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Hello again! I know I've been a bit on the down low, but Version 1.1 is here for Patrons $7 and up! Keep an eye on your DMs (or the Discord server) for the download link. If you happen to join $7 or $10 tiers sometime this coming week, just DM me and ask for a link to the release! If you have any questions or feedback, just let me know!

Yes, your save will automatically transfer!



  • Edit citizens' appearances at any time

  • Better camera (Thanks, Max-Digital)

  • Better lighting

  • Auto-saves every in-game day

  • Re-roll shop inventory

  • Stomping and screen shake are back

  • 13 new foods

  • 1 new room (Arcade)

  • Better slosh audio

  • Optional tutorial with a cute new character


  • Weight rebalance (citizens should gain faster in later stages)

  • "Cure Illness" no longer appears in Kandy's Kriteria

  • Kandy's Kriteria now gives 3 BP on completion

  • Bloating limited to 30 instances at once (stability reasons)

  • Max stomach capacity changed from 2 billion to 1 billion (stability reasons)

  • Increased overall Happiness Point gain by 30%

  • Optimized belly hitbox generation. Should take less RAM

  • Stomach sounds are now different depending on context

  • City room has better composition

  • Belly rubs aid in faster digestion

  • Food and badge balance changes (don't worry, they're mostly buffs)

  • Player can now copy and paste colors without pressing Enter

  • Cheaper rooms

  • Raised item stack limit to 9999


  • Various edits to prevent crashing

  • Citizens no longer walk after being immobilized

  • Areas like the warehouse should switch properly now

  • Camera is no longer effected when browsing menus

  • Inventory should update faster

  • Escape key no longer makes inventory vanish

  • Import screen now has back button

  • No more crashing when typing numbers in shops

  • Eating particles should now be the same color as food being eaten

  • Black creepypasta figure should no longer spawn

  • Badge duplication / negative BP bug should be fixed

  • "Serve Max" properly applies to Kandy's Kriteria

  • "Sugar Addict" should no longer look like they crave other foods when they actually crave sweet.

  • "Kandy's Kriteria" no longer covers half the UI panels

  • BP Spent/Available should now properly update

  • Stores properly reset

  • Burp toggle in settings should work properly now

  • Citizen arms should raise earlier now

  • Citizen voices being deeper after creation should

  • be fixed

  • Citizen should no longer freeze like a statue after being poked

  • Probably other stuff I'm forgetting


Armon Pax

"Citizen should no longer freeze like a statue after being poked" I like that effect as it help me take pictures of the characters as they move around to much sometimes for no reason other then being in the mood to move.


I'm loving the updates, they've definitely improved the QOL whilst playing! I'm not sure if it's a glitch or if I'm missing something, but you now seem unable to randomise characters in the creator? I liked doing that to get a starting point. I'm also still having characters become statues of shock after being poked, despite that being one of the fixes!


Sorry hit enter too early - thanks for fixing the copy/paste of colours in the creator, however it doesn't seem to work for the 'default' colours. For example, if I want to use one of the default skin colours, it won't give me the code for it if I want to copy it to their nose - it says as #FF0000 or whatever it is. Finally, the main feature I'm really missing now is the weight loss clinic - not to actually use it, but I liked using it to monitor the sizes of their body part. Is there a way to see the numbers for their chest/belly/hips etc. without this feature being implemented? Overall, really enjoying it, thank you!