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Flexing status was always a great way to get a message across, but it only ever worked when the other party knew who you were. In all honesty, Jake had been surprised the wyvern didn’t recognize him even after being blessed. It wasn’t that he expected every single god to tell those they blessed about him… but wouldn’t it make sense to at least mention the Malefic Viper if you bless a wyvern living not even a day’s flight from the home base of his Chosen?

Well, it definitely would; there had just been one problem:

The wyvern was a hermit.

As in, it knew literally nobody. It didn’t know anything about the planet it was on or what was going on whatsoever, either. It had lived in its own little bubble, killing anything that dared try and approach it. It didn’t even know about Nevermore. As Jake listened, he also realized that the damn dragon god that blessed the wyvern was partly to blame.

That asshole dragon had told the wyvern to just dominate its own domain and keep absorbing energy there. They only ever had one meeting, where all the talks were about making optimal use of the unique mountaintop.

However, now the beast definitely seemed to realize who he was as Jake saw the wyvern get what he assumed was a less funny Villy-style round of exposition. The beast kept its head low throughout, seemingly wanting to bury it in the snowy floor of the cavern every time the wyvern spoke its apologies, trying to excuse its own ignorance while groveling to Jake with promises.

“I had a severe lapse of judgment and can only wish to beg for forgiveness and make up for my transgressions through any form of assistance I can possibly provide,” the wyvern said, definitely reading from a provided script.

Jake just stood back as he let the poor wyvern get a talking-to. When he thought about it more, Jake kind of understood why the wyvern had acted like it did. Earth was a pretty fucked up planet for it to be born on, and he was sure that in many other places, the wyvern would have been fine acting as it did. It would be the kind of creature the enlightened on the planet called a Beast King or something, and the mountain deemed a forbidden zone.

The problem for the wyvern was that Jake knew at least a dozen people who could kill the wyvern if they so desired, and when more people returned from Nevermore, it would be even more. Shit, based on the people he saw in Haven, he was confident a forty-man raid party could be gathered there capable of taking down the wyvern, not even to mention if Skyggen got involved and sent a group of high-level assassins recently returned from Nevermore. Jake’s brother alone could quickly kill the wyvern.

So… while the wyvern had indeed been a dick, it had acted pretty natural if this had been a normal planet, and as long as it was willing to correct its ways, Jake wasn’t going to unilaterally kill it. Besides, with its level, it wouldn’t even give him any experience.

Before the wyvern could begin to practically beg again, Jake decided to let it escape from limbo as he spoke.

“Stop. You now seem to realize where your little mountain is located and why your actions up till now have been rather unwise?”

“Yes, Lord Chosen,” the wyvern nodded enthusiastically. “My own foolishness and ignorance-“

“It’s fine, as long as you know and will change your ways,” Jake interrupted. “I can’t have a wyvern living here causing trouble for people wanting to just pass by.”

“I swear that I shall never attack another of the enlightened races again,” the wyvern readily agreed.

“No need to go that far,” Jake waved it off. “Just don’t kill people randomly. If they attack you, go for it, but if they are just passing by or want to speak, don’t automatically attack.”

Looking over at the frozen vampires and the burrowed dead vulture, he continued. “When it comes to feeding this mountain, I would advise you to stick with beasts, especially those around your own level of power. You will dilute the quality if you aim for quantity. Needless to say, those vampires also aren’t going to stay here.”

“Na- naturally,” the wyvern said as its eyes glowed for a moment. Instantly, the ice started to melt, releasing them from their icy imprisonment. As they quickly thawed, one thing also became pretty clear.

They heard everything… which means they were fully awake and aware despite being frozen. Pretty fucking scary way to die if I say so myself, Jake thought as he saw the clarity in all their eyes, with a few of them even looking with reverence and gratitude toward him.

Jake waited patiently as he even saw the wyvern remove some of the cold energy from around the vampires, allowing them to unfreeze faster while not letting the cold bother them as much. It didn’t take long before the first one was fully free, and he didn’t wait to bow, despite it looking pretty damn painful as his clothes and even skin cracked in places.

