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One thing became clear immediately: this Prima Vessel was far larger on the inside than it appeared. As hundreds of Primas flew out of the many holes covering its surface, they were far from alone. Entire armies followed them, with some having thousands of their kin.

Some of these creatures even grew in size as they flew out. One of these that instantly caught the attention of many was an utterly massive bird with a wingspan of more than two kilometers, followed by nearly a hundred other birds about half its size. Thunderclaps echoed in their wake with every wingbeat as they headed toward the skies.

From below, many Identified them to get a general idea as to the level of these Primas, and while some took a deep breath and frowned… someone like Jake would have found themselves disappointed.

[Thunderstorm Roc Prima – lvl 294]

[Thunderstorm Roc – lvl 281]

These Primas did not get far before a dark curtain fell upon them. Black beams shot up from below as shadowy figures appeared out of nowhere among them, wielding magical firearms and daggers. The regular Thunderstorm Rocs were torn apart as the Prima reacted quickly, summoning a storm worthy of its name.

However, its struggle had only begun. A thin beam shot up from a sniper rifle below, piercing straight through its mid-section as a man used two daggers to nearly tear off one of its wings. It quickly tried to retaliate, but the forces led by Matteo and Nadia from the Court of Shadows were more than powerful enough to utterly overwhelm it.

Not powerful enough to kill it quickly, though. The Prima was almost overflowing with vital energy, and even as it was gravely wounded, it began to heal at an alarming rate. It was as if its health pool was many times larger than usual, making the fights longer. Still, there was no cause for concern.

Similar scenes played out all around as the Primas met the vanguard of Earth. All the factions had shown up in force, and even if there were hundreds of Primas, they had quite the wall to overcome if they wanted to spread themselves across the planet.

This isn’t even to mention that the most powerful people on the planet didn’t engage these Primas… instead, they were waiting, conserving their energy, as the World Leader entered the Prima Vessel to unseal and awaken the Prima Guardian.


Jake entered the odd egg-shaped structure and instantly felt space around him warp as the key on his land was glowing. The very next second, he stood in a long white hallway, leading only one way. As he stood there, he also felt the aura of the being deeper within.

He couldn’t quite estimate its strength as it seemed to be fluctuating and incredibly unstable. Nevertheless, he didn’t hesitate for a single moment before he stormed forward, even using One Step. Jake had almost expected some traps on the way, but he encountered nothing besides the sterile, long white hallway, with locked double doors to both sides, leading into entirely empty rooms.

Soon, he approached his destination as a final large gate appeared. Jake practically drop-kicked it open to get inside, as finally, the boss they would face was revealed in all its glory.

Within a massive circular chamber, sealed within a thin barrier, a single being sat in the middle. Black chains hung from all the walls surrounding it, with hooks piercing into its body while passing through the barrier as if it wasn’t even there. Jake counted around a thousand… no, nine hundred and ninety-nine hooked chains.

The creature itself looked like nothing more than a massive blop of flesh. Jake didn’t even know what kind of creature it was or if it was even sapient. There was nothing discernable about it at all except for the presence of the other key clearly emanating from the creature.

Using Identify… Jake frowned.

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 320]

This… felt wrong. Level 320 was lower than the Twinhead Emperor’s level, and they faced that one with five people. Now, they had all gotten a few more levels, not to speak of the Nevermore titles and improved equipment. Sure, the Twinhead Emperor was powerful enough to defeat the combined fighting force of nearly all newly integrated planets, but this was supposed to be Earth’s super-hard challenge.

It just didn’t make any-


A single chain cracked as it fell limp to the floor before turning into pure energy that rushed into the mass of flesh. A second crack sounded out a moment later, making a second chain fall. Then a third, a fourth… until an entire cascade of chains broke one by one. Jake quickly used Identify on the boss again as he felt something odd.

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 328]

Its aura began to grow rapidly as the chains all around Jake shattered and turned into energy. Jake could only stare at the wriggling mass of flesh as fewer and fewer chains hooked into its body, and the flesh wriggled, grew, and began to take shape as its level just kept increasing. During all this, Jake kept intermittently using Identify.

