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Time was a cruel mistress… but so was Miranda when she told Jake he couldn’t just run down to his laboratory and keep playing with poisons while ignoring the world around him. They only had a few weeks before the Prima Guardian event began, and apparently, that meant Jake had to be “mentally available” or something like that.

At least, this was what she said after returning to his lodge from the World Congress. Jake had appeared first, with Miranda, Lillian, and Vesperia popping in only a dozen or so seconds later. They all chose to take this time to sit down and briefly talk over what had happened – after Miranda stopped Jake from sneaking off to the lab, that is.

Once she had assured Jake wouldn’t run off, Miranda let out a loud sigh as she relaxed her shoulders and found a chair to lean back on. “That congress was exhausting, but I guess it went as well as could be expected.”

“Would have been better if there wasn’t that one guy…” Lillian sighed, shaking her head. “It seems extreme, but it had to be done.”

“Do not pity a fool who dared go against rules explicitly explained to him,” Vesperia said in a rather harsh tone. “He is lucky death was his only punishment. A rather light sentence if I say so myself. Having him imprisoned and his soul serve as fuel or a seedbed would have been more appropriate for having the audacity to show such disrespect toward Sire.”

“When you say seedbed…” Jake muttered.

“Some wasp Hive Queen variants are parasitoid in nature and use the bodies of other races to lay eggs in. It’s quite effective, and if the body and soul of the target are well-maintained, you can use the same one for quite a while,” Vesperia explained casually with a smile. “I can look into spawning one of these Hive Queens next if you are interested?”

“… no need to go out of your way for my sake,” Jake said as he raised both hands. “Just do what you feel is best, okay? Totally fine if that doesn’t include any of those variants.”

Jake had to try hard not to say “scary as fuck” variants. Also, once more, he wanted to reiterate that Vesperia was a little bit terrifying at times. Just a bit.

“Very well, then I shall put it off for now,” Vesperia nodded. Jake wasn’t sure if she read his discomfort or if she noticed Miranda and Lillian both pulling back from her a bit when she began talking about imprisoning and laying eggs in people.

“Anyway, back on topic… to be honest, of everyone you could kill, someone loosely affiliated with the Holy Church was probably the best,” Miranda said, everyone happy to move from one horrible fate to another – at least from Jake’s point of view. “I did briefly confirm that he was baptized, so at least he will go to the Holy Land as a spirit to live out the rest of his days. Still not a great fate for sure, but this incident isn’t enough to damage our relationship with any factions either.”

“I definitely didn’t assume he would just die for good,” Jake said with a light smile.

“Even if he had, his death would have been a necessary sacrifice to reinforce your rule and position on the planet,” Miranda said nonchalantly.

Jake nodded as he looked out of the window at the pond. For some reason, he couldn’t help but remember when Miranda, Hank, and his two kids had just arrived here in Jake’s small valley and offered to build this lodge for him. He also remembered the conversation way back then he had with Miranda, where he casually mentioned he had killed people and how horrified she had been at the notion. How she had believed he would kill her, too, simply because he was now a killer or something.

Things sure have changed, Jake thought with a wry smile. Now, she viewed killing someone during a political meeting as nothing more than another potential tool to gain an advantage. Lillian had always been a bit rougher, but she had also gotten far less soft… everyone from back then had. Well, besides maybe himself. Jake didn’t really feel like he had changed that much.

Then again, he probably wouldn’t really notice any subtle minor shifts that happened over long periods of time. He couldn’t with full confidence say he was the same person he was before Nevermore, as he had learned a lot during that time, especially when it came to working with others and relying on their skills. Before the World Wonder, he rarely fought with others, while now, he had nearly spent more time of his life fighting alongside others than alone – though he did find quite a few openings to do some solo hunting during Nevermore.

Either way… they had definitely all changed quite a bit since the early days of the system. If not in personality, then at least what they were now capable of and willing to do.

“Do you need me to do anything while we wait for any updates from Jacob regarding finding where this Prima Guardian will crash down?” Jake asked Miranda after a bit.

