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Hi all,

Part 2 of the Army Painting+ Dark Eldar Raider 

Part 3 next week will focus on weathering, final touches, answering questions from part 1 and part 2, and reflections on the scheme. The accompanying PDF will list all paints and a "plan" for how I'd paint the army.

Have a great weekend.



Dark Eldar Raider Part 2

In this video we take a look at adding secondary colours and metals to our armour scheme.



Hi Henry, fantastic video. Absolutely nailed the balance of being informative and entertaining. My question would be, to go along with troops and vehicles what considerations would you give to approaching a character for this army project? Cheers!


Really great. I enjoy the colour theory stuff a lot as well so keep that up please, I’m badly colour blind so I rely on colour theory and recipes to get things looking right!