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Hi all,

The first in a new series of vids coming to our Patreon. Details in the video!

Have a great weekend.



Dark Eldar Raider Part 1

Part 1 focussing on the main armour parts of the vehicle.



coming to this video pretty late, as a relatively recent subscriber to the patreon. Have to say I love these expansions on the army painting stuff for YT. Would love to see more of them and very much looking forward to the crimson fist one!


What's the reasoning behind missing out the incubi darkness on this and using straight terradon contrast?


Just found it didn't make enough difference, the terradon is so strong it covers the black. If I'm army painting i want to get it as efficient as possible. And skipping that Incubi stage would save you a fair bit of time across the army. One area I would consider using it is if i had done a slightly weird transition where i had too much of the highlight on show, you could use the incubi to bring the shadows back.