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 336]

The shape it took didn’t make any sense to Jake yet… but that was when he heard a voice, not from the creature itself but seemingly from the Prima Vessel all around him.

”A decision made; perhaps an incompetent leader.”

Jake frowned at the words as the being began to take even more shape. More than half of the chains had broken by now.

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 343]

”Power corrupts. Makes arrogant. Overconfident.”

Jake didn’t counter – as countering a big egg-shaped spacefaring vessel didn’t make much sense - as he just prepared himself. The level of the Prima Guardian was still growing, and he already felt pretty sure where it would end. The mass of flesh had soon grown what looked like a few legs as it raised itself up.

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 346]

”The folly of humanity. You: Living proof.”

Arms appeared… and not just two of them. Jake counted a dozen arms growing out of the wriggling flesh as its body began to take a shape reminiscent of a cat or a dog or something, except with more legs and arms growing everywhere. Several long tails also extended, and parts of the exposed flesh got covered with flesh, while other places had scales.

”Yet… bravery. A wish to overcome. A Path to true power.”

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 348]

By now, Jake realized what kind of creature this was… and he had kind of encountered one before with Eternal Hunger. It was more of a classification of creatures rather than a single race. It was a kind of being that one could never truly understand, as no two were alike… seeing as this was a collection of many different creatures, all in one.

A chimera… and Jake recognized one of the horns growing out of a newly appeared head that reminded Jake of a wyvern or perhaps even a dragon. It was the horn of the Gazelle Prima Jake had encountered while adventuring with Carmen. Jake wasn’t one to forget an aura, and he felt the aura of this chimera be a mix of so many, some of which he recognized.

Rather than just a chimera of random creatures, it was the fusion of all the slain Primas during the first part of this event.

Then, the final chain broke, and Jake used Identify to confirm its level as a small smile appeared on his lips before shaking his head.

[Revered Prima Guardian – lvl 349]

The Prima Guardian slowly began to stand up as Jake prepared himself to kite the Guardian out of the Vessel and face it with the others. It was definitely the strongest C-grade Jake had ever seen, and it could put up a good fight for sure, but it wasn’t anything he feared.

As Jake was preparing himself… everything just seemed to stop for a moment. He felt as if time slowed down, yet the environmental mana seemed normal. That’s when something appeared within his Sphere of Perception. His gaze darted upwards and spotted a floating metal ball with a blue eye-like thing in it. One he recognized from the time he went to the Seat of the Exalted Prima for the system event.

[Prima Watcher of Earth - ?]

That’s when Jake realized that what had slowed down wasn’t Jake. Only the Prima Guardian seemed frozen in time as this Prima Watcher observed Jake silently for several seconds before its mechanical voice echoed.

”Greetings, Administrator Candidate,” the Watcher spoke, the voice different than the earlier calling him overconfident.

”Hi?” Jake said, confused. No system messages had said anything about this happening.

”The planet Earth and you as its leader have been deemed qualified by the Exalted Prima to experience the Accelerated Difficulty Prima Guardian Protocol. Be aware this will increase your potential to become an Administrator and all rewards gained should you succeed. As the World Leader, do you wish to accept the accelerated protocol?”

Now, this was perhaps one of the times when Jake should have tried to use his Golden Mark to communicate with his team or to think carefully about this choice… but in his defense, he was cut off and couldn’t communicate with the outside world right now. As for the part about thinking carefully? Well, that had never been Jake’s strong suit to begin with.

”Not gonna say no to an improved challenge,” Jake responded with a big smile.

The Watcher looked at him for a second more before its eye flashed blue for a second. ”Acknowledged. Applying Accelerated Difficulty Prima Guardian Protocol. Good luck.”

With that, the Watcher disappeared as if it had never been there, and Jake felt something come alive within the room. Magical scripts, placed where all the chains had been attached to the walls, suddenly lit up as beams of energy shot toward the boss. The entire body of the Prima Guardian exploded with light. A kind of light that even blinded Jake’s Sphere of Perception… the kind he only ever saw when a creature was born or evolved.

Then… Jake heard a different voice than any prior.

”Prove thyself, leader of man. Best mine Exalted Guardian.”

