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 Hey! Kicking off our spooky month, here's a big PT fic with an unorthodox assortment of characters. Follow our intrepid gang as they solve mysteries, including... wait, who are half of these people anyway!?


Tips loved the beginning of Fall. Like most American towns, it was barely October before the people of Queen’s Beach broke out the pumpkins and plastic skeletons. For Tips, her walks were all-the-more exciting when she could watch the neighborhood change for the spookiest time of the year.

At this time of night, Tips was out with King, her Great Dane. She had two dogs; King and Boga, an Anatolian Shepherd. She loved them dearly, but now that they were fully-grown (and several feet tall), they had become a nightmare together on walks. Especially when they decided to break into a run. King in particular had grown to miss his partner-in-crime, and moped about as he roamed along the sidewalk.

“Aw, I’m sorry, King. You love Boga, don’t you?”

The dog perked his ears up at the name of his best friend, and looked up at Tips, who simply shrugged. He frowned, turned away, and continued to walk. 

Tips kept a brisk pace walking from her apartment, taking King along their usual route. She wore a deep-green dress with her hair down, and matching earrings for the season. With the wind picking up, the weather became a prime opportunity to ‘unintentionally’ give people glimpses of her new underwear.

As Tips pondered the consequences of flashing people in public, she was caught by surprise when she ran into Chad at the end of the road. Her beefy coworker was lost in his own thoughts, admiring the three-storey building standing tall on the street corner. He wore a pair of slacks and a white long-sleeved shirt. It would’ve been a perfectly normal fit if he hadn’t added his own tasteful accoutrement; a neckerchief tied neatly around his collar. 

From Tips’ perspective, the building had been abandoned for as long as she could remember. All sorts of rumors surrounded it - that it used to be a medical lab for experiments, or an insane asylum where terrible things happened. A friend had told her the joint was once a restaurant that specialized in dancing animatronic characters - until they came to life and committed murder. Either way, the place was bad news. Before Tips could pipe up about it, she noticed Chad had company - a pair of faces she didn’t quite recognize.

One of them sported a plum-colored jumpsuit and a pair of shades crested above their forehead. She had skin like milky coffee, an athletic-but-curvy build, and dark, wavy hair down to her shoulders. Her pretty face held a calm and steady expression, unphased as she looked over the old building.

The other girl wore a knitted sweater that exposed her shoulders, and a skirt stretched to its limits by her sizeable hips and butt. Her smooth dark skin complimented the pastel colors of her hair and makeup, though it was clear she was used to wearing something heavier. She pouted and rolled a lollipop around her mouth, allowing her lips to glisten with wet sugar. A round pair of glasses rested on her nose, which she adjusted constantly.

“Hey, Chad!” Tips called, jogging up to the crew with an enthusiastic wave. The tall and mustachioed man turned and beamed at his coworker.

“Ah, Tips!” He called back. “You live nearby, don’t you? What a coincidence!”

“Yeah!” Tips grinned. “I’m takin’ one of my dogs out for a walk. Whatcha doin’ here?”

“Scouting! Boss, in her infinite wisdom, has sent me out to investigate a few locations of interest. This place in particular is… a bit of a fixer-upper. But promising!” Chad winked. “We’ll have to give it a thorough look-see to make sure!”

“Neat! So…” Tips looked between the two dark-skinned ladies. “Who’re your friends?”

“Huh? Y’don’t recognize me?” The pink-haired girl objected. “I’m Thot Wings’ top waitress! We nearly ruined you pizza punks like… three times now!”

Tips blinked vacantly.

“I’m Honey!” 

“Ohh! Okay~!” Tips said with a big, fanged smile. “I didn’t recognize you without all the clown stuff! I forgot that was for work!”

“It’s not!” Honey huffed. “I wear it because it looks good! And I’m here because Grill asked me to cover for her!” She folded her arms and glanced over at the other girl. “I have no idea who she is.”

“Grill’s friend.” The dark-haired latina held out a hand. “PB. I don’t think we’ve met.”

Honey shook her hand. Weighing her options, she decided it wasn’t worth glaring or smack-talking her company the whole time, especially if Grill no longer expended the effort. They didn’t get along, but she wasn’t on the clock. Besides, it--

“What!? PB!?” Tips shouted, recoiling in surprise. “I didn’t recognize you at all! What happened to your…” Tips gave a broad gesture around her face.

“Huh? Oh.” PB tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Haircut.”

“Wow! I totally couldn’t tell!” Tips said with a confident nod. PB smiled and turned back towards the building. 

“You should come with us. It’s our last stop, but it’s already gotten late. We’ll cover more ground with a fourth person,” PB nodded towards King, “and a dog.”

“Indeed! The more the merrier!” Chad said cheerily, clapping his hands together. “We’ll be twice as fast with your help, my dear Tips! Now, gang - let’s go solve this mystery!”

“And, uh… what mystery is that, honey?” 

“The mystery… of questionable plumbing and outdated architecture!” Chad announced, proudly stomping into the decrepit building as the rest of the group tagged behind.


