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The first fic of the day, featuring something a lil' unorthodox - sizeplay fans, this one's for you!


“Uh huh? Yea, sure. Just the one? Ok, Lakeside Road. Got it.”

Boss hung up the phone and turned back towards the kitchen.

“Hey, Chef. Don’t clean out the fryers yet. Need one more order of fries put down. Tips? You good?”

“Right here, Boss! Whatcha need?” Tips stepped out from the employee area, rubbing a towel through her wet hair. She had already changed back into the street clothes. Boss frowned, but she couldn’t blame her with how late it was.

“Never mind. You go on home,” Boss dismissed. “I can do this one myself. It’s not that far off.”

“Late order, isn’t it?” Chef asked as he set the basket of fries down.

“I know, right? He’s paying the delivery fee and all, but who orders nothing but a small fry this late at night?”


Boss rode the company’s moped to the delivery, her thick ass bouncing all the way. She knocked on the door with his order of fries in a bag, waiting for him to open up. She looked down when she heard a creak at the mail slot, just to see it snap back shut. She was starting to suspect he was a peeping perv when there was a click on the other side of the door.

“It’s open,” called a small voice on the other side. Boss found it odd, at least until she opened the door for herself. Her customer was standing there… far below her. Boss was already plenty short, and she wasn’t used to looking down on anyone who wasn’t a kid. She definitely wasn’t used to looking this far down as her customer was a short-haired man who was only 6 inches tall. It took her eyes a minute to focus on something so tiny, seeing the young man in glasses with purple-black hair. He was dressed in a casual set of dark pants and shirt.

“Uh… Meti, right? 113 Lakeside?” she asked, checking her order slip when she stopped staring.

“Small order of fries. That’s me alright… get it?”

“Ha! Yea,” Boss chuckled. It was a new experience to be sure, and he was kind of cute for such a little man. She pulled out his sealed up container of fries and set them down next to him as he all but climbed into his wallet to pull out an armload of singles.

“Here you go. Sorry, but I don’t have a lot of cash. I can’t really afford a tip right now.”

“Well you’re lucky I didn’t send our usual delivery girl.”

Boss took the money and stuffed it into her pocket. 

“Anything else I can do for you to make up for it?” Meti offered. 

Boss was instantly curious. She wasn’t used to being this much taller than anyone. She wondered if this was what Tips felt like. It was no wonder the girl was so confident.

“Well… what’s it like being that short?”

“Not that bad, once I installed lower doorknobs in the house.”

“Saves on food, I guess,” Boss said, leaning in to look around the house. It had a few pieces of normal sized furniture, presumably for guests, and then much smaller versions for one. “Lot of custom work, huh?”

“Yea, but I did some of it myself. I’m a lot more sturdy than I look,” Meti said proudly.

“Oh really?” Boss asked curiously. “Good to know. Mind if I come inside for a little?”

“Sure. Come on in.”

Boss stepped in and slid out of her shoes, tapped her foot thoughtfully next to the tiny man. He snacked on a fry as she looked around, taking him a decent while just to finish one of their thick steak fries that he ate like a sub sandwich. With the temptation too great, Boss gave him a gentle prod with her toe. Meti squeaked in surprise as the simple nudge was enough for him to fall over.

“My bad,” Boss apologized despite her smile.

“Oh! Uh, don’t worry.” The tiny man rolled over to sit on the carpet, blush shifting across his face. “It’s uh… no problem…”

Boss’ smile widened. She recognized that tone. That wasn’t him being afraid, but being too shy to bring up what he really wanted. 

“You know what? I think I came up with a way you can make up for that missing tip.”

Boss pressed her foot forward and pushed Meti to the floor. This time she pinned him to the floor, rolling her toes over him testingly. He gasped as his glasses tumbled off his blushing face, finding himself covered up to his chest by her socks. She grinned at the unique experience, starting to grind her foot more more firmly over him. He groaned and grunted softly as he rolled beneath her feet, warming up between her soles and the carpet.

“You like that, little man?” Boss asked teasingly. Meti nodded sheepishly beneath her. She flexed her toes to tumble him around, feeling the faintest bump of his erection against her foot. She finally lifted her foot off him, picking him up by the collar of his shirt.

“So you actually like getting squished. Guess you really are as sturdy as you say.”

Boss took him around the waist and plucked the shirt off his shoulders. She had about as much trouble undressing him as an actual doll.

“But if you liked that, I think you’ll be way into what I’m thinking…”


Boss quickly got Meti naked and set him down on the couch. He watched in awkward delight as she stripped out of her clothes as well, leaving her in nothing but her panties. She smirked down at him as she turned around, showing off the tightly-clinging fabric wrapped around her rounded cheeks. She wiggled her hips, sending them bouncing around in front of him.

“Since you liked being under me so much before,” she teased as she slowly sat down on top of him. 

Her already thick cheeks were bigger than his entire body, burying him in her thick flesh. Her body heat radiated through her panties, giving Meti precious little space to breathe as the taller short woman sat on his face along with the rest of his body. She wiggled her hips, grinding her wide bottom over him as his miniscule but plenty hard dick between unnoticeably against her ass. Only the wet trickling of his precum and his tiny squirming seemed to remind her that he was there at all. 

Boss ground and bounced her booty around, acting like she was giving him a lapdance that smothered his entire tiny body. Meti’s faint moaning finally escaped her cheeks as Boss finally stood up. He could feel his cock pulsing as she stripped out of her panties and kicked them away, showing him her naked ass before she sat down next to him. Meti sighed dreamily, his tiny cock poking up in the air like a flagpole in his indescribable joy.

“Glad you liked it,” Boss said as she turned to face him. She planted her back against the arm of the couch and spread her legs, showing him her smooth and damp pussy. 

“Cuz it’s time to return the favor.” 

Boss picked Meti back up before he could even dream of objecting. She pulled the naked little man against her crotch, pushing him against her pussy. He gave a wet, muffled moan as he squelched into her nethers, writhing against her pussy lips. Boss moaned much louder, grinding her huge hips against him as she pushed him in deeper like a handheld sex toy. She grunted and rolled her hips, loving his meek squirming as his face and hands rubbed against her clit.

“Oh that’s the spot!” she huffed as she arched her back. She started to push him harder, getting his face to grind against her thickening clit. He reached out to grope and lick at her pussy, and only against her most sensitive of areas could she really feel his movements. It was like having a vibrator inside her that could reach out and fondle wherever it wanted.

“To the left,” she ordered softly. Meti could feel the vibration of her voice inside her as much as he could hear it, so he quickly obeyed the bigger woman. With a few more whispered commands, Boss was soon oozing precum all over him. Even as the small naked man gasped and came inside her, Boss barely noticed it among all her building arousal.

Her pussy juices accumulated until her clit was bigger than his head, finally shooting out a hot, gushing wave of cum. Meti gave a short cry of surprise as the squirting orgasm knocked him back out of her. He landed flat on his back, covered head to toe in the smell and sticky juices of Boss’ pussy. Boss caught her breath as she looked down at Meti laying dazed in the puddle of her cum.

“Not bad. Not bad at all,” Boss sighed as she got back off his couch. She retrieved her panties and started to squeeze back into them. 

“That was fun. Make sure you order from us again sometime,” Boss smirked. Once she was sure the tiny man wasn’t going to drown in her cum, she finished getting dressed and saw herself out.



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