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Hello my dear Supporters!

Sadly my computer is down right now, and I'm afraid it's a problem with memory, what is serious... and I'll be able to go with it to the service only on Munday (on holidays it's closed). And after that it'll require some time in service to came my computer back to life...

It can take an undefined time, and to say I'm frustrated is don't say nothing... To resolve this can be time consuming. I really hope to resolve the problem asap and to go back to creating art within 10 days... And to go back to you with the May Pack of Rewards.

Till than, I'll go back to you with an updates.

I already almost finished some new art, and hope to finish it and send it to you!

I'm regret 😪 about this delay, and thank you so much for your understanding and kind waiting  ❤️!!

I hope to back to you soon with good news!!




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