“We thank the Chosen of the Malefic One for his assistance,” the vampire said, with the others following suit once unfrozen.

“The old man would have been mad at me if I just left you all here. Now get out of here; I’ll handle the rest,” Jake smiled as he saw the look of confusion on their faces before they realized who the old man Jake was talking about was. At least they weren’t offended, as they just thanked him once more before they left, supporting each other on the way. They didn’t even address anything with the wyvern, seemingly trusting Jake to handle this issue without their input. He had kind of expected some calls for revenge, at the very least. Not that Jake would have helped them with that. If they wanted to kill the wyvern they could go home, heal, and then come back for a rematch once they were stronger.

With the vampires gone, Jake returned his attention to the wyvern that had kept its head lowered, not even daring to look up. Sighing, Jake really wasn’t sure what to do about the big lizard. He could literally see it shaking, and it definitely wasn’t from the cold. Alas, he had already decided he wasn’t going to give it more anxiety.

“I believe this concludes our business,” Jake said, seeing a look of surprise on the wyvern’s face, as, despite the entire conversation they just had, it definitely assumed he still wanted some kind of personal revenge. Which, to be fair, Jake originally had. The damn lizard had blasted him off a mountain, after all.

However, taking everything into account, he really wasn’t in the mood. He also had to admit to himself part of his reluctance was because he was dealing with a wyvern. No, not just a wyvern, the first wyvern he had seen in the wild. Killing it just for some slight born of ignorance would also make Jake feel like he was bullying a teenager or something.

“Truly?” the wyvern asked, though it was clear it was also this Everfrost Dragon God behind the words.

“Truly… though I do have one thing I will demand as compensation,” Jake said after thinking a bit.

“Anything,” the wyvern insisted.

“What did you evolve from? I do not believe you were simply born a wyvern, so what were you before?”

This was something Jake was genuinely curious about. Mainly knowing if this wyvern had also once been a snake, or if it had become a wyvern from something else.

“The Chosen wants to know what creature I was born as?” the wyvern asked with a hint of confusion.

“Precisely. Just take it as fulfilling my personal curiosity,” Jake said. “Tell me how you became what you are today. The story of your life, if you will.”

The wyvern was silent for a moment before it spoke. “I was born as a creature called an iguana. I had lived on this mountain all of my life, simply surviving in the harsh environment. Back then, this was no snow-covered peak, even if it was cold at times. Then, the initiation of the system arrived and everything changed. Day after day, the mountain grew taller as the world expanded beneath me. We all turned feral, killing each other and fighting for this odd energy far more sating than any food.”

Jake listened along as the wyvern told its story. It was interesting to hear the perspective of a beast and how they experienced the integration compared to humans. The entire thing was definitely a lot rougher than getting Tutorials. Unless you were thrown into a Tutorial like Jake’s, that is.

“I grew stronger and increased in size, fighting off all others at this peak. Some were also forced out when the temperature dropped too much, seeking further down the mountain. Yet I stayed until one day, we were all drawn to this cavern. We fought, and I killed all of my kin before I finally consumed that which had brought me here. It was an odd plant, and after consuming it, the cold began to be a source of nourishment, not something to overcome. I do not know specifically why, but when I evolved to C-grade, I became a wyvern, and it was only then that I truly received a true self and realization of what I am.”

The entire story wasn’t overly long, and it did feel like the wyvern was almost talking about someone else. Which it kind of did, considering the final sentence. The wyvern didn’t have any true sapience before it became a wyvern but had acted solely on instinct.

“And how did you obtain the budding dragon’s heart?” Jake followed up. “A skill offering at some point?”

“Yes,” the wyvern confirmed. “I selected it, and it warped my heart into what it is today. I am also fully aware that I need to upgrade it once more to have any chance of becoming a true dragon in B-grade.”

