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Andy and I will be Youtube for an hour or so, chatting paint. Drop in if you're free.

We're gonna look at doing these regularly for Patreon.



Deorgard Painting Stream

Join Andy & Henry as they paint some of the models from the Kickstarter. Check it out here - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cultofpaint/deorgard-by-cult-of-paint



Hey Henry and Andy, The with Dave last night was great — really inspiring to see his early sketches and even more so after trawling his Instagram to see his progress over the years. This got me thinking: next time you do one of these live streams could you maybe have some time to focus on each of your journeys to where to you are now? Specifically discussing any moments of "enlightenment" and the things you've employed in your own paint workflow to get where you are.


Hey bud. Glad you're enjoying the streams. We are already putting in place some things so that when the campaign is over we will still be doing audio/video shows. We will also be doing exclusive livestreams for you Patreons!


Thanks, Chums!