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Hi all,

This week's Patreon video sees Bad Baz tackling armour trim. This should be the last of the slightly shaky audio ones, we're confident we've fixed it after this!

I hope you're enjoying the sculpting series we're building, and if there is something in particular you'd like to see then please mention let us know.

Enjoy! Henry

PS You probably noticed that we double posted videos the other week, we're back on weekly schedule now.


Sculpting Armour Trim

Bad takes you through how to use green stuff to create trim for your armour, be it infantry or vehicle.



This tutorial could not have come at a better time for me! Thank you very much. I've been fretting about adding chaos trim to my Primaris to Night Lord conversion and this tutorial means I'll be able to enter something half decent into our GW store's anniversary conversion competition. You mention doing studs, please may I ask how you would go about that?

Barrie Watkins

Very happy that this is of use to you, the second part to the trim will cover studs :)


The trim tutorialsnare great! I really like how you break things down into manageable actioons. I hope you will do a fur guide at some point. That currently my sculpting nemesis ;)