Lab, asylum, or restaurant - the interior was bigger than Pizza Thot by far. The ground floor alone had several winding halls, leading to private rooms and large, open work areas. If there was any equipment to indicate what it once was, it was long gone beyond a few dusty tables or abandoned chairs. The first floor was empty, a little creaky, but unremarkable beyond its vaguely spooky atmosphere. The same went for the second floor, with a few creaky floorboards and cold winds for good measure. The crew continued to investigate, but it wasn’t until Honey stopped short (and Tips walked right into her plump butt) that anything seemed amiss.

“H-Hon!? What was that!?” She squeaked nervously, freezing on the spot.

“What’s what?” Tips asked as the others turned towards them. Chad shone his flashlight around, but nothing seemed to stand out. King gave a nervous whine.

“I heard footsteps! I think it was… that way.” Honey pointed towards one of the corners up ahead.

“Are you sure?” PB frowned. “Old places make noise.”

Chad stepped boldly to the front and went towards the corner, prompting the others to follow. He turned as the girls (and dog) peeked around in tandem. A dancing green light stood at the end of the hall. It vanished in a flash down another corner, but the afterimage was burned into their eyes. It was a smiling face. A childish, distant giggle echoed somewhere in the distance.

“Oh no. No no no. Heck to this!” Honey squealed and shivered. “This shit’s way too spooky!”

Chad frowned and waved the flashlight around as he squinted ahead. “Could be one of the local spirits. Queen’s Beach is notorious for its ghosts.”

“Uh, I came here to help scout, not play ghostbusters, hon!”

“Ooh!” Tips glanced back, bright-eyed. “I know about busting all sorts of things!”

“I didn’t ask, bimbo-brain!” Honey yelped. She wasn’t the superstitious sort, but she knew what she saw. It was hard to brush that off.

“Calm down, kids. It’s probably just the mirror,” PB said, shining her own flashlight towards the pane of glass. “The light hit your faces and screwed with your eyes. As for you-” she shone it towards Chadsworth. “Stop scaring them.”

“Ohoho! I’m just having a bit of fun,” Chad mused, itching his moustache thoughtfully. “Let’s keep looking. Nearly done now.”

Despite the initial scare, there was little else on the second floor to take note of - empty rooms, more hallways. Once they climbed the stairs to the third floor, however, the atmosphere changed completely. There were the sounds of something shuffling in the distance, and subtle noises in the background put them all on edge. They had barely entered the first room when a low fog crept across the floor.

“Welp. That’s not normal.” PB noted dryly. She kicked a foot experimentally, stirring up the ankle-high mist.

“I told you! Shit’s spooky!” Honey said nervously as she grabbed Tips’ arm.

“Aw, c’mon! Ghosts can be nice!” Tips encouraged her.

“Don’t you ever play video games, hon? Ghosts are bad news! Even Pac-Man knew that!”

They were cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps. The group froze. And then, a tall, intimidating figure came lurching around the corner. 

She was a woman, easily over six feet tall. She wore an iron mask of obscure geometry that covered her moaning visage. A tattered, blood-stained dress barely contained her pale and chubby body. Her thick thighs and huge, chalky breasts were visible between the countless tears in her clothing. Curiously enough, a black studded strap-on poked out from beneath the dress. Her boots stomped across the floor, splitting the fog as she raised a leather-wrapped hand. She pointed one thick finger, and a number of pale, shambling humanoids emerged from the various doors and halls, advancing on the gawking Thots.

King broke into a barking fit, snapping the crew back to attention. The creatures paused to observe, and continued to move forward, unintentionally catching the dog’s bluff. King pulled back in the opposite direction, yanking Tips off her feet. 

“Woah, boy! Easy now!”

Chad caught her by the arm. “It seems that a retreat may be in order,” he announced to the group.

“You heard the man! Run, hon!” Honey squealed. The four Thots (and their helpful dog) bolted in the other direction. The shambling creatures weren’t especially quick in their unbalanced shuffling, so the crew quickly eluded them. PB darted into one of the empty rooms and waved everyone over, shoving the door shut once they were all inside.

“Okay, okay! So! Why is there a big-titty, metal-faced ghost here!?” Tips asked as she caught her breath.

“I heard this place was an abandoned laboratory,” Honey muttered. “I bet they did gross zombie experiments on their victims, and now they’re out to get us!”

“Aren’t zombies, like, all mutilated n’ stuff? They looked like people, but all messed up!” Tips pondered for a moment. “I heard this place was an insane asylum. I bet they’re the ghosts of patients, led by their creepy warden!”

“Alright, alright,” Chad assured them patiently. “That’s enough of that. This place used to be a restaurant, and nothing more.”

Honey and Tips looked at each other.

“Murderous animatronics!”


The crew seemed to calm down as the mountain of a man took charge. He cleared his throat and adjusted his neckerchief.

“Regardless of what’s going on, we should finish that inspection for Boss while we’re here. I suggest we split up and do one last sweep! We can wrap this up quickly, and we’ll be harder for these… loiterers to chase around.”

“Honey, you still want to do the inspection!?” Honey snapped as she plucked off her glasses, suddenly more annoyed than scared. “Do all you Pizza Thots got cheese fer brains?”