Jake felt a sense of utter power within the voice as he instinctively knew he had just heard the Exalted Prima itself – the one he and Villy theorized to be the Bound God of the Seat of the Exalted Prima. However, he didn’t have much time to think about any of that as the light faded, and the Prima Guardian was revealed once more. It looked about the same, but its aura had just risen to a whole new level, as it had indeed just evolved.

[Exalted Prima Guardian – lvl 349]

At the same time, a message from the system also arrived, and not just to Jake but everyone else on the entire planet, too.

Message to all residents of Earth: the Prima Guardian has been freed from its seals and can now roam the planet freely. Defeating Primas will no longer serve to weaken the Prima Guardian.

WARNING: Through the decision of the World Leader, the Accelerated Difficulty Prima Guardian Protocol has been engaged. Revered Prima Guardian evolved to Exalted Prima Guardian. The Prima Guardian has grown substantially in power, but so have the rewards for defeating it. The Exalted Prima wishes the denizens of Earth luck.

Within the Prima Vessel, Jake scanned this message as he felt eyes lock in on him. The Prima Guardian had finally settled on a form as a monstrosity stood before him. It had eight legs, with four like that of a cat, with two more growing outs on each of its sides, seemingly just dangling there. Three heads with the necks of snakes and the heads of dragons showed its front side, while the behind had five tails… reminding Jake a bit of the very first Prima monkey he had killed.

From its back, countless tentacle-like grows spurted out, many of them looking like arms due to the hands at their ends. Some parts of its large body were covered with scales, while others had skin, with the chimera clearly not having settled on any kind of consistent color. The random horns and bones sticking out in random places didn’t help it look pretty, either. The entire creature looked mismatched and broken… but its aura definitely told another story.

It was strong enough for Jake to quickly make his decision as he stepped down and teleported backward down the hallway he had arrived from. He saw that the Prima Guardian didn’t move after him immediately, likely because it couldn’t. There was still a very thin barrier around it that was growing ever-thinner by the second. By the time Jake turned a corner, it fell entirely.

At least, that’s what Jake assumed happened when he heard a loud roar that sent a shockwave through the entire Prima Vessel right before he reached the exit and flew out.

Appearing in the real world, he was instantly reconnected to everyone through his Golden Mark, and he didn’t delay a single moment.

”Brace yourselves, boss incoming!”

The entire strike team was already staring either at Jake or the exit of the Prima Vessel, which proved to be a good thing, as Jake had barely gotten out when a head flew out of the doorway that was practically a portal. It extended far out, like that of a hydra, as it moved to attack.

Jake had to quickly dodge to the side as a breath of pure light shot after him, but before the chimera could even fully unleash its attack, it stopped as a swordsman appeared at its side with his sword raised high. He cut down as a curtain of water fell, and blood sprayed into the air as the head was nearly entirely cut off.

Before the swordsman could follow up, a second head poked out before a third also appeared. Everyone began to move as they charged, and Sylphie even managed to fly down and, using the cut left by the Sword Saint, severed the head of the chimera entirely.

Not that this seemed to bother the Prima Guardian much as its entire body soon emerged. It was around fifteen meters long, not counting the heads and tails, and everyone took a second and stopped to observe the beast they were facing, as Carmen couldn’t hold herself back.

”Damn, it’s ugly.”

”Definitely doesn’t give off any exalted vibes, that’s for sure,” Caleb agreed, as he lifted his staff and dark lightning began to charge up.

Jake was flying away at full speed as all the melee fighters engaged the Prima Guardian. A few burning arrows struck it in the side as Maria unleashed a barrage, with the Fallen King shooting a golden beam straight at one of the heads.

However, the beam never arrived as a barrier of magic appeared, blocking the blow. The flesh on the severed neck also wriggled as a new head promptly emerged, so fast the Sword Saint barely had time to dodge out of the way and make some distance.

The initial exchange had been brief, and far from everyone had time to even do anything yet. However, they were all aware immediately. This could perhaps have been an easy fight, but Jake just had to go and activate some super-difficulty protocol. This turned the fight from a simple show of force and utter dominance…

Into something that could actually be a bit of fun.



Thank u

Michael McMahon

This is the good stuff. Jump in difficulty for better loot.


Nice! Sounds properly brutal.


