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Hey all! Normally I would post a video at the weekend but instead I have been filming as much as I can! My day job really ruined my painting the last week so I’ve dedicated myself to painting a lot the next few weeks. Life is too short to not paint! So I’ve got a few videos coming to make up for it. Using the witch hunters I think we have plenty of great things to learn.

The first video will be about painting fire! I found this really hard so I’ll share my thoughts and failures with that one.

The second video will be faces! The old man with a shadow cast from his hat, and OSL on the hat! The female face with night warm light on it, not full on osl but environmental light for sure.

I’ll also post a separate video about the ups and downs of the Golden Demon journey. I’ve had some real hurdles to get over, so I’ll keep that separate from the tutorials so you can avoid or enjoy the waffle depending on your personal preference!

Hope you like the candid WIPS





It sucks when life gets in the way of painting.... hope things get easier for you over the coming weeks. Love the pics, in particular the old vampire hunters face. Looks like he's seen some shit, can't wait to see the videos.