“I’d rather face an angry ghost than an angry Boss.” PB said cooly. Both of her coworkers and also the dog agreed.

Seeing that she was outnumbered, Honey gave a defeated sigh. “Fine. Fine! Let’s just get this over with!”

“Great!” Let’s split up, gang,” Chad said confidently.


The group each picked a corner of the building and went off to finish their urban exploration. Honey was eager to cut and run, but midway through grumbling she realized silent compliance was her best bet towards getting out in one piece.

She could still hear the creatures shuffling around from room to room, but her keen ear kept her out of trouble. So far, things were looking good. As for the inspection part - nothing seemed especially out of the ordinary. In fact, the third floor looked cleaner than the others, as if abandoned far later than the first two. The rooms were spacious, and a massive clearing in the center looked more like a space for a stage than anything else. 

Honey was caught off-guard when her shoelace snagged on a loose board. She yelped as she fell forward, groaning in pain as her hefty boobs absorbed most of the impact. No bruises to speak of, but her glasses were sent sliding across the hall.

“My glasses!” She cried. Though she was rarely seen with, they weren’t being worn for aesthetic reasons. She normally stuck to contacts to keep her makeup clean (or to avoid having them fly off when she was twerking on a customer’s lap). On nights like this, it was easier to just throw on her glasses. If she knew she’d be running for her life, Honey thought, she might’ve come better prepared.

“I better not die first,” she grumbled, squinting at the various shades of darkness in front of her. She went to her hands and knees, fumbling around with her thick ass up in the air, and her bust dragging streaks in the dust. She reached the corner of the hall when her head bumped into an especially beefy pair of legs.

“Chad? Thank god,” Honey sighed in relief. “I gave those ‘zombies’ the slip, but I can’t find my glasses…”

The zombie-in-question gave a low and wordless groan. He had a brawny build, not entirely unlike Chad, but his pale skin and dull expression made them distinctly different (not that Honey could tell). The zombie pulled down his ragged slacks, letting his hefty cock hang down and slap against Honey’s cleavage.

“H-Huh? Chad, not the time, man!”

The zombie cocked his head in confusion. Honey sighed, and rubbed her temples. “Sorry, I… didn’t mean to snap. I really do want to help you guys. I just… didn’t expect this place to be so scary, y’know?” The zombie laughed, and nodded. The two shared a smile. Honey winked with her near-sighted eye and cupped the zombie’s balls, to his surprise. 

“Hey. I’m off-duty, so… let’s put our feud aside for a bit. I could use some stress relief, hon!”

‘Chad’ groaned in agreement, and Honey happily went to work on him. Her pouty lips kissed around the base of his veiny shaft, moaning to let them vibrate gently against his skin. The muscular zombie held her in place by her puffy pigtails, pulling her head closer until her nose and face pushed against his shaft.

“Wow, you’re really in the mood, huh? I didn’t know you liked me like that, hon!” Honey purred. She dragged her tongue up his shaft, holding her pillowy breasts up beneath his balls. She wrapped her mouth around the head and softly painted her tongue beneath it, lazily lubricating it as she dipped her head down lower. She flexed her lips and mouth, and eventually her throat as she slowly swallowed him down, taking more and more of his sweaty man meat inside her. She gave a pleased little sigh as she drooled over the last couple inches of his shaft. She bobbed her head back and forth, working her neck horizontally as she rapidly deepthroated the horny zombie. 

Her rapid head movements kept his hands in her hair as they lightly pulled it, encouraging Honey to keep it up. With a wet slurp, she peeled her mouth back. With a final pop of her parting lips, saliva and precum still forming sticky threads between them, the creature orgasmed all over her. The sticky seed splashed over her tits and face as she gave an amused laugh.

“Y’know, this place ain’t so scary after all. It’s got a pretty horny vibe, with all the fog and mood lighting.” She grinned as she pulled her top down, spilling her thick brown jugs out of her shirt. “Maybe those glasses can wait,” she mused as she handled his softening cock, sliding it between her tits. She squeezed her soft, cushiony breasts from either side, the zombie minion groaning as she titfucked his spit-caked cock.

In a moment of sympathy, the monster stooped down and reached into the corner of the hall. He picked up the glasses and placed them back on Honey’s face for her.

“Thanks, hon - y’might wanna wait until I’m done with my facial, but…” Honey’s sentence faded as she looked up at her mystery man. The zombie gave a crooked, almost apologetic grin. Honey returned the smile, got back up to her feet, and ran away screaming.

“Aw, jinkies!” She shrieked. “I did not just suck off a zombie!”


“Remember, King; we’re running in stealth mode, and that means no barking! We don’t want any of those ghosts chasing us! Oh - unless you see them sneaking behind us. Then bark as much as you want! Wait, no, that’ll attract more ghosts! Um...“

King cocked his head to the side, confused.

“I know, I know. I guess taking a course in hospitality doesn’t prepare you for haunted restaurants…”

Ignoring his scatterbrained owner, King began to sniff the air. Trotting forward, he tugged on his leash, hot on the trail of something new.

“Hm? What is it, boy? Didja find a clue?” 