“I see, I see,” Jake nodded. Yeah, that tracked. Based on all he read, if the wyvern failed to get the heart upgraded, it could become a quasi-dragon only in B-grade. Having heard the story, Jake looked toward the cavern exit. “This has been enlightening. I shall not bother you anymore than this, and thank you for sharing your life story. I hope this experience has allowed you to wise up, and I look forward to seeing if Earth will one day birth a true dragon.”

 “Once more, I thank the Chosen for his magnanimity,” the wyvern bowed its head. “I shall ensure to not cause you or anyone in your domain further trouble.”

Jake just waved the wyvern off as he walked out of the cavern before he felt a minor shift that made him glance back and use one final Identify, which put a wry smile on his face.

[Northpeak Wyvern – lvl 271 – Divine Blessing of the Everfrost Dragon God]

I came here to scold the lizard and ended up getting it a free Blessing upgrade instead, Jake admonished himself jokingly as he made his way out of the cavern. His little pit stop for the wyvern hadn’t turned out how he’d expected, but it had been rather eventful.

Turning to the horizon, he looked toward Skyggen as he decided to continue his journey back to his family.


Thunder echoed in the skies as blue bolts descended upon the land, giving birth to elementals or simply killing anything they hit. These bolts carried the power to slay even S-grades easily, resulting in all but the most foolish or powerful avoiding clouds like these.

Below, the bare ground was filled with scorch marks and corpses, yet in the midst of everything, two figures were fighting, as the rocky terrain that had been molded and empowered by the onslaught of lightning for millions of years was torn up with every clash.

One figure was a tall man, swinging a battleaxe as he attempted to catch his opponent, a winged woman with more muscles than the warrior. She fought using her bare fists, deflecting the weapon of her opponent as blue lightning enveloped both of them, sending out shockwaves with every clash.

Their fight continued for several minutes until the man suddenly appeared distracted. A fist struck him in the face, blowing off his entire head as he stumbled back before it rapidly regenerated.

“A cheap shot,” the man said with a scowl as he used his horns to crack his neck.

“Not my fault you got distracted,” the woman said with a smile as she looked toward the newcomer who had been the cause of the distraction. A suit-wearing devil had appeared, carrying a light smile on his face.

“Duchess, Duke, I apologize for interrupting your past time, but his majesty requires your presence at the castle,” the man said.

“We heading to war with the Fifth Hell again?” the duchess asked.

“No, you moron, it’s related to Nevermore, isn’t it?” the duke scoffed.

“Indeed it is so,” the suit-wearing devil confirmed to the two other devils.

“Has the princeling returned?” the duke asked with a frown.

“Oh, did the kid take the top spot?” the duchess asked. “If not, I don’t see why we should bother being there.”

“No, he got third, just behind the Chosen of Yip of Yore and the Chosen of the Malefic Viper, who took second and first, respectively,” the suited devil answered. “The Chosen of the Malefic Viper also took the top spot on the All-Time Leaderboards.”

“Impressive,” the duke commented. “But I still fail to realize why his majesty demands our return.”

“It’s related to the Chosen of the Malefic Viper. It would be easier to simply see it rather than me wasting my time explaining everything,” the suited devil said mysteriously as he raised an eyebrow. “Besides, does his majesty need a reason to recall you?”

The duke and duchess gave each other a look, both knowing that opposing the Devil King of the Fourth Hell wasn’t a wise choice. With that in mind, they followed the third devil back to the castle nestled in the middle of the realm known as the Fourth Hell.

There, a massive mountain stood. Thunderclouds encircled the mountain in several layers, and unless one was welcomed, even gods would find it difficult to make their way through unscathed. Atop this mountain was the castle of the Fourth Devil King and the leader of the Fourth Circle of Hell.

Arriving at the castle, the three devils made their way into a throne room that was already filled with other devils and high-ranking mortals who had been allowed there. All these mortals were kneeling under the pressure of the many divine beings, yet one remained standing in the center, speaking to the devil sitting on the throne.

The Devil King stopped speaking as he saw the duke, duchess, and suited devil arrive as he addressed them. “Good. All are here.”

