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A lot of things happened at once. More than a dozen of the Prima Guardian’s eyes exploded as it used Gaze on so many powerful people at once, but that didn’t stop it from moving its body. It attacked the five people who weren’t able to defend themselves with reckless abandon, Jake, a moment too late to interfere.

Vesperia was struck with its staff on the side of her head, sending blood, bone, and brain matter flying as nearly her entire skull was crushed, and the Sword Saint couldn’t dodge as a leg blade swept up, cutting off one of his arms and legs. The Fallen King had the other leg-blade sweep in from the side, trying to cut him in two but only getting around halfway as the Unique Lifeform was nevertheless still left with a nasty injury and a blade stuck in his body.

For Carmen, the chimera chose to only punch her in the chest to send her away, perhaps knowing it couldn’t deal meaningful damage with a single blow.

Caleb was a bit further away but was still struck with three breath attacks at the same time. However, luckily, what the Prima Guardian had done wasn’t a Primal Gaze, but only a normal Gaze of the Apex Predator, allowing Caleb to partially fade into the shadows, avoiding taking too much damage.

The others had also moved a slight bit right at the end, using their mana, avoiding potential death. But, the Prima Guardian wasn’t done. Its maw opened as it mowed to bite down on the Fallen King right as Jake struck.

He attacked with his own Primal Gaze as he made eye contact with some of the remaining glowing eyes. This stopped the Prima Guardian long enough for everyone to retreat slightly, as blood began to roll down Jake’s cheeks from using the skill.

This creature’s soul was just ridiculous. It hadn’t taken any meaningful soul damage even after using Gaze on five extremely powerful people, and if Jake had tried the same thing, he was pretty sure things wouldn’t have gone well for him. Still, the Prima had been smart by not using Gaze on Jake. If it had, things wouldn’t have gone this well for it. Even so, he knew that the Prima wouldn’t be able to use Gaze again. He would make sure of that.

Despite hitting his Primal Gaze, no one could take advantage as Sylphie chose to help evacuate those injured, blasting them all away with a great gust of wind. The Fallen King also took this chance and released a golden explosion, getting himself free as he staggered back. Gritting his teeth, Jake cursed internally at how shitty things were going… as a black line impacted the Guardian, cutting across Jake’s vision.

A hole about the size of a fist was left in the chest of the Prima Guardian, as Jake saw its very soul have a part of it sheared right off. He also recognized where it had come from, as Jake couldn’t help but flash a brief smile. There was only one person he knew with the power to shoot a goddamn void beam from who-the-fuck-knows-where.

Still, the situation wasn’t great, as Jake felt forced to teleport forward as he appeared right in front of the Prima Guardian. Pulling out both his katars – Eternal Hunger easily reclaimed as it was part of his soul even if he had left it within the Prima before – as he entered melee with the boss.

The attack from Arnold had done great damage, but the chimera wasn’t a creature that made any sense, and Jake doubted it would stop unless fully killed. Fighting it alone wasn’t something Jake felt confident doing, but he felt as if he didn’t have any other choice. At least if he was in melee, he could ensure it wasn’t going to use Gaze because he fucking dared it to try to use his own skill on him.

He would need to buy some time for the others to at least recover a little. Vesperia didn’t look like she could even fly straight, nearly her entire head gone, and the Sword Saint naturally couldn’t fight with half his limbs cut off. Carmen and Caleb were still able to fight, though Caleb wasn’t in a great state either. The Fallen King would clearly also need a bit, which left only Sylphie, Jake, and Carmen.

Fully focusing, Jake pushed his Arcane Awakening as far it could go – and perhaps a bit further - barely avoiding the attacks of the Prima Guardian. Its leg blades shot up at unpredictable times, bending unnaturally as they moved almost autonomously. All the meanwhile, Jake had to not get caught by the Guardian’s punches or the staff, not to mention the occasional magical attack.

At least the wyvern heads on its back didn’t attack Jake but went for the others who were dealing with their injuries, with Sylphie protecting them. Not wanting the Guardian to disengage when it realized it couldn’t deal any meaningful damage to Jake quickly, he began to go more on the offensive.

Baiting it in, the boss thought it caught Jake in its grasp, only to find the version of Jake it had in its hand dissolve into cursed energy, allowing Jake to land a Piercing Fang with his Voidblade, tearing another hole in the Prima’s chest. His opponent responded by releasing a golden explosion of force, making Jake stumble back as the Prima counterattacked instantly, forcing Jake to block the staff as he felt his arms buckle from the impact, his bones cracking.