King didn’t answer. Instead, he wandered into what appeared to be… a perfectly normal office break room. There was a cooler, and a few plates with bread, cheese, and meats left out on them. 

“Zoinks, King!” Tips gasped. “Free snacks! Y’know… I bet those ghosts won’t mind if we help ourselves!”

King gave a proud bark as Tips ran up and threw together a sandwich. Once she had a bit for herself, she tossed King a few slices of extra ham, all of which was quickly snapped up by the enthusiastic dog. 

“See, King? We can have fun by ourselves!” Tips grinned as she rubbed King’s head. She circled the break room, finding a kitchen and a second exit out into the spooky hallway. She wandered deeper down as she looked about. “Although… I wonder what ghosts are doing with platters of fooOOD--!”

Her absent-minded wandering brought her right on top of a suspiciously-placed carpet, only to find it was covering a trap door. Within moments, the carpet swung down and fell through, while Tips plunged through the door - making it about halfway down before her massive tits stopped her from going any further. She grunted and kicked her dangling legs, massaging her aching tits as she lifted herself to a more comfortable position. She couldn’t get any higher than her waist, but at the very least, she wasn’t as sore.

“D-Double zoinks, King! Could you help me out?”

Her loyal companion bit the strap of her dress and pulled, snapping it accidentally. Tips waved him off before he could try the other one. “Okay, okay! Sorry, boy, but you’re gonna ruin the dress! Um… Oh! Could you get help, King? Go find someone to rescue mommy from the ghost trap, alright?”

King barked and ran off, leaving little else but the echoing sound of his claws clacking against the floorboards. Tips waved him off as he disappeared to go… somewhere. “Pretty sure he understood me… right?” Tips muttered. 

Tips wiggled her legs around with a grunt, doing little else to alleviate her position. “Dang it. Now my ass itches, and I can’t even reach--!” Her vocal thought cut short, Tips relaxed and sighed as she felt a hand rub against her bare ass cheeks, undoubtedly taking advantage of her billowing dress.

“Ah, that’s much better! Thanks, uh…!”

She paused.

“W-Wait! Who’s down there!?”


There was a dull grinding on the floor below as a scrawny ‘ghost’ girl pulled over an old desk. It gave Tips something to stand on, which was good. Coincidentally, it also gave the ghost a platform to kneel on as she positioned herself between Tips’ long, thick legs. The opportunistic ghost flipped up Tips’ dress and pulled down her panties, a sensation all too familiar to the busty-and-bespectacled amazonian. With a hungry groan, the pale creature took her chance and squeezed Tips’ freckled ass, slapping and kneading her cheeks with enthusiasm. Tips giggled and squirmed, but the poor girl couldn’t have stopped her if she wanted to. As if to break the ice, the ghost buried her tongue up Tips’ asshole, tonguing her tight hole with relentless abandon.

“W-Woah! I knew zombies ate brains, but I didn’t know ghosts ate ass!?”

Tips stopped her squirmed and arched her back, pushing her hips out further to help her spectral friend push deeper inside her. The ghost’s pleasured moans were accompanied by a second voice - this one more masculine than the first. She felt her newest partner pull her panties around her ankles, moving himself to her front as he aggressively buried his face between her thighs, licking messily around her pussy. Tips curled her toes as the two spectres ate her out from both sides, eyes rolled back as she bit her lip in pleasure. Tips couldn’t help but jump and squirm, yelping when one of them slapped her jiggly ass.

“I should get haunted more often!” Tips sighed as her nearly-naked lower half wiggled about. She grinded her clit against the front-ghost’s mouth, and tempted the one behind with a bounce of her butt. She rolled her hips back and forth, rubbing against one tongue and then the other before a louder, more familiar sound came from below.


The ghosts gasped and pulled away from Tips’ soaking wet holes. Tips, completely blind to the events below, could do little else but wait.

“King? Is that you? She asked. The Great Dane growled and snapped at one of the ghosts, causing them to cower between Tips’ legs. He barked loud and proud as he braced his forelegs on their desk.

“King? King! Can you hear me?”

The dog gave a curious whine, wagging his tail at his master’s voice.

“You’re doing so good, boy! But, uh… could you give them another minute or two, and then scare them off? That’d be super great!”

King wagged his tail quietly, processing the request in his head. He didn’t quite get it, but he seemed to at least gather that Tips wasn’t in any immediate danger.The dog sat back down and watched vigilantly as the creatures went back to eating her out. 

Tips gave a happy sigh and wrapped her legs around one ghost’s neck, humping his face eagerly as her ass cheeks jiggled in the other ghost’s face. With their tongues pushed hard against her clit and up her butthole, she gave a delighted squeal and squirted over them. Her large body shivered as she humped back and forth, happily riding on their faces.

“Triple zoinks! Abandoned or not, you ghosts sure know how to--”


A second, louder bark echoed below, as another dog joined the fray. King happily returned to his noisy self as his partner-in-crime (fetched by himself) bounded towards the ghosts.

“Boga!? Damn it, King! You two are the worst!

