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Hey! The month ain't over yet - with two fics (including this one), two pinups, and the sketches, we're heading into real crunch hours! 

So, here's a big fic for you - the final winner of our story poll, featuring Gretchen and her adventures in the world of Behemoths & Booty! There's a few quirky characters within, since the setting gives us a good opportunity to try out some weird stuff. Without further ado, here we go!



Welcome to LUXURIA; where the opportunity to submit to one’s vices lurks around every corner. It is a world ruled by the Queen of Lust, the succubus Ashima, and her Court of Passion.

Here, the boundaries of sexuality are non-existent, and the drive to copulate - whether for pleasure, or to spread one’s lineage - is greatly encouraged. It is unabashedly a magical realm for the perverted of mind, and within it, the greatest tales are not from the battlefield, but from the bedroom.


Gretchen found herself walking back alone towards the nearest town. Her last adventuring party had been a bust, and it was time to jump ship - after this, nobody could say this curvy little goblin didn’t know when to pull out.

Nevertheless, Gretchen kept up her snaggle-toothed grin. In the land of Luxuria, adventurous types weren’t hard to come by, and she was confident that she’d have a new group before too long. Gretchen had a way of getting people to hear her out.

While her ‘natural’ talents rarely went unnoticed, Gretchen felt she was more than what she offered on the surface. Officially (at least, to the Grand Adventurer’s Guild), Gretchen was registered as a ‘rogue’. She kept a hood pulled over her dark hair, letting her two bouncing braids stick out of the back. A pair of short-but-efficient-looking knives were tucked into a stretchy pair of armored leggings, accompanied by a set of useful little pouches and bags that hung along her belt. Her travel clothes protected her from the elements, while fitting snugly enough to provide a generous view of her plump proportions.

She was a deadly combination; pretty and pretty powerful. Unfortunately for her foes, she wasn’t afraid to take advantage of either.

“Of course, if they ain’t blinded by my beauty, I’ll just beat ‘em with my blades! Huhu~!”

Or so it seemed to go.


Without the convenience of a party wagon, Gretchen was subjected to her greatest foe: long, exhausting walks. The walk back to Havenburg was no exception. In terms of sheer distance, it wasn’t too far - but Gretchen’s stubby little goblin legs were made for wrapping around waists - not walking. 

She exhaled another in a long line of exasperated sighs. It was starting to look like she’d need to set up camp for the night, and that was its own problem. However, it was then that things took a turn for the better; up ahead, peaking over the rolling hills of the countryside, was farmland. Where there was farmland, there were farms, and where there were farms, there were farmhouses. 

“And sometimes, farm-studs!” Gretchen giggled to herself.

She picked up the pace, and began trotting towards the closest building. 


As it turned out, there was only one farm to speak of - but it was a sizeable one, comprised of several acres of crops and trees, a large barn, and a very roomy house. Too big for goblins, and upon further inspection, a little too big for humans, too. Her suspicions were confirmed when she spotted the owner towering over an assortment of gourds and vegetables recently-plucked from the fields. Gretchen had found herself in the home of a minotaur.

The minotaur was tall and busty, more than three times the size of Gretchen in any direction. Her broad, muscular shoulders flexed as she pulled another pumpkin from the dirt, unfazed as soil split apart and splattered her overalls. As Gretchen got closer, she was surprised to find that this amazonian had an uncharacteristically cute face - muzzled, sure, but closer to a deer or a bison than an actual cow (despite what her massive mammaries had to say on the matter). She wasn’t fully-furred either - her horned, bestial head was typical of any minotaur, and her hands and legs were equally covered in soft, gold-and-black fur. But her torso, thighs and arms were glistening with soft golden skin, toned and trained by years spent in the fields. She wore simple clothes - a sweat-drenched shirt and trimmed overalls, but judging by the adventuring equipment nearby, she had something else to wear when she wasn’t on the farm. As she was, the minotaur stood in the middle of her fields, moving on to diligently turn the soil with a hoe (or whatever they did to dirt; Gretchen was never one for farming).

Gretchen waddled closer to hail down the minotaur, but was stopped short when the bovine looked up from her work on her own. Her eyes narrowed as the goblin continued her cautious approach, but it was an expression Gretchen was familiar with. Goblins weren’t popular everywhere. Not yet.

“Well met, ey~? Lookin’ for a hand around the--”



The beast of a woman stormed towards Gretchen, staring her down with a determined and furious look. Within seconds, she leapt over the fence, sweeping Gretchen up by the hood with a single swing of her hoe. The farmer lifted Gretchen into the air, dangling her at eye level to meet the goblin’s bewildered gaze.

“I KNEW I’D FIND YOU AGAIN. TAKE IT BACK.” The woman growled, her naturally-deep voice echoing through the countryside. Gretchen scrambled to find her friendliest smile, holding up her hands as if to physically present her innocence.

“Hey, hey! I think you’re confused, miss,” Gretchen assured her. “I mean, I’ve got my enemies, that’s for sure, but I think I’d remember a beauty like you!”

“YOU THINK, HUH?” The minotaur’s brow furrowed. She seemed unconvinced. “DO YOU REMEMBER… THIS!?” With one swift motion, she unbuttoned her overalls, letting them fall past her muscular legs. Gretchen’s eyes widened. A hanging shaft and a very beefy set of balls swung between the minotaur’s legs. The foot-long beast of a cock pulsed with an anger of its own, making the goblin’s mouth water involuntarily.