There is no Schedule! TFTC

Matthew Paulin

Awesome. I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time!


Thanks for the chapter

Lizy Flore

Thank you ! Looking forward for the rest of the week now ! My heart was beating fast in my chest near the end, I’m just so HYPED for this incoming fight ! Let’s remind everyone, it is the very FIRST time that all of the (strongest) earth characters will be fighting together 😁😁😁 cannot wait for tomorrow

Thesaogamer Kirito

Great as always, Zogarth! I can't wait until Travis Baldree can bring this stuff to life.

Michael Pittman

We are in for a few very fun chapters, I can't wait! Thanks for the chapter


i’m honestly even having a hard time what such a creature would even look like realistically; i have to see someone draw it


Time to show the Exalted Prima Guardian what Earth's best are made of.


Whew here we go. This will be epic.


“…the key on his [land -> hand] was glowing.”


Next class evolution: System Administrator.


Nah no way system administrator not a fucken chance, probably an administrator of the seat of the exalted prima


The vampire boss of the Treasure Hunt was close. Just FK and Vespie were missing, I think.


Nah. Jake's class will continue to be related to his bloodline. But I see a new title in his future -- Administrator of the Milky Way Galaxy.


Great start to the much-hyped Prima battle. I'm hoping we'll get to see all of Earth's legends show their stuff for a week before Jake does his Jake Juice thing and ends the battle in epic fashion. I hope they'll still be fast enough to be the first in the 93rd universe to clear the event, even with the accelerated difficulty.

Rick Delallata

I can't wait to see what this world wonder will turn out to be


I don't believe for a second this fight will take a week nor does Jake Juice have to be involved. Yes, it is a peak c grade creature, but still c grade. They gonna go all out, but I do not expect to see any big transcendental skill or sth similar tbh. There are too many capable people who can whittle it down. The SS was able to essentially sever a head with a normal skill, it seems to have a lot of vitality, but isn't overly durable


Nice, sweet start. Tftc


I mean mostly that it'll show up as an option or something xd And be instantly dismissed.

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter

John Balman

Earth is going to become known as the planet of battle maniacs maybe not all of them but if there's ever an elite that comes from there they're freaking crazy in one way or another lol

John Balman

Even if they're slower I think with the added difficulty they're going to do well with the rewards.


Who knows, maybe Jake could force a skill upgrade during this boss fight to smack it into the ground


But everyone's gotten much stronger. Should be fun to look back and compare. I wonder if the Holy Church will be doing a mass sacrifice again.


I really really hope that this fight will be very difficult with everyone having to go all out. They can farm bosses afterwards on other planets.


as the key on his land was glowing. hand


Thanks god there is a "Nightmare mode" I mean if the top dogs of Earth are fighting all together it would be lame if they didn't face a real challenge... Almost expected the damn thing to hit lvl350 and become B grade but that would have been too much

Lay Nkay

I'm bracing myself up for a week long fight


Oh. By "week" I meant five chapters -- a week for patreon readers -- to have space to let lots of people have awesome moments. I expect the battle to be over in less than an hour of fighting.


Thanks for the chapter!


Thankies and a half for the chapie zogie!

Arieh Sochaczevski

Thanks for the chapter! It’s a bit disappointing that Jake didn’t land the first hit. I would have expected him to want that.


Technically they are doing a different fight than the rest of the universe that are just doing the base fight. They activated a completely different fight so if they finish there’s and are the only ones that did it, technically they finished their fight first even if it’s a week later

Jeff McCulley

I can hear the System voice on all of the 93rd Universe planets now: “Earth has defeated their Exalted Prima, and will be joining the Alliance now”. Everyone else in the 93rd Universe: “Already? Wait a second. ‘Exalted’?!” Free advertising for Earth. Oh yeah, and… Draskil: “Dammit Jake!”

Jeff McCulley

I still think they’ll finish first. That OP compared to all the other planets. Just not the one shot it could have been.

Chase Burton

Thanks for the chapter!

