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A relatively simple system event about killing a big boss had become a lot more complicated because Ell’Hakan was an asshole who just had to try and ruin a good thing.

However, ultimately, the goal of this event hadn’t changed, and Jake wouldn’t act any differently than he had already planned. The goal was still to kill Earth’s Prima Guardian as quickly as possible, and then once their planet was safely secured, make contact with this Prima Guardian Alliance and offer them assistance. True, while there may now be extra benefits, Jake still wanted to do it because he wanted to fight more bosses.

Less than a day after William’s visit, it had been time to set off from Haven toward where Jacob augured the Prima Guardian would arrive. The Sandy Express was already waiting and ready to go as everyone arrived. It wasn’t just the strike team that would go with Sandy, but a few hundred people, as it also included many of the elites from Earth who would secure the perimeter. Many of these elites had traveled to Haven specifically to ride the Sandy Express rather than take the still-in-progress Teleportation Tram. The amenities within the giant space worm were also just far better.

Jake did smile at how quite a few were apprehensive about allowing a giant worm blessed by someone called the Boundless Hydra to effectively consume them. They did change their minds quickly once they were inside, though.

While recovering back at the Order, Sandy had some help to rebuild many of their stomachs, and knowing about the upcoming Prima Guardian event ensured that there were good living areas in one of the larger stomachs. Jake truly had no idea how big Sandy’s internal world was by now, but making several massive halls filled with tables, a bar, private rooms with beds, and several forms of entertainment clearly wasn’t a problem.

The strike team, as Jake kept calling the people who would fight the Prima Guardian, had their own private hall, where they all gathered. It was all the people Jake had expected to see, and it was also good to reunite with three out of his Nevemore party members.

Carmen, Eron, Caleb, the Sword Saint, Fallen King, Sylphie, Casper, Maria, Vesperia, and Arnold were naturally part of this strike team, the members being entirely the expected ones. Alright, maybe Arnold was a bit of a surprise, as Jake could totally have seen the guy choosing to stay at home to control everything behind a screen, but he had wanted to go in person. Even if he could exert the majority of his power from afar, it was probably still best for him to be as close as possible.

Someone who did choose to stay on the backlines was Miranda. She could have been part of the strike team if she wanted, especially with some setup time, but she would rather set up a domain a bit away to ensure no regular Primas could get past and run rampant. Which was totally fair, and in truth, Jake wasn’t even sure how much she could have helped.

To note, most of the large factions had already gone to where the Prima Guardian would arrive a good while ago to set up with large groups. More accurately, they had set up a good distance away and spread out to try and cover so no monsters could sneak by and cause trouble.

During the travel, the thing with William and Ell’Hakan was naturally something Jake shared with the others of the strike team, though Jake did leave out some details, such as everything about this mysterious third party hiring the metal mage to go. Partly because it was a legitimate possibility that one of the factions these people belonged to had been responsible.

Jake wasn’t saying any of them were trying to fool Jake, as he knew that many divine factions very much acted on a need-to-know basis, making it entirely possible Valhal, the Risen, Dao Sect, or any other faction was involved without the person belonging to that faction knowing about it.

Still, despite Jake’s suspicion that someone’s faction could get involved, that didn’t make him hold back from having a good time while he chilled with everyone, as they quickly realized that all that stuff about strategizing wouldn’t take days… not even an hour.

It could quite easily be summarized, as the Sword Saint put it:

“Without knowing exactly how we can or want to optimally engage the Prima Guardian, nor if there will be some change to the environment or we will have to face it inside of this meteorite it will allegedly arrive in, making any concrete plans make little sense. I also believe we all know how to handle ourselves and not get in the way of others, and through the Golden Marks of the Fallen King, we should be able to quickly communicate and adapt. Nevertheless, I believe the best strategy – assuming the Prima Guardian isn’t far stronger than we believe - is that we hold nothing back but strike with the best we have right away once everyone is ready. Oh, and let’s have Jake have the first attack. This Prima Guardian will definitely be peak C-grade or at least very close, making him the one with the most powerful opening attack,” the old man said.