After a lot of barking and chasing, the ghosts ran like mad from the protective pups. Hopping on the table, Boga got his teeth around the bottom half of Tips’ dress and pulled her the rest of the way down. With her dress half-shredded, Tips sighed, and jogged back towards the stairs, followed by two very excited dogs.


“Well, then! That should do it!”

In a moment of weakness, Chad put aside the investigation to prioritize his love for intricate design. He was a hobbyist at heart (and a programmer by degree), so when presented with the opportunity to construct an elaborate booby trap for their pursuers, it was hard to pass it up. The beefy man stood in an abandoned meeting room, scribbling over crude blueprints (complete with a happy little stick figure of himself exclaiming ‘victory!’ in the corner).

“So! The weight pulls the rope down, which triggers the hammer. The hammer hits the ball, which travels down the slide and sets off the flashlight - blinding the intruder. They’ll stagger back into a second rope, which triggers a net that will land right on top of them! Once they’ve been caught, we’ll unravel the mystery of the metalhead devil for sure!” He was proud of his plan, and his catchy nickname for the monster.

“All I need to do now, is to find a net! Oh, and some rope… and a hammer… and--”

Chad opened the door in pursuit of the goods, when he found himself face-to-face with another spooky spirit. A feminine boy dressed in an old schoolgirl’s uniform, with a notable bulge beneath the front of a torn and bloodied skirt. A moment passed before Chad reacted first.

“Ha! You’ve fallen for my trap, you fiend!” 

Chad leapt at the spirit, who took the logical choice and ran, putting as much distance between himself and the aggressive beefcake as possible. Unfortunately, the spirit didn’t get far before Chad threw his arms around him, bear-hugging him from behind to lift him off of his feet. The spirit gave a frustrated growl as he tried to squirm loose, but Chad’s burly arms proved inescapable (as his coworkers would gladly testify after enduring his death-hugs).

“Not so fast, you scoundrel! What do you think you’re doing, scaring us like that?”

The ghoul-boy stopped, observed his captor, and wriggled aimlessly in Chad’s grasp. It was more subdued than before, and with a faint murmur in the man’s direction, Chad realized he had initiated a more familiar type of dance. 

The curvy fiend had a decently-plump ass to him, of which he used to grind back against Chad’s sizeable bulge. A swift hip-bump to the side caught his skirt against Chad, letting the man’s cock slide underneath the ghoul’s uncharacteristically-bright thong.

“My, you aren’t so scary after all, are you? Now - allow me to put your unsatisfied spirit to rest!”

The boy looked over his shoulder as Chad flashed him a wink. He found himself strangely enamored with the mustachioed man, smiling up with an otherwise pale expression to kiss Chad on the lips. The burly gentleman returned the favor, parting his lips as the undead intruder slid his tongue inside his mouth. Chad was pleased to find that it tasted quite good, as well as being surprisingly warm for the walking dead. He squeezed the spirit around his hips, tugging at his skirt to slide it lower on his legs. The spirit arched his back and tossed his hair over his shoulders, grinding his ass harder against Chad’s bulge.

Not one to turn down such a polite request, Chad slid out of his slacks and held the undead boy close to him, though much more loosely than before. The monster didn’t seem to be going anywhere, and in fact was leaning hard into Chad’s impressive pectorals. Chad slid his hands under the feminine figure’s skirt, squeezing his small but growing erection and tugging down his thong at the same time. The spirit gave a soft gasp as Chad fit the head of his cock between his ass cheeks. He slid up and down his muscular partner, hotdogging the hung thot as thanks for the impromptu reach-around.

The smaller of the two gasped. Chad had caught him by his thighs, lifting him off the floor completely. The muscular man held him suspended in midair, chuckling as he produced a packet of lube from his pocket. They were given out for free at Pizza Thot, not unlike handy little ketchup packets. Chad rarely left home without one - after all, he was the type of man who loved to work, regardless of his hours. He tore it open and rubbed it liberally between the ghoul’s ass cheeks.

“Don’t worry, friend, I’ve got you!” he assured him. His fingers went back to teasing over the smaller monster’s cock as he eased him down, plowing his shaft into his parted ass cheeks. The boy eeked out an involuntary moan, letting his mouth hanging open mid-pant as Chad started to fuck him in his suspended position. He reached back to paw at Chad’s head and hair in a haze of pleasure, jerked and fucked by him all at once. Chad pumped deeper and more passionately into the night, and the spirit’s cries grew louder (accidentally exacerbating the ‘hauntedness’ of the location, he later realized). The boy clawed at Chad’s neatly combed hair as his whole body rocked from the penetrating pumps, making the spirit’s cock wobble around in his grip.

After a few heated minutes, the feminine ghoul gasped as he squirted across Chad’s hand. His cum trickled through his lover’s fingers, his hips jerking involuntarily as he succumbed to the pleasure. His asshole clenched tight, prompting Chad to follow with his own strong orgasm. Spurts of jizz filled the boy’s sensitive hole, who broke into a soft moan as they shared a moment together in the fog-laden room.

“That was great,” the spirit sighed. “That was so good!”

“Oh…? Well! It seems like you can speak after all,” Chad noted proudly. “Don’t tell me - the cure to your curse was manly love!”