Luckily, he had bought enough time for Caleb to attack from behind, knocking the boss slightly to the side and buying Jake a moment to stabilize. Carmen also entered the fray to help Jake, as the two of them faced off against the Prima Guardian together.

While Jake managed to avoid nearly all attacks, only taking minor injuries himself, Carmen wasn’t the same as she constantly had to take blows directly. Jake noticed how her skin had begun to crack in places, small fractures forming all over her body. He knew she couldn’t keep this up forever, but in truth, they didn’t really have a choice.

The Prima Guardian didn’t come out of this unscathed either. The Fallen King had recovered enough to protect the injured, allowing Sylphie and Caleb to resume their strikes, though without Jake’s constant harassment with arrows, their damage output had been severely reduced.

As Jake was struggling, he suddenly saw someone enter his sphere, and a calm aura fell over him. He felt his hurting body begin to mend as healing energy washed over their entire group. Their healer had returned to the battle and went all out as his body began to glow with a powerful healing aura. The Sword Saint, Vesperia, and Fallen King all started to heal in real-time, as even some of the fractures on Carmen healed rapidly.

With a moment to spare, he looked over where Eron had been sealed down by five Primas not even a dozen seconds earlier and saw metal reflecting the sunlight as a single mage faced off against four Primas on his own – the fifth one falling toward the ground, blood trailing its descent.


William held a lot of resentment toward Eversmile for making him miss several system events. He had been convinced that the Treasure Hunt, Myriad Paths, and even C-grade Nevermore weren’t things he needed or should do. They were wastes of time for someone like him. To this day, he couldn’t understand why his former “master” would even do that. Was he just trying to sabotage William for the fun of it? Trying to hurt his Path? He had lost out on so many titles that would have made him stronger, and he felt so damn far behind.

But… that wasn’t going to make him give up. How would he ever get his revenge on the Primordial by giving up?

One thing was for sure, he wasn’t going to miss more events. As for this particular system event, he had chosen to just fall in line and do as Ms. Wells told him to. He was fully aware he wasn’t in any kind of position to make any demands. It was already lucky they allowed him to take part, and he would do his utmost to be useful.

The section he had been assigned to defend wasn’t particularly difficult, and the outcasts he had been grouped with barely had to do anything. Even if It wasn’t hard, he was contributing, right? Things had been going smoothly until he suddenly noticed that one of the Primas flying toward his section suddenly changed direction, and not toward another section, but toward where the Prima Guardian was.

He saw that it was going for the healer from the Dao Sect called Eron, who had been blasted their way by what looked like a giant golden barrier. Other Primas were also flying over, with five in total going for him.

Frowning, William wasn’t sure what to do but quickly decided to step in. Especially when he saw these Primas weren’t even truly fighting Eron; they were just trying to stop him from returning to the rest of the strike team.

“You all handle this area; I’ll go help the healer,” William said to his section mates as he shot after the Prima, going toward Eron while retracting his metal wires – the legendary weapon Eversmile had given him. It was one of the many mixed messages his old teacher had sent, where he, on the one hand, helped William a lot and, on the other, actively tried to sabotage him.

Catching up to the charging Prima, William summoned a spear and shot it toward the gorilla-looking thing. It quickly reacted and defended itself, William taking the chance to launch a barrage of ranged attacks toward those bothering Eron.

The healer was defending himself with an ocean of white flames, but the Primas mostly ignored this as they kept pushing Eron further and further away from the strike team. Despite blowing up his body like a balloon of blood several times, the man couldn’t get any leeway. With time, he would surely win by burning down the Primas, but would the strike team hold on long enough?

By that, William didn’t mean them losing. He couldn’t imagine that monstrous hunter truly losing… but he could see a few of the others dying. Best to avoid that, William reckoned, as he finally got close to Eron and decided it was time to unleash his boosting skill.

A silver aura appeared around him as William released a web of strings, instantly forcing two Primas to react. These Primas seemed conflicted for a moment. William understood why, as he saw the almost tangible karmic thread between these Primas and the Prima Guardian look slightly different than usual. The karmic bond was one so strong that William had known from the beginning that these Primas were tied intrinsically to the Guardian. They wouldn’t die if the Prima Guardian died, but they would find themselves severely weakened. This also meant that any orders given by the Prima Guardian were absolute, and defending against William likely clashed with their directive to keep the healer busy. This directive was also the cause of change in the karmic bond between these Primas and the Guardian, likely because these five were the only ones carrying out direct orders.