“We greet his majesty,” the three of them bowed, yet the duke couldn’t help but throw glances at the mortal still standing. His aura felt familiar, yet foreign, and there was something odd mixed in there…

The Devil King simply nodded as he returned his attention to the mortal. “Now, continue.”

“Yes, father,” the mortal said, making the duke and the two other devils realize this was the Cerulean Demon – also known as the Prince of the Fourth Hell. “During the gathering of those who placed high on the Nevermore Leaderboards, I approached the Chosen of the Malefic One, and…”

The Demon Prince continued to explain everything that had happened. How he had approached the Chosen, gotten him to agree to help, and the entire ritual that followed, including everything that had gone wrong. Many devils or officials frowned or scoffed when the demon described the ritual. It was a foolish endeavor, no doubt about it, yet the results…

“And this Chosen entered your Soulspace?” the Devil King questioned.

“Yes, and suppressed the Records of the Cerulean Devil entirely,” the Demon Prince explained, not hiding anything. “His presence overwhelmed everything, and it was only due to his assistance I managed to become what I am now.”

Silence roamed the hall as they observed the newly born Cerulean Demon Lord. The duke was confused about how all this had happened, even if he heard the explanation. He hadn’t been particularly aware of this Chosen of the Malefic Viper before now, having only heard in passing that the Primordial had returned to the multiverse with a Chosen.

“Is that also why you remain standing now?” the Devil King followed up as his own aura spread through the room. The duke felt the pressure but remained standing, as did the grand duke, duchess, and a few other of the top devils… as well as the Cerulean Demon Lord.

“I believe that to be the case,” the Demon Prince answered truthfully.

“How amusing,” the Devil King smiled, the show of emotion shocking many. “I also heard you gave him your personal Crest that I bestowed upon you?”

“Yes, father. I seek forgiveness if that-“

“It was a wise decision,” the Devil King interrupted him.

“Thank you… though I fear the Chosen may not use it himself but send a representative or envoy. Perhaps even an ally of his,” the Demon Prince said a bit nervously.

“Even if it’s so, treat whoever he sends as if they were my personal guest,” the Devil King said after a brief pause. He then turned and looked at one of the devils in the crowd. “Begin preparations to send more of our young to the Order of the Malefic Viper. Additionally, contact the Second Hell and propose to them a joint venture to make use of their existing connections with the Order.”

“It shall be done, Your Majesty,” the devil bowed.

Turning back to his son, the Devil King observed him for a moment. “Let us also not waste time where unnecessary. A week from now, I shall appoint the Cerulean Demon Lord as my new Chosen and Crown Prince of the Fourth Hell.”

Surprised expressions flashed through the faces of most in the room as the Demon Prince merely bowed. “It would be an honor.”


Adam Culli

Thanks for the chapter


Thank u

Daniel Dorantes

Dilute the quality, not "delude the quality"

Thejasvi Prahlad

also in the line "you will delude the quality..." should be dilute I think


Thank you!


Man, Jake is seeding Chosen like they are common birdseeds. I’ve been looking forward to the Hells reaction so I’m very happy it’s here.


Thanks for the chapter!


Thankies for the chapie zogie

Pip Mitchell

TFTC! In addition to delude/dilute already picked up, note “created the distracted” should be “created the distraction”. Also at the very end, there’s an “I” that should be an “It”.

Daniel Dorantes

"I shall be done, Your Majesty" should be "It shall be done"*

Michael Fannon

Jake getting everyone upgrades! Kinda interesting though, how it used to be mostly people got divine upgrades around Jake to get closer to Villy. Now, everyone is thirsty for that jake juice. Good for Umbra for being ahead of the pack.


The wyvern and the demon prince turned lord made out like a bandit both. Jake and his unintentional help. :D Thanks for another fun chapter!

Nick Elliott

as the rocky terrain that had been molded and empowered by the onslaught of lighting for millions of years was torn up with every clash. should it be lightning?