No one disagreed with that assessment, and besides such a basic plan, everyone would just have to act according to their roles and play to their strengths. Carmen would try and draw attention, being the most durable of them all, while Eron would act as their only dedicated healer while naturally also being virtually invincible. Everyone else also had their own fighting styles, and honestly…

The team that would take on the Prima Guardian was just insane. They had all the same people who did the Monarch of Blood way back in the day, with the addition of Arnold, Fallen King, Sylphie – as she wasn’t strong enough then – and Vesperia. All of them were peak figures who could easily have been the supremely strongest of their own planets if they were elsewhere.

No… they could have been the strongest of their entire galaxies.

With all the super-serious strategy stuff over, they just all chilled and talked, and one of the centers of attention was definitely the complete “newcomer” to their group, who only Jake really knew: Vesperia.

Jake couldn’t fault their curiosity… and he also got telepathic heads-ups from half the group that their factions had told them to try and get closer to the True Royal. Jake wanted to warn Vesperia that this was the case, but honestly, she definitely already knew and had it handled as she spoke politely while making sure never to reveal anything that wasn’t pertinent to the upcoming Prima Guardian fight.

Vesperia, being such a center of attention, naturally also spilled over to other people showing interest in Jake… with two of them being a bit harder to deal with than the others.

“You really are just out there popping out kids like a stupid couple trying to save their failing marriage,” Carmen commented as she looked at Vesperia, expertly dealing with Casper, who was definitely trying to pry some confidential information out as a representative of the Risen.

“He sure is living the single-father life,” Caleb said in complete agreement with a big grin on his face. “You know, he hasn’t even brought back the True Royal and giant cosmic space worm to meet their grandparents yet?”

“Maybe he’s just trying to prove he can make it without familial support?” Carmen said. “The mothers also seem out of the picture, huh?”

“I would have you know Mystie is still very much around,” Jake commented.

“Oh yeah, wasn’t she already with a partner when you got involved? Are you an adulterer?” Caleb said in a fake disappointed voice.

“I’m the uncle,” Jake argued. “Godfather and good friend of the family at most.”

“How about the two other mothers?” Carmen looked at Jake with a raised eyebrow as she leaned over to Caleb and whispered: “He’s probably saying they came from eggs or something like an excuse.”

“Only one of them came from an egg,” Jake sighed. “Sandy was already a whole worm before I came around, so you can’t tease me about being the dad there.”

Caleb looked at Jake with a serious expression. “Adopting does make them your child and you as morally and legally responsible as if they are biologically yours.”

“Yeah, Jake, don’t turn into a deadbeat,” Carmen grinned.

“This conversation is making me want to beat something to death,” Jake muttered.

“Hey, if you want any more kids, I’m sure Gwyndyr would more than happily have you visit,” Maria said, having walked over. “In fact, I’m pretty sure you would have a hard time finding any factions who aren’t interested in inviting the Harbinger of Primeval Origins… cool title, by the way.”

“Yeah, where does that even come from?” Carmen questioned. “I had people in Nevermore City refer to you with the same title. Like, I get what it means, but how come everyone agreed on this title?”

“Based on what the Malefic Viper said, it’s something to do with Records or something,” Jake shook his head. “Quite a few gods can apparently glean Records of the multiverse with the system giving stuff names they adopt and use. It kind of makes sense when you consider that I was offered a pretty damn good profession called Harbinger of Primeval Origins.”

“When you say offered, do you mean you didn’t pick it?” Caleb raised an eyebrow.

“I had one I wanted more,” Jake just shrugged. Yeah, he really shouldn’t ever mention the name of his actual profession, and he was very happy no one seemed to realize what it was either. Perhaps gods simply couldn’t detect he was also a heretic, as part of being a heretic was innate resistance to gods detecting you.

“Fair enough,” his brother didn’t try to pry further. “Also, it’s pretty funny seeing you share your intent to screw over Ell’Hakan and help other planets, as I was also informed by the higher-ups that they want us to assist a few planets from that Prima Guardian Alliance thing. We aren’t the only branch of the Court of Shadows in our Milky Way, and as the only Judge, I am viewed as responsible for them.”

“Valhal is a bit the same,” Carmen commented. “In the sense we have a presence on two more planets in the Milky Way, that is. Both of them are going to face their Prima Guardian alone without all that alliance bullshit, though.”

“That’s what I would expect of Valhal, but do remember that the Court is not a crazy war cult but a murderous assassination cult,” Maria said with a smile. “I don’t have any special orders from Gwyndyr or my crazy flame-obsessed mercenary cult, so I guess I’ll just go wherever. Actually, probably just gonna do what Miranda asks of me.”