“No, but as I said, I need you available. Once we have a better idea, the plan is to gather the elite team nearby where the boss will appear and strike as quickly as possible once we get a clear understanding of how exactly the event will transpire,” Miranda said. “I have already contacted the Chosen of the Lord Protector, who will assist in transporting the team. That way, even if we’re slightly off, the group should be able to arrive at the Prima Guardian nearly instantly.”

“What if Sandy is restricted somehow?” Jake asked with a bit of worry.

“We’re gambling on them not being too restricted. There is no precedent of the system outright mind-controlling anyone during a system event, and limiting the movements of every single creature who’s absorbed system-given unique items on the entire planet seems too much,” Miranda explained. “With all that said, we will also have some teleportation circles set up should the unexpected happen. Better to be overprepared than underprepared.”

“Cheers to that,” Jake smiled, as he was already looking forward to the event. He really hoped the Prima Guardian would put up a good fight, though a big part of him had some doubt. But, who knows, maybe there was some way to make it harder for themselves for a bigger reward or something. Yeah, that would be awesome.

“Well, I believe we should head off now; there is still much to do,” Miranda said as she and Lillian stood up. She also looked at Vesperia who had been sitting silently. “Also, I have been meaning to ask, but will Her Majesty participate in the battle against the Prima Guardian? Are you able to?”

“Both willing and able,” Vesperia smiled. “I am still undecided if I shall help with the suppression of the regular Primas or take part in the battle against the Prima Guardian, but time shall tell. Perhaps I’ll simply do both.”

“Please just let me know your decision a bit beforehand,” Miranda nodded. “Having your assistance will prove most beneficial for certain.”

“Naturally,” Vesperia agreed without a trace of arrogance as if Miranda’s statement had just been the most obvious in the world. The witch didn’t take offense as she and Lillian headed toward the door. Just before exiting, she stopped and turned back.

“Oh, yeah, I was also asked to relay a message from Arnold. He said you had some weapon at his place, I believe? Everything should be ready for collection,” Miranda also added as she looked at Jake. “So, probably go and talk to him.”

“Not gonna lie, I had nearly forgotten he was working on stuff,” Jake admitted with a smile, happy for the reminder. “I’m gonna head there tomorrow. Gonna give Arnold some time to wind down after the World Congress first.”

That was only the polite thing to do. Jake also wanted the rest of the day to himself so he could just relax, and he got the impression Arnold could also do well with some alone time. They both weren’t the biggest people-persons, after all.

“You do what you deem best. See you around, and remember… stay available,” Miranda said as a final reminder before she and Lillian left to continue working hard. Meanwhile, Jake stayed back with Vesperia, who also had her own matters to tend to.

As for Jake… well, a little alchemy had never hurt anyone, as he briefly popped by the laboratory. Also, Joke’s on Miranda; even if Jake couldn’t run off to his laboratory all the time, he could still do alchemy stuff outside his lab when she wasn’t looking.

The next day, he did as promised and headed off toward the Fort to meet up with Arnold. With a Pulse of Perception, he also confirmed Sandy was there, chilling and eating stuff, he reckoned. The arrangement the two had found was kind of funny but definitely mutually beneficial, as Arnold used Sandy as inspiration for better space-faring inventions, and Sandy used Arnold as a vending machine that also provided free housing accommodation.

Teleporting to Arnold’s place and sneaking his way in didn’t take long. The place had naturally grown even larger once more, as Arnold really had made a giant underground complex by now. It nearly reminded him of an ectognamorph hive, except this one had actual metal walls everywhere with halls filled with assembly lines and teleporters connecting everything.

The huge factories were especially impressive, and it was hard to believe everything was made by one man. Well, one man who created a lot of robots to do stuff for him.

Funnily enough, he still had a pretty small-ish workshop he usually did most of his work in. It had also barely changed since the early days and was more or less just a couple of tables and a bunch of computer-like things.

Jake didn’t meet him in this room, though. In fact, Jake doubted Arnold ever invited anyone to his room. Instead, he went to a far larger workshop where the poor space worm was being held hostage by the evil mad scientist.