Something William gladly took full advantage of as he decided to make the coming fight a bit easier for himself. While the Primas were still trying to figure out what to do, William summoned a large silver spear that he promptly impaled the gorilla-looking Prima with. It stumbled back as William channeled his energy into the spear, the Prima’s body slowly turning to metal as its energies fought against the intrusion.

Which left it distracted when the true attack arrived.

From below, a spinning thin disc of metal shot up, pulled by metal threads, as one of the gorilla’s legs was cut off. A second disc struck it right on soon after, but the gorilla caught it with both hands… only to have a third one strike it from behind, blasting it toward the ground with a nasty cut right on its spine.

His attack finally caught the attention of the other four Primas as William worked his karmic magic. He pulled on the threads of karma and began tying them to himself. The resentment born from the attack was enough for him to take the attention of all the Primas as they all turned toward him, and for a moment, he became their main target.

“Get to the rest of the strike team now; I’ll keep these busy,” William said as he finished temporarily overriding the order the Primas had been given by the Guardian. It wouldn’t work for long, as he was effectively just jamming the order while drawing attention to himself.

Luckily, Eron quickly caught on and took the moment William had gifted him to pull out an item from his spatial storage that made space shiver around him for a moment before he picked up speed and began flying back to the strike team at a rapid pace.

William sighed as he cracked his neck with the four Primas now charging for him, the one below also far from dead. He was pretty confident in himself, but dealing with five Primas was perhaps a bit too much, seeing as just killing one was a damn struggle with their overflowing vital energies. Better kill that Guardian quickly…


With Eron back on the field, the tides of battle began to shift once more. Having a healer just added so much value, and even if the Sword Saint and Vesperia wouldn’t be back in action instantly, the simple knowledge that they eventually would be able to contribute again held immense value.

Carmen could also hold on for far longer, as she and Jake kept the Prima Guardian busy, the Fallen King staying on pure defense. The wyvern heads kept shooting attacks toward him, but Sylphie and Caleb helped as they kept attacking from behind, focusing much of their attention on the wyverns.

The acid rain falling upon them was still a problem, but the Sword Saint focused on addressing it as he channeled his own mana to take over the skies. He wasn’t strong enough to entirely dispel the acid rain, but he could dilute the rain that fell while ruining the balance of the clouds, making the occasional black lightning strikes stop entirely. Even if he was heavily injured, he still wanted to contribute what he could.

Vesperia also clearly wanted to, and once some of her head was healed and she had one eye to see, she began to provide ranged support, shooting her stingers like a railgun.

Speaking of guns, Arnold had clearly set up somewhere, as the occasional black beam would pierce through the battlefield. His timing was always impeccable, happening just as the Prima Guardian was unable to move or in the middle of an attack.

The Prima Guardian was finally also showing clear signs of weakness. It regenerated slower than before, and while it was still incredibly dangerous, light was now at the end of the tunnel. They were still on a timer, though. They all had their boosting skills fully active, and while some of them had skills that they could keep active for a very long time without any problems, others couldn’t. Jake was one of those people who had a boosting skill taking a toll on his body.

His skin had long begun to flay here and there as veins of destructive arcane energy lined his body, wreaking havoc within. Carmen was clearly also struggling, especially with all the hits she kept taking. Eron was doing his best, but there was only so much a healer could do against someone overdrawing their own power. However, no matter what, there was no backing down now… they had to finish it.

Picking up his pace even more, Jake began to take more risks as he landed several blows. He was waiting for the final opening to land a big finisher with the Protean Arrow he had been preparing in his quiver, to be fired alongside all the Hunting Momentum he had built up. It wasn’t time yet, though, and Jake had to stay in melee to ensure Gaze wasn’t even an option for the boss.

Carmen also got more reckless, with Eron now backing them. She gladly took three hits to land a punch of her own as the Guardian looked more and more beaten and bruised. Realizing this wasn’t working for it, the Prima Guardian switched target and went for Vesperia, who was not yet fully healed, but she still managed to barely block the attack.

Jake quickly followed as the True Royal defended herself. The Sword Saint had a tired look as he nevertheless raised his blade, likely for the final time in this battle. The old man still only had one arm and leg, his aura wavering. Yet, at that very moment, his body burned with power as he prepared to stab forward. Jake knew what he was about to do, and he opened his eyes wide as they flashed.