Gretchen snapped back to reality, wiping her mouth as she shook her head. “I’m, uh, sad to say it doesn’t. Looks like I’ll have to make myself familiar, won’t I?”

The woman’s expression turned to confusion, and then faded entirely. She sighed, and sat Gretchen back on her feet. The goblin made a show of dusting herself off, and smiled awkwardly.

“I’m probably not who you’re lookin’ for, huh?”

“NO. YOU AREN’T.” She looked disappointed, but remorseful. “MY APOLOGIES, GOBLIN - I’VE MISTAKEN YOU FOR ANOTHER.”

“It happens. There’s a lot of us, after all. I might know her, though. Hell, knowing us, we might even be related. Name’s Gretchen.”


“Right, I figured as much. Not that I’m complainin’, but it might help to put that boy away. It’s at my face level, and I’m havin’ a hard time keepin’ eye contact with you.”

The minotaur blushed and re-buttoned her overalls. “...SORRY. YOU MUST THINK ME AWFUL BY NOW. I’VE BEEN VERY RUDE.”

“Rude can be fun,” Gretchen said with a fanged grin. “But y’know, you could make it up to me with a bed and a meal.”

“OF COURSE!” Dona boomed, nodding with vigor. “I COULD USE THE COMPANY. ALTHOUGH... I HAVE BUT ONE BED.”

“We’ll just have to share, won’t we?” Gretchen grinned. 


Dona’s house was as Gretchen had expected; simple, and bigger than she was used to, but with all the cozy accoutrements of a family home. Even for a minotaur, it looked like it was built to house more than one, but Gretchen had yet to see any sign of anyone else. She watched as Dona hefted a massive cauldron in one hand, filling it with water to start on a quick stew. As the night went on, she hopped up by her side, helping where she could.

Over dinner, Gretchen felt the need to pry into Dona’s aforementioned curse. It was a sensitive topic for sure, but her curiosity often overrode any sense of feigned decorum.


“A dick?” Gretchen asked bluntly. “Like some kinda dick-witch?”

“YES. AT FIRST, I THOUGHT NOTHING OF IT. A NEW SENSATION, YES, BUT IRRELEVANT TO FARMWORK. HOWEVER… MY URGES DROVE ME TO DO THINGS. I GREW MAD WITH LUST, AND SCARED AWAY WHAT FEW FARMHANDS I HAD.” Dona’s words shook with frustration, rattling the cutlery with her powerful voice. “NOW, I DO THE WORK ALONE… INCLUDING THE MILKING.” She solemnly squeezed one of her massive tits, as if to prevent a misunderstanding.

“So, what I’m hearing is - someone’s in sore need of a hand,” Gretchen grinned. She pulled off her cloak with ease, standing on her backpack to let her tits rest on the edge of the table. She leaned on her elbows, thrusting her chest out to emphasise her point. “I’m no farmer, but I fancy m’self well at solvin’ problems.”

Dona peered down at her guest, and for the first time since they met, caught onto the goblin’s less-than-subtle seduction. Given her size, Gretchen could have confused her minotaur’s lustful gaze for a more condescending one, but a cute wink on her end caused a sizeable thump! on the other. Underneath the table, Dona’s erection made it clear that she had gotten the point across.

“...I TAKE IT YOU’RE DONE EATING, THEN,” Dona asked, clearing her throat. The table began to lean on one end.

“Done eatin’ the stew, anyway. Let’s head up to the bedroom and see what you’ve got for dessert.”


The ladies made their way to Dona’s bedroom. The horned (and horny) farmer did her best to remain calm and hospitable, but her firm, muscular body moved at too brisk a pace for Gretchen to believe she wasn’t at least a little excited. She slipped off her sweaty work clothes before laying out her big thick body on the bed. Her hooved legs spread out, showing the full girth of her stiffening member. Now that she was fully aroused, the hung and busty beast-woman had added a few inches to the initial girth she’d showed Gretchen. The curvy little goblin was far from discouraged, and she climbed into the bed with her. 

“DO YOU… REALLY BELIEVE YOU CAN HELP WITH THIS?” Dona asked modestly. Now that her shameful curse was fully-exposed, the minotaur couldn’t help but feel a tad self-conscious.

“Or gag tryin’!” Gretchen giggled confidently. “But it sounds like a waste of a perfectly good curse not to use it.”

Gretchen stripped down to her string-tied panties before she climbed into Dona’s lap. The goblin’s rack would have looked big on a human, so it was doubly as impressive on a shortstack like herself. She laid her chin in the middle of Dona’s breasts, squeezing her fat green thighs around the sexually-frustrated minotaur’s dick as their breasts squished together. The more delicate items on Dona’s vanity shook as she moaned, letting her cock twitch and pulse between Gretchen’s stocky legs. The goblin’s clever fingers slid neatly across Dona’s broad chest, landing upon her nipples to pinch them in her grip.

Dona let out a deep, bestial growl as Gretchen lightly tugged on her chest. She had been pent up for so long that even the slightest tease brought a welcome warmth to her chest. Gretchen lost herself in Dona’s cleavage, pushing and pulling against the heavy pair of tits to provoke nature into doing its job. Slippery with sweat, Gretchen lost her grip and found herself pounded into the bed by the weight of Dona’s hefty boob, accompanied by a trickle of minotaur milk. Pearly streams dribbled down Dona’s chest before Gretchen bounced back into position, dutifully lapping it up.