The three of them continued talking a bit before more people joined them to discuss the plans for this whole Alliance business, helped along by Vesperia walking over.

“If I may,” Vesperia said, looking at Jake. “If this Ell’Hakan has already managed to claim another planet before we have a chance to step in, what are our plans?”

“First of all, I think getting access to a planet at all will require the permission of the World Leader. That would just make sense. So, chances are we wouldn’t even be able to help, at least not for now, if they don’t allow us to travel there,” Jake said. “Secondly, I’m not sure how I feel about you taking over an entire planet filled with enlightened species.”

Vesperia smiled. “Sire read my intentions that easily?”

“It makes sense,” Jake shrugged. If there was a planet that was relatively weak, he understood why Vesperia would consider taking it over. She wanted somewhere to start a new hive, and she couldn’t place a proper one on Earth. Such hives tended to monopolize all the resources on a planet if allowed to grow freely, and Vesperia wanted somewhere she could have a Hive Queen go full throttle without clashing with Jake or people he knew.

“So, what if a planet that we have both access to and has the right circumstances?” Vesperia followed up.

“I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t do if it doesn’t involve me,” Jake just said.

He wasn’t an idiot. He knew Vesperia would one day take over a whole bunch of planets as she grew. It was simply her Path to expand and, in many ways, also her responsibility. She hadn’t stated it outright, but Jake knew she felt like she had to create a strong foothold in the ninety-third universe for the Endless Empire.

As the only True Royal capable of being there, she was indisputably the highest-ranked ectognamorph of the entire universe. Jake could understand why she felt a need to do well, and part of doing well meant taking over a few planets plentiful with resources. These planets tended to naturally also have other life, enlightened races included, and their fates wouldn’t be pleasant, as they were viewed as nothing more but a vector of growth.

Either way, Vesperia seemed happy enough with his answer, as they gladly changed the subject that no one within the giant space worm seemed particularly comfortable with. Besides the Fallen King, that is. The Unique Lifeform honestly wasn’t really engaging with a lot of people and only talking with the Sword Saint and Sylphie.

He did speak up a bit when he infused them all with Golden Marks to allow communication and location-tracking on all of them. It was really handy soul magic, for sure.

Like this, the hours of travel quickly passed within the giant space worm, and soon enough, they reached their destination.

“Alright, we’ve reached our final stop, everyone out! Sandy’s voice echoed as, all at once, they were forcibly expelled from within the worm’s stomach. “Sorry, wanted to be nicer about it, but this place feels super weird and wrong and I want out of here sooner rather than later.”

Jake, who had landed on the sand dunes, looked at the worm with understanding. “Yeah… I also feel something. This is definitely the right spot. Do get out of here; we don’t wanna risk the Prima Guardian doing some weird shit to you.”

“No need to tell me twice!” Sandy said as the worm shimmered and flew away at breakneck speed.

“Do you think the worm will go too far away?” Carmen asked. “Kind of assumed that was also our ride home.”

“Eh, one thing at a time; let’s kill the boss before considering our transportation home,” Jake shook his head.

Not far away from them, Jake also spotted Jacob and Bertram standing there. He and the rest of the strike team wanted over, as all the others who had arrived alongside them spread out to do their own pre-planned tasks.

“Soon,” Jacob said when Jake got close. “It’ll be right around there.”

Jacob pointed to an inconspicuous area, but Jake didn’t doubt his words. And not just because he was an Augur, but because of what Jake both saw and felt himself. A Pulse of Perception also confirmed the area was odd.

He barely spotted any life anywhere. Outside of the many humans and other races who had arrived, that is. All the wildlife had abandoned the area, even those very deep underground. Jake also didn’t believe this was simply due to the many humans in the area.

Minutes ticked by, as the time grew ever-nearer, until finally… a system notification.

Time grows near, and the Prima Guardian shall arrive on Earth within 1 hour (59:59). All denizens of Earth innately feel where this danger shall appear from.

And just as the system said, they all knew where the boss would touch down, and yep.

It was right in front of them.


Polish Squirell

This make my day better in instant

Adam Jones

Great chapter!!!


Wouldn't it be that the prima guardian appears in 59:59:99?


Big cliff coming ....


59:59:58 ? isn't that 60 hours?