At this point jake should be called the harbinger of blessing upgrades lol. TFTC!


Thanks for the chapter

John Balman

Makes you wonder how many gods or children of gods are going to end up being affected by Jake and being immune to presences and how that will affect the everything LoL I doubt it happened overnight but I assume Jake's going to live for a long time


Good stuff!

Adam Miller

tftc “I shall be done, Your Majesty,” It shall be done?

Nick Elliott

Greater demon/devil representation and ties with The Order....check!


I love the effects jake has on other characters. Like chaos theory, he yeets them on new paths.


Another chosen, we are running awash is chosen now🤣🤣🤣

mitchell kaiser

I think you miss typed. It should be “It shall be done” instead of “I shall be done”.


Lighting -> lightning multiple times

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


Pocket monsters are great!


I like they way you did the second encounter for meeting the wyvern, cause I fully was in the group of people wanting jake to give them a one-sided beat down, but it getting basically punk’d is just as good


I think The aura resistance is going to be spoiler for his Heretic Chosen path. Which I think may fuel his ascension into godhood when the pissy gods who care about that take affront that people could begin resisting the “natural order”…. My two cents!

Tyler S.

Jake and his fly by glow up effect on everything he touches lol. Thanks Zog


Nice chapter. And I'm kinda surprised Jake didn't get any profession levels.

Strato Junon

Ohh Nice chapter! Thanks

Darshar Griffonmane

All of these factions are going to end up clashing in huge fights over access to Jake and his allies, and Jake is never going to even notice the fights.


I apologize for interrupting your past time, pastime


Oh it didn't go like how I expected Jake just casually teaching an etiquette lesson too a giant Ice lizard getting it a divine blessing then just dipping out like a baller


Fun. Interesting to see the Chosen system integrated into the devil/demon monarchies, but it makes sense. Second hell is the succubi?

Cindy Canuel

Is it just me or is Jake (unwittingly as it may be) putting strong allies and underlings in key positions for the future…


That talent you have for writing is baffling I always enjoy each new chapter the only bummer I have is I hate reading haha

Ty Cooper

Tftc. So the wyvern did consume a system item to progress. Dang. I was hoping the wyvern would help protect the cities around the mountain. Geuss not. Just a new follower. Still a cool follower. If he can get over the groveling that is. Was hoping we would get to read about the homecoming of the demon lord. I find it pretty funny that Jake leaves a trail of chosen in his wake like breadcrumbs. I can only imagine what other mortals think when Jake leaves a new area. "What a new chosen? Yeah, this Jake guy passed by last week. He was kinda weird."

Kris Piskorski

I love chapters like this one

Lizy Flore

Thank you for the chap ! 😋

Robert Vick

I think the Holy church are absolutely going to hate everything about jake's resistance to auras and will try and stop him becoming a god

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter#


Gods really just throw their True blessings at any creature that Jake makes all we need now is for Sylphie to become Stormild's chosen and he's got a 100% chosen rate


Stormild should already have a chosen from the dialogue during the meeting

Chase Burton

Thanks for the chapter


The holy church can suck a fat one lol. They already hate everything as it is.


I agree and disagree. Yes they would hate Jake's aura resistance towards their own pantheon, especially if you throw in the heretic parts, but they'd probably also love it for the fact that it would help their members grow stronger. Especially if Jake was to use some primeval origin juice on one of their people when they evolved. I can only imagine what kind of being Jake could create if he put his Jake juice into an angel


Yeah. If Stormild’s chosens becomes a god (or dies), I wouldn’t be surprised if Sylphie gets bumped up.


Never know what will happen in the next few hundred thousand years


I hope when Jake sees the wyvern before their evolution, he does some Jake juice ritual to make a primeval winter dragon or something


Why would they? Jake presents a similar novelty to them. Even if they don’t have some lost path to reclaim, which is unlikely, there’s still the possibility of Jake making something new for them with his juice. And the issue with his aura resistance i I don’t much of an issue. At least it won’t be in like a few million years at most. Jake either becomes a god or dies. His ability to withstand or project an aura will no longer be too special. And if he does end up having kids, as the largest faction in the multiverse, it is unlikely that, should his bloodline spread widely, they won’t get some of it in the church too, at which point it ceases being an. If anything, I think it’s the Primordial Church that would have an issue with Jake.