“I bet this milk’s the real money-maker,” Gretchen said with a wink. She latched her mouth around Dona’s nipple, pricking it lightly with her fangs as she started sucking. The room shuddered as Dona threw her head back and let out a bellowing moan, her eyes fluttering as the goblin nibbled and tugged on her massive udders. Gretchen’s slender tongue teased around the hard tip of one teat before moving to the next, letting her hands knead and bounce around the other one in its place.

Dona was left a moaning, milky mess. Gretchen took her cue, wiggling her way down to the minotaur’s lower half. Resting her soft, green tits on Dona’s toned stomach, she pushed her hips down and felt the beast-woman’s throbbing erection prod against her butt. Both ladies gave a content sigh as Gretchen wobbled her booty against the swollen tip.

The air was hot and thick, and in Dona’s horny, breathy state, she gazed down at Gretchen’s tiny body. Sure, the goblin was well-equipped, but it was hard to believe it would fit a bull-sized shaft inside of it. Gretchen clearly wasn’t having the same doubts. She loosened the string of her panties, using her free hand to stroke covetously along Dona’s shaft. The bigger of the two let out a soft, rumbling moan in approval, letting herself get lost against her partner’s little green fingers. A generous glob of pre-cum leaked from her cock-head, dribbling into the mattress below.

“Poor thing. You’ve been achin’ for somethin’ like this, haven’t ye?” 

“I’VE… TRIED HANDLING IT MYSELF. IT ISN’T THE SAME. M-MUST BE PART OF THE CURSE,” Dona muttered. Her dulcet tones echoed through the room.

“Oh, I don’t think that’s the curse. In my experience, everythin’ ends up better with an extra set of hands around. Here - let me demonstrate!”

Gretchen hoisted herself back upon Dona’s lap, lifting her chubby leg to straddle the head of Dona’s massive cock. Dona grunted and gripped the bedsheets as the tight green snatch slid smoothly around her cockhead. Gretchen bit her lip and braced her feet against Dona’s thighs, gently lowering her hips until she could feel the broad head snug inside of her. The edges of Gretchen’s pussy made for a tight fit that stretched to accommodate her bovine partner, but with a little tenacity (and her strange, stretchy goblin biology) she found herself sinking down to a comfortable spot. Her hot, wet pussy drooled down the mottled skin of Dona’s firm cock. Gretchen gyrated her hips, slowly rocking Dona’s dick deeper inside her.

Dona’s bestial was beginning to take over. She exhaled through her nose, placing a palm against her face in an attempt to hide her lustful expression. Her breath was hot and heavy and her eyes went wide with each new sensation that encompassed her. This was what she was missing. The farm hands could never handle her length. By the time she gathered herself enough to look down, Dona saw her goblin companion squatting so low, most of her minotaur shaft had vanished inside. The only evidence of her size was a slight bulge in the goblin’s little pot belly. Her cock twitched in arousal at the sight, causing Gretchen to bounce along with it.

“Wow! That’s a real tonsil-tickler, ain’t it?” Gretchen purred, taking advantage of the momentum to continue hopping her hips up and down. Her thick thighs and booty jiggled about, accompanied by the fat slapping of goblin ass-cheeks with every practiced thrust. Gretchen’s brazen bouncing caused Dona’s hefty breasts to move and sway alongside her, and the bed began to creak once the two found their rhythm. Dona growled, letting herself absorb each sensation as they came. She buried her strong fingers into Gretchen’s pliable flesh, tugging on her hips to help pump the goblin along her cock. Gretchen was happy to play along, whispering sweet words and kissing what she could reach to immerse Dona further into her own lust-fueled haze. The minotaur’s husky panting grew quieter and higher in pitch. She shut her eyes and stuffed Gretchen as deep and hard as she could. The goblin found herself near-skewered on her length, briefly suspended on little else but Dona’s meaty cock before the minotaur gave her one firm and practiced thrust.

With a gurgled squeak, Gretchen squeezed the entirety of Dona’s length inside of her. The minotaur’s thrusts became shorter, and frenzied. Gretchen smiled. She let her ass slap against the minotaur’s heaving balls, which became more than enough to provoke Dona into releasing her powerful load inside. Dona gave a low grunt that mellowed out into a throaty, satisfied moo. Her bovine semen overflowed the little goblin’s pussy, and thick rivulets of pearly fluid ran down a pair of chubby green thighs.

“S’one helluva curse,” Gretchen praised, letting herself stay seated on Dona’s pelvis.

Dona nodded, panting, and limply laid out flat on her back. Even as her cock pulsed inside of Gretchen, it was slow to shrink and retract. A property, Gretchen thought, she quite enjoyed. After all, it made for easy seconds. 


Gretchen smiled, and flipped her body over. Her tubby belly pressed against Dona’s marble-like abs, effectively squeezing the cum out of her. “In that case, why don’tcha join me? I saw that adventurin’ gear outside - gimme yer muscle, and I’ll help you keep that slab of beef under control.”

Dona thought it over. Her farm hands would likely return to work if they knew she was out of the farm. It would also give her an opportunity to find the actual goblin that caused this. And, well… it also sounded fun. 