Seen Death

I look foward to this, thank you haha

Jeff McCulley

“than a massive blop of flesh.” Blob

Seen Death

Jake might not have gotten the first hit, but he did have the longest to observe the enemy so he still kind of has an advantage (hes not huge on strategy but theres still useful info) I wonder if cheeto got the option to be an administrator guy, and what that means. Id imagine cheeto would take the easier fight, so he could look better to the masses if so

Kenneth Dennis

I am kinda picturing a hydra-drake Mashup with the arms and legs of different primas

Jeff McCulley

All the World Leaders will get that option. It’s Administrator of part or all of the World Wonder.


Naw, Miranda's next class offered will be something like Reluctant Administrator and include something in the description like, "...because the real Administrator can't be bothered to do his job, and to be honest you're all better off for that..."


Good point on the observing part: that should have netted a bit of Hunting Momentum.


Yknow the real question is how there are so many battle junkies that are also competent on earth that share Jake's mindset & who are also let's not forget in positions of power


Some nice lore drops here. Jake is a candidate to be a system administrator. This ties in nicely to the theory that the First Sage was absorbed into the system early (as a c-grade I guess) to work with it, and Jake is a candidate for a similar role it seems. Exciting times for the Hunter!


Hi I'm one of the people who has been vehemently arguing that this boss would be a B grade, with that I would like to formally admit that I was wrong and apologize to those I've discussed it with here. That said I am still excited to see them face off with a high teir C grade variant. Tftc

Kyle Hunt

If it follows previous examples, this Exalted Prima Guardian should be an extremely powerful variant, meaning it's power should be above that of lesser B grades. I can only assume that is the case, otherwise it wouldn't be that impressive.


The administrator part is for the world wonder, not the system as a hole. It sounds like something like nevermore, where a bound god allowed access to an outsider to shape the world wonder (space dragon boy)


The Prima Guardians evil extravaganza is well underway. The Prima Guardian Event will captivate audiences all over the multiverse. Spreading fear and chaos just as the Prima Watcher wants and with the Exalteds impressive power up, the odds seem heavily stacked in his favor but earth's Z Warriors are waiting for it and there is no telling what could happen when they unleashe their full power! All eyes are on you Jake!! NEXT TIME ON DRAG... THE PRIMAL HUNTER Zeeee!!!

Skyler Brown

i mean we did get a hint its called the throne of the exalted prima was that not the quest i swear that was the name a bit back so el halkan will most defiantly go for it as well or fall even farther behind Jake then again his path doesn't seem to require such a move from him using his bloodline in such a way to make faith his predominate path so who thinks El Halken will go for the exalted who does not... Why?


Aaah ok, I misunderstood. Thanks for the info 👍

Skyler Brown

then again i assumed it was just going to be named somthing along the lines of exalted prima from the start with no power up in between


Well, there were a few with potential already, then you add a bit of chemical x.. I mean Jake's mojo to generally improve everyone on earth's records. Now acknowledge the probably unfortunate reality of systemland that political power necessitates personal power and all people in positions of power can only be strong individuals. Then think that given the reality of system land is the only way to get truly strong is battle/challenges, thus mostly battle junkies. Sure a lot of battle junkies will just end up dead, but those that remain become the top. So this situation is less crazy coincidence and more the logical conclusion of the crazy reality that is systemland happening.


He will. Because he thinks if him and his of all the different planets are stronger than earth. Quantity over Quality. But he's so fucking wrong it's goddamn funny. Everyone thought the fight will be slightly fun. Now they're gonna go kill a million other primas. And their alliance will barely finish 1 or 2 planets before team earth is done clearing the rest. Especially since this will probably be the strongest prima faced.


This is definitely a boss with stages. Just waiting for the chimera form to achieve harmonization


Well Draskyls Planet is already donezo literally.


I don't think it'll be a week. I think the exalted prima seems like a joke. Maybe a couple days with a huge cliffhanger on Friday with some new reveal 😅

Skyler Brown

maybe more it slowly adjusting to attacks and slowly getting more proficient with its control over its body getting more difficult the more time they give it until it gets to a peak

James mMcClellan

They (multiverse) have been saying earth is diffrent and has to many impressive people from it here the mass god attention


At first I was questioning Casper, but then I realized World Wonders (that we know of) tend to be dungeons, Casper makes a lot of sense. Although, with World Wonders Jake might have to be more involved than what he'd prefer, but we'll see...