The pain was instant as Jake used yet another Primal Gaze, and he felt his vision waver as his eyes took severe damage. However, it was good enough. The Sword Saint, Caleb, and Sylphie all took full advantage as three powerful attacks fell upon the boss at once.

“Glimpse of Spring: Erosion”

“Thunderfall of Tenlucis.”


A thin beam of water blasted off one of the Prima Guardian’s arms as Caleb, wrapped in black lightning, descended from above along with Sylphie, both passing straight through the Guardian, roasting it from within and cutting up its body, sending blood flying everywhere. As a pleasant surprise, another void beam also hit the Guardian, taking off a leg.

Carmen and the Fallen King also wanted to join in, but the Prima Guardian exploded with pure mana at that very moment, as all of the wyvern heads self-destructed, pushing everyone back, including Jake. He had to use his scales to block the massive explosion as he saw it had knocked out the Sword Saint, and Vesperia looked much worse for wear, as everyone had taken a good bit of damage from the blast.

Stabilizing, Jake pulled out his bow in preparation to attack as he released a Pulse… and saw that on the back of the Prima Guardian, two wings had appeared. Two very familiar wings.

No… no fucking way.

A dark green bubble of poison appeared around the Prima Guardian before Jake or anyone else could strike… and with a single beat of these newly summoned wings, it activated Wings of the Malefic Viper’s escape function and disappeared, fleeing the battle.

Not happening.

Without even a moment’s hesitation, wings also appeared on Jake’s back, and his body began to turn dark green. With a wingbeat of his own, he too disappeared in pursuit of the Prima Guardian, fully intent on hunting it down no matter where the bastard tried to escape to.


Ove Schorer

thanks for the chapter

Justin Buro

Oh shit, he's hunting. This is a certified primal hunter moment




At least the guardian had some smarts... Not gazing Jake 😂

Jim Meyer

Great chapter! Thanks!



Abriel Blauer

Nice chapter So, the final fight will be only between Jake and the Prima Guardian


Seriously, I thought they had it there, but of course Zog has to make us wait for the whole week, I wouldn't be surprised if this thing survived till next Mondays chapter

John Looney

The last time we got to see William fight was in the tutorial lmao

Lizy Flore

Thanks for the chapter :))


Fight in flight?


Running away is diabolical and also the guaranteed loss. Finish your fights bro 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


As much as Jake is built for these 1v1 fights with a stronger opponent, I can't help but feel this is a trap. Poor vespy though, she took one hell of a beating in this.


Owww no you don't.... You done messed it up!


Thanks for the chapter

Arieh Sochaczevski

TFTC! Very exciting chapter, too. “All the meanwhile, Jake had to not get caught by the Guardian’s punches or the staff, not to mention the occasional magical attack.” “Simultaneously, Jake had to avoid the Guardian’s fists, staff, and even the occasional magical attack.”

Pablo Barbatto

How it can't be the legacy skill

Adam Jones

Anyone else notice it only really copies Jake's skills. For everyone else it just seems to copy their mana.




This would be such an epic boss fight in a game chasing boss sequence are always banger


Jake gunna have to go scary staring man mode to finish this. Jake juice everywhere.


You know its serious, when Sylphie pulls out her Ree! Attack.

John Durrett

Time for Jake to go Primal Blood Hunter

Steven Crowe

I thought it only absorbed and used skills they used during the fight?


Thanks for the chapter


Seems like the chimera has figured out who the apex predator 'round these parts really is

Strato Junon

Oh shit. Didn't see that coming. Tyfc

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


Didn't think it was smart enough to try to escape


Sylphie's ree took me out 🤣


"Jake quickly followed as the True Royal defended herself. The 'Sword Sain' had a tired look" needs T


And now the prima guardian gets to experience in full why he is the Hunter. Prepare to be hunted bitch


Waver* waivers is what you sign your life away woth


I like Sylphies skill name, very eloquent. Also, interesting to see the boss can suddenly copy skills it didn't see yet, I was about to name it Kagashi, but that's down the drain. Seems to be a bit more refined than simply copying.

Andromeda Adams

TFTC! GO JAKE! Still how will Jake win if his skin is already flayed. Only way I see it happen is if he did use Jake Juice. On the off chance more void weapons are used.

