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Hey there! Back again with another dev update!
I've been hard at work trying to finish up the first snapshot of 1.0. And we're finally in the home stretch! The game is currently in the middle of preliminary testing so I can iron out any last major bugs. If these last few testings go well, expect a release fairly soon.

Since we're coming up to home base, now is a better time as any to make a couple disclaimers. These have been said in the Discord server, but I know not everyone is a part of it.

First off, the first snapshot release of 1.0 won't have Dr. Bananahead, Brenda Burgle, or the ability to edit your citizen after initially creating them. These are features I plan on bringing back in future snapshots of 1.0 in one way or another, but at this point in time, I don't have the dev time to put them in.

Not all of the previous/Patreon-voted assets will be in the first snapshot either. I've gotten a fair number of them in the game, maybe around 70% of everything. But refitting all the old piece of clothing as well as making new ones takes a lot of time. Everything voted on will eventually be added back in one way or another though. So if you notice any missing clothing or rooms, they'll be back soon!

As testing continues, I'm going to start making another "Nintendo Direct" video presentation
for 1.0. The game will most likely launch for Patrons on whatever date that video comes out. And to the public maybe a week or two after that.

Thanks so much for sticking with me this far. The wait is hopefully almost over!



in the words of King George. "Jesus Christ, this will be fun."