Skyler Brown

its the perfect boss for him to possibly push moment of the primal hunter to a new level

Daniel Hamilton

He’ll take the position for the power up and delegate all the task to Miranda, Miranda will give her number two the duty of running Haven


Church doing a mass sacrifice? I think not. First, members of the church came here to grow. Earth is no longer their home so it doesn't benefit the church or them to sacrifice themselves. Second, their numbers were limited by Miranda and Jake, so they probably didn't transport a lot of disposable bodies to Earth. I could be wrong but I'm having a hard time rationalizing it.


Exciting stuff, I was honestly expecting it to be B-grade so I was wrong there, but with the difficulty boost the Exalted Prima seems to be stronger than some B-grades. It should be interesting to see the fight develop.


Any bets on how many chapters the fight is going to take?

Jeff McCulley

Nah, Miranda’s going to be administrative head of the pending JakeEmpire. Prime Minister? That’s why Casper gets the World Wonder—effectively a dungeon.

Jeff McCulley

Oh, it wouldn’t surprise me for the Church to pull something that Jacob doesn’t expect. More reason for him to quit, and become Earth’s Heretic Augur.

Peter Smith

Agreed three chaps with 1 chap being the aftermath, and then somewhere between 1 to 14 chaps of other worlds battles


I can already tell Elly is gonna be so smug about killing his normal Guardian.

Cordell Patrick

Two bloodlines, Eight primordials, and a new path being born, plus a Void God before you get to all the smaller ones. That's a lot focused on one planet

Allen Davis

Jake entered the odd egg-shaped structure and instantly felt space around him warp as the key on his land was glowing. Should be key on his hand.

Lizy Flore

I can’t help but think… Earth has already so much geniuses and monsters, but with the addition of Jacob, solely focused on his fellow earthlings ? The average power it’ll have… Earth would be a powerhouse of the 93rd all on its own.

Allen Davis

Ok team, let's have fun and then snacks in Haven!


The only world wonder we know to be a dungeon in Nevermore. Others are not. Also it has to be unique for this universe


With Jake having trained his melee fighting style using the chimera, he might get the a chance to real go out with Eternal Shadow of the Primal hunter and Jake juice to seal the deal


There are at least hundreds of worlds. Each has its own unique situation. I think 3-5 chapters for the earth prima fight. 1-3 for aftermath. Then you have to decide if you’re sending the elite team or others to various worlds. They will probably need the elite team on many worlds. I could easily see 75 chapters on the Prima war.

Jeff McCulley

Uh huh. Not going back for the rewards of a Prima Guardian event? There are lots of Earth natives here who came back, and aren’t planning to stay.


Also, this is a major opportunity for a power up. Not that many challenging fights on earth or at the order. I could see these fights getting Jake to middle B grade. I hope we find out Jake has to claim other worlds to get a max score. Otherwise he will probably let others claim them.

Ty Cooper

I wonder how this will be announced to the prima council. I have a feeling it is going to make a big deal out of this. Also I don't use discord. Has there been any announcements on when the book 9 audible will be released?

Ty Cooper

We should get the ending on Monday next week. You have to have that Friday cliffhanger. You know Zog won't just have a normal cliffhanger this Friday. It has to have us strapped to our phone waiting through the mental attack of the weekend.


Earth man. It's the place to be. In fact, it's where I keep all my stuff. Everyone who is anyone is from Earth. 😉

Ty Cooper

I think EH is going to defeat a lot of the primas before letting his Guardian out using the other planets as meat shields.


@Mat - I know that at least one other World Wonder has been discussed (At the end of one of the books before Nevermore which discusses the upcoming Prima Guardian event) in which I believe that dungeons were discussed. I believe I remember reading about another dangerous World Wonder dungeon in another era where a particularly rare ingredient was used by Duskleaf for his Alchemy. Could my memory be faulty? Yep! But I believe that what the World Wonder becomes is partly dependent on who ends up taking control of it.

Micah Conklin

Wooo! Let’s go team Jake! I was half expecting him to try and fight it for a little while himself inside just to see how he stacked up against it.

Austin Richins

My vote is 6. There's definitely going to be some interludes with El hakkan beating vanilla version prima and Villy hosting a viewing party. This should be a good one!