“Besides havin’ another shag?” Gretchen grinned. “Howsabout a ride into town? These getaway sticks are good for a lotta things, but when it comes to walkin’...”

Gretchen shrugged.

“Y’know, I just don’t like walkin’.”


The two shared a bed for the night, packing up the next morning before setting out on their journey. Dona abandoned her work clothes for a surprisingly minimalist set of chainmail. A metal loincloth loosely covered her crotch, while a skimpy chain top draped loosely across her shoulders to cover her other intimate areas. Gretchen figured that a warrior the size of Dona could shrug off most physical attacks, and her confidence in wearing barely anything at all seemed to prove that theory.

Thankfully, Dona also kept a wagon and a team of oxen, which made their going go by much quicker. The beasts were strong enough to carry a minotaur and her cargo, so Gretchen went largely unnoticed by them.

The pair of ladies set off early, travelling along the gentle countryside until their path took them into the Mourning Woods. The unfinished forest trail was the quickest way to Havenburg - and provided they kept along the road, it would be the safest, too. The crisp morning air was now accompanied by the sweet sounds and smells of the pine forest, and for the most part, their ride through the trees was fairly uneventful. Travelling steadily, they eventually reached the middle milestone of the forest - a massive, stony bridge.

The oxen stopped short of the bridge proper - up ahead, an imposing figure stood at the apex of the stonework arch. He was a murky shade of sea-green. Wider, but not quite as tall as Dona - and densely-packed with muscle. With two long and powerful arms and two smaller (but no less muscular) ones huddled closer to his belly, the duo was no doubt in the presence of a troll.

The troll wielded a smooth black battle-axe over his shoulder, wore a fur loincloth between his legs, and a mossy pelt over his back. He had long, black tusks adorned in jewelry, and warpaint marked along his smooth snout. He maintained his hair in a tall mohawk and hanging braids. 

A puff of steam came from his jaws as he breathed in the muggy morning air. 

“We’ve got troll trouble,” Gretchen muttered as she climbed to the front of the wagon, frowning at the sight. “Oi! Whatcha doin’ over there!?” she called out.

“Conductin’ business,” the troll replied in a raspy snarl. “This ‘ere’s my bridge.”


“New management,” the troll frowned. “If you want to get across, you’ve got to pay the toll.” 

Gretchen pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She had seen her fair share of trolls, and when it came to the Bridge Clan, they were no more than petty extortionists. Thankfully, their silver lining came in the form of a strict honor code. As long as you paid them (or bested them in combat), safe passage was guaranteed. 

“I WILL HANDLE IT,” Dona said, setting down her reigns. She stepped out of the cart, causing it to lean and groan back into position. Standing taller than the troll, Dona smirked as she cracked her knuckles. 

“Don’t go hurtin’ yourself.” Gretchen caught her by the hip and hopped out in front of her. “I’ve got this one.”

“YOU’VE… ‘GOT’ HIM?” Dona asked, narrowing her eyes. She was starting to catch onto Gretchen’s unique way of handling situations.

“What I mean is; I’ll get us past. Just watch.” Gretchen began to make her way across the bridge. “I’ll take yer challenge, tusky! What’s the name again?”

“Boggins,” he hissed with a fanged grin.

“Aw, cute name! I think I know a ‘Boggins’ back in Ettin’s Burrow... But let’s get this over with, before we get to know each other, eh?” Gretchen plucked a dagger from her hip and undid her cloak, tossing it aside to expose more of her plump green cleavage. “Howzabout this: first one to fall off the bridge loses!”

Boggins smirked at his tiny green opponent, narrowing his beady eyes even further. While a traditional duel was more his speed, he could feel his troll-blood boiling at the prospect of a challenge. “Against a squat lil’ thing like you? This won’t take long at all.” 

Boggins readied his axe. As soon as Gretchen stepped foot towards his reach, he swung at her with one of his larger arms. Gretchen stepped back with a surprising amount of dexterity - she wasn’t big, but she was light on her feet. The nimble rogue caught his wrist and vaulted over it mid-swing. She darted forward and ducked, zipping under another brawny arm as it curved down to squash her into the masonry. His mace-like fist smacked hard enough to crack the packed stone, but missed Gretchen completely. The smaller set of arms tensed and unfurled, punching into the goblin’s belly. Gretchen tensed her stomach and spun gracefully around the arm, giving her an open opportunity towards Boggins’ torso. Boggins braced himself for a stinging wound as the goblin swung her knife towards him - but it never came. Instead, he felt a breeze. Gretchen had taken the opportunity to cut the waistband of his loincloth, letting the loose scrap of fur drop from his lower body. A pair of sea-green shafts were exposed to the agile rogue.

“A two-headed troll, are we? Lucky me!” Gretchen chimed. She sat between his lumbering legs as his extra limbs scrambled to re-adorn himself. The goblin, happy with her distraction, stuffed one of the fat shafts into her mouth. Boggins coughed in surprise, and began pawing at her head with one of his smaller arms to yank the goblin off. Gretchen had no intention of moving, and latched on like a leech as she sucked his stiffening cock further into her mouth. Boggins was in a pickle. He was having trouble prying her off, and certainly wasn’t going to attack her in this position. With his dicks hanging out, Boggins no longer felt the desire to swing his axe around so haphazardly.

“Get off of me, you little slut-rat!” Boggins snarled. Gretchen pressed her mouth deeper onto his shaft. She could hear the hesitation in his voice, and that was all she needed to keep going.