Arnold had already known Jake was arriving, and all the doors opened for him on the way before he stepped inside the workshop. Sandy was lying on their back, as Arnold had connected a lot of patches with wires to the big worm’s skin. A bit of mana constantly emanated from Sandy as several devices measured everything, and Jake spotted the air almost shiver a bit around the worm as the environmental space mana reacted.

“Seems like you two are having fun,” Jake commented with a smile as he looked at Sandy. “I’m a bit surprised you didn’t wanna participate in the World Congress. No, actually, I guess it’s more accurate to say I’m surprised no one forced you to take part in the congress to show off Earth’s power or something.”

“Hey Jake! I considered going, but it sounded like a pain, and from what I heard, it was super boring anyway,” Sandy said, being entirely accurate with their words. “All I have to do is act as a shuttle anyway, right?”

“Pretty much,” Jake shrugged, turning to Arnold next. “Is Sandy really still that useful of a test subject? Can’t be cheap to keep that glutton around.”

“I still feel like I am only scratching the surface when it comes to exploring subspace travel and the seemingly infinite spatial layers that surround us at all times,” Arnold said as he didn’t look away from the screen in front of him. “The data obtained so far has already proven invaluable, and while I am impossibly far from applying the concepts of the Cosmic Genesis Worm in any meaningful setting, I have begun to extract aspects that may prove useful within a reasonable timeframe.”

“I am awesome indeed,” Sandy wholeheartedly agreed. “You should also praise me more. Everyone should.”

“Don’t want it getting to your head, now do I?” Jake smiled as Sandy and Arnold seemed to get along well, even if their relationship was strictly professional. Still, the thought of Sandy and Arnold traveling space together, with Sandy constantly mocking the scientist’s spaceships, was a mental image Jake couldn’t get out of his head.

“Hey, even a worm needs affirmation sometimes. Unlike you, every single system event isn’t tailor-made for me to stand out and look cool on Leaderboards or through getting big titles,” Sandy complained.

“Are you saying you don’t have any titles?” Jake questioned, actually unsure.

“I never said that. I only said I don’t get them from constant system events,” Sandy quickly clarified. “Besides, titles are overrated. I’d rather collect legendary and mythical skills instead.”

“That is a good pursuit, too,” Jake smiled. “Titles are still nice, though.”

“Legendary… oh right,” Arnold suddenly muttered, as Jake felt the subtle movement of mana. A few seconds later, a shaft opened in the ceiling as a drone flew down, carrying a case that looked just about the right size to contain what Jake had come to acquire.

The drone stopped right above Jake, who took the cue and caught the metal case it dropped. Arnold finally spun around on his chair and stood up as he spoke. “The weapon has been complete for thirty-two days now, but I wanted to keep it here for at least twenty days even after completion to assure its stability within the material realm.”

Jake just nodded, wondering what the guy had done to his Nanoblade katar.

“You are free to open the case,” Arnold said, Jake quickly following suit.

Opening it, he saw the katar within. Its design was the same as usual. However, it took him a moment to properly distinguish the katar within the box from the foam around it.

To clarify. It took Jake, with all his Perception, a moment to see it.

The reason was that the entire box was entirely black, as the katar had obviously seeped out a bit of energy into the foam, turning it the exact same color. A color so black it didn’t seem like it was supposed to exist.

It reminded him… he had seen this exact blackness before in the void between worlds. But, looking at it in a setting like this felt incredibly eerie and off, and Jake quickly used Identify on the new Nanoblade… or perhaps it should now be renamed the Voidblade.

[Voidblade Katar (Legendary)] – A katar wielded by a hunter, born from the mind of one touched by the void. The blade is made of a resilient composite metal that has been infused with void energies over time. This has made the blade incredibly sharp, allowing it to effortlessly cut and penetrate nearly all physical material. When striking mana-based entities, the blade must be constantly infused with nascent void energy, or it will be unable to deal any damage or interact with the target. The handle of the katar can absorb all forms of mana infused into it and transform it into nascent void energy. This effect is more potent if the energy infused is the arcane affinity of the hunter. The blade will passively make void any other forms of energy interacting with it as long as it has sufficient nascent void energy. Has been stabilized so it can exist within the material plane. This also makes it able to enter spatial storage. Enchantments: Voidblade. Forced Spatial Stabilization.
Requirements: lvl 275+ in any humanoid race.