Poor prima gets spawn camped by the worst group ever for him


If those are hundredths of a second then it's very possible that's a delay that the system has. And an omnipotent system having a a delay in the hundredths of a second is reasonable


Thank you for the chapter <3

Bobmarley Bob

I’m pretty sure that it shouldn’t say 59:59:58 if it’s only one hour

Jason Hardman

TYFTC! He and the rest of the strike team wanted over -> "wandered" instead of "wanted" I believe?


Yes thank you for the chappy! Friendly possible edit: He and the rest of the strike team wanted over, as all the others who had arrived alongside them spread out to do their own pre-planned tasks. wanted ==> walked

Gnothi Seauton

Anyone else think Jake & company are gonna stomp the PG pretty quick?

Invictus Red

"He and the rest of the strike team wanted over" - should that be "walked"?


Prima guardian about to walk into the wrong neighborhood.


and it was also good to reunite with three out of his Nevemore party members. three out of his four

Aaron J

Looking forward to this fight!

Taj Malloy

Tftc hopefully the Prima guardian won't be a B grade


Last chance for predictions. Will Jake one-shot the Prima like William in the tutorial? Will Jake befriend the beast with the power of headpats and primeval origins? Will it be a bug that instantly submits to Vespie? Will the System’s evaluation of the strength of Earth’s defenders lead to a B-grade boss? Will there be a weekend cliff?



Ty Cooper

I love how much they give Jake crap about fathering so many creatures. I kinda wonder if the lives he changes will be his only offspring. I don't see him truly making a baby enlightened being before Godhood. I know Arty has some other plans, but... I just don't see it before he is a God.

Andromeda Adams

There will definitely be a weekend cliff. What if after winning, Jake befriends the Prima. They help defeat the others.


I want this to be a single arrow to the knee and dead affair. Just to Spread Jake's opnesss across the milky way XD Alll this prep for just a single opening to destroy a system event lmao


Probably weekend cliff. Not 1 shot. Submit to vespy / headsets? Possibly.

Gavin Wayne Pitcher

This gonna be a redo of when the powered up devil boss in nevermore kept trying to monologue while getting bitch slapped over and over until he finally realized, too late, that maybe he should take things fully serious.


I think the planet hopping after the one on earth is going to be the majority of this arc. Definitely can see Vespy on Ell- Cheeto's home planet planting a hive queen. In fact the authority of True Royals might be the one thing more powerful than that other bloodline. Anyway, love to see the well developed characters all there and a fight about to start. Tyftc


Perfect chapter. Very satisfying. Interactions with interesting side characters and build up for the main event.

Cordell Patrick

I'm a bet they kill the first one it leaves an egg that requires a ritual it gets left with jake then he'll forget for about 10-20 chapters then when he dies the awaking ritual he accidentally creates a unique lifeform

Charles Torry

Queue up the doom music?


I thought Sandy picked him up from his parents house, actually, I have to admit. I think at one point it is supposed to be walked instead of esvtrd


As funny as it is for people to tease Jake about him being a single parent, I am looking forward to seeing Vesperia meet Jake's parents

Amazon Shopper

hmm, given the current pace of the story, i guess that the prima will only touch down at the very end of the next chapter. just abunch of dialogue of characters speculating+discussing plans. we shall see if i guessed correctly in t-22hours


Cant decide if it will be over fast or if Zog just set up expectations for an easy fight to then have a massive one spanning weeks of release. Will be happy whichever it is.


I think it’s jealousy. They had to notice Sandy is a slick ride, Vespy is a powerful ally, Silphie is cute with mysterious powers, and he is capable of making more. They probably have orders to try and pry more info from him.

mitchell kaiser

Friday is going to be an annoying cliff isn’t it?


Place your bets! How many chapters to the Guardian fight? Mine's on six.


What if the just plastered the spot with a megaton of explosives and stuff, right in the spot its going to land?

Arieh Sochaczevski

TFTC! I vaguely expected a chapter to end just like this tomorrow… Making me very worried about the cliffhanger we will actually get. Damn. I wonder is the decision will be made that those enthralled to E-H at a deep enough level are not real persons anymore, allowing Vespy to take his home planet without local criticism. … not that she would care about local criticism other than from Jake.