The little thief dropped her knife and ran her warm hand up his sack before grasping his other shaft, stroking it up and down while she sucked off the first. Boggins let out a disgruntled groan as Gretchen’s slithering tongue teased its way along the hard and sensitive flesh of his cock. After helping out Dona, this debacle felt more like a treat than a duel. He wasn’t as hung as the minotaur, but he made up for mass with numbers. That left Gretchen with twice as many toys to play with, and twice as many ways to tease him.

Boggins hunched over on all fours. Even his muscular legs couldn’t keep him standing with Gretchen greedily going after both of his shafts. One of his smaller hands caught Gretchen by the hair, but the thotty goblin interpreted that as encouragement to suck him off even faster. Boggins frowned as he managed to catch her around the waist with both paws, begrudgingly lifting her off his dick. He winced when Gretchen gave another playful snap of her teeth towards his junk. 

“Not the type of challenge I was expecting,” he grunted, wiping a bit of drool from between his tusks.

“But maybe the one you need, eh?” Gretchen chimed. She flashed a grin at the looming troll and tugged on her belt. With a practiced gesture, it whipped off from her waist and dropped her pants, exposing her hairless green pussy and proportionally huge hips. “I doubt you’ve had many duels like this!”

“Why, you precocious little creature…!”

Before Boggins could finish, Gretchen grabbed his wrists and thrust her hips into his. Her slick pussy was a snug fit, but she pressed him in deeper, swallowing a good half of his cock in one thrust. The troll let out a low and feral growl, unable to decide between his anger and his lust.

“Aw, there’s a good boy. Now - let’s fit the other one!” Gretchen adjusted herself, bracing her feet on the troll’s thighs so she could stuff the secondary into her ass. The goblin let out a content squeak while Boggins grunted hard, drooling over her freckled green tits. Gretchen grinned up at his complicated expression, grinding her hips and pulling in one shaft or the other in a steady rhythm. She couldn’t recall the last time she was double-penetrated by a single lover, but decided it was something she should try more often.

Boggins had also made up his mind. He had dropped his axe, and was now gripping Gretchen to keep her steady (as opposed to keeping her away). The bridge troll certainly hadn’t planned on getting a goblin to climb all over his cocks, but now that she had firmly planted herself upon them, he felt no need to decline. He held Gretchen like a double-slotted fleshlight, humping her ass and pussy all at once. He savored the feeling of her tiny self quivering against his barrel-like bod, and looked up for but a second to find the minotaur watching intently with her own tent to deal with. For the first time, he chuckled. If the goblin could fit that thing inside of her, then it was no wonder that her confidence in his pair of cocks was without question. 

The double penetration act bumped his pair together through the layer that separated her pussy from her ass. Gretchen bit her lip and arched her back as she clenched her muscles, gushing a warm, cock-soaking orgasm onto him.

Boggins, caught off-guard, gave another beastly bellow as he came alongside her. He loosened his seed into her asshole, oozing down her curvy cheeks just as his second shaft joined in. The troll squeezed her against him and collapsed onto the bridge, letting his steaming, ocean-scented breath push past Gretchen’s ears. Gretchen sighed, giggled, and with a quick thrust of her hips; pushed him off the bridge. He landed in the water with a dense splash as Gretchen stood back up, brushing a stray glob of cum from her thighs.

“And with that, I think we have a winner! Dona, shall we~?”

The minotaur shook her head, briefly stunned by the performance as she brought their cart closer to the bridge. Boggins burst back up from the water, shaking his mohawk around. At his full height he was taller than the water. The only thing damaged seemed to be his pride. All the same, Gretchen snatched a length of rope from the wagon and tossed one end over the bridge.

“Don’t think I forgot about you, twin-dicks. Why don’t you ditch the bridge-gig and join us instead?” Gretchen called.

Dona gave her a wary glance. “HE TRIED TO KILL YOU.”

“Nah. Bridge Trolls might be aggressive, but they only demand one thing - satisfaction. Killin’ was never on the table - right, Boggy?”

The troll grumbled something and hoisted himself back onto the bridge. With his brawny collection of arms, climbing up the stonework was a piece of cake. He brushed himself off and replaced his loincloth. “No, of course not,” he replied. Gretchen smiled at Dona, who simply shrugged.

“In any case,” Boggins grunted. “Bridge Clan honor dictates that I can never set foot on this bridge again.” He flashed the ladies a fang-filled smile. He clearly wasn’t used to the expression, but it was genuine all the same. “Besides - that was the best sex I’ve had in ages. Honor or not, I’d be a fool not to follow.”

With a new member in tow, the wagon continued out of the forest, anxious to meet the end of its journey as it approached a town along the horizon.


Havenburg was a hubtown. Long ago, it was built as a respite for travelers and a trading spot for merchants, but before too long, a town had grown from this once-small community. For Gretchen, it was the perfect place to find a new party. She hadn’t intended on gaining members before she had even arrived, but the journey had been kind to her, and she felt no need to stop that particular train of success.

Handfuls of adventuring-types could be found all across the bustling town, each one pre-packaged with their own skill-sets and bold aspirations. A busty rogue ducked between the alleyways, while a stocky cleric approached a nearby temple. There was an elderly monk practicing on the rooftops, a rotund bard recounting embellished tales to the youngsters, and even a gnome, equally small, haggling with a merchant struggling to part with his potions.