More secrets revealed cause ya Jake doesn't really care I really look forward to the heretic stuff getting out & hopefully being used more (besides passive of his aura helping people be less dominated)

Robert Apgar

Oh boy I can't wait for Irin to hear that last part.


It’ll be quite the shit show when Jake runs up on all these people who want to be hangers on. Remember that guy way back that wanted to build a church in haven… I still chuckle at that conversation.


Everfrost Dragon God like, "the Chosen of the Malefic Viper's neighbor?" *smashes Blessing upgrade button*


Honestly I believe the holy church got the most to gain from or aura resistant personnel can you just imagine an army of suicidal lunatics that you cannot suppress with your aura

austin kutz

It might also be because the gods are aware that Earth became a nexus of records. It makes it more likely for the dragon to provide a return on investment

John Looney

Jakes Jake juice just sounds like one of those old commercials or ads that had to say “trademark pending” or “patent pending” every time they said the name of the product

Jason Hardman

Spotted that one myself. Glad to see it got picked up. I think this is known as an 'eggcorn', where a common phrase is mixed up with something that sounds similar, and from a certain perspective still makes sense.


Second hell is lust, so definitely succubi, I’m not sure if there are others. Irin is about to get a grand welcome.


The Church is absolutely going to hate Jake, but it's not about the aura resistance. It's the heresy. The entire construct of the Church is about harvesting faith energy. Heresy is a poison that could actually destroy the Holyland and everything the Church is built on. In principle, it could go one of two ways -- Jake is a hard counter for Umbra, so she's trying to get on his good side. But the Church seems to be going the other way, allying with Yip's chosen and trying to separate Jacob and Jake. He's a threat, so they would like to see him dead. It's a mistake.


What are the odds of Jake turning Jacob into a heretic. I personally would find a heretic augur hilarious.


The only saving grace for all those factions is that Jake juice doesn't create karmic bonds, otherwise the debts he is owed would be astronomical.

Bobby B

Don’t forget. Eversmile owes Villy for William and the tutorial.

Ryan Ulrich

It might have just been a natural treasure because it just made him more receptive to the cold rather than advance him in levels


It's going to be that trope of kids fighting in the background until he turns around

Ryan Ulrich

Hopefully Wyvern has a power spurt when it becomes a dragon


Once again a great chapter. Thanks !

Hunter Thornton

Once again Jake has been given a bucket of monkey wrenches and just started chuckin em at the gears left and right. Although I wouldn’t b surprised to see the entire second he’ll start to chase after him now. Meria and Irin are prolly gonna have to fight off an army of thirsty succubi on the prowl to get that sweet Jake juice

Amazon Shopper

jake juice + wyvern heart = primordial dragon heart? or a cooler name like Absolute Mana Engine. I want to see more cool beings that get jake juice added to them! (also what would happen when you mix time magic/laws with jake juice)

James Faulkner

Jake accidentally creating an insane roster of allies just in case he wants to start a multiversal war haha

Ty Cooper

Ha I was just thinking this kinda. Jake is such a good recruiter doing his chosen duties. It kinda is a profit situation also. He does it just by being Jake.

