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 ⋆ Just wanted to write up a Post about what's going on + Updates!  


Where I'm at with Owed Artworks/ Art List:

To start, I might be able to squeeze "Feathertail X Sharptooth" in before Next Month. If not, it will be the first thing I complete! The the moment, I am working on the Commission #3 and still need to complete the Gift Art. 

I thought I may be able to do everything but instead I've burnt myself out. I'm struggling with focusing and headaches/ backaches for this whole month! :U ( I'm enjoying these works though! Just over estimating my hustling abilities! =w=" )

So due to this I may make it permanent that Patreon Art Lists have 1-2 Artworks we vote on so I may have more room to slow down OR to complete side projects. (Ex. Create Commission Sheets for Comics, Cust. OC's, Start and Finish New Patreon Tiers Artwork and Setup, ect.) For Month's with Commissions there won't be a Vote unless I ended up having time OR don't have people taking all three Slots. 

We can do Suggestions on Discord for what we'd all like to do instead! Maybe more Art Streams? Maybe a fun Patreon-Only Contest for free work? Would love to hear you guys think! I'm very open! UwU

Why I'm Updating the Patreon Art List to have Less Work to Vote On:

I thought x3 Patreon Artwork wouldn't be too much, and it isn't, but it does take away anytime for my own personal works or any projects I may need to setup. Doesn't mean there will be less Content for you guys, but it will help me relax and not burn out(burn outs could make artwork worse UmU"). 

Specifially this Month was a bit crazy for me. I believe doing 4 Fully Completed Art Works is the max until I get stressed over due dates. This Month I've gotten the most overwelmed but I don't want that fact to upset you all or make you feel like you can't ask for Commissions. Instead I will have a List for Owed works and I will continue to communicate about when I can start/finish them. :3 

I hope you guys understand why I'm making this permanent change! I just want to prevent this issue I had this time in the future. I gave myself a bit too much so I'm going to relax off the hussle. UwU Again, It doesn't mean less! I just need time to do personal works( I haven't been doing personal work for MONTHS. All of my finished drawings have been for Patreon or Comms for a long time now) and time to finish projects that have been put off due to the lack of time I have. 

I like to push myself and see how much I can do. I've found my limit and I hope this isn't unfair to you all! ( ;//w//; ) Understand I love drawing for you guys but whew I'm tired. =w=

Gold Tier Commissions:

If there's a time where I'm busy BUT you want a Commission then just DM me! I'm very willing to DM about your Comm and set up a plan for what you'd like at anytime!!! 

It just means you will be on a Waitlist until I'm finished with the project at hand! 

(This is detailed in the Benefits on Gold Tier as well!)

Don't feel bad if I'm busy, I WILL get to you and communicate when to expect sketches!~ 

Misc. Info + Updates:

- Art Streams will happen every Wednesday at 12PM PST!

- I will upload a Traditional Sketch Page of the Questing Beast this week!

- I will be creating a New $1 Tier and lowering the price for Dagger Tier soon! ;3

Whew! It's a lot of reading but Thank You!:

That's all I needed to tell you guys! Thank you so much for understanding! Love you!~♡


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