There was one in particular who caught Gretchen’s greedy eyes. A militaristically-stiff centaur trotted through the streets in regalia that looked too high-quality for the local guards. Plated armor was draped across her upper body and the front parts of her lower, accompanied by a fur cloak that billowed dramatically across her back. A scale-mail top was strapped securely to her chest, perhaps accentuating more of her fat bosom than it had intended to. A shining sword was sheathed where her waist met with her equine (but equally as elegant) lower half. She had auburn hair, braided - her tail was dressed in a similar fashion to accentuate a dark mahogany coat. 

A visored helmet protected her face, though a stern, womanly expression could be seen from behind it. Paying Gretchen no mind, she trotted past her, and entered the nearby tavern.

Gretchen followed her inside. To her surprise, the centaur’s scene of choice had been the passionately-titled ‘Hung Halfling’; a popular establishment for the less-than-reputable types around town. Thankfully, Gretchen had been here before (thanks to a charmingly-filthy sign out front), but it was never going to be too difficult to pick a horse-bodied woman out of a crowd. She saw the centaur dropping a few heavy coins onto the bar counter. A very busty barkeep slid the armored woman a mug, and without lifting her helmet, she took a long, wanting gulp.

“Evenin’, miss!” Gretchen sat herself on one of the higher stools, scooting it next to the equine-bodied knight. In contrast, the centaur was too big to sit on anything that wasn’t a low-ground bench. “Keepin’ the good word alive, are we?”

The centaur kept to her drink, placing it down only to offer a cold response. “Nothing a goblin like you would be interested in, I assure you.” Gretchen was far from discouraged.

“You’d be surprised.” She flashed her a cheeky wink. “That’s Audrée’s crest you wear, ain’t it? Minor Goddess of Chastity. Not too popular around here, I imagine.”

The centaur blinked at her in surprise, and scowled. “And what would you know of Audrée?”

“What I know,” continued Gretchen, “is the story of a woman besmirched by her objectors. And despite what everyone says - Audrée ain’t a goddess of chastity. She’s a goddess of charity. Tragic stuff, innit?”

Gretchen watched as her conversational partner paused, sculled her cup down, and politely asked for another. When it arrived, she drank it down once more. Finally, she replied. 



“My name. As you’ve no doubt noticed, I’m a paladin of Audrée. I’ve had my fair share of delusional dissenters… it’s refreshing to meet someone who actually knows what my tenets are.” She gave a brief smile. “And chastity certainly isn’t one of them.”

“Ye don’t say,” Gretchen pried.

Sharine chuckled. “It’s true. However, there’s little time in the life of a paladin to allow such indulgences. The work of a knight is one of sacrifice and diligence.”

The auburn centauress puffed up her chest proudly, an act that audibly shifted her armor and stretched its leather straps. Gretchen’s eyes roamed over the extended curves, though she found her trip cut short by Sharine’s next question.

“Praytell, where’d you learn such things? As you’ve said, it’s far from common knowledge.”

Gretchen grinned, thrusting a hand into her top and inadvertently granting Sharine a front row seat to her cleavage. She pulled out a variety of different trinkets, each one as shiny as the last. Amongst them, a familiar symbol could be seen.

“I’m a bit of a polytheist,” the goblin responded. “When I’m praying for my life, I like to have all my bases covered, y’know?”

“Oh my.”

“On the subject of indulgences...” Gretchen started. The centaur’s hooves shifted ponderously on the floorboards. Sharine wasn’t the first member of a holy order she’d seduced. Gretchen stood up on her stool and tossed a coin to the bartender. It flipped through the air and landed neatly in her cleavage. “I think I’ve got a proposition for you.”


Admittedly, Gretchen wasn’t too experienced in removing heavy armor. It took a while to get Sharine out hers, but once they managed the job, the wait was well worth it.Gretchen was rewarded for her efforts when the centaur’s bust bounced out into view. They were like soft, pale watermelons, which left Gretchen eager to play with them. They weren’t as big as Dona’s, but they were plenty huge in contrast to her thick human half. As a shortstack herself, Gretchen knew how to appreciate proportions like those. While Dona had been modest about her appearance, Sharine had an elegant pride about her naked body. She tossed her braided hair back over her shoulders and posed with a hand on where her fur thinned into bare flesh. You didn’t get to be a paladin in luxuria without getting over a few hangups.

“Lookin’ good!” Gretchen praised, sitting at the foot of the bed. She had stripped down to some shorts and a cloth shirt, leaving plenty of her own skin exposed as she inspected the centauress. “And what about the back?”

“I see you are a goblin of fine taste,” Sharine smiled as she turned herself around. Gretchen could still see the sides of her breasts past her torso, but she focused on her braided, lightly wagging tail. “Some of the less-enlightened races don’t care for a centaur’s lower body.”

“I wouldn’t call it fine taste. I’ve just got one helluva sweet-tooth,” Gretchen said, scooting closer to rub a hand over Sharine’s flank. The tail perked up a bit from the attention, and Gretchen could see a quick flash of her pussy. It was a fleshy pink and much larger than Gretchen’s, which kept her curiosity going.