Pablo Barbatto

He also Jake tried Palate and that was not a skill he could copy and reason why he was changing out the types of poisons around.


After it used a skill now he never used in the fight himself, I started to second guess the assumption it is a Kagashi-chimera. Need to re-read, but yeah I think it can only copy Jake and the primas it absorbed

Ty Cooper

Well I was wrong. Thought we would get a conclusion today. Great chapter though


I'm pretty sure it used the golden spheres from FK, wind from Sylphie, some sort of curse from Casper and shadow stuff from Caleb. It's just that we don't get as close a look at those skills as we do Jake's, and probably because Jake's skills are more broken, so it tends to favor that.

King Nereus

“Escape” to the Moon?


Not wanting the Guardian to disengage when it realized it couldn’t deal any meaningful damage to Jake quickly, he began to go more on the offensive. Baiting it in, the boss thought it caught Jake in its grasp, only to find the version of Jake it had in its hand dissolve into cursed energy, allowing Jake to land a Piercing Fang with his Voidblade, tearing another hole in the Prima’s chest. Not wanting the Guardian to disengage when it realized it couldn’t deal any meaningful damage to Jake quickly, he began to go more on the offensive, baiting it in. The boss thought it caught Jake in its grasp, only to find the version of Jake it had in its hand dissolved into cursed energy, allowing Jake to land a Piercing Fang with his Voidblade, tearing another hole in the Prima’s chest.

Charles Torry

Sir Robin ran away, he bravely ran away away!


Just take the L lil bro.

Micah Molina

Wow this boss has a hidden secret phase lol. What a fun chapter!

Mohammed Sheekh

I already know how it's gonna play out now, everyone will use their ultimate skills but the chimera will dodge and weave jake will be forced to use his jake juice again

Jeff McCulley

Heh. William can also see the karmic threads from the Primas to wherever it goes.

Jeff McCulley

Maybe. William and Arnold may also be able to help. And it may be “escaping” back into the Vessel.

James mMcClellan

Can't wait to hear travis do those line

Jonathan Hovey

I think that it will end with Jake pulling off another Valdemar Challenge Dungeon Bloodline beat down!

Michael Fannon

Man this boss is a freakin cheat code. I mean, it needs to be to fight the other living cheats, but still.

Jeff McCulley

So…my first question. Is the Guardian escaping to hither and yon? Or…simply back into the Vessel? Tune in tomorrow. Same Zog time, same Zog channel.


Wow not that's some GOD level copycat ability


Jake could summon FK. Silphie is fast and knows where Jake is due to oath. He could get some help.


The only thing I can think of why it's able to do that is, that hitting the team and getting blood from them it also absorbs like a miniature amount of the records. Or it's fully system fuckery

Seen Death

Tyfc! Jake about to take the 1v1 is thrilling af haha Visualizing them both using the wings at the end was a great transition

Seen Death

It would be awesome for him to use it, but jake would be crippled for a few months- and hes got many more planets left to fight on- but hes got to win this fight before he can get to those anyways... i look foward to it either way haha


It comes by its cheating honestly, though. It gets it by copying the ultimate cheaters around it.


The Sword Sain had a tired look as he nevert Saint


Voice in the sky: FAFO! For your decisions we give Earth the “Exalted Prima” since you’re stupid! Muhahaha 30 mins into fight earth. Voice in the sky: Oh shit my Prima! Run!!!


So… how many more chapters before Jake solo-finishes the exalted Prima? Next chapter, or not until next Monday? Could be a great chance for some skills to advance if it takes a week of chapters.


Yes want to see her get a system reward even tho, not from Earth.


Awesome chapter!


Ree! Ree Ree, Ree! Ree, Ree! Ree! (Tyftc) Ree!


I find it very interesting that it's copying abilities that were never used on or near it, which is a departure from how the whole copy ability gimmick usually works. I wonder if that means it can copy abilities from others that aren't even fighting it, like William on the more likely end or even Miranda's which could make things tough. Still though, seems it had good enough instincs to not use gaze on Jake.


Yes...? I'm assuming Jake has been using wings this while fight so...

Andrew K

Jake only had that much trouble the previous because he used all the energy that time, so he should be fine if he drops out of that mode a bit before hitting the time limit.

Ryan Ulrich

Cool way to turn it into a solo fight, but would’ve loved if the team could’ve taken it down together. Still hoping for another Arnold Void Snipe before the Prima dies.