He read the description very carefully as he took a deep breath. It was… a lot better than Jake had expected. It was also a bit confusing, though. Especially that it refered to a hunter several times, which was obviously Jake himself. Luckily, Arnold quickly explained.

“I created the Voidblade Katar using your old Nanoblade Katar as a base. The materials were already of high value, and through further refinement and infusion of nascent void energy, the results were better than expected. Using entirely new materials could perhaps have resulted in improved material integrity; however, I chose this approach to also preserve some of your Records within the katar, especially those gathered during your time in Nevermore. These Records proved useful and improved the final product significantly,” Arnold said before continuing as he went over and lifted the weapon up.

“Using nascent void energy – a lesser form of void energy – is a challenging prospect within the material plane, as it’s antithetical to the concept of matter and energy itself. Even calling void energy a form of energy is an oxymoron, as when there is void, there is no energy. However, the void can still be contained by other forms of energy too stable or resilient to be voided, which is what I have made here. The hardest aspect was the handle that allows you to also deploy this rudimentary form of void energy during combat by transforming your own mana. While this weapon is far from the ideal, it is the best I can make with my current abilities and means available.”

Jake could only nod along as Arnold handed him the weapon, and when Jake finally felt it in his hand, the katar felt… odd.

“It doesn’t weigh anything,” Jake muttered.

“It does; it’s merely unaffected by gravitational concepts and has an incredibly low mass,” Arnold further clarified before he got a bit more serious. “Also, this is still a prototype. Should it break, or should you discard it, please bring the weapon back, or at the very least, the pieces that remain. It’s a valuable research asset, after all. In return, I will allow you to field-test it and continue to improve the weapon continually as my skills and power improve.”

“Of course,” Jake nodded, seeing that as a very low price for getting a free legendary weapon. He did know there was a bit more to this entire thing, though. “But, be honest… you also want to analyze the Records within, especially those related to the arcane affinity, right?”

“I have never made that a secret and assumed I was an implicit understanding,” Arnold answered casually. “Again, I must reiterate. Do not lose the weapon. As I said, the handle was the hardest aspect of the weapon to create, in part because I had to use a catalyst to allow the transformation of regular mana to void energy. This catalyst is a high-level mythical item provided to me during Nevermore and something I would much prefer not to lose.”

Jake frowned a bit, looking at the katar more closely. Quite the pressure to get put on him, carrying around some mythical void item within his weapon.

“I’ll take good care of it,” Jake nodded.

“Good,” Arnold nodded as he looked to remember something else. “I may also have something else for you if you’re interested?”

“I’m never one to say no to more loot,” Jake smiled as he wondered what else Arnold could have in store.



Quite the chapter to end the month on. Tyftc!

Jacob Brady

Ah sadness, the weeks final chapter! Thanks Zogarth!

Paul B

Random question, what happened to Helen? Is she still trying something in the background?

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!


Emberflight C-Grade Bloodline holder who was busy antagonizing Jake to flush out his backer when that was still a secret.


No word from her for a while, but I imagine after Jake flirted with that dragon princess from Nevermore, the Emberflight will be more enthusiastic about pushing a connection.

Strato Junon

Woo always nice to get loot,! Tyfc



Laurent Jerry

Arnold is playing factorio <3


Is it just me or are there some similarities between Sandy and Jake Arnold seems to be giving them gifts and exchange for being research subjects Jake included and the exact same way he's doing to Sandy

Lizy Flore

Thanks for the chapter! Always good to see Sandy and Arnold :))


More loot tell me tell me today, Monday why can't you come sooner!!!! Thanks for the Chapter!

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


The adventures of sandy and Arnold. Found the spin off haha

Dr. Necro

Wasnt she specifically mentioned during the Nevermore chapters, after Jake was part of the God meeting? Something along the lines that she is getting closer to the Draskil, Chapter 796.

