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Hey there everybody. Hope you are all doing well. Here with another CCC update.

Things are winding down, coding-wise. But there's still quite a bit to do.

Implementing custom blurbs has turned out to be way more of a pain than I was originally anticipating. And I was already anticipating for them to be a pretty big pain. To the point where the original QR element I had planned might have to be modified a bit. But on the bright side, I do think I have it nearly figured out.

As far as new things go, you now have the option to give your citizens certain diet restrictions. Like being a vegetarian or lactose intolerant. Think of these as extra challenges you can add on to your character. Most of the diets available have some sort of risk/reward balance. For example,  if you make your citizen a Meat Head, they get more XP from eating meat. And even more if they're craving it. However, they don't like foods with vegetables.

I've also been re-implementing belly rubs and dealing with the nightmare that is adjustable hitboxes and making them account for every possible belly shape in the game.

Aside from that, I've been up to a bunch of bug fixing. I've also in the process of hiring some Voice Actors/Actresses to do some voice work for the game, as well as some writers to help with adding more events and revamping the standard blurbs.

I was trying to aim for November to get everything done. But it's obvious I'm going to need a bit more time. Thank you all for bearing with me for this long. I'm really hoping the wait will be worth it.

Now I gotta get back to figuring out this gosh darn particle system. I'll see you soon!


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