It's possible it can use abilities used on any of the primas. And Jake used his wing escape on sandy so maybe that's where the guardian got that one

Cory lollie

My guess is William follows Jake's karma and assists with kill.


So one of the prima’s winning condition is the death of the world leader. Isolating Jake is a good strategy


Happy to see William do his part. Can never escape the idea that this is still within Eversmile's plans - he is weird like that. But I do lean overall to that fact that Jake is collecting a group that each represents one of the primordials. William representing Eversmile would make this timing appropriate. TYFT EXCELLENT C!!!!


Your portrayal of Arnold’s and William’s approach to fighting (especially with the karmic magic) is so interesting! Thanks for this chapter, it’s great!


That doesn't really matter if he doesn't have a means to actually follow, aka a skill or something

Ty Cooper

Possible, very Possible. Hope he finishes the guardian Wednesday. Epic solo fighting tomorrow, then Wednesday some crazy upgrade and finisher.

Ty Cooper

I mean you got to make it so the cheats at least have some fun. Would be too boring for Jake and company to just kill it right away.


Ree! 😂😂😂😂 love it


Fuck yeah, lets hunt

Jeff McCulley

I wouldn’t say that it’s “within Eversmile’s plans”. Especially considering his initial reaction. However, I have no doubt that Eversmile considers it an ongoing experiment, which has taken unexpected turns…that he now has little direct control over.


It probably falls under system fuckery. I find it more interesting that it’s allowed to copy Malefic Viper Skills and higher tier skills at that. Also I don’t remember it mimicking Arthur’s Void energy at all but I may have missed it.


Does the prima really think he can get away from the primal hunter? Lol


Thankies for the chapie zogie, this was a fun one!

Kyle Hunt

Villy has practically said as much. Any result is a result, everything is a data point. Kinda like when Jake asked Villy if Yip and Ell'Hakan planed for the Prima Guardian event, and Villy asked "When?" Eversmile is studying a phenomena he doesn't currently understand, he is a researcher; part of that is adjusting to unexpected results.

Kyle Hunt

She is "technically" from earth. She was created by the system within the 93rd universe, for Earth, as she was found in Yalsten during Earth's treasure hunt event.

Kyle Hunt

System stuff is the perfect excuse for an author to forget rules he set in place in previous chapters. Quite the foresight to establish that the system does whatever it wants since the very beginning.

Kyle Hunt

It's also used the Sword Saint's rain, tinged with acid. And Caleb's dark lightning, which isn't just mana, but a concept created by a dead god, and what most of Caleb's skills are centered around. And Carmen's runemaiden stuff, which Jake questioned it's ability to use more than his own arcane affinity. It even used her stuff without the drawbacks she has.

gray matter

Stop it, stop saying that… lol it took me a couple seconds to remember where this was from.

gray matter

Possible on the blood thing, I’m thinking full system fuckery/bound god fuckery. It definitely got a full scan of them all when they went there in order to recreate probable lives

Hunter Thornton

Ok as a strong supporter of tank warfare this bastard is too dam much. It’s also cheating by a lot of


How did the boss use a skill it didnt see?


Jake didn’t use the active-escape aspect of his wings, but he spent the whole battle “flying” — so I assumed his wings were active.


“Glimpse of Spring: Erosion” “Thunderfall of Tenlucis.” “Ree!” That “Ree!” should absolutely be bolded.

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!

Jj (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-25 11:01:54 It's an interesting concept. I love your writing. I'm confused at how overpowered this boss is, though. How did he pick up on a skill that wasn't actively used? If he never had it used in the battle, how would he know someone on the battlefield had the skill? Could he have used all these skills, concepts and magic earlier in the fight? Just curious. Thanks for the chapter, man. I love this story. I'm hooked.
2024-06-25 00:07:19 It's an interesting concept. I love your writing. I'm confused at how overpowered this boss is, though. How did he pick up on a skill that wasn't actively used? If he never had it used in the battle, how would he know someone on the battlefield had the skill? Could he have used all these skills, concepts and magic earlier in the fight? Just curious. Thanks for the chapter, man. I love this story. I'm hooked.

It's an interesting concept. I love your writing. I'm confused at how overpowered this boss is, though. How did he pick up on a skill that wasn't actively used? If he never had it used in the battle, how would he know someone on the battlefield had the skill? Could he have used all these skills, concepts and magic earlier in the fight? Just curious. Thanks for the chapter, man. I love this story. I'm hooked.


no eternal shadow