Lay Nkay

I love me some Arnold. So wierd

Michael McMahon

Teeny cliff for the weekend. Tftc!


It will be fun seeing who is on the elite team and the tryouts. If they can figure out where the fight will be you might want to get a verdant witch and a trap maker involved. I like the idea of having one person representing each of the primordials, but I guess there would be gaps unless you can get a representative of the star seizing titan, maker, and others. Also, saw the cover of book 10 yesterday. Looks awesome!


It is not just you, that's the character. In one of the first chapters with Arnold, he was described as being a little bit off in the emotional department. He sees the world purely analytical, that's why Jake never asked him to officially join his Earth faction too. Also why El'Hakan wasn't able to manipulate him and why he was able to be blessed by void gods without going insane or losing his human appearance.


tftc :) "only a dozen or so later." -> "only a dozen or so seconds later." "Also, Joke’s on" -> "Also, joke’s on" "pretty small-ish worhshop" -> "pretty small-ish workshop"

Stuart Thwaites

Nah, the ember flight did too much pushing before he came out as Villy's chosen. They've definitely dropped the idea of trying for his bloodline and are probably be feeling lucky that he left them with a friend who could act as an intermediary.


She basically got pulled out and the A-grade dragon guy was the liaison so to speak. But ofc the Emberflight will utilise her should Jake show less hostility towards her. The last thing we heard was them trying to go through Scarlett. I presume we will get an update before the Prima-Event, as she is suspiciously absent the whole time.


Voidsword beats herosword


Thanks for the chapter. Edits: Vesperia popping in only a dozen or so later. -> Vesperia popping in only a dozen seconds or so later. and continue to improve the weapon continually as -> and will continue to improve the weapon as assumed I was an implicit understanding -> assumed it was an implicit understanding

Jeff McCulley

A couple of random thoughts hit me lately. Emphasized with Jake remembering the “early days” of his hunting lodge this chapter. A. Vesperia bumping her head a couple of chapters ago reminded me that Jake’s basement complex could probably use a remodel and upgrade. I mean, sure, all he needs is a cauldron to craft—but Hank and his builders have to be a lot higher grade than when they built this, right? Better stuff is better. B. Rereading, Jake noticed that the eels in his pond were now D grade. He complacently thought about how it was nice to have D grades guarding his cabin, but…with the Prima Guardian event coming up, has anyone actually talked to them about that? Jake’s cabin and the valley are off limits to everyone, after all. Seems like it would be easy to overlook. Especially if there’s a higher grade eel mama chilling somewhere. C. At that same time, Jake rather blithely noticed that there were tunnels below his pond leading well down into the underworld. Not only there, but from Rick’s garden cavern as well. Clearly, a back door not only to Jake’s lodge, but to Haven itself. So… D. Did Jake happen to mention this to Miranda? I think we all already know the answer to that question, right? The only redeeming factor is if… E. Her position as City Lord offers even a subterranean map of everything surrounding the Pylon, or…Arnold ignored the No Trespassing sign to go ahead and map everything out anyway. Don’t think we can count on the latter, since Arnold neglected to map the back side of the moon when he sent out space drones. So…what are the odds the Primas piss off Jake by flattening his lodge? Or even by simply grabbing his musa?

Micah Molina

Fridays always the great day to get loot. Happy weekend all!


Given how keen Irin was earlier I'm surprised there's been no mention of any time spent in bed with her, would probably help her level her race a bit as she most likely fell behind due to nevermore.

Jeff McCulley

The dragon princess at Nevermore was NOT Emberflight. She was a Gold. At Jake’s Chosen ceremony, the Emberflight’s A grade basically crapped his pants when he realized they’d been messing with Villy’s Chosen—AND how Jake was just casually standing there under the pressure of gods. That’s why the Gold was basically apologizing for Ember and Azure’s actions. Neither of those are going to be eager to mess around with Jake again. The burned hand teaches best. At best, Jake goes to the Ember A grade for advice or help with his soul flame, once it kicks up. Then they might feel like they had a fresh start.


