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Happy Holidays, everyone. Hope you all are doing good. I'm back with another CCC progress report. I'm gonna get right to the chase.

Are you familiar with Minecraft and how they push out updates every year? They have these beta snapshots that people can opt into while the update is still being worked on. Then it releases officially to the public once it's all done. That's what I'm thinking about doing at the moment.

0.6 (or whatever it's gonna be called) has been in development for a year now and I really want to get it out to you all. And while coding is winding down, there's still a lot of work I gotta do, like refitting the 100+ pieces of clothing to fit with the new model, as well as still waiting on things like audio and writing deliveries from hired help.

I'm currently trying to finish up a vertical slice of the game. Getting it to a state where it's properly playable, even if not all the content is there, and releasing here like a Minecraft snapshot of sorts. With more snapshots coming the following weeks as I finish adding more and more content to the game until it is where it's supposed to be for the public. I'm hoping to start pushing those out sometime in January or February. So hang tight, wish me the best, and hope bugs aren't too insane to fix! I thank you all again for being so patient with me and supporting me though this insane dev cycle. Once this update is out definitely expect a better update schedule going forward, cuz there's no way I'm remaking this game from the ground up a fourth time.

But that's it for now. Stay tuned for more info on the upcoming snapshot approach!



Is this the first we’re seeing of the new models? Because I gotta say, this style is perfect! Love how they look so far


A) This looks fantastic. B) Yes please! I'd really love to get my hands on a playable build of this, even if it's still a bit of a mess.