Colin Fortin-Ballay

I want to see what kind of dragon he can make with his Jake juice


no matter just hit the choosen with the old jake treatment and ge will be a god in time to have sylphie get a true blessing


good chappie

mathieu brassard

I'm still surprise that Irin was not more forceful in trying to get Jake into bed after the quick interraction at the order. She's probably pent-up by now (sorry if my phrasing sound offensive to anyone). her nature and levelling mehods is probably hard to control


Nah, they are going to partner with the second hell which is the pleasure realm 🤷‍♂️ he's just letting everyone know he has plans later

Seen Death

So far it seems jake transforms items more than the actual sapient creature I think the only "things" the dragon has of note is his budding dragon heart and the mountain, and i kinda feel neither of those are ideal for jake juice And basically every faction could have a more interesting or rewarding reason for jake to choose him over the dragon, although the dragon does seem cool We should be seeing more of him in the future, as long as Sword Saints group doesnt come back for revenge lol

Seen Death

Jake really has caused many new chosens... to be chosen haha. Wyvern got upgraded to 'only' a divine blessing though- definitely not something to scoff at (Gods usualy bless promising individuals, this wyvern basically just camps on the mountain to get stronger so idk how the frost dragon god will exactly benefit, but getting the OK from vipers chosen to keep living there does show more promise- so i think upgrading to divine was very generous)

Matt Spratte

Great chapter! Tyftc! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Michael Fannon

Reminds me of a manga about a guy who is reincarnated as this insanely good blacksmith. One of the first scenes is the hero fighting the demon king, both bragging how they are now invincible because of their new weapons. Then they realize they both have swords made by the blacksmith, making them both unbeatable. Now realizing that fighting anymore is pointless, they laugh and complain about how the guy really will take any job as long as it is interesting. I can totally see that happening with Jake.

Michael Fannon

I think only a few at the peak are starting to see that. Remember that the peak powers on earth are still only C-grade. Once A and S-grades start cropping up in huge numbers, that's when most of the multiverse will start paying attention. Though I got a feeling earth will end up being known for birthing gods.


True but what if jake gives him some jake juice for his b-grade evolution and he gets a powerful evolution watch his blessing get upgraded again

Michael Fannon

Depends. Jake seems to be able to upgrade eveything with his juice, in theory including other enlightened races. I imagine the Holy Mother wants to see upgrades to holy spirits. Imagine if they could gain levels and progress in grades? Of course, the opposite could happen if Jake upgrades vampires or the risen.

Michael Fannon

So anyone else wondering which of the dragon flights the Everfrost dragon god belongs to? Poor dragon god is probably just an average flunkie, but now is going to be stuck with Jake duty.


Do we know what ever happened to him? I’d be cool to see him briefly show up again in a chapter like Greg did.

santiago villa reverte

Just started reading the web toon, found out they changed some names (Jacob to Adam)


As it currently stands, Jake is still only C grade and he can’t actually do anything significant to the holy church. The holy mother won’t take note of Jake as a real problem until he is at least S grade. Also, Jake has a unique status as a superior human since he doesn’t have race evolution quests. If the church learns of this, they will absolutely have an extreme incentive to try and gain his lineage or maybe his help to make other superior humans through Jake juice. The heresy is definitely a massive red flag for the holy church, but as long as the holy mother (or any god for that matter) actually pays attention they could easily stop any heretical movement or other issue that crops up.

C. Adkins

I think you meant Pent(agram?) up. Thank you. I’ll see myself out.

Jul Silver

Sylphie got a high blessing but isn't Stormild's chosen as Mat mentioned.


I don’t think there were non system created natural treasures during the tutorial time period. Also, since he has the movement restrictions, he most certainly won’t be able to help during the prima event.


Oh yeah baby we are cookin'! Jake casually making allies left and right without even knowing it. Also R.I.P. Irinixis. Poor thing has no clue what storm is coming her way and she is not prepared *big grin*! Team Irin all the way just to reiterate!


I know I'm just saying that sylphie is the only creation of jakes that doesn't have a true blessing (I'm not sure about vespeira chances are she could have a true blessing if she wanted one)

Ty Cooper

I thought the bubbles went down with the prima. Also Jake can let anyone threw now.

Arieh Sochaczevski

Thank you for another great chapter. I’m really looking forward to his next skill selection and his reworking the heretic-chosen confluence.


Could be another title. Probably needs 10 upgrades to be issued.

Alex Cox

I don't like that you made me consider her path may alter from just Jake to potentially getting with the Chosen of gods...