My prediction is there may be an impact zone from the meteor that has to be cleared. I was half expecting them to hide underground in Sandy assuming the worm can still move in sand, but it looks like that won’t happen. I predict Jake opens with aerial bombardment and a truckload of poison. Maybe with an assist from Maria. Followed by substantial assist from a trap-master, a small army of killer wasp, and a big gun from Arnold. I was hoping Miranda would do a formation to handicap the prima. Then let the melee people finish it off.


The prima was first mentioned in like book four or so. That would be alot of foreshadowing just to execute it in the street like a rat.


So what are your guesses. Will this guardian be a B grade or a C grade? The team seems to expect a peak C but that seems really weak for the line up it's facing on arrival


Hahaha guys we gotta find where the prima will arrive *auger does auger things being somewhat useful* System "the prima will arrive right....here you have one hour"

Adam O

What happened to Vespy's name?

Jeff McCulley

Peak C grade. The whole point is that Earth is exceptional. I don’t expect Jake to one-shot it, and everyone should be able to get their licks in. After all, “Guardian” suggests it’s strong defensively.


Vespy is a nickname for family -- this was a professional situation!


Eh to be fair without Jacob figuring it out early they wouldn't have had time to get there with just an hour warning.

Jeff McCulley

Basically, everyone who’s important there has already been told to kiss up to Vespy. I can’t see there being much “criticism”, their factions have already decided she’s preapproved. Their factions all know full well who and what she is.

Jeff McCulley

I expect all the OTHER Guardians to take weeks of release. This one is just going to be a fun display of Jake and Co.

michael pigott

I believe the terminology would be "Getting William-ed' Edit: patreon is a pain about replying to replys.... terminology refers to long term built up opponents getting curb stomped in a paragraph

Jeff McCulley

I admit, I kinda want a POV of the Guardian landing, crawling out of it’s shell and getting pounded immediately, and looking up in the sky towards the Prima Council or whatever: “Wtf, man?” “Don’t I even get a cup of coffee when I land? Get to make it to the Air BnB and unpack my bags?!!”

Jeff McCulley

I think he’s just being teased about it, and am not sure why she’d be interested in doing so. She’s made it clear there is no blood connection, which would mean that she’d be meeting totally powerless low graded individuals. Can’t see that going well. Unless she asks for Jake-as-a-kid stories?


To the point that earth is exceptional, I would say that benefits the B grade option. It's been mentioned that the prima has been scaled to earth. But the guardian part would suggest a defensive C grade variant. It's honestly up in the air but I want to believe all of the B grades Jake has faced in the past few months have been foreshadowing for this to be his first B grade kill.

Colton Horton

Off topic for the chapter, but is anyone else concerned about how jake keeps using his 'Pulse of Perception?' I kinda assumed that he would gradually expand the area he can comfortably keep active, and that by the end of C-grade he would roughly have the entire pulse area able to be constantly active. With how the evolution to C-grade expanded his sphere and seemed to almost break him with sensory overload, I'm a little concerned with what will happen in B-grade when his radius expands again.

Jeff McCulley

They’re already going to catch it with its pants down. Not everyone has an Augur to predict and prepare for where it literally lands.

Jeff McCulley

Trying to dig out the origin of “Prima” from the wiki, I found myself reminded that Ell’Hakan’s race is called the “Nahoom”. Well, that settles it, then. Definitely. Eventually, we’re going to have a Nahoom Kaboom. Marvin the Martian would be so happy.

Dmitriy Ochkov

This is a way of avoiding Jake being omniscient. That weakness is a plot device


I would guess it will be godhood or at least the evolution to his true race before he can utilize the full sphere all the time, as that is partially what he did when he went full ham on Valdemar in the colloseum. Especially given Villy's analyse afterwards


So what are the bets for tomorrow, because we all know tomorrow will end with the Guardian stepping out of it's rock. Or with an arrow to the face. But what will the rest of the chapter be? Different POV, another description of the fighting area, or something else?


Would make sense for a fake out ending next week, as I doubt the fight starts before Monday.


I am more impressed that Caleb didn't make a sidejab at Carmen, given her publicly known relationship (not couple, but hooking up) with Jake


Guardian will be a mushroom, so peaceful solution was never an option.

Andrew K

Personally hoping the Prima has an arrival speech that gets unceremoniously interrupted by Jake, and said opener causes it to immediately surrender.


"it’s something to do with Records or something," -> "it’s something to do with Records," The extra 'something' is redundant.


You are either new or didn't realise what day it is.

