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Hi everyone! I have edited the Arch Rev into one document. Some of you may not have read any  yet, so I thought this would be useful. 

The vote for the next guide was a draw! So I will begin work on the Squig, simply as it will show how to finish the duel with the second Arch Revenant. This will be Over the next couple weeks, then I will be going straight into the Nurgle guide. So you won't have long to wait for which ever one you voted for. 

Following that we will have the Adeptus Titanicus guides from Henry. We will create a schedule soon so you can see when content is coming. We have a  ton of ideas, and a lot of content already underway! 

I hope you have also been enjoying our youtube content! You all support that and make it happen, so thank you! We are going to start posting the youtube content early for all patrons, as a little bonus.

Thanks for the support!

Andy and Henry 


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