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Hi there, everyone. If you could give me a bit of your time, I'd like to discuss some important updates that will take action starting next month.

I'd like to start off with thanking you all for all your support. It means so much to me that you all are helping me do what I'm able to do.

But there seems to have been a bit of a balance issue lately.

A few months back, as an attempt to get more revenue in, I implemented special commission slot tiers for people. While this indeed brought in more support, in the long term it hasn't worked out the most ideally. 

At the end of the day, this is supposed to be a Patreon for Chub Chomp Chill and other productions I make. And I've been spending more time trying to fill obligations and doing stuff for other people than on my own productions. And I think that misses the point of this whole thing.

So, starting in October, the commissions tiers (both drawings and assets) are going to go away (the asset ones might be temporary though). The revenue is definitely going to take a hit, as commission tiers currently account for over half my earnings on here. But I'm hoping I can find some other way to bring more people in to keep CCC going.

The tiers changes have already been made, so I highly recommend you make changes to your pledges before the end of the month if need be, so you don't get charged for a tier that doesn't exist anymore. I already have kept track on who I owe what for September, so don't worry about your commission being forgotten about or something.

If I do owe you something, and you haven't told me what you want yet, I would urge you to please let be know before October, so I can fulfill it. As I would like to move on with the next phase of this whole thing once October comes.

Again, I thank you all for your support, and I hope to see you all stick around even if the commission tiers aren't here anymore (but of course, no pressure). Hope you have a good day!



I know this must have been a hard decision but I'm grateful you're making it. I absolutely love your game and every weekend when I come home from work I play it. My primary character is so big I can no longer zoom out to see her. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future.


It's definitely understandable. the comms were a good idea for a money boost but they were definitely too much and too high quality to keep up with on top of the game's development. Hopefully there's other ways you can get the money you need every month, I'll be happy to support you regardless!

Marceline Bell

Maybe instead of high price patreon tiers, you could open some slots that people can buy to have their OC cameo in the game. Like maybe make a separate room for them or somehow implement them into a place that already exists.