the system itself stating that a person "cannot" be both a heretic and a chosen, yet Jake is. Though somehow Jake can't pick both of these skills that are truly not antithetical, and far less impactful in terms of concepts... Just seems inconsistent.

Gustavo Claude

I started to read the chapter with the certainty about which choice he would do. And it wasn't my preferred. But through the text, I understood his choice and accepted as a well embased decision. I don't like stories or arcs where the MC goes without relation with other sentient chars. The beautiful behind fantasy books is the world over and the relations between people in a fantastic environment. But the decision was built through the opinions of the other chars in a way that given them more deepness and personality. I'm happy with the result. Tftc, really good writing.

Kyle Hunt

Still can't get over how inconsistent it feels to me that he can be a heretic chosen, which the system has stated explicitly is impossible, but can't choose both of these "paths." However, the group hunter thing has never been his MO in the first place, so that in itself doesn't really fit anyway... Either way, don't mean to sound as if I'm complaining too much... As such, writing loner MC's in novels and stories is always a horrible choice in my opinion, yet somehow Zogarth makes Jake work as a character flawlessly. He manages to be a loner while hunting, yet maintains his personal relationships, I guess having a god on speed dial helps you forget he's actually doing everything by himself. Or maybe it's just that Zogarth makes the multiverse feel real and as if it exists independent of Jake, where many other MC's tend to feel as if the world is dependent on them.

Arieh Sochaczevski

TFTC! Certainly between Huntmaster and Lone Hunter, the choice for Jake was obvious, but there’s no way something like this doesn’t make a guy like Jake feel like he’s being penalised when he’s with others. At least so long as the skill remains the way it is. I’d have loved to see him go with the 1st choice for once. Both because it’s a badass skill, and because what a twist that would be.


Yeah - Wei Shi Lindon and Yerin have pretty much been together since the get go. The overarching motivation of Eithan was to bring a team up who would have each other and still be the strongest.


couldn’t be attached to the hip all of their lives at the hip who could Jake even have in this Huntin Party You either forgot a 'g' or a 'postrophe. they would never be able to measure up Jake’s trust in his own abilities. up to

Richard Rader

I appreciated him asking the group as well. Pretty surprised that he didn’t ask the Viper’s opinion.

Austin Gillespie

Honestly this just has me hyped to see what skill he gets that synergizes with this one. Cool skill, definite quality of life and damage boost, fits in well with his path, all that good stuff. But whatever builds off of it will be kick ass


They are in a system event. He can't talk to the viper right now.

Noah Davis

Honestly. I think it is because the system made skills that his bloodline could not or would not merge. His being a heretic chosen is only due to his bloodline, and the quality of Jake's truesoul. These are curated skills given by the system, that has not offered him a skill that he could update since getting Gaze.


I disagree. Villy's bloodline allows him to remember, definitely, but there is is a clearer reason why Jake can remember. His profession. The description directly states "Secrets most ancient beings would wish forgotten lay bare before you as you gaze upon Records only".


The sword saint said in this chapter 'you can fully trust people but that doesn't mean you can fully rely on them'. Jake trusts the abilities of his friends but he's so strong he can fight enemies even his closest allies can't compete with at times.


The path to godhood and immortality leads to loneliness simply because you outlive your companions, often multiple times. That's part of the challenge of becoming a God in these stories.


I believe they are referring to the time "moment of the primal hunter" was forcefully upgraded by his bloodline.


Who is to say future enhancements don’t bring in some of the party type bonuses.


Carmen … Tu quoque mi fili

Stuart Thwaites

I really don't understand why Jake found this decision hard. He's been a solo hunter since day 1 and only grouped up on spur of the moment or when it was required.

Alex Cox

Jake has also solidified more expierience with groups than solo at this point and the past few major points of story were mostly teambased. Look at Iskar and the fight in the Treasure Hunt, a massive team battle. Then Nevermore with the fact Jake spent most of it with his party. Being part of a group for such a long time prolly brought Jake back to a mindset similar to before the introductions. Took him some time from the start to learn hunting was a task better solo'd by him, and even took somebody losing their leg. I think we're just seeing the higher rank version of this


No chapter today?

Jerrid Klassen

His chapters are like Gandalf they always arrive when they arrive never late or early lol


The time will come. Dont worry. If he had some kind of problem or delay, we would be informed


I think it’s part of Jake’s apex hunter thing. He doesn’t like being told he has to choose this or that. His answer will always be “both!” See: heretic chosen. Plus, he’s had a lot of good times hunting with a friend, from his days with Hawkie to traveling with Carmen and Sylphie to fifty years of Nevermore. And soon with an avatar of Artemis… It may be his second choice, but that doesn’t mean he wants the System telling him he can’t have that too.


Zogarth got food poisoning, that's why he's not postibg today. Source discord: https://discord.com/channels/771671962090078218/776507280991584276/1254925582895026227

Calvin Young

no chapter today and maybe none tomorrow. he posted in discord. he has food poisoning.

Jul Silver

Feel better.


Damn you food poisoning!!! Can't you write while on the toilet? (Not a serious question :P)


Hope you feel better


Oh No HeS lAtE wItH tHe ChApTeR


So sorry to hear your sick.

Steven Crowe

Also with his Jake Juice he could hypothetically keep building an army of crazy powerful tag alongs. But Jake said himself it was more decision paralysis then anything; sure he probably knew he wanted the solo perk but locking yourself out of something else is still worth consideration.