“What? Wait… don’t you guys know what’s going on?” The feminine ghoul looked back at him with a puzzled look. “I thought you were all roleplaying or something. You--” He paused, and craned his neck to look over Chad’s burly shoulder. He frowned, wriggled free and gestured past him, where Chad turned to see several more monsters entering their hall.

“You, uh… might wanna run!” The girlish ghoul warned.


With a quick zip of his fly, Chad darted away with the creatures in hot pursuit. He followed the sound of a shrill cry up ahead, turning a corner to find an equally-exasperated companion on the run. 

“Honey? Goodness, are you alright?”

“Over here! Like, help me!” Honey wailed as she ran from one door to another, her tits still bouncing outside her shirt. Chad ducked in after her, just to find a zombie bursting out of it instead. He doubled back and ducked into another door while Tips and her two dogs came rushing over.

“Was that Chadsworth? King, Boga - you two go this way, I’ll go that way!”

The chaotic chase went on for several minutes more. Honey ran into one door and bumped tits-first into Tips. A few creatures went chasing after Chad, but turned right back when King came out through another door. He barked and chased after them, surprising Honey, who jumped at the sound. She landed in the arms of the muscular zombie, just to scream and run off again. Chad went chasing after a ghoul who had managed to steal his underwear. Tips went chasing after an especially hung-looking spirit, only to run into Chadsworth, holding Boga. Honey chased King trying to find Tips. Several monsters chased another zombie who had stolen a sandwich from the breakroom. It was absolute mayhem going across the hallway.

Meanwhile, PB watched it all calmly from the opposite end of the hall.


“Nope. Got no time to deal with that.”

PB shook her head and took the long way around, making an extra turn or two to avoid navigating the labyrinth of linked rooms and short hallways. As she turned the last corner, the latina halted. It was the metalhead devil, towering over her. 

The fog seemed to grow thicker as the metal-masked woman stared down at her potential victim. Her husky body rose and fell with each echoed breath. The studded strap-on still hung readily in front of her, glistening in the moonlight.

PB stared back, furrowing her brow. “We’re here to inspect the building. What’s going on?”

The sudden shift in the busty woman’s posture said it all. She lifted the front of her iron mask, and the absolute lack of noise was all PB needed to know that it was made entirely of plastic. A timid, freckled girl gave a surprised look from inside the detailed prop.

“W-Wait, are you guys not with the p-party!?”

“What party?” PB calmly asked.

“Oh no. O-Oh dear, oh no… the, um… the sex party. The one from C-Candy’s… house?”

PB shook her head, folding her arms across her chest. 

“Awawa… I t-told the others that you guys were acting weird... To think, you weren’t even part of the party…! There’s been a huge m-mistake!” The mystery woman continued. “Candy lives nearby… since nobody uses this place anymore, she decided to, um, make a ‘horny haunted house’ for a pre-halloween party…”

“Which is why you’re all here.”

“Yep… we, um… set up a fog machine on the third floor, and dressed up for the occasion. Anyone who comes over gets spooked and, uh… f-fucked. You thought you guys were the last of the guests, so…”

The unmasked metalhead meekly looked down.


“Don’t be,” PB said, shrugging. “It’s Queen’s Beach. Sex happens. Besides…” Her eyes roamed down to the exposed strap-on. “Is that a Studbreaker™ 4XL down there?”

“I-I think so,” the girl replied, adjusting it bashfully. “I’ve, um, never used it before. I chase people around, but once I catch them… I’m a little too nervous to do anything. B-But… you guys don’t seem nervous about that kinda thing at all.”

“We had one back at the office. Really popular during our S&M nights.” As if to demonstrate, PB stepped closer and slapped the studded rubber lightly. “Sturdy. Gets all the sweet spots.”

“W-Wow… you sound like a real pro…” The big girl said, smiling nervously.

“Here. I’ll teach you how to use it.”


The Metalhead Devil (or Ginger, as PB found out later) soon had PB’s back against the wall. She had quickly shed her jumpsuit and panties, deeply kissing the plus-sized girl as their breasts mashed together. Ginger’s soft belly kept her pinned against the wall while the hard head of her strap-on nudged at PB’s pussy. The latina hugged her arms around the pale girl’s neck, wrapping a long leg around her chubby waist to push them even tighter together.

With her leg raised, it was easy for Ginger to slide the strap-on inside her. Its firm rubbed nubs made it tingle all the way in and PB’s eyelids fluttered, tossing her head back until it was planted against the wall. She bit her full lip once it pushed inside, enjoying the sensation when one stud bumped right against her clit.

“You’re doing great,” PB moaned, moving her hips to a slow and steady rhythm. “I remember why I missed this thing.” Ginger sighed and started to pump in time with her. The rubber strap-on was double-sided, and the shorter end happened to be rubbing the heavy-set girl alongside her graceful pumps. The unmasked ladies laughed and moaned together amidst the heavy fog. PB took her opportunity, groping her partner’s set of heavy tits, lifting one up to her lips. She kissed at the rapidly hardening nipple as she was fucked against the wall, biting into the stiff tip when Ginger hit a particularly needy spot.