“I’m sure Audrée would approve,” Sharine praised. Her modest smile suddenly turned to surprise as Gretchen took hold of her tail, lifting it to fully expose her pussy. Even the ever-steely paladin had to tense up at the surprise inspection, feeling the goblin’s warm breath against her sensitive folds.

“Smells nice too,” Gretchen giggled. “Mind if I try?”

“A paladin’s body is… but a vessel for Audrée’s charity,” Sharine muttered more sheepishly. “In my duties, it is only natural that I give everything in her name. Including… myself.”

“Oh, you really need a vacation.”

Sharine’s body tensed as Gretchen buried her face into the large, soft pussy, sliding her greedy goblin tongue inside. It was roomy and incredibly wet within seconds, giving Gretchen plenty to slurp up.

The centaur’s folds went far deeper than the goblin’s short but nimble tongue, but her skill with it was still enough to keep the naked paladin moaning. Sharine kept her tail raised, hanging out of Gretchen’s way as a standing invitation for the short rogue to help herself.

Gretchen stood on the bed and licked around her folds, sliding her fingers lower and deeper into her. Gretchen could get most of her forearm inside the centaur’s pussy, feeling and fondling around as the once uptight paladin quivered. She stomped her hooves cautiously on the floorboards, trying to squirm without moving away from the pleasant touch. Gretchen finally caught her prize, wrapping her slender fingers around Sharine’s clit and slowly caressing them back. The paladin’s fur stood on end and her tail flicked through the air as her upper body arched her back to thrust her jiggling breasts outward.

“Oh-- my! By Audrée’s blessed, quivering orbs! You are curiously gifted, noble goblin!” Sharine raved, tossing her head back in mind-numbing pleasure. Gretchen knew how to tease the tightest and hardest of lovers. Having a centaur with a clitoris that was nearly the size of her entire pussy was one of the easier obstacles on the list.

“Just experienced,” Gretchen giggled, slowly withdrawing her hand. It was coated with Sharine’s sticky pussy juices, giving the goblin an earned sense of pride. “Speakin’ of, luv, I think I’ve got just the thing for you.”

Gretchen reached off the bed to grab her pack. Sharine peeked behind her broad behind and saw her take out what looked like a small, smooth stone. Gretchen ran her thumb across its surface, lighting up a small glowing rune. The enchanted stone started to buzz softly as it vibrated between her fingers.

“For a girl as big as you, you are just gonna love this one,” Gretchen teased, smiling as she returned to her partner. She parted Sharine’s pussy lips and slid the magical sextoy inside her, pressing it back to where her fingers had just been hiding. The paladin gasped and stomped one of her hooves down hard, wrapping her arms around her chest to hug herself against the sudden burst of pleasure. The vibrator kept up its tireless work, shaking her clit until the disciplined paladin couldn’t stay still. She trotted back and forth on the spot, Gretchen smiling in amusement at her helpless squirming. One of the biggest problems with being a centaur (at least in Gretchen’s point of view) was the difficulty with masturbating when you couldn’t reach your own hips.

“Ohhhh~!! Oh Audrée, I grow closer to your bliss by the moment!” Sharine ranted in her euphoric excitement. Gretchen caught her by the tail, tugging lightly so that the centaur backed towards her. The goblin easily climbed onto her fuzzy back, scooting closer until she could reach around her waist. Gretchen took two big handfuls of Sharine’s hefty tits, squeezing and pulling on them greedily. She knew that riding on a centaur’s back was considered pretty demeaning, considered an act that treated them like common farm animals. She also knew that was why so many of them found the taboo exceedingly hot- doubly-so if they had their pussies teased and their tits groped from behind.

“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? Let’s make Audrée proud together,” Gretchen teased in her ear.

She pinched and pulled on Sharine’s nipples, stretching the thick orbs out in front of her. The centaur let out a long wail as the weight of her own boobs pulled them back down, resisting Gretchen’s fingers in a way that made her feel too horny to consider the mildly stinging pain. Her equine legs shuffled unsteadily, bouncing Gretchen’s thick booty around on her back. With too much stimulation to concentrate on, the proud paladin simply wailed like a slut in heat. Her thick pussy clenched around the toy, coveting it for herself as her strong legs locked in place to stay standing. Her upper body practically collapsed into Gretchen’s clingy arms, panting heavily as her tits flopped into the goblin’s grip.

“Oh, how I missed Audrée’s graceful embrace,” she moaned. “Cumming, I mean.”

“I’ve always considered myself a bit of a holy woman,” Gretchen boasted as she kissed her on the cheek. She hopped off the centaur’s back and turned to face her with a wink. “Whether it’s a stuck lock or a needy cock, I’ve got the fingers for it.”

“So I see...” Sharine laughed wearily. “You’re no ordinary goblin, are you?”

“I am,” the goblin admitted casually. “But if you’ve found yerself smitten by my talents, I’ve been lookin’ for an adventurin’ partner.”

Sharine blinked curiously. After a moment of thought, she delicately bent her forelegs, kneeling to Gretchen’s level. “I would be glad to travel by your side, noble goblin.” Gretchen grinned proudly at her reply. It was a nice change of pace to have someone on her side that genuinely wanted to be there. Dangling promises of sex or broken curses could end up being a lot to manage. Not that she wasn’t planning to keep those promises...

There came a heavy knock at the door. Gretchen glanced at her discarded pants to make sure her daggers were nearby.

“Yeah--? Whaddya want?”