C. Adkins

I think Taylor was joking Jeff. Also, sorry to hear your sick Zog. Get better soon!


Fuck was Jake at his birthday party? Him and his experiments. 😅 /Zog get well soon.

Toxic Havoc

Feel better soon take your time and rest up!


Thank you for risking your sanity by diving into that web of scum and villainy to get the answers we seek and sharing with those of us too frightened to visit such a wretched place. 🙏


Yea it’s a joke cuz he has already said more than once he doesn’t actually have a schedule and people usually get up in arms about it. I typed it like that to emphasize the sarcasm


Ultimate troll for next time, give us a few sentences but end mid sentence.


Stress… take care Zog. Food poisoning is a bitch!

James mMcClellan

Just wanted to remind everyone he may still be felling under the weather soa chance no chapter today


Yall thinking they are literally writing them daily or like have some in the bank? It’s amazing we consistently get ew chapters every week


It’s probably those damn mushrooms.


He wrote a bit ago, that he has a los of already written. There is still a lot of work, to upload, do a last iteration of the chapter etc.

deus vault

Is there a chapter today?


The comment section was split between the different options and lots of people wanted Huntsmaster. Pretty sure readers would’ve been frustrated if it wasn’t explained narratively why Huntsmaster was not chosen.

Ryan Ulrich

Zog is just adjusting to the new reality of being 30


I guess alcohol poisoning is a type of food poisoning. Hope you feel better.

Govir Drauka

“A Zogarth is never late, nor is he early, he posts precisely when he means to.”




The body starts breaking down. Sleep now becomes a dangerous activity, where ya wake up injured somehow. It gets harder to understand people in conversations, it sounds like everyone is mumbling. You start yelling at young whipper-snappers to get off of your front lawn...

Jay Doubleyou Kay

Jeez, your putting out less chapters than shirt now and that's saying a lot.... Ok all jokes aside, feel better! Take your time, we'll be here when you come back.

John Kinkead

Feel better, you’re not as young as you once were lol


Feel better Zorgarth ! You're just upgrading Palate's skill rarity atm. Trial of the myriad poison style x)

Ty Cooper

Is there no chapter for third day in a row? Must have been one hell of a mushroom.

Curtis Cairns

long upgrade process... im sure we'll get an update eventually let em be sick

Ty Cooper

Oh no hate on this end. Just curious. Hoping he didn't loose too much fluids and have to go get an iv or anything serious.

Ty Cooper

Wasn't passive aggressive. Bad joke yes but no malicious intent


Okay he must have actual food poisoning, and not the I need to crap 6 times in the next hour bug. That sucks! Feel better soon!


Are biological poisons like botulism still a thing in the multiverse or are peoples bodies have too strong for it?


What if disease microorganisms could gain levels… what if one spawned with a bloodline…


And if you don't have a lawn, you at least buy a patch of fake grass just so you can!


I believe Jake asked Villy that question early on and the answer was no. But that doesn’t mean there can’t be certain rare magic based bacteria that can affect higher level beings.


Remember all....Danger Noodle!

Jay Doubleyou Kay

Ok so what does everyone think??? Did Jake beat his Prima first or did orange boi? If orange man didn't want to make his stronger it's very possible he could have beaten his faster, especially with so much help from other worlds

Ty Cooper

Cheeto is more cautious and will want a plan. While Jake just jumps in and goes. Jake was totally the first. It's got to throw a wrench in cheeto's faith harvest. Now that I think about it, did cheeto even know where the guardian would land? Jacob devined where the ship would land for earth.


yes cheeto knew and had set up to immediately attack it with the goal of killing it first. logically Sandy shouldn’t have been able to get to Jake so quick, it took them days to get to the moon and I’m pretty sure Jake is much further away than the moon because he described how he couldn’t see any celestial objects (you’d be able to see the planet from the moon distance). Zogarth is gonna have to explain how Sandy got so much faster, it should have taken them weeks both ways, which would give cheeto plenty of time to finish the fight. Also without the wings skill that prima stole it shouldn’t be able to run away from cheeto.

Razeel Nightfall

I think he was first, but while in Sandy's stumic he ate old heavyly seasoned undercooked backen. Now he has food poisoning, and he is using said food poison to raise his skill to mythical. Back to your question. I think *stumic gurgles*


Zog posted that there will be a chapter tomorrow. PRAISE THE MALEFIC WRITER!


There can be a disease microorganism if its a unique lifeform. The startitan is just the same just insanly huge.


I think Jake beat Earths faster but claimed the pylon slower

Jeff McCulley

Jake beat his first (no notification on EH doing so), and it isn’t even particularly close.

Lazy Tyrant

It might be exactly like the nevermore situation. El' Hakan finishes first, but Jake gets the higher score and still wins.


First, Jake saw the planet: "the planet pretty damn far beneath him.". He just didn't see the moon, apparently, because it was on the other side of the planet (prima guardian shot straight up), or anything else close to him. Second, it took less than half a day to get to the moon for Sandy. It would have taken a week if Jake was on his own. And I doubt Jake and Prima managed to cover the distance equal to several days of travel time within minutes of using the skill. So Sandy shouldn't take more than several hours to catch up and bring Jake back. I doubt that delay is enough to let EH to win, especially since he should have taken much longer than Jake and co during the labirinth phase