With PB’s hips pinned between the wall and the strap-on, Ginger’s hands roamed across her new lover, taking their chance to return the favor. The curvy latina’s nipples were already rock hard, drawing moans from PB’s pouty lips with the slightest bit of attention. She raised both of her legs, wrapping them around the bigger girl’s wide hips and pull her in deeper. The extra force added to their rhythmic humping buried it up to the hilt each time it pushed inside her, getting PB to grunt even harder. She clawed at the big woman’s back, hanging from nothing but her cock and hands. Her gyrating hips pushed the other end of the strap-on to stir around inside Ginger, getting them both to break into sudden cries as they came together. Thick, sweet honey trickled down PB’s thigh and along the strapon, forming a tiny, clear river weaving around the studded beads. Ginger leaned heavily into the wall, supporting both their weight as she breathed heavily down the moaning PB’s neck.

“F-For a second, I thought you were going to use the strap-on on, y’know… me,” Ginger panted. “From the way you worded it, and all.”

“Next time, then.” PB smirked, shutting her eyes to soak in the afterglow. She tossed the big girl her phone, the contacts page already open.


Meanwhile, the rest of the Thots burst out of various doors, nearly crashing into each other as they collected themselves from the fray.

“Now then! I think that’s quite enough inspecting for one night, thank you very much!” Chad huffed. “Do we have everyone?”

King barked. The group followed his gaze to spot the towering figure from earlier looming over PB, who was sweaty, naked, and pinned against the wall. Surprised, the figure turned back, her metal mask firmly closed.

“Ohmigosh! They got PB!” Tips gasped.

“That’s it! I’m comin’ for ya, hon!” Honey yelled. She grabbed a nearby chair and rushed towards Ginger and PB. Boga joined her, barking the latina to attention, who thankfully threw up her hands.

“Hold up! I’m not dead!” She shouted. “And they’re not monsters. There’s been a misunderstanding on  both of our parts.”

Honey stumbled to a stop, but firmly kept her grip on the chair. “I don’t believe ya. Prove it!”

PB sighed, unhooking her legs from her lover. Nudging Ginger towards them, she let her new friend face the group, positioning herself behind her as she placed both hands on the mask.

“This metal-headed monster is actually…!” PB grabbed the mask, and yoinked it off. With her face revealed, Ginger smiled meekly and waved. “...A horny college student celebrating Halloween at the beginning of October. That goes for the rest of them, too.”

The gang stared agape at their apparent pursuer, and back towards the crowd of monsters, who had slowed to a stop as they awkwardly agreed with PB’s assessment. One of them wiped their makeup off, to prove her point.

“We just wanted to put on a show, and, uh…” The group of students glanced around at everyone’s various states of undress. “...Show everyone a good time.”

“Ah! Well… I had a feeling it was something like that,” Chad laughed nervously, wiping some sweat from his brow. “Mission accomplished, then. You certainly put on a show!”

“They spooked the pants right off of me! No, wait - they spooked the skirt right off of me!” Tips held up her skirt, left in just her sweater and underwear. “But I don’t know if I’ve been shown a ‘good time’ yet… unless you guys are still up for it?”

“Um, that d-depends,” Ginger looked warily over the mystery gang. “Do we have to serve the, uh… dogs?”

“Nope, that’d be weird! Hey, King! Boga! I think Mama’s got your dinner ready for you~!” At Tips’ command, the large dogs barked and ran towards the stairs, keen to make their journey back home to eat. Tips waved them goodbye from the window, and returned to the group. 

“So - who’s ready to party~!?”


With the mystery solved, the gathering of horny urban explorers and hornier party people soon descended into an outright orgy. Tips was glad to place herself as the center of attention, letting a foursome of guys in zombie makeup run a train on her. She was braced on all fours, wrangling a pair of cocks into her mouth. She happily slurped over them, running her tongue over and between the hard shafts. She cupped a pair of balls in each hand, kneading them as her smiling lips curled around their respective dicks. A third was buried underneath her, his makeup smearing against Tips’ sweaty tits as her naked body ground on top of him. His cock was buried deep into her pussy, the thrusts rocking her body up and down. It left her body jiggling, tossing the dicks around in her mouth as well as her fourth playmate. He was leaning heavily on her ass cheeks, his dick pumping in Tips’ asshole. The multi penetration drove Tips wild, even as her wordless gurgles kept herself slobbering over the two men sword-fighting in her mouth. Her jiggling body had their libidos running wild, and soon they rewarded her lewd display with several shots of cum down her throat, pulling back to continue over the grinning girl’s freckled face.

“Ack! You slimed me!” Tips giggled as she slurped most of it up with a quick swipe of her long tongue.

Chad was surrounded by his own pair of partners, buried balls-deep in a woman grinding herself backward against his hefty shaft. Chad tilted her head backward enough that he could remain kissing her, making out noisily as their lusty moans mixed together. Behind him, the feminine boy from earlier had his hands around Chad’s waist, humping his toned ass cheeks. While he wasn’t as hung as Chad, he still pumped away with earnest at Chad’s toned ass. As the beefy Thot cupped the female zombie’s ass, he pulled her in close and hard as she gave a passionate wail. He squirted deep inside her, making his muscular body tense up. Chad flexed his ass cheeks to squeeze around the boy behind him. The boy up his ass let out a shrill cry and shuddered as he came into the bigger man’s bowels, the tightly clenched rear keeping his seed inside him.