5 years from mid C grade to B grade is impossible. Even if the event provides a lot of levels i doubt they will be more than 15 due to the backlash of focusing on one type of activity. Also no way Jake is not having a perfect evolution to B grade.


Or how long was the Monarch’s fight?


I could see him “sacrificing” the chance at a better reward for the “greater good” he may choose not to fight the hardest option and sell it as he wanted to finish quickly so he can “help” (read convert) more planets. His path and his plan is about getting the most planets under his control. And he will sell the weakness as benevolence. I could also see him going the hard route because he thinks he is awesome. It’s 50/50 at this point. But I don’t think he will have the same level of buy in from his supporters. Everyone knows what Jake is gonna a do and let’s be realistic his team are all battle maniacs with exception of maybe Caleb. EH had the best kids from the middle tier to low tier worlds Jake has the Era’s All Star team


Maybe Jake will kill the Prima on his world so he can go back. Although I’m pretty sure he was some kind of moleman before the integration so I can see why he wouldn’t want to go back


Loved the chapter


I don’t know if all of them will the option to raise the difficulty. I think just the ones that choose to enter right away. EH will definitely go in but I don’t think he will choose the harder fight. I pretty sure he always chose the easier option in Nevermore under the pretense of getting deeper in the dungeon. That reasoning holds here as he wants to finish first and he has other planets to help. Earth will help but their priority is always the hardest fight.


Now that we’ve seen the levels of the Prima Guardians I feel like there is a golden opportunity for Earth to claim a lot of territory from the fallen planets. Competent striker teams from the various factions should be more than enough to handle the weaker variants. We know Vespy needs a couple planets to colonize. Also while we know the elites are all fighting the big boy there should be a massive power surge from the 2nd and 3rd tier people that are on the Prima defense. While they were not worth Jake & Co’s time they should be very useful for those behind them. Even the merchant types and crafters should be able to power level with all the high level monster parts that will be coming their way.

Justin van mele

An upgrade to his arcane affinity would be cool, arcane affinity --> arcane authority.


No, I definitely remember he made the twin headed ogre fuse by using his bloodline although the chapter also said it wasn't necessarily a perfect fusion or something. Regardless he came 2nd on the leader boards for a reason and took all the harder fights he could for more points.


Completely random image popped into my head of the strike team waiting for Jake. Them calmly standing in an elevator, staring straight ahead and humming along to Girl from Ipanema. Subconsciously mixing tropes from different media can make for some really odd mental pictures.


I was thinking the Friday cliffhanger would be the System message offering to teleport Jake and friends to other worlds to help with their Primas.


So the seat of the prima seems to have something to do with beasts and now the chimera form. It looks like this has maybe some connection or just synergy with Jake's Harbringer path. Whatever the seat is, maybe the primal hunter will unleash primeval prima beasts in the universe en masse? Second unrelated thought, I really want that conspiracy theory guy to become a god by the end of the series because, like the primordial church, that would just be too funny.

Brandon King

If "Earth's Mightiest Heros" new the Location of the Primas arrival, why not have Miranda to her Verdant Witch thing and set up some traps, or at least buffs fir the Strike Team??

Jeff McCulley

It says right there, last chapter. She didn’t want to. She stayed home to cover Haven. And if you remember all of the deep tunnels underneath connecting to the Underworld (including Jake’s pond and the troll garden), you’ll understand why.

Jeff McCulley

It said, what, last chapter? That the Guardian had absorbed Records and power from all of the slain Primas from the original event. That’s why Zac recognized features of the critters he beat. In this case, literally, you are what you eat. A collection of all of those Records. Thus a chimera.

Jeff McCulley

So…we have three voices this chapter. 1. The “Prima Watcher of Earth”, the metal ball. 2. The Exalted Prima itself, from back at the World Wonder. 3. Annnnd—was that third, obnoxious and analyzing voice…the Ship? Or the voice of the Prima Guardian transmitted through the ship? A sentient ship seems kinda cool, right?


Oh, haha. First sage was a candidate... That's how they're still alive, can reclassify themselves as forbidden knowledge, and still interact with Jake in the world through the legacy skills.

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!