Ben Sheahan

Caleb knows better than that. Carmen isn’t known for her diplomacy

Thomas Laptain

I mean, Jake's really been letting the side down with the lack of planetary sacrifice rituals. Considering what William said about the people there being basically permanently indoctrinated into the Cheeto Cult, maybe a Nahoom Kaboom is in order.

Colton Horton

Yeah those are both fair points, I was just thinking that with how perception obsessed Jake is and with his drive to be stronger, it was odd that he hadn't at least attempted to improve his base range, likely not completely encompassing his total distance, but maybe 25-50%? Just to show some improvement in arguably the most overt aspect of his bloodline. But again, with Zogarth that could very well come in as a mention of something he's been doing the whole time in a later chapter. Lol😅

Jeff McCulley

The Guardian is scaled to Earth’s results in the initial Prima event, not scaled to who they are now. That’s why some planets who didn’t do well then, but have had off planet divine assistance since to improve, should be fine.


And to that I would say that earth did extremely well in the first prima event correct? That's the event that we got Sim Jake which was the highest possible score.

Andromeda Adams

More than likely… Honestly though it would be a heck of a cliffhanger if the Prima is a B-grade. Just not sure if that is a good thing. Peak C-grade would probably be better.

Klown Keidra

It won't be B Grade. Top C Grade for sure, 349 level. But the Viper even said, even if it was a weak B grade, no planet would stand a chance. The changes are just to big.


She also isn't a petty bitch. So I doubt she would be too aggressive just for shit talking.

Klown Keidra

I don't think he'll be able to use the entire area actively. It was like a few hundred kilometer distance away (as a radius I'd assume) at the beginning of C grade. I don't think no matter how much perception/wisdom whatever else helps, he'll be able to active have an area of like 500,000 km in his head at all times.


team wanted over > wandered


It is, but not everyone uses grammar accurate speech patterns.

Michael Fannon

Guardian shows up, looks around, swears, then asks "is this Earth?" Everyone freezes in confusion, Jake answers "um, yes?" Guardian starts swearing and cursing about how unlucky it is to be sent to Earth of all places. Then calms down, sighs, and immediately surrenders.

Michael Fannon

I expect it to try to surrender almost immediately, with Jake complaining how he would rather get the experience


I'm not trying to be fair I started by being sympathetic to Jacob & what he's trying to do but after rereading the story & then the nail in the coffin was the meeting in nevermore I highly dislike Jacob so no his first achievement has been diminished


I hope it just looks around, goes 'oh shiii' and surrenders. Defeated.


Thanks for the chapter


I get the feeling that it's not out of the question that either Yip of yore or Cheeto boy were the ones to tip Jake off. Yip if he wanted Jake to do something to force El Hac onto a certain path. Or el Hac wants to improve his story by having Jake destroy his home, if his path is moving away from one kind of belief to another, sacrificing a planet to get a tap on the whole multiverse wouldn't even make him blink.


Sandy and… amenities or accommodations?


I think 330-340. I think the big bad boss in chains discussed earlier is a solid B grade Jake will have to fight to control the world wonder. Jake will need to build up to B grade by capturing a few hundred planets first. Trick will be maintaining coalition. He will do this by rewarding factions with territory.


"I've come here to chew bubblegum and kick this planet's ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum!" Prima Guardian probably.


Peak C. Even lowB is too much. I think a huge monster will hit, they will be pushed to eventually beat it and then a little old man will alight on its corpse and ask why they killed his pet. Then the real fight begins.


Naw if Jake kills the whole planet EH would lose most of his followers.


I would really like a one-shotted guardian, but I guess we need a proper chapter xD

Peter Smith

Jake: well the only person here with the biggest ass to kick is yours, and i dont think you're flexible enough for that.here let me help.


Can’t wait for the fight! Normally I like the fights to be a struggle but for this one with all the firepower they have, I’d love to see the primas just get absolutely trampled!

John Grizzly

Definitely need to do an ultra nuke on touch down. I'd be suprisednif Arnold doesn't already have 101devices and equipment to measure and observe all this system tomfoolery. And detonation and laser beams to accompany xD

Peter Smith

So fun thought. How funny would it be if the guardian is 1) female, 2) a rabbit person (like the prima that jake saw in the event (i think it was a rabbit at least)), and 3) she ends up joining the primal harem after defeat. Especially if its through ressurection shenanigans like our favourite immortal mask.