I'm still waiting on Sandy to ask someone if they'd love/like them if she wasn't a worm 🤣 like the joke writes itself lmao


I always enjoy Jake and Arnold moments. Both complete opposites in mindset and paths, and yet both greatly benefit from each other. With Arnold being so analytical, it wouldn't surprise me if Arnold has already figured out that Jake is probably the most valuable asset to have as a partner, field researcher, and energy provider. Jake's arcane affinity wouldn't surprise me to be Arnold's key to doing sub space travel

Billy Schult

Lol, of all the weekend cliffhangers, I think this one for me is the worse. There is a secret part of my heart that is only satisfied from video games and letrpg and cultivation novels, and it is when the loot is finally received. Now I have to try and forget about this all weekend so that little loot goblin in my heart doesn't start trying to get out again. Frick...I'd go have sex with my wife, but I'm about to clock into work...woo is me


What is Miranda's domain by now? She no longer is a city lord by profession, but Jake' Court Witch. So technically the whole planet should be her home turf.


I agree with Jeff, most likely the embers will make a reappearance during Jake's next longer stay at the Order, so most likely after the Prima and before Jake goes on his multiversal visit tour.


Arnold is going to be a hell of a God if he makes it that far.

Tim Johnson

Once she had assured Jake -> ensured

Arieh Sochaczevski

You TEASE!!! How dare you? Thanks for the chapter. So much fun! I keep hoping for Jake to do something to nail down long term good relations with Arnold. Nothing formal, but something more lasting than “it is mutually beneficial for the moment”. Even if it’s just “promise to give me a chance to counter any offer you get from an enemy”.

Brian Schutt

pretty small-ish worhshop he usually did most of his work in. —-worhshop to workshop


Is he making void bombs?

Elijah Reitmeier

Maybe. Or maybe upgraded forms of the arcane grenades he made for Jake way back in late E grade. OR some sort of ship after studying the Altmar ship for a while


Great chapter! Thank you!

James Faulkner

Damn that’s a sexy ass Katar, let’s go arnold!

Kendra D

What's everyones bet for the other item? I'm thinking armor or cloak


Does anyone else feel like Arnold is one of the more scary individuals with his amount of potential and his very logical thinking. Like a Vulcan but but with a lot more power?


Thanks for the chapter

Andromeda Adams

That is what I was thinking as well. Maybe completely eliminate the hero sword altogether.

Andromeda Adams

Thank you for the chapter! This event will be interesting.


Also curious what ranking various people got in nevermore(how many in the top 100 are from earth) and the classes Jake's parents have

Ryan Ulrich

Question for the group: Does a baptized god of the Holy Church who does go to the Holy Land? How does that work since their lifespan would be infinite


I think Arnold is one of the few people on Earth that would become a God with or without Jake's influence. With the help he gets from Jake with ingredients and records, I think he'll be even more of a monster.


Dude is down right terrifying. He could easily conquer earth or shut Jake out if that was his goal.

Yeslek Nnamhctits

Ah yes, jakey boy, the loot goblin. Same my man, same


Loot cliff! But it’s ok cos we have a had a little taste already, more loot on Monday! Thanks for the chapter


I think that you lose all blessings when you become a god. That’s why all gods have mortal chosens and blessed


Not sure if a baptism works the same but I wouldn’t make sense if only the holy mother had different types of blessings

Davan Krueger

. Jake had appeared first, with Miranda, Lillian, and Vesperia popping in only a dozen or so later. I assume minets


Thanks for reminding me its Friday and that there will be no chapters tomorrow. :sadness: (inb4 he made another Stat-Eyeball to lick)

Corwin Amber

thanks for the chapter 'worhshop he' worhshop -> workshop

Zach Newman

I'm thinking cape too, just imagine his unseen hunter skill with a void cape or his movement skill one step 1000 miles he would potentially be as mobile and undetectable as a god

Darshar Griffonmane

This assumes if one is baptized they still have a path to divinity since baptism and a blessing (of any level) are quite different. In fact, I don't think it has ever been stated that Jacob is baptized. As the Viper said, the Holy Land is for the cowards who aren't willing to truly risk their life.