Honey had set aside her glasses with her clothes before she mounted Ginger, pounding her with the heavy-duty strapon that she’d borrowed. Honey’s thick hips and big tits jiggled as her new partner moaned beneath her. The unmasked girl’s eyes rolled back into her head as she bit her lip, already ready to cum as her huge breasts and belly slapped against Honey.

“Don’t be shy, hon! There’s room for two in this big top!” Honey patted her hand invitingly against her cleavage until one of the zombie boys slid his thick, warm cock in-between her tits. She focused on riding Ginger, keeping her jugs jiggling around the needy dick until it trickled precum over her skin. She smiled at the leaking cock and licked up the thin, clear trail before sealing her pouty lips around the head. Her thrusting hips kept her thick body rocking, sucking the boy while fucking the girl all in one go. The girl shuddered beneath her in a mind-blowing orgasm just before the zomboy shot hit load into her mouth. She gave a noisy suckling as she drank up the seed like she was draining it right out of his balls.

“That might have been the best blowjob I’ve ever had,” the young man moaned as he leaned his hands against her head.

“Really now? Then I’ll have to make sure this next one’s even better.” She gave a humming chuckle as she ran her lips up the length of his shaft, riling it back up to full strength in a matter of seconds. “And don’t think you’re not getting seconds either, hon,” she said, winking at the breathless Ginger. She gave another euphoric wail as Honey buried the borrowed strap-on right back into her.

PB decided to join in, helping herself to several partners as well. She was mounted on one of the muscular zombies that had grabbed Honey earlier, grinding on him in a reverse cowgirl position. Her plump and tight ass bobbed against his abs as she slid his hefty erection in and out of her ass. PB shook with pleasure, grunting softly with each mutual thrust. She kept another partner in each hand, jerking off one of the boys while she fingered the girl on the other side. Each of them ran their hands over her bobbing breasts, keeping her still-hard nipples at full attention. PB kept up her strong and steady rhythm as she planted long, gentle kisses on one of her standing partners or the other.

“Just like that,” PB moaned as her eyelids fluttered with delight. She arched her hips, pushing back hard to press his cockhead against the back of her clit. She grunted softly but simply closed her eyes serenely as she squirted an intense orgasm, keeping a rather cool look on her face throughout. She gave a calm sigh, watching the boy in front of her move and moan.

“I’m… I’m about to…!”

Unfazed, PB squeezed his shaft and pulled it lower, warding off his orgasm until she could stuff his cockhead into her mouth. With a curl of her lips and tongue, she lightly scraped her teeth along the rock-hard rod before pulling it deep into her throat. She gave another short purr that vibrated around his cock, getting him to spurt a few long, thick spurts down her throat. She finally pulled him back when he appeared to be done.

“Thanks,” PB mused as she licked her lips. “I would’ve given you a money-shot, but I just had my hair done.”


The gangbang went well into the night, but as with all good (and horny) things, it settled down before too long. The cum-soaked party-goers cleaned themselves up while the Thots helped their new friends take down the decorations and supplies, carrying them out of the decrepit building.


The remaining gang turned towards Honey, who quickly became flustered at the attention. She cleaned some cum off her glasses, readjusting them on her face. “You pizza punks aren’t bad. At least you know how to throw a party,” she conceded, hopping off the front step of the old building. “Just don’t expect me to drop the whole ‘revenge’ thing. I’m sure Pepper’s got plenty o’ plans for the future.”

“Oh, we’ll see. I think you’ll find us quite charming - once you get the opportunity to know us,” Chad replied with a wink.

“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?” 

“Don’t mind him,” PB said with a dismissive toss of her hair. “Next time we meet, it’ll be on the battlefield.”

Tips looked over her shoulder as the remainder of the students left through the main doors, locking the building tight. She smirked at Ginger and her friends, who were keen to return to what remained of their party. “Oh yeah! I wanted to ask - how’d you guys manage that cool effect on the second floor?”

“The what-now?” Ginger asked innocently, shouldering a gym bag full of props.

“Y’know hon - the second floor,” Honey reminded them. “With the glowy green face and the spooky giggles. We all jumped out of our skin at that one.”

The party-goers stopped in their tracks, murmuring as they looked at each other in confusion. 

“We only set things up on the third floor,” Ginger explained. One of the former minions nodded. 

“Two of us went down there when that ‘Tips’ girl fell through the trapdoor, but that’s about it. I thought the giggling was just your gang sneaking around.”

There was a chilling silence as the group slowly turned back towards the old building. A faint green glow illuminated a window before snuffing itself out, accompanied by a haunting giggle that echoed through the night sky.

“Fuck that,” Chadsworth said curtly, and the group spouted a few hurried goodbyes before they ran out into the night.




Bruh, we finally get a face reveal for PB!!!!

Matthew Gigante

Chad saying "Fuck that" might be one of the best things I've ever read