“It’s us,” Boggins’ raspy voice replied. “How’s things with the paladin?”

“They’re going very well, thank you,” Sharine called back. A sigh and a chuckle came back from behind the door.

“Well, is it good to come in? We’re tired of waiting on you two, and we’ve got nothing to do until dinner.”

“Oh, I can think of something,” Gretchen replied, grinning wickedly.


Unbeknownst to the rest of her party, Gretchen had been planning for just such an occasion, having already requested the room with the biggest bed they could manage. It had to be wide and very sturdy if it was going to fit a centaur, a minotaur, a goblin and a troll all at once. 

Boggins and Sharine were at the head of the bed, with the centaur’s pure and noble face tucked between the troll’s tusks. She was locked in a messy kiss with him, Boggins’ drool running down her chin and dribbling over her tits. While Gretchen was limited by her stubby appendages, the troll’s four lengthy arms were perfect for feeling up the centaur. His smaller set of hands squeezed her needy breasts, getting her to moan into his fanged mouth. Her eyes rolled back slowly as his thicker arms held her close, one around her back while the other fingered her equine pussy.

With his hands busy, the other girls were glad to help out Boggins’ hefty twin cocks. Dona laid on her stomach, resting her huge breasts in his lap to keep his groin caught between her cleavage. She alternated between rolling her shoulders and massaging her fat breasts to keep the leaking pair of cocks safe and soft against her. Her free hand was stroking her massive bull dick, sparing a lick at each sea-green cockhead when they came close enough to her face.

Gretchen was in a similar position, but she sat comfortably on Dona’s upper breasts. Boggins’ cocks poked out from Dona’s cleavage where the hungry goblin gladly pulled them into her wide mouth, filling her cheeks as she let the troll have his own fleshy sword fight in her mouth. She rolled her tongue to slide them about in her mouth, tumbling the erections together to keep him steadily trickling precum across her tastebuds. It had her drooling, almost as much as Dora’s face right behind her plump green ass. The minotaur gave long, slow licks up her soaking wet pussy, flicking it across her asshole before going back for more of her slit.

Their elaborate orgy went on in a mixed symphony of moans until Boggins let out a low and bestial groan. His balls tensed and his cocks pulsed as he emptied both of his dicks into Gretchen’s mouth. Even the overly eager goblin had to pause to pull back and swallow, but Dona was quick to take her place. She grasped the cocks and sucked noisily to mix the troll’s cum with the taste of Gretchen’s pussy.

“Troll cum’s always a treat,” Gretchen giggled once she’d gulped down the last of her massive mouthful.

“SURE,” Dona agreed more mildly. She caught Boggins’ eye and smiled wryly. “BUT NOW IT’S MY TURN.”

Boggins gave an amused snort in reply as he helped Sharine back to her knees. Dona approached the troll with her heavy, outstretched cock expectantly close to his face. Even Boggins hesitated from its girth before he took it in one of his larger hands. He guided it into his mouth, getting the minotaur to moan as he slathered it with his tongue and spittle. The smooth insides of his tusks rubbed against the sides of the wide cock, helping rile Dona into an even harder state.

As the troll prepared Dona’s dick, Gretchen kissed and sucked on Sharine’s hard nipples. The red-haired centaur moaned and stroked Gretchen’s hair and ears before the goblin made her way lower. She squirmed under Sharine’s lower body, planting her round green ass right underneath her pussy. Even just shaking it around teased the edges of the centaur’s slit, but that was just to prepare her for their next position.

Boggins moved forward, sliding one of his dicks into each of the waiting women. They were plenty wet from their earlier teasing, so he had no trouble pushing smooth and deep inside them. While it was enough to make Sharine coo and Gretchen groan, the real push came a moment later. Dona knelt behind Boggins and thrust her massive dick into his ass. While the troll gave a low, throaty growl of approve, the hefty minotaur’s extra momentum added even more to his own penetration. Every time Dona humped his ass, it sent his broad body bucking forward to push deeper into the other two. Gretchen was biting her lip and burying her short claws into the bed sheets as a humping centaur’s sweaty fur shifted right above her. It really felt like her own little piece of heaven, right up until five gushing orgasms coursed through the four of them. It was a chaotic and lusty haze, so Gretchen couldn’t tell who had cum first of if it was all in some beautiful, sloppy sync. 

Either way, she didn’t care. It just felt too good.

The goblin dragged herself out of their sweaty heap, smiling at her horny new party with a mix of bliss and pride. They would do just perfectly.

“That was wilder than expected,” Boggins groaned, his extra limbs and genitalia tangled with the other girls. “But I liked it.”

“Glad to see you’re all so tuckered out,” Gretchen said with a smirk. “Means you’ll rest easy tonight.”

“You make it sound like a rest is necessary,” the centauress replied. “What have you been planning, noble goblin?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked!” Gretchen pulled out a bundle of papers, each one with a portrait as unenthused as the last. “This party’s nice, but for the job I wanna do, I’m gonna need a few more folks.”

“Muscle’s important, and with you three, I think that corner’s covered.” She stabbed a dagger into the stack, landing on the face of a particularly-deadly looking snake.

“The next three, however… we’ll be needing to make a few personal visits.”




Cool story! Awesome arts~ Love your work


Sexy! Gretchen is totally a woman with a plan. I dig the depth to each character.


Good god damn. What i wouldnt give for a high quality cg ovie of this