Aaron J

I feel like anyone coming into contact with jake ends becoming a peak genius lmao

Deborah martins

I hope with the unusual unions they can help, or the prima who finds no allies even with them all being there submits and joins. Also could be the prankster monkey budda imprisoned since the multivere has lore personified.

Martín Ballesteros Arias

Are you stuck in a lower blessing? Is your patron God an ass and ignoring you? Call on Jake for fast and simple solutions, you'll get a call from your patron guaranteed, maximum blessings available every time!

Ryan Ulrich

I wonder if there is an event every era for Chosen

alejandro jimenez

I hate the WEBTOON. Too many changes to the characters and story, the addition of the imp thing is where i truly decided to give up on it. The art style really isn’t up to my taste but I could have gotten over it, if it wasn’t for the story changes and the imp. Bad choices all around I think.

Tristan A

That could be interesting. The problem is most chosen are not low ranks. With the exception of the current Era most gods generally only choose those mortals who are A or S rank, with the occasional B. So any event would have to either be a scaling event based off of strength or something like the coliseum of mortals where everyone is the diminished to a certain power level.

Tristan A

I have a theory....The First Sage is actually a regressor. That would nicely wrap up why they are so powerful. We've been shown with Minaga and also through the coliseum of mortals that if an individual who has the knowledge of a god, then even if they are a low rank they can still apply concepts that make them incredibly powerful. Maybe the First Sage is even the creator of the system in some way. Like if regressing is his bloodline maybe he maxed out his abilities in his universe and created the System in order to integrate new universes he can explore. Also, has it even been explained if there are more universes outside of the system? Or is it creating a new one every Era? Because if universes just exist without the help of the system maybe that's the reason for its creation. Maybe there is some other universes where uber powerful gods naturally exist and the First Sage created the System in order to create beings that could fight them off.

Jeff McCulley

Yeah, the SECOND thing that dragon god did was run to tell the rest of his flight that one of his disciples was on JAKE THAYNE’S home planet. And then promptly got yelled at for not figuring that out while Jake was still at Nevermore. 😂 I assume this is an ice flight. Opposite of fire. There were what, six or eight flights? So Jake is approaching half?

Jeff McCulley

“Pent up”? Lol. You’re assuming that a succubus is monogamous? 😂 That scene also showed exactly how much Jake had invested in the “relationship”.

Jeff McCulley

Not just a roster of allies, he just bolstered the Order’s growing enrollment. Just what Villy needs! Er…does that count as Profession points? The “Chosen” half? Like, Jake wakes up tomorrow and discovers he’s gained five levels?

Travis Nevins

I can imagine it now. System notification: Defend the boundaries of the system from outside intrusion and influence. Rewards calculated based on performance....But I think there are universes created that reach a maturity-like level before the System integrates them. I doubt the other universes develop long enough for gods to naturally appear. I also wouldn't be surprised if there is only one universe growing outside of the System at a time probably due to energy required to create such a thing would be insane.

Jeff McCulley

Turning Jacob into a heretic is 100% odds. Not going to be much longer, either.

Jeff McCulley

There will be allies. Remember, we were told the Guardian would have an army of all of the Primas who hadn’t been killed. Doubtless part of the reason the Council has teams going to unexplored areas.

Jeff McCulley

He should get them for that, too. The demons just haven’t enrolled in the Order yet.

Jeff McCulley

Is Jake’s middle name Oprah? “YOU get a Chosen, YOU get a Chosen, YOU get a Chosen….”


My hope is Azure flight. Just for the prior history and the chaos the wyvern must have caused therefore.


@Michael Gannon Given that multiple people from Earth are on the Universe leader board during the reveal, I would say it is already a point of interest.


The Imp was a pain, yes... But when Willy showed up, I dropped it and will never look back on it again. Just the reminder still pains me.

mathieu brassard

@jeff, it's not how many pieces she keeps on the side, the meat of it is getting multiple level from it

Hussein Zenki

jake out here changing lives how inspirational 😭🙏


Thx for the chapter