Jeff McCulley

Arnold just told Jake: “Once you go black, you never go back”.

Darshar Griffonmane

Technically the Cheeto was able to manipulate Arnold. Arnold was just able to shrug off the manipulations very quickly when he reviewed recordings/analysis of his behavior and realized it was off (forget which chapter this is shown in). He just then decided an Angry Jake was super more dangerous to him than an angry El'Hakan. Arnold, if he makes it to divinity (so few do!), is going to be that one Divinity all the other gods go "I have no freaking clue how he does what he does."

One Winged Angel

I really do appreciate that while Jake could go to the best smiths in the OoTMV, he just visits the neighborhood Void Nerd, why? Because the guy doesnt like to talk to people, just like Jake.

Jeff McCulley

For being all socially awkward and all that, that’s in large groups. Who Jake is, to the core, is loyal to the people in his circle.


Arnold himself already implied when he talked to Yip of Yore's chosen (Haken?) that allying with an enemy of Jake must be so overwhelmingly beneficial as to outweigh the high likelihood of death that comes from becoming Jake's enemy. He's more likely to be bought out by a friendly ally of Jake's than anything. And even then Jake's records are very very fun to play with so the material offerings would have to be crazy.


Thankies for the chapie zogie! And enjoy your weekend

Matthew Lemon

(Completely unrelated to the chapter) Was there a point in the story where a mage discovers something about jakes arcane affinity but gets killed off by villy before they can say what they found out? If this did happen, what chapter is it in? The reason i ask is because i was wondering why jake hadnt done more work in learning or discovering what concepts make up his arcane affinity.

Jeff McCulley

We don’t know that he was killed, or that it was by Villy. During Jake’s shopping expedition before Nevermore, in the most recent book released.


"This effect is more effective if the energy infused is the arcane affinity of the hunter. " The "effect" is the energy transformation, right? Maybe clearer to say that. And is it more effective or more efficient?

Jeff McCulley

He’s going to offer him spatial boots. And Jake will say “Thanks, but no thanks”. ;)

Jeff McCulley

So…you’re saying that Jake would then have a new…cloak and dagger? Seems legit with his new stealth skill. Though that seems more of a Caleb thing?

Jeff McCulley

I’m wondering if it’s a better “phone”. Since we’ve just heard so much about those. A Star Trek communicator?


its nice how natural the interaction is built. the story almost writes itself.


Yeah ig but I always just thought that a baptism was a minor blessing that had been renamed


Unless it’s directly related to the holy mother

Chase Burton

Sick! Thanks for the chapter!


"he still had a pretty small-ish worhshop" typo, tftc

Ty Cooper

I love how much this blade adds to his crazy katar set. Cursed and void! So good. Arnold is such a great character! Also such a gentle cliffhanger this week.

Anthony Smith

Making intentional alliances isn't really apart of Jake's path. He either makes friends or unintentional allies while pursuing what he finds fun. You could say he is basically lucky, but I think it's more the direction his instincts take him

Anthony Smith

I'd guess she's in nevermore with Scarlett, who we also haven't seen or heard from. The dragonflights scheme was to get closer to Jake through his inner circle at the order.

Nate Oppy

nah I think your right villi does kill him if I remember it correctly


"only a dozen or so later" A dozen seconds?


Tftc! Soon Jakes core manipulation skill will change the world core hahaha!(evil laughter) Maybe train with the moon core first. Great time to upgrade the skill at least.


Definitely Villy, he was about to send a sample to the Altmar empire and that would have been problematic

Felipe César

Arnold is an oddball but I like him

Christopher Lee

Please, I need more, my addiction to this book is crippling and I can't wait this long for more chapters

Skyler Brown

then be crippled and stop hurrying an already fast pace and if u need another book i recommend defiance at the fall and if uv already read up on that then System Change would be the next one to check out

Bryan D

Cannot believe I get to be the first: How many chapters until Jake breaks the sword and has to ‘pull a miracle’ or apologize for losing the hilt? TFTC Z.


Thx for the chapter