Peter Smith

Wait... I know that the fallen king is asexual because they are a unique lifeform, but would we consider him a unofficial part of jakes harem? I mean they are tied to each other by records and soul bonds, they enjoy harrassing each other, they literaly are never apart (due to King's phylactery being on jake's face), and... I lost my train of thought... I unfortunately imagined a waifu Fallen King and now need to scrub my mind of the image before I'm judged for it...

Strato Junon

Depends on how the system feels like. If it's giving everyone the same challenge then it'll be a cake walk. If it tweaks based on the power of the planet inhabitants then weak b tier I bet. We'll see tomorrow maybe


It seems I’m in the minority opinion here but I expect the fight to be challenging, if not a close one. I wouldnt be surprised if it turned out to be B-grade.

Peter Smith

Which is where the option remains because EH would have started that process before he left for THE GREAT ARC. (I totally did not forget the name of the place, and was to lazy not to look for it. Definitely) Which would mean that he planned to give jake theoption of turn EH into an even bigger underdog, and you know what they say about underdogs... Please answer me i dont actually know what they say about underdogs... Someone? Anyone? Bueller?

Arieh Sochaczevski

Sure, but taking over an inhabited planet of a unique race - making it an actual genocide - won’t go over well without some kind of justification.


I expect it to be a good fight if for no other reason than the system being in charge of it. I mean it’s the system. We should assume the boss will be specifically tailored to this group seeing as how they would be the ones assumed to be fighting it.


Lets goooooo!!!

John Durrett

Quick is relative. Total time available to take it down is 5 years. I agree that whatever number of days or years we arrive at, it will be far shorter then the rest of the planets going thru the event.

John Durrett

Mentioning Vespy..it would be hilarious if the Primal Guardian that lands falls under the lineage of Vespy and she just commands, Kneel! Now That! would be a perfect score!!!

John Durrett

I'll go with the Guardian being under direct lineage of Vespy and she just issues the command to kneel and submit to the True Royal. Else, everyone holds hands in a giant circle and sings "I'm Henry the 8th I am,..." Until they beg for earth to stop singing the song! ;)


If the prima comes with a meteorite, it would probably be a good idea to get outside the blast zone, rather than trying to spawn camp it 😅

Jeff McCulley

You mean, besides how she beat up people at Nevermore City for gossiping about her sex life?


It might be an Early B-Grade. Anything higher would not even be a fight for the Prima as all the actors are rather Mid C, instead of Late. But it seems to be set up as a proper boss raid, so yeah while I would laugh at a One-Shot, it is gonna be a proper fight and we might actually see some deaths.

austin kutz

Agreed. They could have laid down a trap but the prophet and the guy with the infinite instincts didn't bother so it'll either destroy everything around it when it lands or it'll be a really easy fight. Maybe both

austin kutz

I half way expect that the system went ahead and made it into an early B grade for exactly that reason.

Adrianna Bailey

nooo, I just realized we're gonna be left on a cliffhanger all weekend! what am I supposed to do until Monday?!

Jeff McCulley

It’s not a matter of perception. It’s his brain not having enough processing power. Arnold probably has him by a bit on that one.


The cliff hanger tomorrow is going to be brutal. I like what zogarth has done with this Prima story as it's taken a turn I didn't expect. I thought it would be a long arc focused on the prima but now it feels more like an opening act to the real challenge of fighting for the future of the 93rd universe. For example this might be the toughest prima guardian right now, but what about the guardian that dominates their planet and starts leveling up while earth and the rest of the universe struggle over politics. Definitely looking forward to what's to come.

Julia Niles

Dis is gud content

Jeff McCulley

It doesn’t say they’re in the blast area. “Jacob pointed to an inconspicuous area, but Jake didn’t doubt his words.” Pretty sure he’s not pointing at his feet.


Yeah but meteorites, especially sizable ones (like 10 meters) tend to have impact energies comparable to or exceeding nuclear detonations (megatonnes of TNT equivalent). If you can see the blast zone, you're vaporized.

Amazon Shopper

i was wrong, prima didn't even touch down in that chapter, they only saw the primas vessel


It may be redundant but people don’t talk properly anyway. Given it’s dialogue the way it’s written is just fine


Wouldn't it be awesome if Jake lined up his most powerful shot and one shot killed the prima guardian the instant it appeared. We could have the long interesting fights on the world's they go too help

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!